Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 21, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, October 21, 1919
Wanted His Privilege.
Itohert (11(1 not want to liar.. his
Milled linir cut (iff. He made n -rival
fuss. He consented after his mother
told him tliat with -hurt hair !,e would
look iikc n Mir l,oy. At the usual li.-d-tlme
his mothi r toll) him to jro to IihI.
iind he sadly said: "I wish I didn't
have my liair cut. V.'hat Is the use of
looking liUe a hlg hoy if I have to o
to I. i'd the same time us the hahy
Flowers Loved by All.
"lowci . mh-i:, intended for the solace
ordinary l.imiimiiy ; children love
Ificm; (jiiiot. contented, ordinarv peo
ple love i.,n us they Krov; luxurious
ami disorderly people rejoice in thera
'-a'hered ; tli.-y are the cottager's treas
and in the crowded town mark,
s with a litrl,. hroken fragment of
ra;al,u-.v. the windows of the workers
l'i v.lio-o hearts rests the covenant of
p'-aee. Ru,i;m.
Ail Doubtful Features of Pact Are
--."J- i..
I - . 1 J.if .J , !
I i
ll t
I mm i
Made by men who know,
for people who want the
Only the choicest wheat
carefully graded, a n d
thoroughly washed is used
in making our flour.
Your baking will prove to
you the big advantage of
using-White Star Brand
flour for both bread and
g pastry.
i Heppner Partners
Elevator Co.
Wl Urn
7 ?. ' ri v. rl
1 .? u,. tuj. iJ iJ
F5 i
Explained Away By President, and
Former Doubters Hasten to Give
Him Their Support.
"Ry Independent News Bureau, form
erly Mt. Clemens News Bureau.)
Aboard President Wilson's Special
Train A continuous ovation along the
Pacific coast and then on his eastward
way back toward the capital was given
to President Wilson as -he came
toward the end of his month daylong
speaking tour in behalf of the League
of Nations. California, particularly
the delightful city of Los Angeles, went
wild in its enthusiasm for him and his
advocacy of the League, and it was
in that state, perhaps, that he did his
most successful missionary work.
Hiram Johnson, California's former
governor, now her United Ptates sena
tor, and considered by her as the most
likely Republican candidate for the
presidency in 1920, had before the ar
rival of President Wilson, convinced
a great number of citizens that the
League as at present formulated" wat
not a good thing. He had told them
that the United States, because of it,
would be drawn into every petty
European quarrel; he argued that wu
would lose our sovereignty by joining
with the European nations. He had
blamed the president fo:- assenting to
the possession by Japan of the Penin
sula of Shan Tung in China.
The Mount Clemens News
Bureau, which has been furnishing
reports on President Wilson's tour
in behalf of the League of Nations
to 5,500 papers, has adopted a new
name and will hereafter be known
as The Independent News Bureau.
'- V
Cigarettes made to
meet your taste!-
Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely
out cf the ordinary a flavor and smoothn
never before attained. To best realize their qual
ity compare Camels with any cigarette ir.
the vcrld at any price!
Camels flavor js so refreshing, so enticing, it will
win you at once itis so new and unusual. That's
what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish arid
choice Domestic tobacco gives you! Youll prefei
this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight !
As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of
any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll be delighted
to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally
without tiring your taste!
Take Camels at any angle they surely supply
cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever
experienced. They're a cigarette revelation!
x ou co not miss coupons, premiums or rnfts.
T" i r r r- . ....
;-v;.5v5S?Kvt 1 ou 11 freier camels quality!
"'J I ;' o'-iC i- (an Hit or n MClr-fra '200 i u tn-tf I n "
,'. J '' tarro:i br(.e ncme or office wpplyoi whrnyou travel.
R. .1. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Wintton-Salcm, N. C.
L.. . '
9 1
;l'i'T (,
wt.. w Jj I ,i,.y is S
Hut Mr. Wilson, with clear k.gic and
with compi-liing eluquence, answered
to th entire ca!l.:f action r.t Caliior
rh''s pco;'!c cv.t.- cliji rtion whlrh
PiTiiitor Johnson- had made to the
I.eai'ue. And thousands of tl:e state's
cituH'iis desfvlcd ti;o John: on Hall i
ard imii'.ijiliately and rallied to the i-n;)-
l:nrt of tbf. iri.'iil..n -M.,f tl.,.. ii,.,t
i t i i y can." forward ai:d ..ud. "V.'i;
T'.'cr a.: iii.-t you, .ur. v.i i .'! lont, list
yen !i;ivo reared everyiliip." titi ami
now v-o ai.' wil'i yn:i h' art :.'.i. : cul."
1 Si'iil laoi-.i than that, tlwy I ! H nati.r
T .r..,!,.. i -u-i ii, , .,.. . ,
li.ii',-''i' wlih him ami that Un-V li:-.i'-
A I roved of tin- si" :,k:ii:; tuiir wl:lrh 1m
"i I 1 lilt !f v.a i .-.'ch'.p;
' j ! '' t. :il u. : i ( i
A! V.i:.- if rnVi !:
oi-po.-itloii l'i
rfnl was tV
. a w
l! : !
l-'-.ii a---t
Chinese Girls Learn It to Talk to Ont
Chinese women students In the Tunc
Fu College, I'ekini:, China, nre obliged
to lea:n Kmrllsh In order to tiflli with
one aneilii'i- liecnuse of the ilirterenl
ilialeels u:.i 1 by tiie stmleiit body.
tin-is ('null the extreme weslnrn
!'ii Hires iif Clpmi. who .- t ( I ! . f 'he
-I'lieel. I1IU---I remain !n l'el;ipi' (Miriuj
nil of the eiijil nriun'ed fur
itieir lli'll Hehiinl and rnleve l"i!tl
itr-'. la-iailsi -einr;, each .iitFiiner
would require si n.'i U ,or u. i rj , ,
mi way and wulil eost inmv tlian a
tl'ili In Alllel lea ;,';. i'e: .1 ni.
U.i-U fin. 11 en l, ..f !!,,. ... ,. .,
;a-n i.-.- -;.,:;!; a il.:' , ;!
Mi.l ' : 'I ' -si 1 ,n.
Private Ready to Absorb Any Infor
mation Brigadier General Was
Able to Impart.
In nil the imnles In tin- war disc!-ilini-
was lax In the air servlee. Army
laeii are at a Ins,-; to mvcnint fur It,
-tint without exiei.tlun laxity was evl
ii nt in all the air eaaips.
Tin1 Sim 1-1 n.-i-i-o ('In. allele tells
llie fiillnwliii; exiiei iela-e told liv I'ritf.
lien. fSeiijaiulii Alvuril when :!.e latter
Was ll'l.iilllllll Lilleuil lit tl.e A. ',. I'.
The .,-, !,, 1 .,.,. H.m ,v f,.,.,.r!,
I'er.vliti." ii,:t'(.' an ia:"'-:e'!i a: ..:;'
Handy Oil to Have.
Automobile oil Is Inexpensive, an )
useful for many household pm-pon :
one drop wis) relievo a siiuenklnn :.,..,'
hinge or , ia nvy running sewing ma
chine; wipe It off with Hbsorheut cotton.
If you want what you want, when f
you want it try a classified ad. k
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