Tuesday, October 28, iqiq n n. r-i n . t-r i- 1x1 1-1 tx- mm i-i rc u . n r-t 1 a- ivi n v 1 1 l u 1 .1 1 ivi PAGE FIVE NEWS of IONE, NEIGHBORHOOD -at - r o:3M3 "I'TZi: : &3 .1 : ? 1 ! CECILITEMS ! M IONE ITEMS I ' t ;- j t t IONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements, Vehicles, Windmills, Pumps, . and Gasoline Engines. We Sell Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. M ain Street lone, Oregon 11 mm III 11 LINOLEUMS For Every floor LINOLEUMS COME IN MANY PATTERNS and several different thick nesses. When you come to this store to choose, we help you to get the weigh-. :;nd pattern that will give you the best service for the place you want to use it. Our prices are no more, and oftentimes less, than you expect to pay, quality considered. Case Furniture Company i cpniiin6t MM'if PENNY A WORD Advertisements under this heading one cents a word for each insertion. No ad for leas than 1 5 cents. Ads are invariably cash in advance unless Kiven by persons wlHU duly establish ed credit. FOR SALE 1UTKS FOR 8ALE--150 head of rnarse bucks, best quality. Brown A Menamln, Heppner, Oregrn. 22-tf , TRUCK FOR SALE Thre ton Packard truck in A No. 1 condition 11800. For particulars call on or address the Heppner Her aid. HeDDner. Oregon. 6!U WANTED Good location for home stead or good relinquishment. En auire at Herald Office. i-2T FOR SALE Eleveo head Lincoln rnarse bucks. Enquire ot. Emll Croshen. Heppner. Oregon. 25-27 iilMMl KW HF..MFUSON Mo torcycle for sale or trade for gone" second-hand Ford car. Write to Box 472, Heppner, Oregon. !6-29pd DR. CLYDE R. WALKER rHYSUi.W AM) Sllt.M) rimne Connection Ion-, Oregon F. H. ROBINSON ATTOKF.Y AT LAW Main Street 'ne, Oregon LOOK FOR lllf. Ft D BAIL 1KADL MAFK HodtflT FiitAnnstWrnraunition Shooting JSMl I REST- ( KXSI S K.M'.M I'.ltATOIlS NEEDED W. A. Terrall, census supervisor for eastern Oregon, with head quart ers at Wasco, asks the Herald to give publicity to the urgent need for cen sus enumerators for Morrow county. Active, Intelligent, reliable men and woman not less than 18 years of tge are needed for this work which will commence January 2nd and must be completed in a month. Average pay for the work was $70 in 1910, but in 1920 it will probably be not less than 8100.00. Applications for po- situations should be made immediate ly to W. A. Terrall, Wasco. Oregon A simple test will be held the first week In November of which appll cants will be notified as to time ana place. Other newspapers in the county are requested to aid in giving publicity to this matter. It being Important to the county that a fair and accurate count be had. Carl Troedson of lone, was abuis neps man in Cecil Saturday. John Troedson of Ella, was a busi ness man in Cecil on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell were calling on Cecil friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd were looking up tlieir lone friends Wed nesday. Geo. A. Miller of High iVew, was looking up 'his old friends in Four mile Tuesday. F. Thompson of Ella, left on the local Sunday for Portland where he spent a few days. Bert Mason of lone,, made a short stay in Cecil Tuesday on his way home from Yakima. Clarence Winter and Ralph Win ters of Shady Dell were business men in Arlington Monday. A. Henriksen of Willow creek, ranch, left for Heppner Monday re turning home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bristow and fami ly of lone, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. H. Lowe, of Cecil. Miss Vivian Logan of Fourmile, was the guest of Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fenwick and daughter, of lone, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Winter of Shady Dell. , Karl Farnsworth and Robbie Wil son were lone callers on Wednesday We hear that Karl has invested in e band of sheep. C. A. Minor spent Saturday at the Last Camp and left on Sunday morn ins accompanied by Mr. G. N. Krebs for their homes in Portland. Melvin Logan arrived in Cecil from Arlineton on Friday and will visit among his friends for a few days be Fore returning to his home in Port land. Harold Ahalt who has been spend ing some time in Portland, returned to Cecil Tuesday and Is now trying his hand at herding sheep for Karl Farnsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy who have been in Southern Oregon ou a hunting trip for the last few weeks, returned to Cecil Monday. They report having had the time of their lives anl came home with their limit of deer. Geo. A. Miller and son. Alvin, of High View, accompanied Mrs. Miller to Arlington on Sundaywhere Mrs. Miller took the train for Battle Ground and Vancouver and other places where she will spend a few weeks visiting among her relatives. Marion Van Schoick came In from Waistbuig. Wash., and spent Tues day evening with his sister, Mrs. Ben nett, of the Last Camp, leaving on Wednesday for his home in Arlington accompanied by his wife and family who have been visiting at the Last Camp for some time. Roy Scott, who has been camp tending for Jack Hynd of Butterby lata, arrived In Cecil Wednesday, leaving on Thursday accompanied by E. A. Ross1 of the Bungalow, for lone where they received a fine band of lambs for Jack Hynd which they were to trail to Hynd Bros, ranch on Frees Out. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butter by Flats, on Saturday evening enter tained between thirty and forty of their friends. Dancing, cards and various games were Indulged In till midnight when a tumptous supper was served to the guests-. Every one thoroughly enjoyed themselves. LAWS0N AIRPLANE BREAKS ITS NOSE BP V. I;. Cochran is here from Her miston visiting his family. Arch Uioe has returned from Salem after visiting a few days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oneil have moved into the McMurray residence on Third street. Born in the Eightmile section on Thursday, October "3, to Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, a son. Mrs. Corrie Cochran of Walla Walla, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Hale of this cltv. Mrs. Charles Whight of Los Ange les, arrived a few days ago and is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Herman Oneil. Mrs. Ista Barnfield left Friday fo Portland where she was called on ac count of the serious illness of her nephew, Dwight Walter. Mrs. Gilmore, who is a trained nurse, arrived Friday evening from Portland and will nurse for a few days at the William Davidson home. Mrs. Chns. Oneil and children re turned home Friday from Kelso, Washington, where she was called some days ago on account of her father's death.' Mrs. W. R. Cochran left Tuesday morning for Tendleton to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. C. E, Shaver, who is in a critical condition. She returned Thursday evening. Alex Lindsay has sold his alfalfa ranch on WUlow creek, situated about two miles east of lone, to Lex ton McMurray. Mr. Lindsay and family have gone to Portland where they expect to make their home. Mrs. Kennith Blake, who has been visiting the past two weeks with net parents, Mr .and Mrs. A. W. CooTc, of Bend, returned home Sunday even ing accompanied by her grandfather, J. E. Jel fl ies, of Colby, Kansas, who will spend a week or more at the Blake 'home. Mrs. M. Jordan has sold her prop erty where she is now living on Second street to Mr. Wade and has bought the Garfield property on Second street now occupied by G. F. Steele. Mrs. Jordan will move in the near future and will fit her new home up for a hospital. The annual meeting of the Red Cross was held last Wednesday even- ng, October 22. The following offic ers were elected: Mrs. Laxton Mc Murray, chairman; Mrs. Bert Mason, vice chairman; Miss Margaret Jones, secretary; Frank Christenson, treas urer, and Ike. Howard, director. Jessie McCormlck, who was quite badly burned Wednesday, October 15th, passed away Tuesday morning, October 21st, at the age of 8 years, one month and 18 days. Soon after being burned lie lapsed into a semi conscious condition caused from the i terrible shock, and remained that way until death, not realising his suf fering. He was taken to Lexington Wednesday where the funeral was preached by Rev. Worstell, the Chris tian minister, after which he was laid to rest by the side of tils mother. who passed away 6 years ago. lie leaves to mourn his loss fathertwo sisters and two brothers. -wwv I' sN" 1 Hie Lawson i-iisseiiger airplane, known -as the ''Millionaires' Special, capable of carrying 2(3 persons nnd actually carrying nine, was wrecked at Eeihku field, Syracuse, N. Y., on its nmlden cross-country flight from Chicago to New York. In lauding at Syracuse the machine swerved as it struck the. ground, with the result that the nose of the plane was hurled in the soft earth. HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS Herald classified ads gst result. Penny word. If you want what yon want when you want It try classified id. NEWS ITEM IMca.se insert the following IIKITNKK HI'KALD: news item in the IKHHiON' H KMS SIONKD: IMcase fill in ahovc lines with any news item you know of. Mfrn it and mail to Herald offire. Your lame will not he jmhlUhed hut is ri'uircil only a an evidence of Kf,"l faith. Mr. E. E. Falk, formerly of Cald well, Idaho, has recently purchased a 40-acre tract of unimproved land about two miles west of Irrigon and expects to begin development Id the early spring. He has stored a quan tity of household goods In an unoc cupied building Just south of Wads worth's store. Mrs. Blanche Watkins and son have been at Heppner for several days. Harry Davis was confined to bis room for several days on accountt of illness, missing several days school thereby. He seem to be hi old self araln and declares that tie does not know what ailed him. Jes White's new building Is so far romplrted that It I being occupied, j Mr. and Mrs. Finl'-y Grnybi-nl and m, of Pendleton, came down In I tln-lr private car (auto), to pay a j vli-lt to Mr. Oraybeal's parent. Mr. I ind Mrs. J. A. Graybcal. Your reporter fK leave to offer ; the following pontic i-ffuMon for pub lication In the Herald. It won plrhH up near t Irrit-on school building nl Is suppoxed to have t-nisnRteil 'rom the fertile brain box of u.iw of Irrlgon'v bright pupil. A little st '.entlon shown by your paper may so ncoursge the youth of this county hat we shall have many excellent eiwa with which to while ay the i inlet hours: A nman, woman, thou art a prh, Hanging on a tre beyond mn' reach; Hut. If a man. I throw hi kl; lie winks hi eye and the poach la bl. MAJESTIC BARGAIN WEEK October 27 to November 1 C rI'iL;''fllll 31 I H October 27 to November 1 Come to our store that week and sec the many super ior features of this beautiful ranpe demonstrated. Special Bargains Offered During the Demonstration. Gilliam & Bisbee Cochran's Orchestra Having secured first-class munlclan who are located per manently In Heppnrr I am prepared to supply high-elms oiaslo suitable for all occasions. Why send your money away when you can incur equal ent and satisfaction at home? For full Information write or call HOY T. CK II HAN tal- IIKIMWHl oiu:; Under New Management Having J'lxt nrrliasf-T the Cleanl ng and rreasing eatalilulimi-nt formerly owned and opeiatr-d by A. J. Wllki-s. I am now ptpri to do Cleaning and rn-Uig of all kind In the Q'ilik-t and inoat antlcfartniy way. .Hr ImI attrnhon ( Klren I.MWt.H itKStM, I I IUH AMI mm. G. H. McFerrin In Ilesr of Th Herald Offir CUmtri4 ads on pig I.