Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 14, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Tuesday, October 14, 191 9
... !i-, ir
the national
joy smoke
makes a whale
of a cigarette!
Copyright 1919 by
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
!- lj
pound crystal glass humidor
with sponge moiatener top
that keeps Prince Albert in
- Buch perfect condition I
Awaiting yovr aayao, you'll
7'0 U certainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on the table, Vhandaomo 'found and
W ti r .. . , . 1 1 , r n: A 11 A j 11 - half pound tin humidors
J. call lor a liuy reu xin or a loppy ieu uag uj rimtcmucn huu iuu u e;aaay, practical
makin's cigarette 1 You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count
of your smokestunts ! Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies
awaiting your call in a, home rolled cigarette when it's P. A. for the
packing t
Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half your
smokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A., can do for your
contentment 1 And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of
Prince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process that
cuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. your smokesong in a makin's ciga
rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard i Prince Albert
is a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pal!
Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a
jimmy pipe can be ! It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke
pipes where one was smoked before, It has won men all over the nation
to the joys of smoking!
fe-OP-L .CT!IQ3rV' JEssa. 1 ' " eMrnNriiir Unions
A view of the parade of the First division In New York, hihI of General Pershing lending It.
Found At Last
A preparation that effectively breaks
Is is being demonstrated every day
in the houses of some of our custom
ers, and proving entirely satisfactory
ply a SO P-AID
Results guaranteed 35c a Package
Famous Arena In Mexico City Will Ne
Longer Be Scene of Brutal
The Tentro el Toro In Mexico City,
once one of the most pretentious of
hull fight arenas, is now the home of
grand opera as a result of Iresldent
Ciiminzn's decree that bull fights
should cease.. Interspersing grund
opera, dancers and concert artists
have appeared In the arena, and it is
stated that these various forms of
amusement will he offered until some
definite action Is taken us to the fu
ture of hull fighting.
It was ,ln this arena that what I
said to lie one of the most remarkable
spectacles In the hlNtor.v of the sport
was staged. A hull, Kl Honito, known
as one of Ihe fiercest lighters, on helng
hrott'.'ht Into the 11 mm charged una
killed three horses and Injured n
many men without being touched hy
the estoque of any matador.
As the hull stood bellowing defi.
at;ce and with no one apparently will
Itig to attack him, Miguel Hallo, a
picador who was a spectutor in one
of the boxes, leaped unarmed Into the
Iticlosure. In his outstretched hand he
carried two lumps of sugar, which lie
nonchalantly offered to the bull. The
nnlmat suddenly ceased It bellowing
and in a few moments docilely licked
the sugar from liallo'i hand. The
latter returned unbanned to his bos
amid the plaudits of the spectators.
Savannah Newspaper Asserts That
Elias Howe Was Not Inventor
of the Sewing Machine.
The centenary of the birth of Ellas
Howe, the modest Yankee who Invent
ed the sewing machine, took place on
June 9. There was no extended of-
servance of the day, observes Hart
ford Counint, yet It was Howe who
took a good deal of the drudgery out
of the lives of millions of American
women. He also Increased the power
of his fellow men to produce garment
and other material that formerly
needed the patient handwork of Individuals.'
But It Is Interesting to observe, In
connection with the anniversary, that
the Savannah News undertakes the
rather hopeless task of trying to con
vince Its readers that It was not Howe,
but a (ieorglan, Francis n. Oouldlng,
who constructed and operated the first
sewing machine. This paper snys
that this man, a Presbyterian preach
er living in Liberty county, married a
Savannah girl and then began work on
a sewing machine In order that he
might save his fair wife much hard
work. Alleging this was long before
Howe patented his machine, and also
that doubling never patented his, they
try to show his motives were purely
altruistic and not commercial.
It all sounds good, but it will take
considerable "space" In the Georgia
newspapers to convince the world that
Uouldllig takes the prize.
FiTcinc it became more oVless rusted'.
"Its appearance, therefore, was far
less attractive than that of the Euro
pean locomotives, which were painted
in accordance with Chinese preference,
and had been touched up by the manu
facturers' agents after arriving In
China. Don't get your colors mixed
if you want to sell goods to the Chi
No Flattery Intended. 1
"Is that a portrait of your grand- I
mother when she was young?" asked
the uwkward visitor. "How It resem
bles you, Miss Vgleton!"
"Now yon only say that to flatter
me. Grandma was (jutte a beauty,
and everybody knows that I ahem
I niake no pretensions of that kind."
"I assure you, Miss Ugleton," ex
elalmed the A. V., "flattery la far
from my thoughts. The family re
semblance Is striking. I've often
known cases like that. There were
two sisters I knew when I was a hoy.
They were wonderfully alike, like
that portrait's like you, and yet one
of them was us beautiful as a poet's
dream, and the other was dreadful
that Is, I mean, she wasn't at all or,
ruther, she was lacking In that that
attractive quality, you know, that con
stitutes whet a lovely frame this por
trait bus, eh?" Kdliihtirgh Scotsman.
Phelps Grocery Co.
Anglo-Irish Tunntl.
Not only Is It thought that the long
talked of tunnel hetween Enirlunri and
U j Krance will be constructed, at no re
f : mote date, but there Is also talk of a
fl; tunnel between Knglaud and Ireland.
M j This would restore to a slight extent
f : the geogrnphlcal union that existed he
it tween the two countries In one genlogl
U cal age thousands and thousands of
years ago. (Jreat ftrltuln and Ireland
,t,were then separated only by a great
t valley.
f It is proposed to carry the tunnel
ri from soiiik point on the coast f Lna
U rashlre to the nearest point In Antrim
A r down on the Irish coast, a siibma
1 rtne length of 24 miles. One of tfcs
U great benefits of the tima4 wouU k
I that It would shorten the trsaaatlaatle
fl Journey hy at least 48 hours. It won Id
also help the Irish cattle trad and ths
shipping of pertshsble goods, especial
ly fish, to English markets. Estimates
f tht roat of the proposed tunnel vary
from 35.i(),fsi0 to $),mo.OCif.
Under New Management
The Heppner Bakery
Uard at Longwood.
fVi Itlntik, our old hard hitter,
U doesn't piny any m r. Is bti rcoo
I i riled to married llfr
M. W. HAMMKIlt riior.
Home Made Bread a" Specialty
. . a . . t.ir.fi.. irl -Ink In evorv Star
I can guarantee, my pruu.w.
tlrular and Invite every family In Heppner lo gl them a
My Cookies. Plea and Cakes will please you.
j ft 1 "1 ..' so. The cither morning I
u I w blm slning aabea through bla
I ' eld tennis racket"
Money nisy not talk, hut It cheers
man up wonderfully.
Recent Travelera In South America
. Explain Probable Origin of Story
Once Implicitly BeMeved.
An Interesting article by Prof. E. W.
Oudger. In a recent Issue of Natural
History, deals with the time-honored
storv on which most of us were
brought up that South American mon
keys are In the habit of crossing alllga
tor-Infested streams hy linking their
talis and legs to form a living bridge.
Picture of this ft once figured ex
tmishely In the -hool geographies,
and Professor tiudgcr reproduced such
a picture from a Kotirth render pub
Jshed late as 1V.i7. The story was
flrt told, so far aa known, by the Jes
uit priest Padre Jose Acosta In a
work published In ir.stl. Several Inter
writers have repeated the tale. The
first person to dispute Its veracity whs
Itaron Humboldt. Ilecently explor
ers nf South Amerws, when they men
tion the stary at all. express skeptl
rtsm. finally. Messrs. Uo K. Miller
snd Oeorge K. Oierrle of the Ameri
can Museum of Natural History, who
have done so much trsvellng and col
leclltig In South America, have sng
grated to Professor Oudger a plausi
ble origin for siirh tsles. They think
thst ths story of the "monkey bridge'
has come shout through oberatlon
of proceeslon of monkeys crossing
a ravine or stream on a pendent Hans
-Scientific Aioerlcsn.
All things come to the other fellow
If yu slt long enough.
1 people who are too old lo learn have
outlived their asrfolness,
A broken prom I cannot be toeode)
so that It will '.. like new,
India Again Importing.
All restrictions on the Importation
lit 11 India of any American mainifae.
ures or products, with the exception
of gold and sliver coin or bullion and
cocaine, have been removed. Impor
tation nf c-ocaHie mid allied drugs Is
forbidden at all tlmea except under
a license granted by the chief cus
tom officer at the place of Import.
The Importation of gold and silver
coin and bullion Is restricted In that
the government of India reierves Ihe
right to purchase nil Importations of
City Editor Waa First Victim of Hla
Own Stern Warning Against
ths "Boors."
Speak tog of booze : A few yeara ago,
when Colorado was as wet aa the great
Sahara is not, the city editor of a
Denver dally was having no Inconsid
erable trouble In getting out a newB
paper 1 lie rhiy following each pay
night, finally, In desperation, he Is
sued the following mimeographed let
ter for' distribution to members of
I the staff:
"Any member of this stuff , who Is
found under the Influence of liquor, or
with any Indication of having been
drinking during working hours, will
be: Fined for the first misdemeanor;
suspended for the second; fired un
conditionally for the third."
These mimeographed letter were
placed on the copy boy's desk with In
structions to distribute them a soon
as the staff appeared for work the
next afternoon.
On the following aftcriroon there
was heard a snort from the office of
the society editor, and a usually meek
Utile red haired beauty came dashing
out of her room, waving a piece of
paper In her hand. "Where' the city
editor?" she demanded. "I'll seo why
I have to be limulted like this."
The assistant city editor tried to
aim her. Hut nothing would do but
that she see the city editor himself.
Well," said the A. C. K "It can't
ie done. IIiwiih stewed and we bud
o send I1I111 home,"
Needles to say, there was a new
city editor the next afternoon, and the
staff gloatingly drunk It way to the
daya of prohibition. Iirry A. Jacobs,
the Dallas Dispatch, In "Pep."
Why Americsn Lest Contract
"hpeekic.g of Chltiew railroads re-
n.lnds me of the failure of an Amer
ican ttiamifs'iorcr to ot.tnlri a con
nect for Incolimlies besie Ills K.I
rown competitor isd a more care
ful study of ltilnei.e .cullarttle,"
a rite I. run W. Mwkln In the Scien
tific Amertrsn. "One (nrortioflve was
ordered from e'h of the cooipetlrig
eoinpsnlrs. In ory ri1 s one
the Amerlrso pri1ui uiimlstak
st.ly superior. However. II hsd been
t.i'nted black before ehlpment from
lUe qorki. anl',n th,na a cr"a th j
Neglecting Opportunities.
"Tin y say the pencil crop is nno-
nal' fine this year."
Then what are so tunny fellows do
ing marrying over there In France"
He Had One Better.
One of our liunext old farmers csme
home and found n sewing machine man
In the hoiie di-inoiistratliig to the
women what fine work It would do.
The agent asked the farmer to bring
In a shingle, and said: "I will alio
J-ou thai the Wonder Worker machine
III do hesvy work, for I will slltrn
right across the tip of ths shlngl
here It Is at least one slxteetith nf
ao Inch thick."
"Not Interested," ssld the farmer
Over 'crost here "bout three miles
ortheast a young man butlt a house
last summer, and I II be dumed If hi
If didn't take her Mecbsnlcal Mar
ve sewln' machine snd stitch on ev'ry
blame course of rlsphoards, from
gable to aaves, clean down to the
A the agent slammed hi machine
Into hi light truck and rhugged wt
the flintier turned to his wife and
said: "Well. ItHfl, t -ed that agi-n
no all r?k-h!, didn't IT Vn lt's hsva
tui-jier"- Iti.i g ir
Ind an VMsst U'esnhed.
A l.urd Indian vlllsg-- s;e, b
lifted I" Inve l-ertl ncrtlpted Jr
so. dicntrii by M A t'rsmer
Auburn ctv fi retr In tliglng sfte
a Mi''hii'-k in th tiin f t's'o,
C)'iif coillily. N Vork The
rntitnlned seMon sod nisny bone I to
ptemenrs believed .f Irotiots origin.
fya'k Ttenlng Journal,
The man who makes good Is
the man who keeps on making
A grouch Is merely a man
who has made up Ida mind that
everybody la deliberately trying
to give blm the worst of It.
Kverybody knowa what be
would do If be bad the other
fellow's money yet mighty few
know how to handle their own
coin aa ell.
Every once In while w run
serosa a man who makes u sus
peet thst h rarrlea owdcr
puff just Inside th top button
of hla vest.
Tbrs Is no road to success bat
through a clear at rung purpose. Noth
ing ran tske Its place. A pnrptm uo
sVrlles rhsrscter, culture, -olon, Si
Uiiimerit of etery sort. T. T. M linger .
Talk may be iln-np. but the phof.e
enmienle vin bound to have It
Many a girl ho use cold ereair
for br completion believe that l
rveara also Is a gut aid.
Now I the time to throw cold water
ft the enthusiasm of th pron who
tnqn'ree If It I hot ermagti for ysv
ruislelpbla Italletin.