PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 18,1919 t:.. I I 't f ( t t i si s I LI AshYourDealer a Grand frizelfcfe ft firearms 6 Ammunition "Write for Catalogue Speed of Birds. The speed of birds is often over r:it"'l. The swift, for instance, has hern credited with a speed of 150 miles an hour, and the popular Imag ination compare;) the flight of a spar rcwhawk with that of a cannon ball. The homing pigeon can be relied on un der fairly easy conditions to make 60 miles an hour, or considerably more. Read the classified and find wfoat ii are seelilng. ASK ADAMLESS EDEN Illinois Girls Want to Have Col- ony in Far West. jor people vhofwant the 'ffiPWffl'' l n'v the choicest wheat I Mmt i&SMh car(ully Seeled, .and j f ' WltWWW: thoroughly washed is used, 1 $fiM i WwmMWP v ia'ni? our f'our- J lli'lifl ' wBAm I Your bakir,g wi!1 i)rove to 4 IIS WMmWJ I '" the bff advantage of fgi 'HBrWl "sing White Star Brand ffljf ; Wjp , flour for both hread and Bpf! :!IH Heppner farmers' fj WfcLCH AND i 1 IINGER Suggest That Governor of Wyoming Procure for Them a "Bad Lands" Tract as Soon as Possible. Bloomington, 111. A ffroup of Kane county girls plan to found an "Adam less Eden" In Wyoming or some other far western state. Miss Nellie Grant Is sponsor for the movement and has written to Gov. R. D. Carey for his assistance in starting a woman's colony far from the haunts of man. In making her unique request, Miss Grant stated that the party will be made up of twenty, of whom ten are employed in a watch factory, seven are housekeepers, two are nurses and one is a school teacher. All are dissatisfied with their lot and assert that the future holds forth nothing that is sufficiently encourag ing to warrant their remaining at home. They believe that they can make a success of farming and would like to obtain a section of land, 640 acres, in some unsettled region, far from a railroad and little frequented by man. Miss Grant suggested to the Wyo ming executive a tract in southwest ern Wyoming known as the "Bad Lands," nnd which is really a desert. No man will be ullowed about the premises. Governor Carey admitted that it was the most unusual request that lie had ever received. He turned the letter over to the immigration commissioner with a suggestion, that he do every thing in his power to find such a tract for the party from Illinois. The young women are ready to pay for the tract, but have limited funds, and can only finance n section that has not yet felt the advancing tide of civ ilization in the way of price. Some members of the proposed colony object to Wyoming and believe that Montana or Idaho offer greater possibilities. The decision, however, has been left with Miss Grant and the choice will follow the Investigation of various sites now being made. In anticipation of the establishment of the colony, the various members are studying diligent ly the subject of farming and stock raising. They are ambitious in their plans and propose to utilize trnctors and trucks Instead of horses, and will In troduce other up-to-date methods on the western frontier. They are also studying irrigation. All of the young women are becoming familiar with a revolver and rifle and will lis prepared to defend their colony against any unwelcome intruder. An effort Is being made to close the deal by full so that the trip to the West can be made by the first of next year. It may be necessary to erect Miinn buildings. The young women say that they will be prepared to do everything necessary in the way of cimslnuiing a domicile. Best Auto and Tractor Work that Skill can give SERVICE RENDERED WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. No Problem it All. A small boy wa s.'iit t.i tin? hinl drug store fur nil empty bottle, mid after wailing his turn the assistant (potted bin! nnd mild: "Well, little man, what can 1 do fur y.u';" "Ob, I want an empty Mi'ilhine hot tie." the boy replied. "I can't let you have one without Romethlng In It," said the assistant. To whleh the little hopeful hyly an swered: "I Mippose It Is merely red tape, so hove us 11 cork in." r Worth Trying. A few more mulled of silent ympn tliv, n few more tender words, a little ainru restraint on temper, may mnk nil the difference la our lives. Stop ford Brooke. d?$f- mjM m I m &s&m What you pay .out your good ! ti" 1. X What you pay .out your is cigarette satisfaction you do get it in every. money for and, my, how puff of Camels! EXPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unplsasant cigaretty aftertaste or . unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant and permanent success with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mel low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable "body." Camels are simply a revelation! -sYcu may smoke them without tiring yourtaste! For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, you'll best realize their superior quality and the rare enjoyment they provide. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wmaton-Salem, N. C LYNCHED AS CHURCH LOOTER Mexicans Slay Man Accused of Steal ing Jewels Off Image in Village Edifice. llexlco City, Details of the lynch ing of Juan Galvan, a prominent resi dent of the village of Zaragoza, In the state of San Luis I'otosi, have been re ceived In the capital. El Demmocrata, in publishing the story, declares that this Is the first in stance of lynching recorded In Mexico. Galvan was publicly accused by the pastor of a church In Zaragoza of rob bing the Image of n virgin In one- of the churches of gold and jewels value.1! at ."i,iHKI. The curate intlumed lus bearers, who dragged Galvan from U'.a home, built a funeral pyre and tortur ed til id until he died. The curate iu,s been detained by the authorities. Kitten Pave. Master. Hoi yoke, Col. "White Taws," a kit ten, wived the life of II. (1. Mills. Ibo kUteti, which follows Its owner n constantly ns ti dog. was riding w'lh Mills in Ids automobile when engine trouble developed. Mills crnwied under tt-e car to Investigate, and found !ilm telf within striking distance of o glent rattlesnake colled. The kitten leaped from the car and mink Its teeth Into the rattler's hNul. killing It. The snake, which meusured nine feet In length nnd had twelve rattlers, has rieeu sent to an Kustera taxldemlst for mounting. ' Ion tiers declare It to be the lariat ruttier ever seeu In th'f section. , No Cure For The "Flu" AH ho this dreaded Disease ravaged the Country last year yet a cuie has reilly not been found for it, and Medical Authorities say another Epi demic v ill occur. We urge everybody, the minute you feel a cold coming on, have fever or chills, dull aches or constipation, to take a THOHO, CI.KAXSIXG. I'LIt IfrVlVG 1AXATIVK. Bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup of HOUJSTEK'S ivi mi .1 i;u.i 1 r.. v warm 1, aim go 10 uea or tne night chances ate you feel fire the next morning and it won't be bo easy for the "Flu" or Grippe to get you. Buy a package today, have it In the House and use it at the very first warning. Mothers should closely watch tie childreen and treat them with out delay. Pattcruon ft Son. Our Co-operation Aids Your Operation IN itu iilorl at huihlin business nr lurthi't inn tiling just Mop ami cutixl tr l ho ;laiitao oi aillm Ol'R of torts toward that oinl also. ah lc banking facility is avail" lor ,.u iioro. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank Seeding Time Is Here You'll need a new BEST. Grain Drill. We have the Call and tee them Superior Grain Drills "The Name Tell, a True Story" AUo tee our line of PLOWS Oliver and John Deere Nothing Their Equal in the Plow line Peoples Hardware Company Don't Cheat Yourself5" says the Good Judge itUi -'. 4 i". There's nothing saretl by chewing ordinary tobacco. A little chew of that good rich-tasting tobaccogoesalotfarthcr, and its good taste lasts all the way through. 1 Lriiiiu cnew lasting I f satistying. lhat s why if"s a real saving to buy X A. this class of tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put ut in two ttyles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco 7 FOR SALE 4a acres, jo acres peaches, 10 acres grapes, balance of land open. Last year's returns $5.(xxj.oo. Also 40 adjoining. j() acres alfalfa. 15 acres peaches, balance wine grapes, (lood house. Also barn and tank house. Trice of both 40s $Jo,otx).). Cash. $7,000. FOR SALE .argc I DAIRY KANC1I-,S5 acres by the Merced river. 65 acres in tne icst altaUa. l-.scellent buildings. 1 Only Sjimxhux). Cash, ooo"!oo. WR1T1C Chas. Dahlquist TURLOCK, CALIFORNIA, Box 171 0!J v 1 U 1 1 I