if I I HLa-H K I AT' . iimi ill u I I I r 11 1 IT I l-t I . iW, I , ..Wln L. , - k . Al th . O'Donnell Dross Shoes, for Men t Bowers Shoe Shop ' jj - - ' !j i i Stuffed Turkey with 1 HeppJier Bakery Bread ? ' , . Ti !: A in:ijnrity of the Turkeys eaten in ILeppncr ; - "'i I luuiksgiving Day will be stuffed with V, ' .v ; p:uT I'.akcrv Bread. ; . , ' fi 1 clean wliolcsnmencss and good taste that i i cv I'.rcad has. add a delghtful flavot to the ui es.-ing. And he sure to order enough to have I ' on tjie table, too. ' S the .-pecial showing of pastries we will $ haw for Thanksgiving. I t Hcppner Bakery Special Thanksgiving Dinner Why not bring the family here for Thanksgiv ing Dinner? Ut us do the work and let Moth er have a pleasant and workless Thanksgiving too. a Served hot from our kitchen with a tea sine, pleasing a mm a that will awaken new zt: in your appetite with a delicious taste that tell-: of excelling quality. No one v.ill have a better Thanksgiving Dinner than we will hf-rve yen here. The most exuding standards of our kitchen, and you rnj'iy ay; f-anitatioii y delicious i.re obse-rvMl in bite. 1 1 I I Special Thanksgiving Dinner 60 cents. y Elkhorn Restaurant y fyMil kd IK 1 - 51 J 1 0 1 G 1 3 1 1 1 1 -f J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;P"" "Some nae meat and canna eat, And some would eot that want it; Dr.t v:o hae meat, and we can eat, Sao let the Lord be thanlcit." DUI'DH An' in part. Thanks is due to rur local Morchanls who have t'.iiouyh their enterprise and f j re'. h cm K 'it nuide it convenient for us to enjoy these bountiful blctisinKS. Grouped on this pa(?e ar8 ppl"ndl(! sucj;etlons for your Thankxgiring shopping. I-X5I HVT''ri km 1 - ' S 1 Fruits and Nuts for Thanksgiving The Thanksgiving . Dinner is not complete Without cr.mo T...: I XT . 1 omv l 1 uns aim inuis. You can come here and select from our special thanksgiving display wth pleasure because you know that everythng you choose will be ot the highest quality. If you would like to have us make up a Lisket ot assorted hruits and Nuts and deliver' it on thanksgiving I've, Phone us. The Fountain of Sweets I ... ' . I New Shoes " I Cost Lots of Money u I 1 1 - 1 I V ' li-III 1 IHHlTa iimh M' , 1 " TP'irT rry ri ij n Some Style About -Us J Be thankful that you can have your old shoes M neatly repaired and made almost lik- nPr : BOWERS' SHOE SHOP ? Through Tlirift fl Our Forefather rr.5.oercd , -:':t:..! 1' xrduah'h- '' !';,!; 1 ' ' ' ii' r. -p -!.u ..ili,.,, v;' - .Mid de ! : '' d l! , n I'r.Mii i t l l nn-'l Tin it't ! ''" x I"-'"!- "d ;!!,, Ul.,(. Tlvi.kfnl. ! N' " ' -'v .i I lib- m;; ,!..:. , js ' 'I MU' W ,, In ,mv,,,dd l r,'n l-'Mlllh- Al'd b,.W Hl'5,h "i"'e re:iM.n we have than In be ihankful. First National Bank of Heppncr Kc sources over $i.oo,poo.oo IllltiiSiii L6) mm,.. ..I ;mVv .-'.) ',...y.-vv. 5 r 1 f f w V V TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Hrppncr If xington lone I'll llTJIIIIII j Apple Pic ' " ' . Mince I'ie ': ; Vegetables Tt'a - Cof- Milk K ; Portland RiStQUra" '3 I 4. I 4 I '4 i n 1