PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November n, 191 9 LOCAL ITEMS T. L. Borninn, of Lexington, was a business raller in Hejuner Munclay. Hit' 'Hiankr-'ivint; Msruim aile Ii.ill at Fair Pavilion. Watch I'oi ad next week. Hit; Thanksf-'iving Masquerade Ball at j-'uir Pavilion. Watch for ad next week. Jmlee Phelps left for hin home in Pendleton this morning alter hold ing a one day term of circuit court Monday. Or. Callaway left Tuesday mer.'iin for Mountain lton:e. Ida'ho, where, he Koes to spend Thanksgiving with his lined mother. Dr. Jiarold ('.. Heap hrs removed his office from the First National hank buMiiiait; to 'lie fwond floor of the Odd Fellows building where he is now permanently located. .Mi', Mntteson and family who re cently pu re,i;u-:e.l tint Shu-urn house occupied i,y , or-., pli H.ies ami family have iiiuvul in and taken pus-session of their new home. Judge K. II. Robinson was here on Monday a' tending court. The juilf says the lively little city of lone is livelier than ever Ihis fall and Ui future prospects are decidedly proui iBinj,'. Member of 111" 1'liiloma I hia n socie ty of the hiti'li school pave an enjoy able entertainment Friday evening ii. the auditorium. A biK crowd creel ed the youm; peiToi mei s and I hose present; speak hii-'iily if the enter la in men I. V IPl'KIt WILLOW CKKKK WOKK O.MTI.ETK.I) HOAf) The extensive road improvements ,v':iiih have been made during hr .-irt summer 0:1 upper Willow tr.'t leivfl been ii,:;il 't"'J and a splen'H l .-j:d from Heppner to the Di'in ,;;ee!i summit is, the result. The counjy court, county road ster, Mf-Caleb pnri the foreman ...... .v. .1....:!.. -.'11-n-r. wiio looKi-.i alter u:e ucun, .i ..... son to feel proud of the result .v- o'.ipnsheu. The heavy grading on the Hitter d on the lower part 01 uiicn creek has not been completed anu 11 is- harly expected that the work can be successfully prosecuted during the winter months. When that work is linislieu iu-xi spriuK iwwcvn, ukic vil! be a splendid road all the way rom llepriner to Ritter which will hov: of inestimable value to the peo ple of both mils ot trie route. X - X RECENT DEATHS (riles Aim. Cherry Criles passed avay at the home of her Ron, S. L. Criles. in north Ili'Pimer Saturday, Novem ber 8, 19111, aged 81 years, 10 montliF and 7 days. Deceased was born in Califoini" MisHouri, on New Year's Day, 18 3 7. Klie was married to Adam Critis it 1862 and came to Oregon to reside about ten yearn uro. She w as I Ik inoflier of twelve children of whom five Htirvive her. The funeral was In Id Monday af ternoon from the Federated church, Iev. II. A. Noyes, pastor of the church. olTicintitiK. Interment was in Masonic cemetery. old ami il 1 'ii t home ember Ivliolilock Airs. A. .1. Knoblock, an liiuhly respected pioneer 'ret Morrow county died al her lihea creek Wednesday, Nov 311 111, aceil aboiil till teals. Deceaseil calm' to Morrow cunntv beloie lleppuer lirciim1 a town air' had since n-nbletl In fills pan of tin county. She was it 11 lim.lid 'o many yi ais and for tic p isl few weeks had been lallin raphlly si thai her demise was not She hp hil.lily esteemed by a u id. circle of friends in the cnuntv a.i 1 woma n id" I U' h cha 1 acter. .j in-iuhlior and a lovnl !r;eml '. Tin- tuner. il v .is held Friday. N" vemher 7, lit the Noyes enmliielini; tei 1111 ut was in 1 Ii' teiy. hone. II. A 1 hi' sei if. . 1 II 1 Uhea cli'ek ceme SOCIETY notes t Those w ,111 were mea-iil at the bridge parly Riven at the lleymei biiine on Court Mrfet lnt Tliesda) lifterimiill decbire the occusion will" one of the miisl ilellrhl fill of the xcu Mill. Mih. J. W. Heynier iiml-Mi. I.. 1 ItlMiec were InmtesHeit of I he or. -as loll and no detail wan ovei looked M hlcb could poHNihlv add to the com 1. 11 1 and i-iijoymi ill ol luinihei me "onii thliir. ti.ilv .'. tl l.ilde . v . e .1 , v'ee iiiiiiuoen ami win their HUM ' ' - ,1 I he I- lli " t III. HI ei e counted II .1" ! I'. 1 H11II.M k 1 inuii.l t'i. it int 11. 1 .1 il 1.1 M Fi e. .fi.-'' , Id.ry V d I I. i-oai HAROLD C. KtSSIKCES iS "BOY SENATOR' Youngest Man in the Country to Bi Honored Vvitn Senatarship. SCIIOOli ITFMS in ;it to develop tile make bettor rthb week iitct the from tht Atll'-lic want a rnus-oi i'he Student Bod;' me' for the purpose ol tran- unds made last year Lyceum course to !h Associa! ion. The hoys .-recti i n.' les and themselves. The proi-ram which w.if. Ivon Fri day (veiling by the Philoinafliian:-' pronouncr-d a grand : uccs:-; and we believe th.-.t our p.-f'-'is fei sat- siieil lhat they had .received a full ten cents worth 01 enjoymeni. inc Ciceronian rjferary Society are pre paring a. inr'nram for Friday evc-n- na, tie; I'oiii'teenl.h. We hope fo see piesent all those who attended last Friday nifiht ami many more. The Junior Class is looking for ward to fiieir (irst social function which is to be a Thanksgiving dinner. The llehisch work is begun and we believe that as we gain experience every year working for it and see many other annuals representative ol larger schools, we will have a belter book than ever before put out by the hi school. Head the classified and find what 011 are see''.:ll!g. '6- f i Kfi . I ' - . t I- ' It,' it, ,-ri.. l Tl J , Arm' i t r 4.' 0$ I t -f t 1 y 9w v s 1 Ji. Vy i1' ( i 4, fts'f 4 1 Tensor Harold C. Kessinger Senator Harold C. Kessinger of Il linois chose, the platform, just as other youiis irum choose the h. , mediehis or jcurnalisni. He made careful "prep aration and for five years has been a hifehly successful t-.-;inrer. ilis ability as an orator and his knowdedge cf modern in '.ustrial and economic ques tions attracted iiie attention of civic and political leaders of his home com munity and he was elected to the Il linois House of Representatives. Ho is now a State Senator and probably the youngest man ever elected to that office in the nation. Senator Kessinger will be here soon 011 the Lyceum course with one of the best lectures of the year. You will find it construe live and thought-compelling, packed with solid v facts and clean humor and tjiveu with rapid Hr delivery. ill V r ' - t v. t' 'it f.fT ' -V- -'-ic. tt, v 1 ) ' , MADE ATTRACTIVE. 3Y VINES How Rapid-Growing Plants Will Hide Bare Appearance of Garden Flower Box. A flower box with the side covered by vines presents un attractive uppeiii' arice. Such 11 box Is easily made by boring large holes In the side of ths box and planting vines In the dirt in side of these boles, taking cure to leave the foliage all on the outside ;X?4yA'.V'"tt ?,. "f "s s'i'-,' 4fi'' i Edward, Oregon War Loan Chairman, ho tends Arriut.ce Day greet ivj tnrough local L.berty Loan Cc m nittee. i:.i .hIMli -.1 Milt- V h. n : . . -. My . 1 -- ... U: I UHI I I 1 1 . 11 i;p 1 - I . tM d Hoe 1 I Mi-. r.l t.i M11 D . k D.amonde of klmy Color. AHIe.l kll In 11 fn-,. ..f ,..,.r Ito-y ire n. to I f prt nl.r, it In 111. tt ', i.r.i foiiiel In luiit'y vwtj ndnr .f lti tt.liilo ' rril. )illmr, i mi; t.-, gri-in tel 1 1 Of. v I I Penult me to extend greet til ourself ami jmir c!'i .eiii, and In join Willi you In the cell luatloii of the firxt uu uivcrHiry ol Unit day destined to become ineinorulib' in 1 1 : .- ti ry. which ciiiiiinemorateii the rtorloiiH vlclery of our country ami lit alliea In the great world nr. I amln rongniluluie the piopleof 1n1r ininmuiilty epen 1'ie ni rw lii-l mi in pc mii i'i. Inch tit. v a. ik'.iicd In Cue m-ici'ii! L b. M y l.i an mini alt'! The 11 . old of tour ilmtricl 11 a l.i I It: m t.umi'iit to their -li-Hii "t 1 1 1 e. and 111 be a a lnp;ru I urn 1.' Vmerhiimi mb.-ui-iir ilu ir ei untiv nvaiu m.i i,1 I-i l'.:d. Oil thin ei'ilKiell li'l.ill e m l .li I :' .re w our l,vc 111, i ii r lime to 11. ir 1 mutt) an.l lt In miii'lM 'i an, I r--oUe to In ,ir ei r oMit.i! i.-lm of cl : . ci'IH p I. 1!.. v u 1 '1 1 !ie i..iiie' . r!.";1 1111. 1 1 !t ' ei.'. 1 1 1 . .. Ih.l' ua-i h!i..aii 111 (tie dark d.iv. 1 ! I lie iir Ic! in rot : e I - tri t.i 1. ur c unti l in h in in.. I. ic if l 1 - 'in 1 ic - 1 1 1 Ii n . 1, 1- m 'i- .1 it i nilli'e.'. I !..!;, 1 vhile selling Ibe roots deep into (he -oil. If planted with Vinca or Wander ing Jew vines, which grow very rapid ly, the box will be entirely I, id. Ion in a very -dio'-t time. l'opular Mechanics JIaKa.llie, I I hi '.lu ll ,,t e I he IllllUi-r" i ;!t.i:m-l l.lllo ii. t I ; i I n I I HI.. I I . I" ,le 1 1 I In eie t "i.' t rb' -.I I. I'll ir c 1 !i nil' 0 - 1 ii- I ' I ' ' I .', 11 m , d I I I k It Woman Arch'iects In Serbia, r.elgrarle. the Seiiihm capital, van the lirst iiiiinleipallly III tin' World to ruiploy women nrchilccts. Herald rlacsiflfd nets get remilf Penny a word. XOM'Mltl It lEKDI t TION S l.i: We are offering, In our Nnvember llidiictioii Sale, a nllig of fioni 20 per rent to fid per cent on nil trim med hat". Tin offering are all Hi -w, vuappy pi yl--. and the material an. I woi'imniiship are of lh. bent 1'ialily. See them early. 7 " M11S. I,. C. HF. UK EN. IOIMV Ti:i: sl HI ll'S MITICK ' Srj Over At'vJv. C (1(1 M 7 ri .-. ni i ' ti aria v. h ft 1 " v I M. f h Kll 'iiii coats at This is a great opportunity I for every man-made pos sible thria our early buying. The fabrics in these coats is exceptionally goodthe designing is correct and the patterns are excellent. The styles consist of Waist Seams, Belted Backs and Plain backs. The same Coats that are else where selling at $35.00 to $50.00. Other Coats at $35 and $40 GOOD GOQDS rarmers Farm Bureau ass eetiii To be held at the following places on the following dates at 8:00 P. M. .ii 1 ,1'M i f i i r. ..! t" i n r en let r i .mil l l-r tin,..i .1 o.ipi- i I, I ii ei ire it l i.lil) n. i ... n i.i r. in ,i ,1 our i .-. i l 1'ie .1' ;u i "r. n VS .ir S n i - liiei.i t.i nuke i- r-1 a p 1 r. iiipt .' i. n.ii It! lour irti'ed H'W Mill t UltiylSCII M. l'.ie tor r l,4iit tirviiiiiiii ti n t. r lir m.n. Net ii Ifi,,,)' cum to all pait- V i. inioioti'd lhat have c.ill.,1 all icvl.teieil cniiniy waiiaiiti l--m-i up ' to an I incliidiiig piemhi-t He. l'.ilft ' ,'nt l:ivn i-nt -ll.ller I",, I'll, (i(. t. r hh 11 dale Int. r- -t I'.'.i., - I v T. J. in Mriu:i:v!. I (, Cieiniy Ti. . .uir. ' , r ii. iHi. r, Oregon. t 4. 1 tf 2"-Zii I j cTlUKCirNOTICKs" j I t : . I In Kll.ill o. I. in c 4, I'lli Sen Pi v f. I i, . . i ; ,. held j '' ) Sui- I i n "i iei i: ,, ;i( .'. l.i. in t',.' I...U.- ii-cii i-i 1 1,. i, o. . .1 ! I, i.i,t i I . ,i ,..u ii. . . i.i : 1 rt pi v t ..!,i.-.,v ,ei-,. ., , ..l.,, al t'e ('..'.in , f M. Km !! -Uciini. liitii.l.t are ;riiii.-, t , Il lll. -e r-M ti - II i , . 1 l;u I'.ll l I'll l 110 llKltl. I I l.'T,1 II I . .. II Sun.l. ) .. hi..-1 ,t n j; a I ti ,. rm,nm , r ii .. tit.'tn.tionl iin.l.i) ,-t. Iiiml ,m, , ,,iii,,t t irnlOl ' I l ill.ti M'tli, it ml t eflitlAD t'l,.i4t,ir (, "' I p. i i i, - . g n,.r. 10NE PICTURE THEATRE 2 P. M SATURDAY, NOV. 15 HEPPNER .'; LENA HALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 UOARDMAN CHURCH, 7:30 P. M MONDAY, NOV., 10 1RRIGON HALL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 CECIL HALL, .1 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 RHEA SIDING SCHOOL HOUSE," TUESDAY, NOV. i3 ALPINE SCHOOL HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 MORGAN HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 KHEA CREEK SCHOOL HOUSE, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER si lIARDMAN HALL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 S)'ral iiu'titlicr i tlu- county Iocuti 0 P. nun!. acc(iiiiiruiicil by the County Acnt. will iicii. tlic !an.t'ir intcn lied lann oryaniation "program lor the iu't car. Plan fur o:ir own community, and help put Morrow County SHOW THE WORLD YOU ARE FOR FARM ORGANIZATION BE THERE BRING YOUR NEIGHBOR EVERYBODY COME il; ii I I" ' llll r..'n.i tt- it i aid rtniri4 di.