Tuesday, November n, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN AFTtP. CREATION 1 ii Cloth 3 si Tor i ?f i v. v ' i &s4 v K - I fly A -, ...:' M i t H i will inter- find personal Our line of Stomi-resistinsr clothi est you this kind of weather, for you .. .1 . . 1 1 , , .nam mneieM ou win need inr vour health and comfort. Come in and look over our stock of OVERCOATS, CORDUROY PANTS, DUCK COATS, (Wind and Weatherproof), RUBBER BOOTS, OVERSHOES, WINTER CAPS, CANVASS LEGGINGS, HEAVY WOOL SOX, LEATHER-SLEEVED AND LINED VESTS, WARM BLANKETS. HW, I ft . M fa k lf ? t 4 1 1 . ' hi i av a bet en- roiling 7ki with Pip f pKM Beautiful frock of chnnceaole taffeta. Petal effect tunic and sleeves. A silk cord used s a shoelace effect trims the waist. tie vr w? ty . .1. lUtynoUi; NECKWEAR IN GREAT VARIETY Sam Hughes Co. ANNOUNCEMENT The Battery Station at the Ileppner Garage has been 'purchased by me and I am in position to give belter service than before. Your battery tested and distilled water put in Free of Charge any time you want to drive in. Service alike on any make of battery. Rental bat teries for all makes of cars. J. W. Fritsch We have 2 kinds of Winter Storage for Batteries-WET and DRY Come in and let us explain the merits of each to you. We do not ask you to throw your old battery nway, when it can be repaired. Nothine b ut PHILADELPHIA GUARANTEED Parts Used in Our Battery Repair Work. We Are AUTOMOTIVE ELEC TRICIANS. Starters, Generators, Magnetos, etc., Repaired. Let Your Next New Battery be a Philadelphia Absolutely Guaranteed for 2 Yeart REMEMBER THIS NEW NAME THE Battery Electric Service Station I .. (J. ) "FRITSCH" The Battery Man, I'mp. Located Inr i he proem at HEPPNkK OARAGE All Kinda of frills and Laces in Vogue, Watiy of Them Extremely Expensive. Dams fashion fairly runs riot In frills and luces this year, after her stem self-iliMiiul during war time; mid. she lias coucentraU'd her fancy for frilly and 'lut;;.' things upon neckwear. Never have neckwear counters lieen so irresistible ns now. o Approach one with the intention of buying n new necktie for 50 cents or so and come away with several enchanting collur nd cuff sets, a simply not-to-he-resist- (1 waistcoat and ten yards of fluffy milling In various widths for the beau tifying of summer frocks. Beware of the neckwear counter, this season, if you have sternly determined not to spend an extra cent for fripperies. Of course,' necy.'vrjyr is a frippery my woman will admit that, but no other frippery in dress counts for so much in smartness and daintiness. 'onsideiable style may be given to liie simplest little dress, as every wom an well knows, by a very good rook ing collar-and-cuff set, and very often he accessories cost more than the whole frock. i'or neckwear is by no means cheap this season. Indeed some of it the very prettiest and most temolim: tilings are appallingly expensive, one must pay for dainty little real lace edg ings ami insertions, uud hand embroi deries on filmy fabric, and linelv run hirvings in net. These tilings are hound to lie more rxp-nsve than plcpie jt el it l on gala rdine collar rial cuff sets fiiiNhed with a simple low of machine tllchlng. But how much lovelier are the lilmy. frilly neck-hxiiigs ! No won der wuinnn cannot resist them! There Is one Joy about It many of these en ticing things can be manufactured at home if nie lins patience and eillisie 'iiill with the needle. It will take time to fnslilou a helm, all tiny iiHod-tucks and rows of shirred pulling ond narrow lace, and when oii liaye finished ycur labor you will understand wiiy these pretty trlilen cost xti'-h discouraging sums ut the neckwear counter. It Is tint the malerliil Involved, it Is labor. Yet the itiuterlal ha something to do with It too. Women ire much more fustldioiis iibniit tlnetiesH of iniilerlMls than they used to lie. The woman who iimmJ to be quite well satisfied with a Wt-ceht collur and cuff set of white luwn trimmed with Imitation Val lace, now picks out u set of filmy liundkerclilef linen garnished with hiiiid nuide II let or lrh crochet and is willing to pay the price for It the national joy smoke lOLLING your own cigarettes with Prince Albert is iust about as-joy'us a sideline as you ever carried around fa vour grip 1 For, take it at any angle, you never got such quality, flavor, fragrance and coolness in a makin's cigarette in your life as every "P. A. horn-2-made" will present ycu ! Prince Albert puts new smokenotions under your bonnet t It's so delightful relied into a cigareito and, so easy to roll ! And, you jr.r.t take to it like you been doing it sine away back ! You see, P. A. is crimp cut and a cinch to handle ! It stays put and you don't lose a lot when you start to hug ths paper around the tohacco ! You'll like Prince Albert in a jimmy pipe as much as you cio in a home rclled cigarette, too! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process. You know P. A. is the tobacco that has led three men to smoke pipes where one was smoked before. Yes sir, Prince Albert blazed the way. And, me-o-my, what a wad of smokesport will ripple your way every time you fill up I A waiting i;r;i tvpfry n-is, har.ri thilf pnuj; and that pound c;yj f ,ny--st, you '11 :i b.iffx, tufy rfct pound and .' f r I humidors ciii'tpy practical i'a&n humidor with .'inniL'e i;oisrrm'r fop that ktQ.p& Prince Albert in uuch perfect condition i R. S, Reynolds Tobacco Company Winaton-Salom, N. C ...V. --Vx-v . i A Wvt hi Cynlclgm. We are reminded that resrntm;'-'-. louht and cynicism are so easily r.r: alien for the wisdom of disillusion .r.ent that there Is double reasi.i. N) guard against them. Many a hurl -mil fancies it Is growing wise In the ways of the world when in truth it Is only growing hard and hitter. An iiciiuaintaiice with mankind does not aieim merely learning humanity's seiimj side nnd being on guard against it. A wider study will bring a far different mil more hopeful knowledge. No Cure For The "Flu" AHho tT.iis' dreaded Pis"iise ravaged the Country last y ar '"t a cine has lvilly not been found for it, and Medical Authorities say another Epi demic ; ill occur. We urge everybody, the minute you feel a cold coming on, have lever or chills, dull aches or constipation, to take a TIHMiO, (i.l.A NSI (,, ITK II YI; h.AXATIVK. Itathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup of III ) ,I STII"S KOCKY MOl'NT.AIN TI'.A (warm), and go to bed for the night chant-en are you feel line the next morning and It won't be so easy for the "Kin" or Grip'pe to get you. Buy a package today, have it in the House and use it at lb-- very first warning. Mothers should closely watch tho childreen and treat them with out delny. Patterson Son. PLAIN LINEN SUITS POPULAR Under New Management The Ileppner Bakery M. W. llMMUt. lilol". Home Made Bread a Specialty piodurtii utrictly fltst rlam In ftrtj pr 1 lamily In llefpni-r to rive them a I tan iwi antee my tlrutar and Invite trial. 4 T3 READ THE HERALD ADS! Generally Seen In Combination With Coatt That Are Plainly Tailored nd Rather Short rhi'n Min-n suit, with ihhIs a trifle longer linn the rcKiiluiloii thr.-c-cpiMr ti-r li'tigili nti-l skirls pinlnly tiilbired iiinl rutin r short, itrv quite the vogue, vO,h nil white In the lend. The long lapels, with one large ienrl button Ht ilfc end. lire the only fastening und iiidv triniiiiiiig. r.lin'k piiii hl eiiii-r and blink sallfl -lippet". pump style, equaling wh.te Ud pmiijis In iMipulurpy, are worn I Mlth t'iee suitH. .Miiiiy'Mi-ar the atlff. I ran, ri'k'iihitiiiii sullur hut, a few the Ma-k rlblHiti but, to go wlih tln-s I MlltS. trie kwenter that are have the full ruffle th-it wnlt and extends below the hip, and thee ruffles r-Ki-mlile I 'he ramlMiw, the mlora are no var.e'L llila la quite a Hm Idea Bote rerept. J l. The.e !...! y knitted sweaters lire i well liked now. and the panel ahadi-e I nre the leading rolora, with all hit. t'susllj narrow plnrted rttih.ni la tid j arotm) the alt, aad is-ralooalljr a farm white kid hell la worn. ! tiort aleevelea jarketa are mad" In j iifnui di alert a la. Itan.tiette aatln, j genfjrt'e rrf-. fan ta-al. panne te. t end pnngM are t.etng ttni. li wneat lately. The uaaally are ithotit any trtaMalrig. and are rut aeterely pi a la. ly tfc ltei ohm hartng braid ae a Dnlea. TTiey are all about the aaaae lenrb of U rffuiatloo tweeter. t ' Home if tl W knitted heely f ! begin at the i t it niiili"ataiai I w t js PR Bear US in mind when preparing for i f Tha nks giving i t We can furnisluyou with the makings of the Big Dinner Phelps Grocery Co. it-