Tuesday, October 7, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN LIBERIA'S PRESIDENT HERE RESCUING THE DROWNING GRABBERS ft il ,1 IT t 4 ' T r ft- U WW . ut- Notice the Nobs The3r're scientifically placed to prevent skids and those dangerous side slips. Their firm, sure grip means safety. And yet, they don't "fight the road." Just the tirec for our kind of roads. There are four other United States Tires every one of them a good tire. No matter what your individual needs may be, we can fill them. t United States Tires are Good Tires We know United States Tires are GOOD Tires. That's why we sell them. ' HEPPNER GARAGE, Vaughn & Goodman, Props., Heppner, Oregan E. R. LUNDELL, IONE, OREGON Royal Cord- 'Nobby' 'Chain' 'Pico' Tlain' At the G. M. Akcrs Place 18 miles south of lone and 26 miles West of Heppner on rday, Oct. 11 Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., I will sell at Public Auction the following prop- ft crty: ; Ssitu io HEAD OF HORSES 0 Head Good Work Horses and One Saddle Horse 2 Three Year-Old Mules 5 200-Pound Hogs MACHINERY 3 Wagons I three and one-half Pain with Hack; I three and one-fourth Pain with 1 leader Pox ; I three inch new Winona with Pack. 1 three Pottom 14 inch Canton Clipper Plow " twenty-foot Harrow 1 ten-foot Clark Double Disc 1 Superior Disc Drill 1 Chop Mill 1 Chatham Fanning Mill ( Sets Harness; 2 sets new; 12 Collars I Snddlc i Pugtry ! S t l!iackmith Tools HOUSEHOLD GOODS Lead Pars, Chains, Trail Tongue, Forks Shovels, Clevises and other things too numerous to mention. FREE LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOON TERMS All sums under $10, Cash. Sum of $10 notes. 5 per cent discount for cash on a and over, one year time on approved II sums over ?io. L. E. VRERS' Owner E. E. MILLER, Auctioneer F. H. ROBINSON, Clerk tjmtt if ti&ifc All western 5 MiU wspr ri-esldent-elect C. O. H. King of the republic of Liberia, mul Mrs. King, who have been visiting in Washington. Mr. King attended the peace conference In I'nris nnd then traveled over much of Rurope. t ' Capt. Frederick C. Mills. Held agent, life-saving section, Atlantic division of the American Red Cross, and naval aviators at various points have been giving demonstrations on the swim ming beaches to spread the knowledge of Red Cross methods of resuscitating persons almost drowned. I he photo graph shows the "lock hold," applied to a person rescued from the water. To Recover' Sunken Logs. Ta. recover from the bottom of Cana dian streams the sunken logs that are lost while on the way from the log ging camps to the mills a newly or- iml'.pil corporation will employ ma- j chlnery specially adapted to the pur pose instead or tne oramary uevnen used for moving timber, it was an nounced In Popular Mechanics Magazine. Compressed air ai.:l high pressure water streams will he used to loosen the logs. As 10 per cent of the logs cut sink and remain embedded for various periods without losing their value hy deterioration, the business of raising them should prove to he one of great commercial Importance to lumbermen. The Reformer-r-Po you think that statesmanship in this country is on the decline? The Politician My hoy, no states man Hi this country would decline anything. BAD TABLE MANNERS f"HlWI .HOT" IM" Ok M She (after the reception) That in in who sat next to me at the diininr hadn't the maimers of a pig. lie Strange ! I thought he hail DESCRIBED. "Pa, what Is red tape." "Red tape, my boy, is the govern ment string to efficiency's pocket book." ment string to efficiency's pocket book." ' mm A SURMISE. LsJlSi Q 11 j duk wen, .Vliy! ' ' well, this cer- i!!!ws II I tulnly must be l j the Black Sea! -jp" WILL BE TRIED FOR CRIMES m IK iw ! ..-1 0m,r (inerl nn ll.-linrlrli, tme if th lirrtiun nillltnry gtimnm of Mil taring Ih frf-iipntlon. h ntrt 4ltlon Iw ch ihm.rtH t.jr 'rnr ttut h msy l tr.l for mmijr rr1iii f hlrh h Is aitu4. Encouraging Bolshevism Everything that falsely en courages unrest also encourages bolshevism. ' Misunderstanding of Amer ican industrial organization, and of its benefits to mankind, leads to unrest, dissatisfaction, and radicalism. , For example, the Federal Trade Commission tells the pub lic that the large packers had an agreed price for lard substitute (made of cotton-seed oil.) It reproduces letters taken from the files of one of the packers; showing that such agreed price existed. But it failed to mention that the agreed price wa deter mined at the request of and in co-operation with the Food Administration! Even the Department of Jus tice, in its unjust attempt to create prejudice against the packers, has made public these same letters, with no explanation. How long must this kind of misrepresentation continue? In so far as it is believed, it not only breeds discontent, but re sults in injustice to our industry. Lt ua send you "Swift Dollar." It will Inttrett you. A4dra Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yarda, Chif.jo, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. American ilr lncreietr. TIi firoporilfin of Bum Ixirti nl natumtuH Amrrimi.i amti th of "r nl rrtwi ,f Anrrlrto in. r hunt hip during ttt flrsl t.tr nd:tif Jun 3f), 1110. Iiirrs4 ti 47 6 pt rant of tt t"ll and la low aoKafsn tlalljr tha aama la 1UM. tnt mtlT. (iciiyf e 'SWIFT & COMPANY' rv. T"f 4. m mm mi m tmt M M fmm ... I'M I M MI born AmiirM rmpr1aH foorflnha a fhla pmli for tb last fi,) Isa m ft A Aaft.iuta w . ,favrt(