M tO C- NOT. t-N VOLUME 6 HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER n, 1919 .NUMBER 26 EDRTLAND RESTAURANT UCENE OF ROBBERY CHINA CHAKIJE, I'UOPHIETOK OK PLACE LOSES WEALTH EVEN THE TENANTS GO ON STRIKE NOW Thief Enters Bedroom, Secures $29 and Automatic ami Makes (iood Getaway A bold robbery was perpetrated In Heppner last Sunday evening wher. the Portland restaurant was entered and robbed ct $269. An automatic revolver was also taken. The money was taken from a bed room at the rear of the building and the bold thief made his getaway with out leaving a trace as to his identity. At closing time Charlie, the. Chin '"t proprietor of the place, locked ' - 4 ., sJVront door and after eating hin ' per i nthfi kitchen went to hif bedroom and rested for awhile on his bed. Before laying down he placed his money and gun under the pillow or 'his bed. After resting awhile he went back to the kitchen to put things to rights for the night and upon returning to the bed-room found the window open and his mon ey and gun missing. Charlie at once gave the alarm in the pastime next door and the officers were at once notified. Sheriff McDuffee and Chief of Police Cason were soon on the ground but aside from finding foot prints under the window and leading back to Chase street and around the corner to Main, they were unable to uncover any tangable clue. The robber seemed to have very effectively disappeared. That the burglar was some one ac quainted with Charlie's habits is rather evident and the officers are of the opinion that when Charlie locked the front door and went to his bed room the thief watched him, saw him place the money under the pillow, and when he left Che room it wag but the work of a rmntcnt to raise the window, , secure the valuables and make a quick Ri-t-away. Charlie has, been encaged in the rcsU'.uranf bushier!! in Heppner for P 'number of years. Prior to the first big fire, in Juno, 1918, he operated restaurant on Willow street , ad joining the V.v.7. -Ite-Tlmes office. He was burned out there and later leased the Portland Which he has since conducted. He Is a quiet, inof fensive man and a good citizen, much more of a credit to the town than I t:ie court to wlm-li THIS IS AHMIST1CE DAY Armistice day is being celebrated in Heppner today by it holiday for the schools and banks and a big dance being given under the auspices of the Elks lodge in honor of the re turned soldier boys. It may not be as noisy a demonstra tion as the old town enjoyed last year but every body is mighty glad the war is over. (iKAl)IX(i ON HIGHWAY EXPECT ED TO COMMENCE THIS WEEK These tenants ot a New ork budding went on strike against appealed that they had formed a kind of soviet. tiitsr landlord, who told A party of gentlemen represent ing Oscar Muber, who lias the con tract for grading the highway from the Gilliam county line to Heppner were in town last. Friday conferring with Judge Campbell and making ar rangements to have active woiK started some time this week. It is undestood' the work will oe staited on the lower end, near Mor gan, altho crews of rock men will be scattered along the line wherever there is heavy rock work to be done. It is expected Mr. Huber will em ploy a large force as the work is to be completed by Apr-il 1, 1920. , The gentlemen here Friday were. Messrs. Carrigan,' general manage! ; Wickner, field superintendent; and Mason, foreman. LOCAL IRISHMEN WILL ATTEND DEVALERA MEET PRESIDENT 11SISH ItEI'l 1SI.IC I.N PORTLAND NOV. 15 Noted Champion of Irish Kreodoni Has Thrilling; unci Dramatic, Career s ORGANISATION OF FARM KEAl? SI CCESSFVL UV- BUDGET FOR 1920 MADE- VP AP PROXIMATES $150,000 out! PctiCor-r. Granted. Sheriff's !tii(ll!tin Accepted and Suc cessor Appointed County Agent Hunt reports splen did progress in the work of organiz ing farm bureau locals in the differ ent districts. Meetings have already been held at Lexington, Eightmile, Liberty and Gooseberry all of which were well attended and much inter est riianifested. Regular monthly meetings will be held and a promis ing start in the work has been made. The following gentlemen have born elected chairman of their respective districts: Lexington, S. L. Stephens; Goose Morrow County Court held a rath-, b(jn..( Nelf Johns(m; Eightmile, 1, important meeting last Wednes-1 A R(nlding. L)be,.tyi Theodore An- H. C. L. C AI SES SHERJF SHI IT'S RESIGNATION day and Thursday at which time con siderable county Luiilneu) was dis posed of. After auditing and aiiov, ing the usual grist of bills a peti tion lrom II. H. Weston et al., of de: son. Mr. Hunt left Monday forenoon foi Iloardnian where a meeting was he'd that evening. Meetings are l;i.( scheduled for Irritron. Alnine ,im! Doardimin, asking lor a special road ! j()ne tjlis v,., . meeting in district 4 yn- the purpose j of voting a special 10-miU road tax for that district. The petition was. granted and the meeting was called J for November 22nd. A contract was entered into wilit Mat Halvorson and M. U. Morgan for right of way for ei-unty road tliroiikti the thief who robbed him, no matter their lands on condition that the what the color of his skin. ! j county fence the right of way an ' v. i provide two cattle passes on each WORK STARTED ON NEW HoTlil (TRCITT COIRT MEETS IN HIM EE SESSION Circuit court met in regular No vember tenn Monday morning but so light was the docket of law, equity and criminal business that the term was easily terminated In one day. Three persons were admitted to full citizenship as follows; Theor dous G. Denisee, former subject of Wilhelmlna, Queen of Netherlands. Fredrich Rauch, subject ol the present government of Russia. Joseph Charles F. Lee, subject of George V., King of Great liritain and Ireland. C. I!. Rowers was granted a divorce from Lena A. Bowers Several unimportant casis were settled and dismissed and altogether t'at amount of court business Indi cates that Morrow county people are tnd good na.t- I I Kl. SHORTAGE HITS HEPI'.NF.K I The fuel shortage, incident to foe coal strike, has hit Heppner a pret ty good Jolt In the matter of light rnd power. Manager Pruyn was compelled to conserve his limited fuel supply by cutting the light and power service 24 hours to' 8 hour and now nlvr uses power must work at ix cars of coal ordered before the Mrlk commenced failed to arrive and It wan Impossible to locate them until Saturday evenlnn when one car rolled In. It Is hoped, however, that n si pply will be available In a few days so that ren-ilar service may be resumed. Hli CITIZENSHIP H SOMEWHAT MINED form. V. D. Cox et al., petitioned tin court for vacation of a section of county road In their district and the county roadmaster was ordered to in vestigate tiit nmer and mnke a re poet t" the county lourt. A resolution was passed Appropri ating the sum of $1,000 from the road fund of road district No. 4 for BUivey of proposed new road from Lena down Butter creek to I'matllla county line. It being understood and agreed with " Charles Bartholomew, W. W. Howurd and II. P. Doherty that they will stand good for any further Tumls which might be need ed lor the expenses of the survey. The resignation of Sheriff E. M. Shutt was accepted and George Mc Duffee was appointed to fill the va cancy. The court made up the liudper f i the cotnlni' year whh h amount' d. in round number, to !l5t.nfn. Work started with something ef a rush on the new hotel M"nday morn ing. Excavation for the foundation Is under way and materii.l ior the concrete work is rapidly ben seiuhled. lLnson Hughes, who hw been watching for suciii development for some time wore a finu, big, broad smile Monday forenoon and asked the Herald to suggest for hfhi that It begins to look as tho the knorkers will have to discard the little wooden hammers they have been using and get. some good, big rtcel sledges as real concrete work Ih pietty hard t bust up. ATTENTION SHEEP MEN' GREENHORN DISTRICT I J John lirun.'iitd. of Il'iutdimin. was :" Monday att.nd na circuit court (HIS l'IHMMIMNG Cl.WM IN THE in an effoit to have hl rtili-ri'hti c'tal';htcnid nut In unli'f that he ran j ferine a pap"it lo vl!t h's oh! j Adrian M.itt'- 'ill ixiirtud n In I n'ne In l;ici -Loi !n- white II,. d.. ii.-n fimu O " G;' nt .rn mhiIi f n-l t him pome property lul'ti t ; ,!ti ir w hi-ie he lia In" n ! . h ! ! iu;r- bin ritti-ntiun. inn a wry nonit!ng mine i!ir t;a ll.t' ... ItiuiiK.iard's ritizi nxhlp I j tt suiiriH-t . The pioji.-ly u h .,me lit u.lX' d by the i.nlt Of the i-. li d lie u Sus:inille nd run I" war. When he left lils old home ev- .tlai- In npn-r, ih t. gold st.d nil jeni ago li 4 a s'ltijiH-t of j ..d. ity (nun th led at- s.h.w G'-nnmy a t' e i. u!l of Hip llun t ut i' of $ f, " p-i tou TUr Ms h. oiiU imMtcd hl country in Hie , Kui. of piof ri), irnwi - ", ll- fc m Finr-i u-winn war. II" Im ! H nt- r.itht Ifcan in the I.ikIi a i. -ady tk't nut I:i fil ' lt!eat.ip .at up Mr Mjft' nn has a w II papers, hut i0 lie ajipliwl tot hin j Iin.-d tut. body ;i ! t nl- t mm final papers, following t ; lUnv of l.li h lite MS mi pie wu In! n o.e big war, h found t!t li t j Mr MH...,n lioe. to t lut. t tiit n of France. e niar Lave to amount of wnk done on the (!.! Lift the entlte piorwdtnt over! he but the tnpiil,i asaln b fof f e knows J)t wh' te he j fy of riirlng min ts in that l Oregon Wool Growers have been cordially Invited to hold their 22nd Annual Convention at North Port land during the week of the Grand Opening of the Interationnl Livestock Exposition building, November 17th to 22nd. This Invitation has been accepted and Pr-ldcnt W. II. Harmtt has Is 'ucd an official call for a meeting 'o' be held In the Assembly Hall of Ibe exchange building, I'nlon Stock Yards, for Thmsday and Friday, No vember 2nth and 2 1st. Eveiy Wool Grower of the Mate, w hether a mem her of this niganlzation or not. is uited lo mtetid to tnke iidvanliig if the opportunity lo meet stockmen and woil growers fiotn nil pails o f ie I riilf-d Stafs and Cimuda, hti foi the tii llei.il good of Olir llldll It' We hope Hey one lliteie'ted in the s!w p Industry will be I h I . 1 j. o. h ai;i:u. HeeH tai l at. Mr. liurnxaaid wsnu to ie. I'irn to Kurope a full INd rilUrn of lh Foiled HtatfS an tliett will be no doubt about him bioi able lo r t ! wha b Ish to. Herald r1aasif14 Ada gat result. rS8f word. Dirt lett him t do What he could slon H hopes the labor aiualion ill lie aontrwhat rlesreil up by Bel tmiinier when h will cut on a full fotre of niea and try to gt the pmp rtr on t ahippina: basis. Mr. Matteoon eipeeti to spad the fnlf 1t H'ptBar. 1 MARRIED taiiH-nler-Pi ! W. II Carpenter, of Llkl.ti,, I and Mi S'vlvU E, Price, of Visanuhi i.t. To the People of Morrow County oFr the past several months I have been planning, and have finally 'de cided to join the great and growing army of salaried meu and women throughout the country who are signing their official positions, chief ly on account of the high cor.t living. In my particular case second ary causes have contributed toward making this decision, but the chief reason is that the enumeration re ceived is- not commensurate with the services '"tiderfd nor witV the res ponsibility t:Fiiiiied. I had ped like the rest, that the end of. ti'S 'wa.' would- bviae a, reduc tion in the prices of necessities, but Ins-read they have b'-en mounting higher and higher. Y t most, of the rnilarics received nowaday.-! romain j genorally law abidin ittst the same as iltry v.-ere w lien iiv-, ui-ed in;- expeif.es wei-e, mil nit't'.i more tiian one-third wna;. i. '-y ar- ivnv. io the late shuffle of the cards the pro- Fslonal men and women who have pent a lite tune in training met; linds for skilled sei vices to the pub lic, are Ibe goats, tinaneially consiu- d esiieelallv these drawing salar ies. No one is- pat tu-ulariy to pianie for this condition, hut it iij me that Ollgllt 10 Il0 lemeiiieu HI me 111:11 portuniy. I made a financial sacrifice to ac cept the sheriff's office a year ago, but the war was on, and it looked like the I. W. W.s, the pro-Germans nd oilier home enemies to the gov ernment would give the sherltf I ty of that outdoor stienuous a'ivity which my nature has always craved. The armistice ended all that, and the sheriff's office has reverted back to hiefly n tax-collecting, book-keep ing, confining proposition, wnicn, thougli efficient In , my nature re bells against. Deeply grateful to the people ol Morrow county, who have given me more political honors than was any man's right to expect, I am going to bellev that their rense of fairness and understanding of my case will xonoiate me from blame in milking this move. The most agreeable and congenial relations nave at all iltnea exit n-'i o tween the law-i-nfoiclng. good-roadH- btiildmg county ro-itt and tnys'lt. likewl'-e the able district attorney, and all my'other l!ow "IiihihI' " in the c-i'll t llOUfe, The fearless, i-xpi rb need and ( psible iiinn wllniil lire eiilintv coin I i ' ' -en to sni'cei-d me, ftijoyK the I'Otii ill' nee Of the peo; e, 1 a hi embarking In the ni-i ei:ite and Iti-nrance busluei-a and my field of opeiations will be In Mm tow n.nti t :''i my home an-l otflre of r-n t lit h ;.pner- In whh li rmirily, 11 H I hue ilways maintained, are ti be (outiil the most ptotperoim. ciiit.-nli d cl-is-4 of people, the i ln apel good land and the fin. ft ilinmte in Hie We. I. Slnceuly yours, H. M. FIICTT A large delegation of local Irish men will go to Portland the latter part of the week to lie present at the , Irish Nationalist meeting at the Port land auditorium Saturday evening. Michael Kenny, John Kilkenny, John F. Kenny, Francis A. MeMenamln and a number of others, it is understood will go from Hoppnt r. Eani(,nu Do Valuta, president of the Irish Republic, is one, of the big figures in the world at the present, time. Few oilier men in these later days have experienced the pains of martyrdom and the thrills of prefer ment more fully than has" this fight ing American who bears an Italian n,,nie and Irish heart. He was born in New York City October 14, 1882, and in his comparatively short career has had more thrilling experiences than has most national leaders of more than twice his age. During the Insurrection' of Easter week, 1916, he was in command of 100 njen hi one district of Dublin and with this insignificant force he stood off two divisions of the Eng lish army until he received orders to be shot but later the sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life. He broke jnil, however, and escaped to Ireland where he was later, by n three to one vote of the adult male voters of the island, made president of the republic. He is now in the United States pleading the cause of Ireland before the people of the greatest republic on earth and his present tour Is said to he the longest and most compre hensive ever undertaken In this i-iibii- tr. Will i EIS SELLS ANOTHER RANCH Roy V. Whiteis reports (he sale of the O. J. Cox ranch on Ulu-a creek lo Ed Kellogg. The place contains 200 acres ami Is ciinsiilii ed one of the best small places in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will move In lo rooms in the fair building for I'm- winter and Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg will take pos;-,oKv.ioil of the place nt once. The consideration was $7,800. Mr. Whltels also reports the sale of u lot he recently pincliiised at Max Crundall and Miss Roberts, of Portland, are here this week auditing the county boo'ks at. the court, house. .loo Hayes and family have remov ed to Pendleton, leaving for that city last Sunday the steenth famMy who have within the p,i':i year been furred to leave Heppner h, 'cause of lack of houses. The house Mr. Hayes occu pied was sold some time ago ami lie was unable to find another. Heppner 1 Main and Church streets to W. G. sure needs more houses and needs ! McCarty. Mr. Mcl'arty expects to them bad. I build a residence on the properly. Miintuna. were united In nianlag the Federated rhiiri h pronstge la Sunday looming. Rev. If. A. ,V)e. pastor of the rhurrh, perfo'mlng the j Mono county's new, old sheriff, rerernnny. The bride arrived (rom Go I MeDuffc". looks as natural W.s -iU jlntufdsy e ning. Mr. a ! please behind the riek In On and Mrs Carpenter will teId at ; ,eti!f' offlre. It fact he liss In n Eightmile where Mr, Caipentar I ; stl tt' be of the offlre a d' ptlty ever postmaster and merchant slnr Ma term plret last January, i II I appointment to Ibe recent varan ) jive general aatlsta'tlnn. ftead tfc Mrald classified ad. LAND OWNERS! Land Buyers PLEASE LISTEN v 1 have resigned the office of Sheriff ,r in order to eilaUish in llencr a Real Estate and Insurance Office I want a sli.nrii ymir hii-iiie-. I am verv faint! with all lite land and the land aim's in Mot pr.v t'liint' , and haw a wide :c iiiaiiitatn-c with tin- "in side hniiii-M-i Ki r and tnnin'wd i r-i i j d who ,m- Icm!.. am iar injr I'd" a In ad v ale lami itn e -1 tin til , main ! v,!nni t-ked me In connect ih'-m tip. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOU!' WHEAT I'AKM Ok STOCK RANCH Ci.tiie in am v, ite, -in inn Ih'mII or what m want lo !tn. M'f llie a! litter, or ' on ran lie a full ! r tit, i inn i ,i what v- AliSOI.rTKI.Y. A. Sol. "Alii;. DI AL f.l AkANTl'.l-.l) to lUM.h' and M-.l.t.l K E. M. SHUTT Temporary Office Upstairs in Court House " l'ereM'titiK al-o the j;reat Oregon Life hiMitame ('ompan and .several Atncrieati lire I iwh ami' Companies. "V. - t