THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of IONE . NEIGHBORHOO Tuesday, October 14, 1919 fa t IONE ITEMS - t for The Housewife's Friend Best housewives will accept no other it's always fresh when it reaches your table. Give your grocer an order for Franz Butter Nut Bread it will please FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BRISTOW h. JOHNSON . IONE, OREGON n ft- BE NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers riuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work. The day will come when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this thine. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE I IONE GARAGE Mrs. Alice Keller left Friday Portland where she will spend some time visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. H. Bigelow left Wednesday for Portland after visiting the past month with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde R. Walker. We understand J. F. Knappenberg has sold his Willow creek rantfh a mile west of lone to A. C. Allison who has a ranch near Heppner. Mrs. Ray Blake of Grass Valley, arrived Sunday evening and will vis it at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilt. Mrs. C. B. Sperry and son, Wayne, went to Portland Thursday to meet her son, Harley, who was recently discharged from the navy. , Mrs. Ike Howard left a few days aeo for Portland where she will spend a two weeks vacation with her mother. Mrs. Andrews, and other relatives. Frank Akers and family have moved to lone having previously sold his alfalfa ranch a mile east of lone to J. W Craig, who formerly had a ranch in the Black Horse district near Lexington. Mrs. Kenneth Black left Monday morning for Bend, Oregon, . where she will visit, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Coo'k, alter visiting her parents Mrs. 'Tllake will go to xSea Side to visit with friends. Born In this city Tuesday, October 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ball, a sen. The mother is doing well but the little babe was called to the Great Beyond soon after its birtf.i. The parents have 'our deepest sym pathy. Mrs. Frank Nash motored over Friday evening from Pendleton and spent Saturday in lone calling on Friends and attending to some busi matters. Mrs. Nash is teaching in the Pendleton schools and has charge of t'.ie 6th grade work. Miss Ktta Akers who lias been .nailing her home with her sister, Mrs. Erma Watson, of Portland, for some time arrived a few days ago and will .teach school in the Biddle ! district on U'nea creek. Miss Akers is a graduate of the local high school c'ass of l!il 8. Rev. John Samples and family ar rived a few days ago from Gateway, Oregon, and will mar.e their hom In lone for the present. Tiiey have moved Into the Congregational par sonage on Second street. Rev. Sam ples supplied the pulpit at the Bap list church both Sunday morning and evening. He is a missionary for the Middle Baptist association. Miss Ada Ages and Earnest Chris- topherson were united In marriage Wednesday October 8th at the bride's home by Rev, Worstell of Lexington Miss A gee Is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A gee and Mr. Chrlstopherson la a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chrlstopherson. Earnest was one of the Morrow county boys who served In the army. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstopherson left that even Ins for their future home on the Jane uortzer rancn. ineir many friends join in wishing them a long and happy wedded lit. ! y auer 1-.11111. j The sophomore class met Monday : and elected the following officers: ; President Vera Engleman; vice presi- ' dent, Ted Blake; secretary-treasurer, : Keithley Blake; reporter, Arlene Bal- i siger; sargeant at arms, Keltsie De- j vin. The high school student body or ganization consists' of the following: President, Clara Linn; vice president. Walter Linn; secretary-treasurer, Ted Blake; member executive committee, Thos. Davidson: custodian student body property, Keithley Blake. Credit must be given to the re freshment committee, Clara Linn, Zella Millard, Edua Moore and Ar line Balsiger. A three course lunch eon was planned and prepared by the high school girls and served hv the following grade students, Anna Puy ear, Gladys Lundell. Hellen Balsi and Norma Swanson. The freshmen and new members of the faculty of the lone high school were duly initiated into the student body last Friday evening by the upperclassmen. The initiation, though very strenuous and trying to tne mewcomers, was very well plan ned by the student body president. Miss Clara Linn, and her committee. The first part of the evening was spent with the initiation stunts. The dignified faculty received thier s!hare of red-pepper sandwiches and fly paper, while a few extra problems were given the freshmen. Games and dancing concluded the evening's fun! This part of the program was carried ut by Vera Engleman, Vesper Schri- , Sam WarHeld and sTed Blake. w inter Is Almost here. Better select your Heater early while our big stock is complete. C. I,. O'NT.I I.L, Proprietor. lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies ' Filtered Gasoline Station . Paul G. Balsiger Farm Imphtm-nK Vehicles. Windmills, l' and CiaMpline I ".n nines. AY e Sell Winona Wai-:,- Tank lUiilding Agency for Mitchell Car-. Main Street lone. Oregon CECIL ITEMS i i lone lloy IUturel fnrni Overseas Harley I). Hperry returned home Saturday from Hremerton, Wash., where he was recently discharged from the navy. Harley Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. tl. Hperry of lone. He has been gone 2 years and C months. He had 21 months sea service, dur ing (his time he niudo two trips to Kranc and Gibtaltar and served as second ships rook on both the At lantic and I'arllic fleets. The latter being the one on which .Secretin) ImnWl made the tilp to Vancouver. II. f, In S-e I lie ptlnre of Waled. IOXK M IKMtl. MiTl.t Cochran's Orchestra Having ' ! !'t!-rh muirlan Hh'i nr b.rslid r r msnently In I i-ji;. i I am pupi-d to u.ily higti- l.i- mu-lr ul'uMe ,'ur Ml .''. ! J. .I n l:.irnii i muni ,i h v i i k u.i a f i ; "iainpli s entered lutli , w.ik UK a f s Ii him n . hi h liMul him n. I."'i t.( IhioI thi Si'veral n-w ni.e ihtiiiul Hii nail" I e- ent Why si'nd "u iw'.'-y si.; nd mt ."f act inn ut home? Iiiri ou rjn rfUf eijiial !! for lull Infur hi To ilt in rail lin T. I IN II II N III I I'M It OKI (.UN nnity. Tl." Jiinlms it. "t t !. i v.k unrt li.tiii.-il Hip lollnminK oiKBiiiiitmn; I'leiidt rit, Kilns Mfiiii-; r pi . Ii at. TtmiiiiiN liHtidnon; errirj--liMiaii. Vi-pir ."ibivfr; ripvitei. -Mrs. Jack Fenwick and daughter -Miss Itein livlle, spent the week end with Mrs. It. Winters of Shadv dell. Mr. and Mrs. K. Simpson of Pen Jtoa lii.'. U' a short stay in Cecil on Sunday. Mr. ai il Mrs. ISo'o Thompson iic oi.ipanled !iy Mr. and Mrs. V. Gen try of Hip'iner, were looking up th-'lr r.ld friends in Cecil on Sumlav. Mr. Charlie Thompson and family or H"pp:icr, accompanied hv Misses nia :k and Hristow, of Heppner, spent Sunday a! let-noon with Mrs. Jav'k Hynd of liutlerbv Flat. Miss Violet Hynd spent Sunday with Miss Georgie Summers of the Last Cain p. Mrs. M. Van Schoick and children returned to Lexington Monday after 'Minlin,; the week end with Mrs-. ilennett of the Last Camp. A large bunch of cattle belonging to Stanlield Bros, arrived in Cecil Saturday to be wintered on the Hen- ricson ranch. J. M. Melton of the Lookout, spent Saturday with J. W. Osborn of Cecil. 'iv Slender accompanied by Miss J. Ciabtree of Dotherboys Hill, were seeing Cecil Sunday. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats ac companied by his nephew, Russell Shaw spent last week at his mountain ranches looking over hU stork. Jack reports sheep all In fine condition. He has been making ar rangements for his sheep coining to their winter quarters. Miss Klliabeth Balhm of Cecil spent the week end with friends in Heppner. Mrs. H. V. Taylor also Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea, spent Friday call ing on their friends In Cecil. Fred Pettljolin who has been in the Kills IMnor ranch In Cecil left during the week fur lone. where he will amdst Kills Minor on his new ranches. Mr. and Mis. V. (i. I'sliuati-er and daughter Miss ('lento, of Windv Noik. spent Honday with J. M. M-l-lon of t,,e lxinkoiit. Miss VlvUn t.ugun r turned fiom ll ppii-r on Siiii'Ih and rommeii' d l'- ctili,',- the Koui iniU- si'IumiI on M..iiln Joe M iiciii ut l'alrii' , t-pi-n' Sun lav with Mi. iind Mis. J.liii N..!i of i:ltik'. Mr. n tid Mis A. V. Nh'Ii and daui-hli-i, It'llh. I" ft for I'milum! and 'ilhei dining Ihe ik. ln i t.iiy will lnlt tor s'lihilime Ja'k l'nnn tin- niii .m I lit r. Hindi- a trip In nn- on I'l Idny, hut in v Fuel is too expensive to waste in a- "Fuel-Eating" range or heater. See our Duplex Heater and Banquet Range before buy ing. They will help you solve your fuel problems. CaseFurnitureCo. HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS galow, autoed to lone on Thursday to consult the doctor about one of their children who is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Ilenriksen re turned to their home on Willow creek Thursday. John Mclntire was a business man in Cecil Thursday. (leo. and Henry Kielis of the Last Camp, left lor Heppner on Thursday u'here they loaded a car of poles for their Cecil ranch. We hear that Jack Hynd of liutler by Kbits is seriously thinking of do nating a piece of land to the county to be used as an aviation station for Morrow countf. Mrs. Sarah Nutler of Portland, ar rived In Cecil Thursday where she will keep house for J. M. Melton at the Lookout. PENNY A WORD Advertisements undor this heading one cents a word for each Insertion. No ad for less than 15 cenla. Ads are Invariably cash in advance unless given by persons witlh duly establish ed credit. I'llO.VK HI!! J. O. linger to have your wood sawed before It rains. -24 MIST Kullblood Alrdale bitch. $10 reward for her return to Km melt Cochran, Heppner, Oregon. 22-24 Itl'KAKMAN' IMM)STS JOHX DAY PIUMKtT lU'CKS FOH HAM'; 1G0 head of coarse buck), best quality. Brown Ik Menamin, Heppner, Oregon. 2J-tf TAMAKAC rHTS KOK HAl'K t Herrena Mill, at 9 cents each. I. D. Basey. 22-25 (Oregonlan) "With the organisation of a dls trlet fhe other day. the big John Day project IS getting under way," re ports- 0.. A. Illeakman of Hardman, who when at home Is a commissioner of Morrow county. "This project will cost. It is estimated, $20.0(10,000 and will Include 262,000 acres. The fed eral government oi:iilned the plan long aao and (hen It was at a stand still until recently. The district In the south side of Morrow county on the eiist and west bunks of Willow creek Is now organized with lis dl j reetnis. The wut-r lor the project stall at liayvllle, with a dam nesr there the Mouth InrTc. The ditrh Ins piiijei'toil will go from Ctrfttt con tl to Mf rnra (lilliiiin and Wlii-i b i " I TIIUCK FOB BAMS Throe ton Packard truck In A No. 1 condition $1800. For particular call on or address the Heppner Her- '. ItHODK S,AM ttM'KS AMI 'IM'KF.KF.I.H. I pit k my best lay- to breed from and buy all new blood from noted laying strains. Ine color, rfhiipe and slxe. $3.00 to lf.00 each If taken at one. Will not winter Ih-m. L. W. IlltlCCS, ppner, Oii't-nti. 24-tf IKMiil l.l.T MI MnltlAI. I KIN f I .ill'-l- . Mi Mi II :i 1 1 1 ill linn l.i ill it il tl ' 'I nilll I 'illinii.lll hv He ltiini.1 I'll Mi'iiiiii in! ii UiMnii iitxl Mill Ii il I lull of It''- ' ill'tpuii'll Inr mikinir on iiii.i lnl hind In Itii finitily. Tin- i iiiiiIi.iU-11 will br- hi Id III I I, I K I'MllllV ! Iviiiii tin Oil! I ( Jo iind Ji. 1 tu- siiHHitit aski-'l (or frnin Morrow iniiiily Ik DR. CLYDE R. WALKER I IM-ll UN AM "I lt.M Cl..,nr riinl" ..e. Orrg.rtl F. H. ROBINSON ATTolHtV AT LAW Mala nreH Orefnei M Hull . I I h AsKYourDcAlcr Tt- fcindon ll'-t-l "n, j. nr. n" buiiilln( a n I '.i.'i in Hist ntr plllt.t fi'), late i ..(irliiii. tlt (',. "iginal plafts ate tn n all f. a ton ;h rnr.'l'.n ptnt an I In l p'ftnr and thn Ulk "f adding 1 rwms to the pr. nt (iUe TFT - 4 -! M I Grand Prize Ho&Gl Ai lircarms 6 Ammunilion Vfte f..f CM'n'W nl i d his otk on lliiti rl.y I iirsoooo. Italph Wltili'is of 'iiiiiinil-. ! ft 1 Tliiifdny for a nlioM In Vaklma I MMIM.H H I l.s III IT I! IM II W nhoi n and flat cm Wlni-r I - 1 of Miady D-ll. i-i Ihiii,i m n II, j W. I; ( itiiiiniira, pin",i n.ii l,i ririgtnn I'rlOay. Mr. and Mi .rt Jnt,nuin ril 'anilljr lit nn Hit-nl TliUtudir Willi M'. sri-l Mrs . I!f,. a K 1 Inr Mr in.! Mrs rainnnnrih ( (suit) Milton !vttig Mi lib M '; " Mi .Ml Mrs Itlnr,fid HI n.. i,H'l ' I. par.l'-d li hit b- uirind In r.r.l TuiU Thurd)r fur fun Kr sti i" o T H lie .M 1 1 1'l.i il-n llan- of th- 1'i.pUf Ar o( lli Ihm I f!lh"'l tint 1 1. li,' l"n. .it III II' I'I'Ih r y i ii r ir iil' inii'iii on lml n-s l ' C'liiiii.iriK I'fiii f' ' nl Id 3'.n it i'! f i :i l,'ii! I.i ml in J..liri lli i.i.r Mipi riir i.'1 i ! ,i !,t man n- TI.e (.ii"- . Ill '.' I srrn ' titt mr K itl x tid fumilx ! In f nin It i i i I 1 1 M ii ll- I.iiim- Hut 'l i d. Mr K'UM- r l d i-'nr r.f II. M Ii'iw i mi ir (mi ami Is utiotig fur hit-ger and better fsir rutt yr. Id. Heppner, Oregon. IXtf (.nod location for home nii'Hil or .:"n ri llii'iulHlinii-nt. I'.n- liilie nl lli iald Orrlo-. 24 27 ' CHURCH NOTiCES ! t $ I'l-il'TMled C'li'irrli .Sunday H Imnl at !':4."i ;i. in. Wa lM- llll ll'HIlll'l of It iim'l.iy liin'ii Kiid -ut Iiiliiii.illonal linol Asiii'lalioii. Moitilng III'.' 11 'HI I ) 1 I: t l.ini 7 (hi p. in livening ser- "i H . OH. I. A. SD l:.S, I'asl.ii. I lirll Inn Mi Ii-iii ( hi I linn !-'i li ti' ' ni'ii li es sin Imld iv Sun. lay iimrtiliiK at 11:01 ri.k in ll.o InilKi- inoiii in inn I. tl. (I I' building. 'I l.iiinny mi l tlni's am held evry A'"d i ew-nirii; at .ln oMiir k t Hie liniiii' of Mis , l:m:.n Hlix um. Ml int. i.ted ar" Innt'd to attend I hi mrt Ir es. IlluhWi"! on Humlnv. ()' tnlir-r 4, Mauie.1. on Humlnv. () Inlir-r 4, st I ' I. Il-ne nl II . I,i.i f. .J, ef t Cull- dull. IUiiii. Mirb Mud Mi M-ile i uiling. The,e in rnliiiin.ty. H.e lillde being the .;.ei dmitltef of H K Wt ami t, r'nnlii A f , I 'tii f of din Tight Mllo erll-ill. wl.eii. tlie ill liidko Ibelr I 'nil t'nlid'iu (Jl'ibe Tillies tt"i't, Jtldire I'jiki-i of J..-H4,; ri,i,.e III- I.'cl ly 11.11.