PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, October 21, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD MAJESTIC BARGAIN WEEK October 27 to November 1 S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entcrp'l Ht the H'-ppni'r. Oritton. "ost'ifficc us sf eon-l-plusn Matfpr TKKMS Ol SI l',S( KllIIO One Year J.OO Six Muitlis tl.O'i Thvc". Months $ .50 l.KT'S MKK IT fXAXI.MOrS I! . II S HOOI. OKI! 11 (i I! i, I I S A r E T V & ,-'-'"N ' s E ii V ! C E X I II Next Satilii;iy. October 2", is the lntf of the special city ilect inn wliwi tlifi voters of Heppner will lie called upon e i ite on the question of is suing $100, Miii !' r-!ty water ho-uls to tie expcniled in taking over the present, water nyMt-m from tiie Ifejip ner Light and Water Co. anil build in;; a pipe line to the headwaters of Willow creek through which an am pin supply of pine mountain writer for all domestic and municipal nei ds will he brought to the city by f.'r.iviiy Let us all turn out on this au. pi eious occasion and put Heppner hi a class by lierselr among the cities of Oregon by making the vote far water bonds unanimous. If (here is any opposition to 1 lie proposition t'he Herald has never heard it expressed by any voter, man or woman in the town. Everybody seems to have had plenty of the ex periences of an annual mid-summer water- shortage of which the past, summer is not yet. so remote that e have forgotten it. In asking the voters to authorize the water bonds at this time the city council and the mayor are not. asking the people to take a step in the dark A linn of competent hydraulic en gineers, rank'iig with tin- best in the entire country, were employed last spring to go Into the matter thor oughly and to make a report on the feasibility and cost of tho project. This has been done and the report submitted to the city council some time ago a .summary of which wan published in tills newspaper, shows that the project is entirely feasible; that there is an ample supply of wa er for all present und future needs of the city, Hint this water can be ap propriaed and used without In any manner damaging any holder of p prior water rlg,'iit and that the cost of the system completed including lie purchase price of the old pumping plant and distributing system, nc uulsilion or water rights and right of ivcy ami construction of the neces sary pi tie lines, lesprvoirs, etc., will come within $1(111.000. This amount of Indebtedness is a me e o..g.iti ile for a city of Heppnei ' poimiali m and v.-nllh hn pb'ce ! in :. no t a .-until u .1 'I'"' ta:.-e of water ami the lie, aid be M. V s I i.t I'j'Te i ; ,i cii.lHi-e I' ,; ; ... city lii (-" '-I a una nleioii : vet f, i,- t-r M M -'ainnlav. It will be - one h.y n port ol llep, net's pi o.-i. ssi se ll. ... t.i -end out to the world 1 1 v t SuihI.i.v morning. Heppner i ' i I i . ' I eu in i.ibb. I ,'e l'i ' ' r. -. .--v. I ven .... II" '" t cula, 'v In tie- matter el' ie b:n'i'i'i'; the ..,.- and there i a "l'i lldlil . i l in r : o w : II ! the ic on! end i.tahli-'h ; iii w in - by nt ini; unanimously lor water bonds. If I'.ieie an- I Tiilll people In Hepp ner ti e water bund!' tor t Inii.liiiii w! mi- ii ii'i.iiil I tit', no per rviit.i or :n int- ri ft charge ol lets than $:t.f,S an unally to eii'li resident. Win wooldn't pay that amount for thr KiliHlarlii II of liavinv (lie streets kept t-pi iiikled In front of his home for one month Plenty of wnter will mean eci thin: to Heppner. It will mean dunl ins Htieets. green lawn, fine Hard en" llir -iy fruit and shade tree and mill y ni'ier I'ltim Hint go with tin loy of livin r It will me in that n. - who b i-.e m id,- their i ik- i,ve rnd who tin w and l.-e their old frb-iid and nelghtiiiH In Minion i-oiiniy will wlon the letlre. imike their hum.-! in lleppiier In tend of kiiiiik to J'oii Inn. I or I'eii.lleti.n where they ate t-triingei ami are lik.-lv to no c.intin lie It will in. -an that Heppner wit1 Knoll heroine a oil ol 3.1'iHi popiila lion in heUer and tiie be.t und li. h l ti.wn of itt mre tint imh In On ion bill On- cum.- n.-i tli.--. l.el'n M.ui II..- I. .11 i. .Ilin,. b lii.tkillk' the lull-!tn..ili ,. l' b I l'i.- Ol Id kle'W III II Sllli.. lliellllllt Hi .1 II, .( I . I I , . ,, ., l , ,. ,, , ' ' -' I I ' '" I" Hull. ' I.. l' ' I ', ! - I . I ', . . , - , , . , i, j (. I oi:ii i hum i,i k it-nit Two hundred high schools of the Mutt are eligible for entranc? ini' the 'Oregon High Sf-hi.ol D.-halit. I-eague. now f-nc:''iir? Its llii, tee:i!i yei;i acconiing to : nn ..uiicen enr. v It. W. I'rescot , pi ol- - -or ol jiti'jl'e speaking in the University who is se nd a I ' oi tile :eagt!'. The trophy I'm- t1,. win:!.-:- ,:; tin' cup put up by tiie Laiii-.'.ui Literary society of tli r,r.-e's:y and I'rr f !: K. DeCou, pt-ol'essor of mathematics here, who is ihs first pie:i!denl tho league. Tits cup Z vi in to the permanent ii.KS.'if,ir:ii of any team winning the ? tuie". Salem higli school has now won two legs and needs but, one more victory to take the trophy. Kng -nt: high school was the winner last year, for the first time, taking a close contest from Bend, the runner-up. Ceoige W. Hug, superintendent of schi o!u at McMinnyille, is president of the league. The ((iiestions in the preliminary rounds include several live topics po litical, social and economic interest. For the finals, al the University, Pro fessor I'rescott announces, ::ome cfiestion connected' with the league of tuitions issue will be chosen. I. O. Kusscll, of Pilot Rock, is di rector of the league for the Umatilla district, maoe up of Gilliam, Moirow, Umatilla and heeler counties. The subject for discussion is "Resolved, That the Federal government should take immediate steps toward the na tionalization of the nation's coal de posits und petroleum resources." High schools eligible for member ship in this district are Athena, Con don, Echo, Fossil, Hermiston, Milton Freewater, Pendleton, Stanfield, and Weston Arlington, Helix, Heppner, lone, Lexington, Umapine and Fern-dale. r !! '-- ) i 1 r ' i i.. CJ ': ... v I hffr'1 17 1 Mrs. Ralph Finley has just re ceived word from her home in Cana da to the effect that her parents and j four sisteis will soon leave for Ore j gon, coming principally lor the bene ; fit of her father';! health, his physic I Ian advised a dryer clkn.-te. October 27 to November 1 . Come to our store that week and see the many super ior features of this beautiful range demonstrated. Special Bargains Offered During the Demonstration. Gilliam & Bisbee Cochran's Orchestra - Having secured- first-class musicians who are located per manently in Heppner I am prepared to supply high-class music suitable for all occasions. Why send your money away when you can secure equal tal ent and satisfaction at home? For full information write or call HOY T. COCHRAN HKPPXK.Ii OHKCiOX MEN AGREE ON THIS hen men who differ in their views on politics, religion and social problems, and agree on the wisdom of saving money, of be ing thrifty and economical, there must be something absolutely right and dependable in their conclusions. From men of all ages, nations and pro fessions, we get the example and direct com mand to SAVE MONEY. We place at your disposal the conveni ence of a personal SAVNGS ACCOUNT with the privilege of starting with an amount as small as ONE DOLLAR, and adding to your account other small accounts as you find it convenient. " First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON RESOURCES OVER $1,700,000.00 MM w 10 a mi t? 4 wM v.7 s win w 4 I. hi IJ. -.14 II l-J l.vJ J 17 i ft. 9 M -1 th ro r j e fl at bk. Mi. m jl. , -wl X jsL 11 J THE HOUSE THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT b 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 GEORGE WALSH IN "Help! Help! Police!" 10c and 20c SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 DOROTHY GISH IN "The Hun Within" 20c and 30c i i EOPLE'S CASH MARKET - Choicest of Beef and Pork always in stock. pressed Poultry on Saturday. Fresh fish on '1 hursdays ami Fridays. Cold meats for lunch cut on a lT. S. Sheer is a money saver. Our coil storage insures you the best of meat always. OVIATT & HAPPOLD, Props. M i 11 ! ' 1 - .! I .'-I ' - ' I II' 1 i' j !! H:.: ell l- ! V, 1,1 J ::3 S 2 AIR 1 l! I .-I . .. . f ..- !,. : ... I I ' m.iii 1 ",. '1 (1 t (- , 1 , .-. . n.-i cr .u..!'..-.! r. 1 ri t ' m I; nil - '. Ii r T- "- ' : ." I MONDAY and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 and 28 FLORENCE REID IN "Wives of Men" 10cond20c im Mm" U 01' tin- '.ij; l:..w 01 t!u- va.uti tailv worth i'.-'u'iK- 1 he pMiv wc avo i'li.iryititf. I -'1. .t n, t- U-i,l is an ariisi--l,v,s. -nu.i. aii.l inp.uln-ii, ;u;.! Yx nuioi ;i that -lie ap ! -i! - hi-!' 1 ! !u-! it! tin 1 mi ill-tin I p'-, ..!.:,-; i, .11, iMh'. i.'h il.ui.-v .-I nnni. ..ihr.-, ;,! p..-!,,- .,u-,. j, ;,pprV( iat -l,! '' ,''' "''l'i ""' l' S-'l'i' will h.ui- .iii:,;,,;- ..iin in tlu- lV. 1 ' i ' ' i -1 w t w x' w - i ! 1 i - i - 1 ! 1 1 . 5 1 ' 1 v -1 1 c mh-Ii 'i'UMure a "ii -i i Mi n" !i-i" S.iiu: 1!. ini-! ,Nu!ni,i m!i ,lt t!u- lulur ! 1 ll'l'v THEAT RE THE HOUSE THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT Fine Creek Ranch We are offering a fine bargain in a 720-acre creek ranch of which fo acres is alfalfa land under the ditch. Good orchard, three good barns, goo l dwelling. No. 1 grass land. PRICE $20,000 ON EASY TERMS Good 6-Room House right in the edge of town whh die acre good garden laml. Eo.-d wd of wau-r. Mnall barn. PRICE $1100.00. ONE-HALF CASH TERMS ON BALANCE Roy V. Whiteis THE REALESTATE MAN tt.H i:.,II. ,, ..r.,i., ..r i'. r,...Mv .!. vnmiB . .1. i.w .isi. m PortLm.' tl r..: ;ui. , in !:, Jav,, for t!,.- I,. t- .1 ...-k ui K ra.l.-in.l.- on U- f-tuinin,- fno-Uy. H I !' i I'-fi.l in l.c h.M.r and ,il '" In nw Ixnt rar te--rn'l- -" 1,1 '"' oiam. I" Harvpy VoUBf. 5; I H n.i, '..i :, think ll.-pn. t , t .