PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 14, 19 19 THE HEPPNER HERALD New Price List At Star Theatre S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper I Ii EnterPfl at the Heppnfr, Oreqon, Postoffirp as seronrt-class TKKMS OF S1I!S( IUITIOX One Year ...$2.00 Six Months Three Months $ s A f E T v & .1.00 s E H V I C E .50 Commencing Wednesday, Oct. 15, prices will be as follows: -lJa'iJ3',S'.- . it HOOI, ()!' KO( lOUH.Y OI'KXS AT LWIVKKSITY I'Ol'K YKAK COl'XTY T!:i!.MS (Oifgon Voter) Some county officers are elected for 6-year terms, some tfor four years and ottrrf for only two years. For county jude the term is six years; for county commissioners, uudiloid, assessors, and school superintendents the term is lor four years while for county clerks, st'.i'eriffs, treasurers recorders, surveyors and coroners the term is only two years. The State Constitution fixes the terms of some of these officers. That for county judge is fixed at four years, but the legislature changed It to six years, evidently going beyond its powers, although the length of term has not been questioned as yet as the first of the six-year county judges will have entered upon his fil'Cii year January 2, 1923. Thp nix-year provision probably will be tested in time for the 1922 primaries and elections. The constitution also fixes t!,o tTiti of county commiroioiiors at four years, but does not cover the other oi m li t y offices which have been flic-! sited by the legislature .will', four year 'terms. Km' County Clerk ;iMi Sheriff the constitution lixis a two year limit. The lef:is'ii.t.ure created the offices of treasurer, recorder, Mirveyor an 1 coroner and fixed the term at I wn yciiis. I'lie count it ul iort specifies that the legi;di:l ui e si. MI not create any office I lie tenure of whi 'h sl::;ll lie mole than lour y :', Cnlisideiable agitation las !-.': '.' ir.' mi from thee to l-nie for four onr terms lor those county officers wl nsi terms are now fixed either by ceil ft it nt inn or law, for two years only. Tlil:i imitation Is based mainly on tile Dicory thai I he public servi"e Kii'Ters when ;n ollo'er'n limine is litibl) to in ten upl ion t very two years. The I n tiirt the i, call power has been voted into fie const tint ion maVs it po s'liie lor electors lo remove any ul I i( ec duriir.' his (enn ami tliei'el.'.v con (i is tnor." evils aplirc'lieiided by Ho1 mailers of Hie constitution whin they limit terms lo two yi.irs. An amendment lo the cons' it i.' .on i-liaiiuiiig Hie limit from two years to four .veins fin the :'-year oi'litvis wart propo. ied by initiative petiiit-n nt tl" 19 11 election, but wi.s ileleated by i popular vote of S2S1I lor, and 1n7, ICII n;;:iinst. The mallei' has mine before subsequent le'ilsliitures' In or der lo firve a similar nineiiiloi.-nt Slibmilted ai'iiin but the lt''!sl:il in ex failed to Hiibiiiil It. Ilcrli-' t K. slew:i- t. I'm timid. : ml It. J. (ire, :ie ol 1. 1 tli anil--, have s lb niillitl copy of a proposed constltii tional .i : o i ' u 1 1 ul of .J -i t Ion f of A I' ll It- 7 of (In- ('ou'.lllulion of Oreuon, j to H e Soft-clary of Stale, in order I that be may pies lit the same lis pro ' vlded by l.iw lo tin- Attorney Ceneial 1 for the preparation of an :ip;iropi late j ballot title. I The propo "d mi i-n llneiit proviile", ' tbeie nhn'.l b cle tut In i';irb ri iinl, by Hie tjiiu'iii It 'l cli-rin-lt thereof, at' the II' ae of '.lo'il'tii; general cli-ct'on ; n coil -I rid It, tn-iiMni-i', dhetilf. ' roioner and suneyor, wlio shall m-v , emlly bold their iitrcx for the linn of 4 your-t. The pi'inixliin of this section limn- the Inm of ollice for I )-i'i li. .u l iei i'iin: and nlwJl be lllll" !e. m litt. , n (:, (,rf. M .i,.i I of J.i -ii ii'.. I '.'I, wliett nabl ilium. I'lfli m elected lit I! e M-milar NoU'tll-ln-i. I''.'", election idi ill uiisllty " J' I In t ils .ii o'lldiie lit iilniilbl : In- p.i to ' H itiloii (', e Aillle T" e it.i ,iet Know, a t Hull .- tiuti It'll 'lot t.iltll .) H,. Jul ,,, n't M el j University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. 12. The school of sociology, with Professor P. G. Young as dean, has been created at the University from the department of sociology. A pro gram of work has been outlined fo the new school along the lines of general commonwealth development and social service, which will provide for technical Instruction of students for votk in rural and municipal dis tricts. The work in the rural dis tricts .will be carried on at the Uni versity, while the extension division of the school of sociology at Portland will have charge of the other phase of the work. Under this plan there will be no duplication of work offer ed by the school. In this new work the University will be regarded as an agent in working out the social program which is to raise the vitality of the communities and begin on a peace b'nis of activities. The northwest division of the American lied Cross will send a nurse to the University who will investigate conditions in the 'oval districts and who will direct Hie students in this work. Such prob- 'ems as housing, health conditions a id community work will be studied Very little subject, mailer will be re (ii'.i.'eil as it is planned to give train- in,' tliroiif;li actual experience 'iit'in as possible. Under this plan u on ' Sin-1 d Hie students, will have the!ty for fi"ld work an;! for 'it :,urv ol ae'U Li case, I his same p'oi will ':' c:iiT.i out. jn the more coi, 'plicated conditions of Hie city lit ''lie Portland division of the school. The work as pllmned by the school .;' ! Mich, logy has to do with the train ii'.:; ol chy inanageis, secretaries of mi bent ! ( .-niinonv and sot ial ml philanthropic workers. Two years of ci. useful i e work is otfeieil and A tii' A. M. le:;rees will be jrlvi-n by Ii" rnlv-'fairy to -'hnl-ni:-i v Mo huv c I'1"! "d Ihe ii onaeci uii'ounl of ilinler'oailiiate work. Dr. .1. Kranlilin Thomas, who re ' 'iveil his h. 1). ironi Coliiinbia 1'ni- iwi.-ily and who was loinierly see re "iry of cbarity el vuiiz.iti Hi" ir ?.ew j York City, has charge of Hie direc- II' n ol Hi ev.oik to be carried on at jltie Portland In. null of Hie school ol sociology. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, Adults ;() cent; Children 10 cents. On Saturday and .Sunday, Adults :;) cents; Children 20 cents. This change rather decreases- tha n increases the prices, and is made solely to facilitate printing of tickets and rendering of tax statements to the government. Extra special features will be Adults 50 cents-and Children 30 cents. In our advertisements we will try to have the price on on every picture so that you can if you read, know that price before you come. ?'' I DOKS WHEAT FARMING PAY Brown & McMenamin report the sale a few days ago of the C. H. VegTite ranch, near Morgan, to H. A. Edmunds, who came to the county two years ago from Walla Walla. The tract contains 1600 acres and the price including stock and equip- ment'approaches $40,000. A pretty good answer to the oft repeated inquiry, "Does wheat farming pay in Morrow county?" may be given by reciting a bit of Mr. Edmund's recent history. Before coming here he was farming in the Walla Walla valley where because of a train of untoward circumstances, he went broke. Loading his family and effects' in to a covered wagon Mr. Edmunds headed for Morrow county where lie rented the Winslow place near lone but lie bad not move than got started until his eldfi.t son, Forrest, was drafted into the i.riny The family had pluck, however, and the day Forrest left for the army his 17-year-old sister, Pearl, donne.l her loveialls and tot. -It charge of an 8 ! mule team which she drove every day there was farming to do until her i brother returned. The result war I the purchase of a $40,000 lanch two ; years later. Mr. Edmunds Mil have 20IID acres of wheat to hr.rvest next umiiier. cause there will be no foot ball teams in the county. The two literary societies have or ganized and are now looking forward to their first program to be given in the near future. The slight measle epidemic has kept some of the students- out but they are now returning. If you want what you want when you want it try a classified ad. Hoy V. Whitels has bought the Floyd Thomas house on (Ireen street is' '.in investment. He expects to en l.n e mid improve the house ami I..'ep it aa amenta! property. MICH SCHOOL NOTES The first month of the :-chool has passed quickly and we have settled down to our studies at las p. We have enrolled in the high school this year about students and fully expect to increase it to 100 before long. This week was featured by junior loud sox day when all the juniors appeared wearing hosiery of very pro nounced colors. Miss Zel'.a Profit was enrolled as a freshman Monday. The boys have decided to drop foot ball nnd take up basket ball be- XOTICE t We the undersigned have taken up the following described horses, Saturday, October 4th, 1919, which will be s-old at public auction at 2 p. m. Saturday, October 25th, 1919. on the Chas. Dillabaugh farm located two miles south and two miles wei-.t. of Boardmana, unless redeemed by own'-vs or their representatives: 1 bay mare, star in forehead, brand D on left, shoulder. 1 iron gray horse about yearling, two white hind feet, brand D prob ably blotc'hed. 1 iron gray horse, four white feet, about yearling, brand D on left shoulder. 1 sorrel saddle mare, white luce, biand IS on right stifle, white on hind feet. 1 pinto gelding, white face, brand 3-balls on right stifle and lazy D on left shoulder. 1 gray gelding, brand unknown on right fliin'k and quarter circle dia- jnoml on light shoulder. 1 bay gelding, brand OS with bar under on right stifle. 1 bay gelding, star in forehead, brand diamond with bar under on left stifle. 1 bay gelding, brand JA connected on right thigh. IRA A. HERCEIt. GEO. HUSTON. L. II. CARPENTER 23-24 W. H. MEFFORD. PEOPLE GET RICH IN TWO WAYS The minority through skill and success in investments and trading. The majority through systematic saving of small sums and the accumulation of interest on these small sums. If you save a dollar a day at THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK the' principal and interest w'll amount to $1,967.98 at the end of five years $4,455.74 at the end of ten years. Smaller deposits than ONE DOL LAR earn the same interest and will increase proportionately. A SAYNQS ACCOUNT is the sure war, First National Bank ' HEPPNER, OREGON RESOURCES OVEll ONE AND ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS I PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET ! Are You Interested In The Wood Business? If you are read this about a machine you need: I'le J-'..; (' 111 I .11,,! t . t ;.. I ; j liv 1.:'. "I !. ! 1,1:1 . I ll H'r i o i I 0111 I It 1 11 , 1 1,, I do ,, , j , . ! J ,1 , ii"iii "i i 1 1 !. ; ,., 1 1, t, . 1 ., ; J 11. 1 1 - 1 'ii- i.i', , , ,. 1 H . i lei 1 . . ! I . 1 . i , I ,. -... , ,1 1 ;.,l . !.' ' ! HI, ' ! . , Ii, . 11 11 ,.!, , J ' I' I 1 1" ire " r: 1 1 1 1 '' ' 1 ."O l"ti nt ' ft. 0 j "I"1 I I II ! . V, . ;.' J '" ' "I. ' '' II' " I". ,1 .11 It ,1 '1 l ' I 'I" 1 11 I 1. 1,1 1.. 11 V ' 1 t 1 i 'i .!' 011 1 . 1 ' , ,, ,, : I lie in- .' ,.i Itl'i'W. but ,i, , tl I "I'- "' " i li'tt It.i v I n.. ,t (, e'e ' . lil 1,1 ilut 1, I,. 1 .,,, t iil !,,,, , " ' ' I in- W I l;i ii 1 4 i 1 t. 1 ' t ... 1 , 1 m.. , 1,1 1. 1. :, , 1 ' ' ' ' I ''! 11 ..! . I.- ,n .-l.ll. . I el' , , 1. ,. (,,,., 1 ,,, , i ' ... 11 .!. ,'!..!. I II I. '..I I.. I I" . I 'l " it ",.'.,) I I... ' I I'- " . ."I ! " " ' I .'e 11 ,l.i 1,.. 1 ,1,1, t i '-..' 1 it. mi. i.-i 1, . 1,1. 1 , ,,. 1, , ,, I ' ' - !' I 1 'I . ..-it . ' ' ' ' I' !!!.. .ill ,1 , ' ,,U . .1 j" J Jn an iij l . ji ,, 1 . . , t ,, ' . . rent .! I i '' u ,!,.,', ' -r m 1 1. h .1 ,i.r t i- . . a, te, I I." I nt r' int el ' i . . Wtiif Im nvr ho kl "How Dtn Ko Cult 40 CofiU l)v". II ti ahMilutf'.y t larantrrd v ' i-W 1 ,1' H ' ' Gasoline Vok1 Sawx'"2, . v ' in tip T S A A -.(ul iMfitiM J.- TV M T1WKS the I' t !, . i t,if -n i:.m- !. tig -i t f nJ .it "i i $ "-"i ..T.t, 1 T (. 1 - .- t -.i l' .'i I, rr. .e 'i 1 0,1 ir. -- m ' . ..'.:.,!-, W-'i ,1,4. nit-- '" f r - V j .V 1.. t. ,. J mi mhiiiii 1 niiiawii'iii7'"Mb'TjTta;fVM"tiwM Do You Like to Run a Cross-Cut Saw? If you don't let us tell you how to side-step it. GILLIAM & BISBEP. 4 Choicest of Beef and Pork always in stock. pressed l'otiltry on Saturday. Fresh fishv on 1 luirsdaws ami Fridays. Cold meats for lunch cut on a U. S. Sliccr is a money saver. Our cold storage insures you the best of meats always. OVIATT & HAPPOLD, Props. Fine Creek Ranch We are offering a fine bargain in a 7-JO-ncrc creek ranch of which () acres is alfalfa land under the ditch, (mod orchard, three g.,o, barns, g,,,. I dwelling. X... i gravs land. PRICE ON EASY TERMS Good 6-Room House H-,!t in t,iC l'!-'' 1 wis!, one nor-, g-.o.; gard.-ti l.t 11. 1. C d vwii , ;ill.,.t M1U ,;irn PRICE St 100.00. ONE-HALF CASH ' TERMS ON BALANCE Roy V. Whiteis THE REALESTATE MAN 1L -- - i'1' Vh L-j.rt ftt -f. ...... . I M if tn . 1, ;'- 1 ... ,'.,, , . .. '!". ; .'rit !'-' T--I It ,.f AM -l,,).. .,! t ' V. " m rt.M.,;,.,, 1. !n -., n,,. , in 1'iPi.M, ' ' "'! 1 t II r.-o. "!)'(- i'h 1 1, r, ... i 1 i