t -;;."-PAGE FIVE Tuesday, November 11,1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON of ALL MORROW COUNTY t NEWS n 1 i 1 t NE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station id CECIL ITEMS Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements, Vehicles, Windmills, Pumps, and Gasoline Engines. We Sell Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone, Oregon IONE ITEMS Aluminum Cooking Utensils For Cpoking the Tharsksgiving Dinner We have just unpacked the finest line of Alumi num Cooking Utensils ever placed on display in Heppner. Practically every size of every style ves sel needed in modern cookery is represented. Every housewife knows how nv.ch easier it is to cook if she has the proper utensils to work with. Our stock is selected with that idea in mind. Come in and let 11s show you this elegant ware. Its lightness, brightness and durability is sure to please you. s Gilliam & Bisbcc Oscar Lundell was a business cal ler in Cecil Sunday. Boyd Logan of Fourniile, returned frcin Heppner on Wednesday. Everett Logan of Fairview, made a business trip to Heppner during the week. Carl Troedson left on f'ne local for lone Tuesday returning to Cecil on Thursday. Miss Hazel Winters of Shady Dell was the guest of Miss Anna C. Lowe over the week end. Mr. Tucker of Spokane, was over hauling Winter Bros, tractors dur ing the week. Walter Pope of Sunnyside, was calling on Mrs. Franda Balhm at Butterby Flatts Sunday evening. John Hughes of Heppner, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats. C. A. Minor, W. Matlock and Thil Brady of Heppner, spent Wednesday and Thursday at the Last Camp. Mr. Bladock, one of the highway engineers, came in from Hermiston Monday leaving for lone Tuesday M. H. Light of Fourniile, accom panied by H. Shifflet of Morgan, were business callers in Cecil Satur day. , , T. W. Lowe, who has been camp tending for W. B. Borratt, is spend ing a few days looking up his- Cecil friends. Jim AUyn of Oak Orove, arrived in Cecil Monday and will spend a short ti m f on his Cecil iimci: before return ing nome Miss Vrcua Balhm left on I rHay to spend a few days with her Hepp ner friends. R. E. Crego, manager of the Hepp ner Telephone company, was in Cecil on Tuesday everhauling the com pany's lines. A. E. Ross of The Bungalow, re turned home from the Hynd Bros, ranch on Freezout where he has been herding for the last few weeks. T. H. Lowe of Cecil, G. A. Miller of High View, Ralph Winters ofShady Dell, W. Pope of Sunnyside, were all business men in Arlington Wednes day. W. F. Hom-v of Gresham, is spend ing tile week end in lone. Joseph E. Cionnn of Portland, is spending the week end in lone. M's. Uul'us Fairens visited the past week with relatives in Heppner. L. A. Doak of Opportunity. Wash., HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS PENNY A WORD Advertisements under this heading one cents a word for each insertion. No ad for loss than 15 cents. Ads are invariably cash in advance unless given by persons with duly establish ed credit. ' NOTICE OK I'UM.K'ATIOX- , I.ATI.I TKACT FOR. SALE IUTCKS FOR SALE 150 head of coarse bucks, best quality. Brown A Meimmln. Heppner, Oregon. 22-tf TRUCK FOR 8AI.E . Three ton Packard truck in A. No. 1 condition $1800. For particulars call on or address the Heppner Her ald. HeDDner. Oregon. 62tf WANTKI) Good location for home stead or good relinquishment. quire at Herald Office. En- 24-27 FOR HAI.K Eleven head Lincoln coarse bucks. Enquire of Emll Croshcn. Heppner. Oregon. 26-27 h::am nf.w hksokrsox m- toroycle for sale or trade for good second-hand Ford car. Write to IIoj 472, Heppner, Oregon. 26-29pd DR. CLYDE R. WALKER niVM I AN AMI St V.'UXtS flume 4'onne'lnlt lone, Oregon F. H. ROBINSON attokm:y at law tin Strwt lt Oregon I OOK FOR int. IT.O RAIL TKADL MAFN Hi fifeartts 6mrnunition HShootinfEifcr -ISO- Pubic r.und Snle No. oiiiwHi"" Department of She Interior, IT. S Land office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 22, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, undef provis ions of Section. 2455, R. 8., pursu ant to the application of OTTO E. JOHNSON Serial No. 019952, ire will, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not leas than $3.00 per acre, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., on the 14th day of January, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NE NW4. Section 27. Township 6. South Range 25. East, W. M. (Containing 40 acres.) , , The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to Immediately pay to ths Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advise 1 i file their claims, or objection''. ' or before the time designated foi ale. L. A." liOOTH. 2-3S leWvei Miss Shewey, toucher of the Cecil school, lias toi warded $34 to-Mr. McMeiiamin. at Heppner, for' the Roosevelt Memorial fund. . Heppner, $34.00 for the Roosevelt Congratulations to Mr. and Mis R. S. Wilson of Ewing on the ani-al of a fine bouncing boy on v.r 1 i day morning. Dr. Walker of lone, reports all doing well. W. G. Hynd and David Hynd of Rose Lawn, spent the week end In Cecil. Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats, returned with them to spend a few days at Sand Hollow. Melvln Logan left on Friday for Portland accompanied by his daugh ter, Miss Vivian, who has been teach ing In Fourmlle and was suddenly taken sick and la now under the doc tors care In Portland. Cecil hall was the scene of a merry birthday party on Saturday evening. The occasion being the birthday of Miss A. C. Lowe. Fifty guests were present. Dancing and games of all kinds were indulged In during the evening. A fine supper was served at midnight. A 'handsome birthday cake was the feature of the evening George Wilson was the lucky finder of the button In the cake. George Miller the ring and David Hynd the piece of money.. During the evening Jack Hynd was elected "mayor" of is here visiting his brother, S. II. j i'a Deal:. I Ralph Hynier the local barber, re turned Friday from Portland after spending a week i nthe ci' John D. Land came home Friday from Twin Falls, Idaho, after speiftl ing the past month with relatives. Keltsie Devins and his sister, Irene, went to Heppner Friday evening and visited witli relatives until Sunday. Mrs. C. W. McNanier left Friday morning for Spokane, Wash., where she expects to visit 'her sister, Mrs. Summers. Mrs. Chas. Wright, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Herman One.il. left Tuesday for her home in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred WeatherFord and daughter came over from Pen dleton Sunday and are visiting with relatives and friends here. Irwin Wilkes came over in his auto from Condon to pack his household goods to move. Mr. Wilkes is run ning a hotel in that place. Mr. Lamley, a traveling salesman with his wife, have been visiting at the home of W. S. Smith, left Satur day by auto for Pendleton. We are glad to announce the ar rival of a 7 pound daughter, Mar jory Jean, Thursday, November 6, to Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Blake. Mother and baby are doing fine. Mrs. Deardoff and two children of Hermiston arrived Saturday evening and are guests at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Mattie Dotsqn, whom she had not seen for 8 years. Mrs. H. E. Hinton came last Tues day and will spend the winter with her. granddaughter, Mrs. Charley Devins. Mrs. Hinton had been visit ing her brother at Enterprise, Ore. R. W. Brown and son, Dale, left Saturday for Portland. Mr. Brown will spend a few days in the citty but his son will remain for several months to attend the Adcock Tractor school. : ' . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -Douglas rnd two children came over Tuesilay from Weston by auto and spent a aliort , time with Mr. Douglas' parents, Jr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas, before go ing on to California where they ex pect to spend the winter. John E. Crymeo or Seattle, occu pied the pulpit Sunday morning at Biie Baptist church. Mr. Crymeo Is working In behalf of Union .Sunday schools and gave a very Interesting talk on the great work that Is being done toward organlilng Sunday schools In secluded districts of dif ferent states. Harley Sperry, Roy Blake and Archie Cochran motored to Arling totn Friday In the former's car and took the train for Portland to Bpend Saturday in the city. While thrr the yattended the foot ball game be tween Washington and Oregon. Har ley said It was the best game he ever saw played. They returned Sunday evening. ANNOUNCEMENT To my friends, former patients and the public, 1 wish to announce that I have opened offices in the H JUDGE AYERS' BUILDING, corner May and Chase streets, where I can be reached by calling telephone Main 312, day or night. DR. J. PERRY CONDOR Zk0zJZZ,z::zZiix::.,-'x:Xf0z. 1 GERMAN PRISONER IS DECORATED V WV Ve A? :. it. sua: a -v "a I'i'-t.w. 1L- 4 rf 1 ATW- - '. .-- I'rlVM'.e I.. I ,rtickiii:i mi. Nuietv-iiinth reserve regiment i I lie (.I'limin iirin.v, being presented with decorntion tor a -giillant mid chivalrous act. ' liruck mnnii rescued n British iivlulur from deatli when the hitter's niiielilne fell t earth In th.mes at the Wiltshire nerodroifie where the German was a prisoner. - m j-r- -rWw.jMMW,J neppner lauoring and Pressing Shop ! (FORStKRIiY CARL SWANSON) MERCHANT TAILORS Cecil and A. Henrrksen the "Dog Finder." Mrs. T. H. Lowe objecting to these gentlemen holding their of fices as they are never to be found in Cecil when wanted. The evening was enjoyed by all present. y I I We carry an extensive line of strictly first-class y Suitings for your inspection, from which you are in- k 1 . 1 1 . . 1. ., . .. '.. 1.. viiea io make an eariy selection. vc t-i n jnoy iniiy strictly first-class workmen and can guarantee com plete satisfaction in quality, style and workmanship. Wc advise that you make your selection and give your order at once as our wholesalers inform us that juices on all the better grades of woolens will make material advances after January I, 1920. Cleaning and Pressing 1 t We have installed a modern Dry Cleaning plant and can guarantee complete satisfaction in all press ing and cleaning orders entrusted to us. We make a specialty of cleaning and pressing la- i j:,.' 1... 1 M (lies gio meius. Don't send your work to Pendleton or Portland when you can have equal service ami at no greater cost in Heppner. We solicit the Patronage of all Morrow County People. Main Street, One Door North of Wilson Hotel oTtc i: l oll '( lll.M ATlov Ilepm tinent of ttiH Inlet lot, f. f I. rind office at The hailed. Oieptu neinWr TlH. 1 1 0 . .Nutlet. Ileii ,y given (;koi;;k u. w. mkak 'f I.ninitton, O'tton. hn on Oct-Ui-r 4th. I'tlti. inaile IluiiK-xtc'in A pllrstlon Addiiional. No. 16:,"7, !" Lot 4 KK'-i SV. s'.Tticn ?,. Tov t hip 1 Soulh, lUnit 2 :t, Wil lamette MeildiHn. ban tlbd nottf-c ot intention to mak final three y-at prof ,to tubllnh claim to ll,- land bv described, before J. A. Wuters. Cletk of the Circuit Court. It Hepp ner, Otegn, n Hi" Hth djr of reinber. Claltnant nHitie wltni taes: W. J. tsvl. W. p MrMllllan, F.. I) MrMilllan. VS. O. Hill, all of Ui r, ion. Orefnn II FRANK WOOfWOCK. 21 II ng:irer .HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULT. NEWS ITEM Please in'Mt the following news item in the Hi'.PPNT.K III'.UALD: SIGNED: Please fill in above lines with any news item you know of. Mgn it "ami mail to Herald office. Your nmc will not be published but is required only a an evidence of good f?ith. Cochran's Orchestra Having neCurcd first-class muslrlana who are located per manently In lleppni r I am prepared to supply high-class mualc suitable for all occasions. Why nend your money away ent and satlHfactlon at home? rhen you can seems eqiial tat- For full Information write or call KOV T. M IIHA Hi:ri'M;u Oltl'.GOM Under New Management lUvmc Jimt purcliiiHed tlm Cleaning and l'reHlng nl.tlli,ti'iitit f'.rni'-ily owned and opetatinl by A. J. Wilkes, I am now tie,aie! to do rl. jiilnK and 1'iwfilng of all kln1 In the rjulekoit and most Mitih!aetry way. I'in-IhI trillion Im Riven I.AIHM IKFJMl'.S, Fi ll AMMlOATH. G. li. McFerrin la Rear of Ths Herald Offl'S