PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 28, iqiq Chief Executives Censured. Congress h:is twe censured :i pr"S Ident Andrew Jackson, in June, i " !. for causing the removal of the cove;-!:-inent deposits of about ten i , i'int i: ! lars from tlie United Suites bun:; t!:. preceding September; itml Join Tyii r in 1843. Tyler was elected ns n Wh'-: but whs really a Democrat; so lie was therefore constantly antagonizing the policies of the party which had elected him. YOUR RED CROSS GALLS ROLL ARMISTICE WEEK Staqs Set for Him. P.lotihs "Some fellows would rattier lip Porn lucky than rich." SloWis "Hut the follow who is horn rich is already lucky." J I Membership Rather Than Mon : ey Is Asked to Complete ! War Relief. 1 As Far as It Goes. Some people's idea of ellicd-nry Is p pin a notice on the front door thut tlv bell Is out of order, instead of havin; It fixed. Ohio State Journal. t.: 1 ' . WHITE STAR BRAND I Made by men who know, v, for people who want the k best. I Only the choicest wheat i carefully graded, and g thoroughly washed is used I in making our flour. L Your baking will prove to you the big advantage of using: White Star Brand I. flour for- both bread and VA fj pastry. i Heppncr farmers' Is Elevator Co. WELCH AND LININGER Best Auto and Tractor Work that Skill can give SERVICE RENDERED WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. II Red Cross Chapters, branches and auxiliaries in the Northwestern Div ision, comprising Alaska, Idaho, Ore gon and Washington, will partlc'pate in the THIRD RED CROSS ROLL CALL November 2 to November 11, Armistice Cay. The' American Red Cross, the greatest relief organization in recorded history, the "mobilized heart-action of the American' people," will engage in no more "drives" for huge sums for war relief, but will continue its annual roll-call, which is simply the occasion on which the American people express their belief in the ideals and work of the Red Cross by enrolling as members. "All you need is a heart and a dollar." For five reasons, say the leaders of the Red Cross, this THIRD RED CROSS ROLL CALL should enroll every loyal and public spirited Ameri can citizen among the tr.'.'lions of mem bers of the organization that served our boys at home and ove-as, saved the morale of France and Kaly in our early days in the war, relieved the millions of refugees, fed the starving babies of Europe, rived whole nations frcm extermination, stood as next friend to those families in America whose dear ones were in the service, threw its tremendous resources into the fight against influenza, dealt with great national disasters of flood and fire, and now carries on to do its part to serve America and to make the war worth having been won. These five reasons are: 1. The War Task of the Red Cross is Not Yet Fully Performed. To men still in service, and to their tamilies at home, to discharged sol diers not yet fully adjusted to the routine of civilian life, to 30,000 boys suffering or convalescing In Military " ' 'j'f." -V "SSwC i L pi , n"0 ,HU '7 I " -hp A S m i.'ier.t realize t' a ua'ue is in i tf.c c armies and do ! r.of t'xpc- t nremiumt I or coupons 'jgg'W'W"1- w imi'j; in mm 1111 . Hill Beating Back The H. C. L SPE ENDING less and saving more will be greater accotuplislnnonts toward over coming the hih coMi of living than any tliiiiI eUe. , , . , 1 And iiuintaiuing a Savings Account here m tlic I AUMi:US STDCKt'.ROWI-KS NATIONAL HANK uill lulp anvotu to u lid U s, .Hid 0 more. We Pay Liberal Interest on Savings Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank LlKmO?QSSROILCALt ur Naval hospitals, the American peo ple still give cheer, comfort and serv ice through their Red Cross. In certain portions of the Old World the American Red Cross still feeds and clothes the undernourished and ragged babies, cares for the aged and the Infirm, and assists the people of these disease ridden, famine stricken, warravuged countries lo organize their own resources. Since the sign ing of the Armistice, this work has neadlly declined, but It Is not by any means fully completed. 2. The Red Cross Is the Disaster Re. lief Agent of the Americsn People. The speed and efficiency with which the Red Cross met emergency needs nt Corpus Chrlstl Illustrated the value nf nationwide Red Cross oriuuliatlon. In case of disanter, whether it be for et fire In the Northwest r a great I Mississippi al'py flood, tbe first ef ! re-fe relief will hereafter come from 1 mat by cotnmiinll lis. working through ; Ml. Ir Ite.l CrciM ( haulers. I. In Csse of Epidemic Local Red Organisation la Indispens able. Durlim the Influenta epidemic. Red Cross action and cooperation sed three thousand lives, because the Ked Cross was fully organised In every coniuiuulty in the lni.A a... - - " . 1 1 r I Against a possible recurrence of In riueuia this wluler and against dan ger of epidemic In the future, con tinued universal membership U tbe ; Ked Cross la essential. Red Cress Peace Program Cello For Universal Support co operation. The American Red Cross la still an emergency organisation It must be realled thai there is such a thing as a continuing disaster: aon.000 babies under one rar of age die every year because of Ignorance: thousands uf mothers die unnecessarily In child b'rth; it is still possible for an epi demic like the Inlluruia lo tske a toll wtltllll a ckiiimks f f,,w t :.i.oi t!,... 1 IL f our nation lu a year and a balf f wlr: hundreds of thousands of people In the prime of life die In Ihe n.ted 8ttes eery year from wholly v.-ntable diseases This Is nothing short of a disa.ter abuti ta a connnu leg one and wilt .,- prrnmnrni unless Ihe people mof-iate with one an othrr to use Ihe kn i, dg at 1 waMh alrady in eitetne n bi i. the na lion Into a betif-r d T KrJ cross through Its millions of numbers com prising every element In every rona ainll. many of then tru.(,t tte in rr-': ;- : , ec!- Hu"'- u i;.---f Vs : or trn fW. s-'c '2 i .-. are-fj-f-v in a g' :( 1 ;.rvt.vftri'e.'fin, 1r n 1 ,- f fr.r enn tl. s c rr; f . f r- h.r-rr rT , Kice bupi'iy or vL-:n oj ouvrj, If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide, smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any way you consider them! Take quality, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow -mild -smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfac tion 3ou marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels libaraliy without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that f.rrong the many reasons you smoke Camels i ' their freedom from any unpleasant ciga re;ty aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettyodor! you know Camels you won't much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! r J. REYNOLDS T03ACCO CO., Vinston-Selcm, N. C. tlms of the foes that cut short human life and rob it of its sweetqess, can serve nation and community as can no other agency in supplementing, rein forcing, and supporting well-directed efforts for the conservation of the most precious things in the world, human life and happiness. 5, America Has Set the Pace In World Red Cross Movement. The League of Red Cross Societies of all nations has been formed through the inspiration of the Red Cross achievement of the United States;. This League Ins no executive power whatever over the Red Crofg of any nation, but will extend into every na tion the benefits of a national, volun tary Red Cross society on the Ameri can model, to deal with problems of health and child welfare and to cope with tho relief problems that are so pressing over so great a, part of the enrth's surface. Through these organ izations many nations will meet their own problems whiih would otherwise be appealing to America for relief and assistance. The United States, whose people have shown the world how thus lo rise out of despair Into hope, must keep the Red Cross banner floating high. Tho success or failure of this great world movement of practicnl Idealism will depend largely upon the : manner In which the American people answer Ihe THIRD KED CROSS ! ROLL CALL. .'L The Red Cross button la tbe most widely worn button In Ihe world. Thirty million men and women and children In the United States now wear tbla emblem of countless good deeds accomplished. For tbe (bird Tear In America cornea universal op portuulty to wear IL There are many Instances of how this hulloD, bearing upon wbltt background a tiny cross, has been worn and treasured. One morning In a distant northwest county, a ma whose ruddy, optimistic countenance was clothed with ruddy beard, asked the Ked Cross chairman It he had an other button Ilk Ibe one he wore. The chairman gave him his own. i have twelve children," eiplalned the mau. "I gave my button lo the twelfth. new arrival, this morning. When I have anything good Ibe whole family must come In on It " The Red Cross universal mother to the distressed children of men. Service done our fellowmen is the most beautiful thing In the world. JOIN. Your Roll Call Button la your distinguished service cross. All you need is a dollar! You have a heart. RED CROSS GIRLS FEED THOUSANDS OF DOUGHBOYS Since the armistice, twentv-ftvn canteens, operated by Red CroBs Chap ters in Idaho, Oregon, and Washing ton have dispensed 23,379 gallons of coffee, and 224,236 dozen sandwiches, to soldiers, sailors, and marines en route. The hospitality of these can teens was accepted nine hundred thou sand times, often by men who would have gone hungry but for the Red Cross service thus rendered. Figures show that these men. thronnh tho courtesy of the Red Cross, drank 8,- in gallons 01 iced drinks; used 6.6S3 ba's of soap, and 37.713 paper towels; ate 67,4!tl chocolate bars, 10,629 pounds of candy, 14.764 dozen cookies. 74 SI13 doieu doughnuts, 9.4S8 dozen hot rolls; wrote 436.400 post cards furnished and stamped by the Red Cross; and to their own discomfort during a certain period, wore 12.250 influenza makg. All this, to say nothing of 22.HF.6 full meals. During this time 1847 sick men were aided by the canteen, seventy-nine of them being removed from trains as too sick to travel, and receiving Imme diate hospital attention. Canteen work Is nearly over, but the Red Cross still has vitally Important work to do. Every membership in the Third Ked Cross Roll Call will be a ot of confidence in tbe Americas Red Cross. But They Are Always There. There nre chords in the human henrt which nre only struck by accident which will remain mute and senseless to appeals the most passionate and earnest, and resnond nt slightest casual touch. Dlckena. If you want what you want when you want it try a classified ad. rrr V t 1 . i "II a Long Way to Tlpperary," the Red Cross It there. but YOUCANTBEAT 'EM Thejic cooling fountain 'rinks Ice Cream Sodas ' cmonade Soft Drinks Cigars and Tobacco The ysure hit vhe spot these hot days make a fellow feci just like work too. Try one then you'll know. McAtee & Aiken Rough an New Jersey. Oliver Wendell Holmes' Mer. of Mew Ifrey. New York's next door nelgV hor. was that It was "a double-headM suburb, ratber than state." Herald elaselfled d get reeulte day wor. "Here'saFriendlyTip" tays the Good Judge Men who know tobacco chew the best without its costing them any more. They take a little chew and it's amazing how the good taste stays in a rich, high grade chewing tobacco. For lasting tobacco sat'u faction, there's nothing like a small chew of that rich-tatting tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put uD in lu ) styltt RIGHT CUT i a short-cut tobacco VB CUT is a long One-cut K..uccv E W'fJSU.,JJ its a ,f,ii ..aj est- 5i