PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November n, 19 ig r'err:et With!?;. "TVaIS Tvil,:,,t discover Lc't Out. Somehow. ,!! !.'!;.-s I". wtth'n. Pa iot, li is le an- instincts f, . ; , ri , A d . ,..rp!(-.-;ty .- sh ,, j- , Ins'ulit : -i li:i ..- . j ..;...,,., . , . Mini 1.1: fire: a brave p. ill i t cy s .i horses ,,.j chi,ri' :f !; ;i severe 1ll,stn.ptie OVIlkoS II in--". .:-! which tin' tiRVvr Inn r.ot i!i.iii'.'):f himself capable W. L.' HERALD WANT Al$ GET THE BEST RESULTS '. 1 FAYS TO MAKE USE Or ,part From Adding to Appears-c; cf I Struciuro It Also Tends to Tic ; tard Deterioration, i:i.( fci:n Union reason for priinting i'm protection of the thins i:n:vil The mviicr ,if property shimlil rver 0 f WHITE STAR BRAND ,1 " :M1 Mil VtiM' Made Ijv men wlio know. for people wlio want the i best. I Only t lie choicest wheat . carefully graded, a n ! j) lliorou';lily washed is used 'j, in making our flour. Your baking will irove io M you ill" Li:; advanlarr1, of fj 11 si 11 g White Str Bran J i. flour for both bread and I a.-try. wm ml WKSMff 1 Heppner Farmers' Elevator Co. j In H m, r- mm I I'M I iti1 If , : yjj: m 1 4 MrMarmMmmmm WELCH M) UNINGER Best Auto and Tractor Work that Skill can give SERVICE RENDERED WHEN YOU NEED v IT MOST Kcpair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. f.-.iMret Unit. No one can look- upon painting as iin expense if lie is con vinced Unit it prevents a greater ' az ,":ensf ' 'I'licre is, however, another great rea son for paintinjr and that is the apnea! of pride in appearance. This is quite hn::iii;i. It is seen in the matter of doilies. I'rifnarily clothes are to keep ns warm, Put a suit is discarded while it is still warm liicunse it is shiny, out "i shape, or slightly faded. In "other vor;N, one feels Unit it would com promise their standing were they to wear it. V So it is with the painting of houses. Loth without and within. In progressive, proud communities, houses are painled every three or font years through pride in appearance. 1'i'ogr; ssive citizens are not satisfied with the looks of their houses after three or four years' exposure to weather. As gond citizens we should not only sfv that every person knows that struct nres will deteriorate if ed, hut we .should also try to make people 11's proud of the appearance of their homes as their more progressive neighbors. We should deliberately set out to make them ashamed of their dingy homes which are a reflection up on the whole community. This work is peculiarly one for local example and community co-operation. Everyone knows that a newly-painted house is likely to start the whole neigh borhood to slicking up. It becomes contagions. Every person who wants to see his community prosper will join in such a movement. UP . fit - ' x rl M I H III ' y - '-..1 x . ; . 1--V- V& Mi Q Came!? are soldevery- seec p-cAatif-s 20 c.-ei'tes i r it'll oocU- c o v-r f c: r: r tr . I V 5 5fr.jlf .'y 1 c.-mr.ercl thi? c.:i tr,n for tho if m or .e surfjiy or v.T.on you travel! V. J. R-fi'JsTcIj-ctoC;). . :-.; v , (AMELE'are tho most refreshinpsatisfying cigarette you ,j ever snicked! Fut all your cigarette desires in a bunch, then buy l jme Camels. ve them every taste-test and know for your own satisfaction that in quality, P.avor, smcoth-t-ccy zv.i in many other delightful ways Camels are in a clcss by tr-cr.seU-es! Came! ; .jro r.n expert hl-vd of choice Turkish and chcice Doniesfc tobaccos. Vou'il.not only pret'er this blend to either kind cf tobacco srr.cfced tra,;',ht, but you'll appreciate the reir.arkab'.o lull-bodied rr.ildrusi and smooth, refreshing Havor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! Carn;:b wit: you in so many new ways! They not only permit yen to sr.ioke libmrn'J.y without tiring your' tuvi? but Uaver.o unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un pieasar.t ciiretty odor! Compare Camels with any cigarette in t'oe vvorld ;l any price! You'll prtfor Ccmel quality to premiums, fc ccapcr.s cr gif.s! c V'..."V,.i ' '.'i''sA V-v-1:-- lis-. jWVt. .tm HOME CITIES ALSO NEEDED Well to Remember Thct There Ars Other Things in Life Besides "Business." If a writer on present-day Industrial economies is right, the next few dec :ides win be marked. In the fulled States, by an anuiiiliig amount of self study by individual cities. tiiwv,s, and 1 ven villain s. He foresees "intensive study underiaken by every municipal ity to determine what can be manufac tured in that place." Within limits he Is probably right, but there will be ninny who will honestly hope tl'ial the limits will not he too( widely extended, and who will believe In all seriousness that an occasional municipality with out manufactures has Its place In the scheme of things for a weil balanced nation. "Iiusiness first" may be a good slogan, but "business all the time" and "business everywhere" might weaken enthusiasm for desir able Industry by overemphasizing tt. One U revelled that since somebody gave current I nlng to the term "business etllclency" about I'.lMKl hooks on the subject have been written nnd printed In Kngllsh ! Christian Sclenca Monitor. u;i . ii Functions of the Farmers & Stockgrowcrs Natl. Bank TO SAI KGUAKI) MONEY TO SAFEGUARD MONEY I'. S.--Onl a lew ,!.i ivniai'i in uhicli u i-oiiwrt ..iir jti.l I.iViu ',..niN tj .j per 1 1 lit itiin is,- li,-ai inj. j .. jH.r 01 tlse ,iti'!l li,i,. t,, uai! un,j luAt M.ueh. Farmers & Stockgrowers Nalional Bank Boottert and Roosters. The difference between the effective booster mid (he rooster Is that the Int ter has no responsibility and the for mer must make good. There was a time Mlieii the boosters from a town would go on a visit asserting that they lived In the biggest city, had the tall est buildings, the largest stores, the ttenltlil,t people, nn. I so mi. using .veriis without stint simply because they wished to say soine: lilng favor able alioiit h. They would he placed In the rooster class now unless lli.'.v could show by fiiets am) figure" that their assertions were true. Landscape Gardening. The great misinl,,. made by niesi timlri'v is that Ibey tii !v g.ndeiis too nun Ii mid nature too little. Vow gar dens In gem-nil are stijT nn, (jrnce le. ee. pi Jut n,t fur as nature, ever free ami Mowing. re.i--ert h, r rights. In spit,, of man's w int ,.f i.i,t,., r li, lp I1I111 ln n be bus , n I, lo woik III tier own spin 1. Ittit ite Held mid Uii.hU are full of ln! no i . n. and In m Ii feature i f 01, r n. h, i nod inot Kiiiilliic and ,li, st':. I roimiry mut the bet Mais f,,r ,,. , -, , , t ... 1 1 1 -IIHlif nf r.lllll lien,,-, aln be ,e. ri,'i.Ainlie .In. U. n I'ewii ng. , Pointed Advice. "Oh. doctor." cried n ll i . .., ninn, "I am dr. inlfiitly atlli. t. d ' The glnwtt i.r my departed r.h,tle and per.h no the tops ,.f t),,. f..,,,.,. fintn l.ll him, eel l,,,' ;....! v.: k , fn. lug I i:lll cut Into the k. .j, tiling all) i'nliii nnd et. ,,f ,oiei lH.k ..l.ii. nly l 1 1 1 1. ,. j, ,,, ,ia( iimny .t. Hnlting itll nltpig. Oh. d. t..r. oli il hull I ..,v "Mnir n lb.. , f ,t, lMt brUkl nplti-.! the (lisi, :in j-VS lollur. pi. Judw . Should Work Both V. 1 .. ller n. .,n nhoiib! I ,. p,ud of lh rlty In whoh he 1..; B I h, b h.i. M lit tbui b t,, irou. be !. In It -Ai r i. u LIb-Cvltt. . . HATS MAY BE MADE AT HOME ! Touches of Hand Embroidery Are to j Be Seen on Much of the Kill i Millinery. j A continued vogue for the narrow ' back hat is promised for the coming j season and already the shops are show ing advance fall and winter models In I poke shape or gloritied narrow back1 sailors. Manufacturing milliners made a rath er earnest effort some months ngo to discourage the midsummer wearing of velvet hats, but the shops seemed to demand them and these heavy, warm looking hits of heudgear put in their appearance quite early, as usual, al though not In quite us generous num bers as heretofore. Anions; the new materials being strongly featured for nutumn hats, a very soft velvety finished wool mater ial probably leads and some decidedly chic sports hats are made of suede. Bro caded jmd plain velvets enter Into the development of hats for uutunir." and winter. These fabrics are often hand Homely embroidered In chenille or heavy wool this embroidery being the only trimming employed. Ccrtulnly this Is the day when the home milliner Is encouraged to try her hand, and there Is no reason why the should not have splendid resets. b Origin in Ameri;u '.'here lias he. n much contrivers'. O'er the snug, "The Ited. White and r.lue," hut the logical conclusion is that the English adapted their words from Hie American song, which was written by Thomas A. Eecket, nn Eng lishman, after he had made America hl.s home. Before this song was writ to.i, In ison, no similar version was known In England. If you want what you want when you want It try a classified ad. IK" ' . f i .'I . AN Y.-VSirv.'vs - 4 I YOUCANTBEAT 'EM , 'i'lu-sc r.Hilinvi fountain "fj Tl k If i Cifatn Sixla- I cm. maile Soft Drinks Cigars anl Tohacco Tin nrf liit tho tl'. sc hot .iys make a f -i! -w fct l just like W(Mk ton. Trv1 -tic then you'll know. 'McAfee & Aiken Drewj Many to Worship. Describing5 the three fair daughters of an aristocratic New Yorker u cen tury or so ago n writer of the period says:"The father used to take his daughters to the church of Doctor Matthews, that stood in Garden street. Such a hrvely trio were rarely seen. They took all the young gallants from the other downtown church and drew a full house." IIKRAT.D WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS FOR SALE o acres, 20 acres peaches, 10 acres si alics, balance of ! ; land open. Last year's returns $5,000.00 J Also 40 adjoining. 20 acres alfalfa, 15 acres peaches J alance wine grapes. Cood house. Also barn and tank house. Price of both ios $nivm tv C-u -,fVU, f FOR SALE DAIRY RAXCH-S5 acres by the. Merced river. 05 acres in the best alfalfa. Excellent buildings. Large silo. Only $jo,cxx).(K). Cash, $8,000.00. WRITE Chas. Dahlquist TURLOCK, CALIFORNIA t "Take ii; from Me:' ays the Good Jud.c iso toluccocticwcr: long vncerjot over the big-chew iJ-n. A Itilc chew of this teal quality tobacco gives them better saiiafaciioa and they find their cl-cw-inft costs even less. With this class of tobacco, you don't need a fresh chew ro often and you find you're saving part of your tobacco money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two ttyltt HIGIIT CUT is a hort-cut tobacco OA c CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco 3 1