Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 28, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Tuesday, October 28, iqiq
Youth Will Seek Its Fortune!
Regularly Acquired.
1 was visitinp in n little country
Phice mid was about to board the
tram to return when I noticed a dear
little with tlfiht curls close to her
I ciid, and, c-iilllnR her, I asked : "Where
did you Ppt all those pretty curls?"
Much annoyed, she answered: "Oh,
dry was on me when I turned." Chi
'ago Tribune.
JnpniM'se are sturdy voyajrers. Re
cently, when ninny Japanese were co
ins to Brazil, n patriarch of ninety
gathered his descendants to the number
of forty-four and at their head fared
forth to Smith America In search 01
new adventures and n fresh fortune:
he already had a very handsome conv
1 etence stored away.
Thing That Really Counts.
The great thing in this world is not
so much where we are, but In what
direction we are moving. Oliver Wen
dell Ilolmes.
Must Ba Earned.
Happiness and the sense of victory
ire only for those who live for con
science and duty and the soul's higher
'deals. Newell Pwight HillU.
Come to Think of It, It Is.
"it's better." said Tilde Eben, "to
jo mi like n skyrocket an' come down
;!: i stick dan to bo jes' plain stick
:!! de dine."
Glass-Bottomed Bucket.
A curious sicht at Palermo la tn eca
the fishermen spearlap fish by the aid
or ginss-nottomea buckets. There nre
many corners of the world where flh
ire snearea. our nerimns tia eQ
he class-hottomed hnclrof in this .,
nection Is to be seeu only at Palermo.
' Nemesis.
Nemesis was a Roddesw of justice
nnd retribution. In Orceli mythology
Nemesis was a goddess personifying
; allotment, of the divine distribution to
j every man of the precise share of for
! tune, good nnd bad.
Way of
Practicing Dentistry.
THE E. R. Parker
System in Dentistry
is nothing but dentistry
put 011 a common-sense
basis. Instead of one
man practicing in a
small way in a small
office, several dentists
practice together under
the Parker Svstem'in
large offices, where there is
room for complete equip
ments. Some .of the System
e'eutists extract teeth, some
fill tccih, some make crowns
end bridges, some make arti
ficial plates and some treat
diseased teeth. In this way
each patient is cared for by
11 dentist who is experienced
in the kind of work each pa
tient needs. Dental work done
in this manner is not only
;one heller, but in less time,
making fewer visits necessary,
Mid tiic saving m time
helps to make prices
'i'iiere are twenty-four
offices where the E. R.
Parker System is used,
Dr. Parker
located in different
cities. Thousands of pa
tients are treated in '
these olhces, and the
large quantities of den
tal supplies used are
bought for less money j
than has to be paid for"
small quantities.
All dentists using the
E. R. Parker System are reg-
istercd, licensed and experi-:
enced. The work they do is
done so well that it can be
guaranteed. You arc sure of
satisfaction. !
Under the Parker System
no charge is made for exam
inations and advice. You can
find out what your teeth need
without having to pay a cent.,
Everything known in dentis-'
try to overcome pain is used
in Parker System offices, so
you need have no fear at all.
ine wnole idea is this:
Fine dentistry, fewer
visits, moderate cost, sat
isfaction, no fear cf pu'o.
Trior" is an I-:. R. I .
kcr System office i t
Portland, Oregon, 32B Washington Street, Comer Sith.
Pendleton, Oregon, Cornet', Court and Main Streets
i !
Entrance Constructed of Plain Lumber
in Standard Dimension Always
Easy to Procure.
The gateway here shown was verv
economically constructed by using lum
ber supplied in standard dimensions,
reports Popular Mechanics Mairnzlne.
The uprights are 4 by 4 inches; the
lower crosspieces and fence rails, 2
oy 1 inches, nnd the fence spindles and
upper crosspieces of the gate, 2 by 2
inches, as are also the short horizontal
strips which extend at right angles be
tween the crosspieces, to support vines
over the nrchway. The arches are
made of basswood, which is easily bent
into shape after being soaked over
night in water. The structure was
Found At Last
A preparation tliat effectively breaks
Is is being demonstrated every day
in the houses of sonic of our custom
ers, and proving entirely satisfactory
ply a SO AP-AID j
Results guaranteed 35c a Package
Phelps Grocery Co.
Under New Management
The Heppner Bakery
M. W. lMM.HKK. 1'ROP.
t Home Made Bread a Specialty
i I ran gueraatee my products strictly flrt clasa In eeery par-
1 twular and Invlt eery HmWr In llepr to le them
, trial.
1 Mr Cookl. it Ctk w'" f1
.:;.: t- : .: 4 -: gmm-:v win iav.v.-; . vw.w
1 . -
By Using Cheap Lumber, an Orna
mental Gateway Is Erected at the
Entrance to an Undeveloped Park
at Trifling Cost.
painted white, with the exception of
the fence spindles, which were given
a brown tone ; but the color scheme tn
such a case depends on the surround
ings. At very slight expense a gate
way of this kind greatly improves the
entrance to a farm, a small park, or
even a private residence. The example
shown stands at the side entrance to a
large park, to serve until the develop
ment of the neighborhood will make
possible something of a more substan
tial nature.
Wall Constructed of Loose Stone
Has Many Points of Superiority
Harmonizes With Nature.
The New England stone wall, as a
feature In landscape scenery, Is some
times spoken of as a deformity; yet
it cannot tie denied that the same lines
of wooden fence would mar the beauty
of our prospect In u greater degree.
On account of the loose manner In
which the stones are laid one upon an
other, ns well as the character of the
materials, this wall harmonizes with
the rude aspects of nature better than
any kind of masonry. It seems to me
less of a blemish than a triiiuneiHiedge
or any other kind of fence, unless In
ornamental grounds. In wild pas
tures and lands devoted to rustic la
bor, the stone wall Is the most pictur
esque boundary mark that lias yet been
Invented. A trimmed hedge In such
places would present to the eye an In
tolerable formality. One of the charms
of the loose stone wall Is the manifest
ease with which It may be overleaped.
It menaces no Infringement of our lib
erties. When we look abroad upon the
fuce of a country subdivided only by
long lines of loose stones, and over
grown with vines and shrubbery, we
feel no sense of constraint. . . .
Fences nre deformities of proKcrt
which we are obliged to use and tol
erate. Hut the loose atone wall only
Is expreKHlve of the freedom which
is crnteful to the traveler and the
rambler. Wilson Klagg.
ill !i il
1IH III lU'i! VP 1 t I 111 II II 11 I' 'I 111
"rfSfe- IF
YOU can't help cutting loose joy'us
remarlfS pucru timo trn flih
smokespot with Prince Albert it hits
you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy
r"pc "'u tigareue maKin s sunsnine and as satisfy
ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four!
It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure
pasture 1 For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more
tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer.
That's because it has the quality.
Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down
that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat.
And, it never will 1 For, our exclusive patented process
cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue!
Toppy red bag; tidy red tint, handsome pound and half pound tin
humidor and that clever, practical pound eryttal glaet humidor with
pong moietener top that heept the tobacco in euch perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
Best to Build for Onesalf.
The advU-e to ths elflsen to build
his own twine. If xwltilf, Is good.
When a man hulhU for hlmcelf and his
family he knows predwly whut he
isels, sud he gets the kind of home
he likes. It Is better nulled to the
needs of himself and his family than
Is one that has been ronatrneied for
soma other family. Th cost of such
ronstruetlon may sewn hluli, but good
judges, of values pellev that an In
tment of this kind, tnada carefully
and wisely, Is the soundest and most
satisfactory In the long mn.
Roadside Fruit Trees.
The genius of the mednlde fruit or
BUI tre Is the hospitality which It
sytnbollMs. and the spirit of neighbor
ly cooperation. It Is an MtahllshH
Imtltuilon In psrts of Kurnpe, as In
Krsnre. Italy and Germany. It Is
practice worth thinking about Both
esthetic and utilitarian purposes, would
be served by genrrsl adoption of the
rule In coiutuunltlrs sufficiently orgsn
lsd to give DoMry rare to the trvee
once they lime Un planted.
Big reduction ef Tata.
Th production of animal fata, el
cluxlve of l.uttrrfut, equal to but 70
per rent of the vegetable oil output of
the fmtH Kiates in M2. rt in IHIT
lo nearly m per rent. In hiding but.
ler. In 1W12 the quantity of animal fata
was appMiltnately twice great at
that of vegetable olla, while In 1917
I be production of the two clses of
fats and oils was nearly the aame.
Lear Wisdom Threwgh felly.
It I t gr,et pity that we nuet ef
pertinent with score of folllea, moat
f tbea buery with age, before, we
cm imii at polst of wIJ.k. Mtr
fclcUrd Oeuhc
Wednesday, Nov. 5
I Liv ing leasccd bis ranch Mr. J. V. Condor will sell his stock
and equipment at Public Sale at his ranch.
Twenty Miles North of Heppner, in Sand
Sale to Start Promptly at 1:00 P. M.
t nc Moan. Marc, age o years, weight 1350 pounds.
' )ne Roan Mare, age o years, weight 140) pounds.
One May Mare, age 5 ears, weight I4tx) pounds.'
)nc l!ay Marc, age 5 years, weight i.yx) pounds.
( )nc liay Mare, age X years, weight 1401 pounds.
One Hay Marc, age 8 years, weight H'xj pounds.
One lilack Stallion, age 4 years, weight l.yx) pounds.
( ne lilack Mare, age 4 years.
'Jiic Hlack delding, age 4 years.
One I!ay Mare, age U years, weight 1500 pounds.
One Bay Mare, age 3 years. -Three
Iay (leldings, age 3 years.
Two Thrcc-quartcr inch Wheat Wagons, One Mitchell and One
John Deere, both with racks; One Deering Header and equipment
complete; One Oliver Three I'ottom Plww, 14 inch; One Nine
Koot Double Disc Harrow; AH Harrows, Tools, Implements and
Kqtiipments on said land; One Fairbanks Morse Gasoline MnRine,
Kclipse No. 1, and Pump Outfit. Heavy Work Harness for nine
head of horses.
All sums of ?'(.( an under, CASH. One year's time will
interest at M per rent on approved secured notes. p,r sums over
7o.fio 5 per cents discount for cash.
Brown & McMenamin
V. A. McMI-NAMIN, Auctioneer
V. R. IIROWN, Clerk
; a "-'u