Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 07, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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- i
Tuesday, October 7, 1919
J 9 jji "What food bread w wis i.
f""T Jbt had lately, dear."
sV "Tes, Isn't It delicious I f
'P" Bitter Nut, . F 1
f wiif mL 1 "bal1 ur 110 otber 1 II
I Kw ln hereafter I It I " & III
1 (g$ QaUormlj food." tV If
Try Franz Butter Nut Bread
Lay Something Away
for the Future
It is natural to save to provide for the future
The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to
provide for the days when they cannot work.
The day will come when you will not be able
to work start NOW to provide for this tirne.
If you have no account, open one here now. If
you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it
C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon
Automobile Accessories and Supplies
Filtered Gasoline Station
Paul G. Dalsiger
Farm Implements. Vehicles. Windmills. Pumps,
and C.asoline Kngines. Wc Sell Winona Wne.ti-
Tank IUiilding Agency for Mitchell Car.
Main Street lone. Oregon
PRICE $3500.
on Balance
Roy V. Whiteis
Small Farm of 160 Acres
Partly in cultivation, near town, well watered,
fair 1khic and larn. good garden, small orchard.
One-half Cash; Terms
i iniii w mi.m attohm; at law
Claud Murry of Cecil, lias invested
in a fine Ford car.
John Miller of Boardless Barn,
was an lone business caller Friday.
E. F. Fairhurst of Busy Bee ranch,
was calling on his Cecil friends Sun
E. A. Ross of the Bungalow, made
a Dusmess can to tne county seal on
Monday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Nash of Ewing,
spent Sunday .with Mrs. Peter Nash
of Cecil.
Mrs. Peter Nash left Wednesday
Pendleton where she will visit for an
indefinite period.
Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats
soent Sunday with Mrs. R. Bennett
of the Last Camp.
Milton Maxwell spent Thursday
evening with his old friend, J. H.
Franklin, of Rhea Siding.
Ralph Winters of Fourmile, Wal
ter Pope of Sunnyside, were lone
business callers on Saturday.
Miss Beulah Misner left during the
week for Nevada, Mo., where she will
attend college for the . winter.
T. H. Lowe of Cecil, W. G. Hynd of
Rqse Lawn, Sand Hollow, arrived in
Cecil on Monday from Portland.
Misses Doris and Dana Logan of
the Willows, were the guests of Miss
Violet Hynd of Butterby Flats Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner -and
Michigaan, left on Sunday for a
hunting trip through Southern Ore
gon. Miss A. C. Hynd of Butterby Flats,
accompanied iMiss Vivian Logan ot'
Portland on the local for Heppner
Misses Claiiss Middleswart and
Burnice Franklin of Rhea Siding,
spent some time in Cecil on Satur
day , afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan of
the Willows and Mrs. J. H. Franklin
of Rhea, spent Spunday with Mrs.
Weltha Combest of Cecil.
Jim Montague spent a few hours
In Cecil Friday looking up his old
friends. Jim was- on his way to Con
don to his home in Milton.
Mrs. H. J. Streeter and family of
Fourmile also Mrs. J.Hardesly ot
Morgan spent Wednesday at the
home of J. W. Osborn in Cecil.
V. E. Baker of Broad Acres, left
for lone on Friday where he will re
side for a few weeks before leaving
to visit his old home in the East.
Mr. Robert A. NIcTiolson of Imper
ial county, California, who has been
visiting with Mr. and rMs. A. E.
Ross of the Bungalow, left on Satur
day morning for Pendleton.
Miss L. Shewey arrived In Cecil on
Monday from Salem and will teach at
the Cecil school for the coming term.
She will make her home with' Mrs.
Ben Barnes of Poplar Grove.
Stephen Mathews who has been
working on Butterby Flats, for the
past few weeks left for Sand Hollow
on Saturday on his way to Uklah to
help trail out Hynd Bros sheep to
their winter quarters.
Otto Flntey who has been spend
ing the last week In Portland, re
turned to Cecil on Tuesday. Otto
will go on to Rhea Siding where he
will assist his rather In building a
new school house at Rhea.
We Var that Clarence Winters
has bought Shady Dell from J. W,
Osborn and Ralph Winters has pur
chased the Fourmile ranch from J.
W. Osborn. Leon Logan has also
bought several hundred acres of land
from J. W. Osborn.
The wedding of Miss Lucile Huff,
eldest daughter of the late O. W.
Huff of Arlington and Mrs. Joseph
ine Huff of Portlsnd, to Oral Hcn
rlrksen, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Henrlksen took place on Wednes
day afternoon at Willow creek, the
residence of Mr. A. Henrlrksen. The
marriage ceremony was pel formed
by ltev. Ie Long of Arlington. Tim
bridal rouple were married under
hsmli'iine fl'ital arch, Kiar snd
Stripe i draped St em h side. The
htide look . 1 charming In a t h m I ! 11 1
gown of while x;(tln tilniined wllh
silver anil rsirled a shower bouquet
of pink roues. Miss Llle llulf. who
mi t t il as brlil '-sin h il wore a lisnd
some K" n of rr''ni satin trlmmeii
Willi tare and ranted a shower bo it
Hint ot whit chrysanthemums, flit
find Hmri ki n sl1ed hl brothel
m gtoomsman. About forty gtiet
Iweie entertained slier the weddilil,
st a sumptuous wedding dinner Tin
newly married couple and thei
: funis proceeded to Cecil hull when
' U!.o public were all Invited to a iluv
snd litibt refreshments by Mr. n
' Mrs. Oisl H-nrkkM-n In honor o
thtr 'dditi( The nlyel weti
reeled by the Ceellites on their ar
rival in town by a rid round main
ifrt In a wheelbarrow and mon
tit ttsir and noif ban nr kwi
l.cstd In I btor. f'onrralula
tlons of the mntiuunitf are exteadei'
the jrounf !
Joseph E. Cronan of Portland is
spending the week in lone on busi- i
W. R. Cochran came over Sunday
from Hermiston to spend a few days
with his family.
Born at the Jordan Hospital on
Thursday, October 2, to Mr. and Mrs.
V. R. Bervley, an 8-pound son.
Mrs. Mary Norton has gone to
Portland where she will spend a few
weeks with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Barthuse left Sunday
evening for Morgan where they will
visit with Mrs. Barthuse's brothers,
Fred and Hal Ely.
Born at the Jordan Hospital Fri
day, Oct. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Monhehan, an 8-pound daughter.
The nurses reports mother and babe
doing well.
Mrs. T. C. Troge and little daugh
ter left Saturday morning after
spending a few weeks with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, of
this place.
Mrs. Celectine Balsiger and her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Allinger, left
Tuesday for Spo"kane where they will
visit at the home of Mrs. Balsiger's
son, Dr. John Balsiger.
There was a dance given last
Thursday evening in the lone skating
rink. The music was furnished by
Bowker's orchestra of Portland. If
all reports are true it was a grand
success in every way.
L. A. Doak, who has been visiting
.the past week with his brother, S. H.
Doak, returned Sunday to 'his home
at Opportunity, Wash. Mr. Doak has
a fruit farm at that place and is well
pleased with his location.
Mr. and Mrs. Nickel of Spokane,
urived a few days ago and will
spend a few days- with her brothers,
J. E. Swanson of the Gooseberry
country, and Will Swanson of this
place. Mrs. Nickel has been visit
ing relatives at San Jose. California.
Mr. and Mrs. Belknap and son ar
rived from Battle Ground. Wash.',
and will make their home in lone.
They will occupy the Harlan McCur
dy residence on Second street. Mr.
Belknap has a position as a barber
in Ralph Hymer's shop of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sperry and
little daughter, Roberta, came home
Sunday after spending a two 'weeks
vacation with Mrs. Sperry's parents,
Mr. and Mra.C. J. Pennington, of In
dependence, Wash. They were ac
companled home by Mrs. Sperry'i
sister, Mrs. William McGlll.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopkins, who
have been spending a two weeks' va
cation with the former's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Perry Hopkins, left Friday
for Arlington where they will spend
a few days with relatives before leav
ing for their 'home In Portland. Mr,
Hopkins has a position with one of
the auto shops of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barthuse of
Seattle, hare been spending the past
week In lone risking with friends
and looking after their town proper
ty. The family that has their house
rented have noticed bees between the
walls of the building and In remov
ing some of the boards Mr. Barthuse
discovered there was M pounds of
nice honey.
Mrs. Alice Hartweil, a resident of
lone for fire years passed away at
her home In Kelso Washington, Sep
tcmber 10th at the age of fifty
years. ' She was a native of Mlrhl
gsn. Mrs. Hartweil was converted
at an early age and lived a faithful
christian life, being a member of the
Methodist church until she came to
lone, where she put her membership
in the Congregational church. lie
sides a tiost of friends, she leaves a
hushsnd snd six children to mouin
her loss. Mrs. Olias. Onell of In"
snd four dniighti-rs and one son at
Kelso. Washington.
Klllmm While, ('naulmi'i'ia fi-Kll-
viil will be In lone Orlnbi-i SI to
Novi-uiIh r J. Thf LlliHon Whiti-
i 'tiaiitauoua yMm have enla'Kiil
lhi-lr ti-iiltoty. c perilling line winter
i-lnulis In thin rountiy snd the Ito
n lnlon kh well ss s hi;: t-ile ol
i lisulminuss In New Zehmd This
menus year-round employment of ImI
enl Slid workers hlrh will he culling
.on the oveihesd expert" r-o tl.nl
ihey sie abl i furnish bigger and
heller program (tun ever befoie.
Is Almost here. Better
select your Heater early while
our big stock is complete.
Fuel is too expensive to waste
in a "Fuel-Eating" range or
heater. See our Duplex Heater
and Banquet Range before buy
ing. They will help you solve
your fuel problems.
Morrow county residents are indeed
fortunate in having this opportunity
of enjoying really worth while enter
George Belknap of Lincoln high
entered high school last weeTt as a
There are now 22 Btudents in Hie
manual training ilasses and 31 In
home economics classes.
The per cent of attendance for the
first month of school was 95.7 with
58 pupils neither absent nor tardy.
Basketball practice started last
week with Karle A. Brown as coach
for the boys and Miss Mabel Nelson
for the girls.
Pupils of the lone school may be
promoted on honor (eiempted from
final examination in any subject) ou
the following conditio-: (a) Satis
factory deportment. Oils to be de
termined by vote of faculty; (b) not
more than two cases of tardiness,
which must be excusable, and no un-
excused absence; .) class average
of 85 per eent.
Any atudent who is not tnrdy to
school or to any class during the
semester and who hss no unexi'iised
absence may have en per cent added
to his or her class standing In the
ahujert In wlilrh the lowest grad
hat been earned, providing In all
cases a satisfactory standard has
been maintained In rltlrenshlp.
Advertisements undor this heading
one cents a word for each Insertion.
No ad for less than 15 cents. Ada are
Invariably cash In advance unless
given by persons willh duly establish
ed credit.
LOST 33x4 Miller Cord Casing, Rim
and Tube. Return to McRoberts
Cohn Auto Co., and receive re
ward. 22-23
WANTKI) Situation by ' man and
wife on ranch. Call Main 463, Hcpp
ner, Oregon. 22-23.
PHONE J. O. Hager to hare
your wood sawed before It ralna. -24
1115.00 KKWAItl) For return of 84
x 4 U. 8. tire and rim between Lex
ington and Olex Thursday, Septem
ber IS. Finder return to McRoberta
Cohn Auto Co., Heppner or Shelley'a
Oarage, Condon and recelva reward.
liOVT Kullblood Airdale bitch. 110
reward for her return to Emmett
Cochran, Heppner, Oregon. 22-24
l-OU HALK 200 head stock sheep.
10 head well-bred black-faced bucks.
head rattle. At the old Delllngbrook
place on Rhea creek. K. S. MoCllm
ans. 22-3Jpd
lltltK.OV NOT t'.H
Modern" h i
fifcafmsCAmmunilion iiH
Shooting EfchttS
Mrs. T. S. Vinson Is vIMtlng her
rmWier, Mrs. !. W. Samson.
been visiting Mr. Hell's paienls, Mi
and Mrs. Marry licit, have relumed
to their liome In Unite, Mnrituna,
lleieni aiilviils ttt lirlRon seek
Ing home an- Ml. and Mrs. K. '
r reiiei u kon mi'i mi mm .mis. j
Flunk Gnetile, Who li.lK been ll
I ,i ' ri l In the hoiilul at I'l-niHetim
(hi come lime teliiined home aboul
h week ai:, J'lM alter our lt bud
ret w miiiiIiiI to the lli. ild
Mr. snd Mis. K. Hell, who li
MjiiIiuII MHiklmm snd Flnnk
iiHilei at rerenii, eniolled in the
Iriliron Mth sihoul. This school I
lll-t liienlly etlibllnhell as a unll
ef the Irilfotl sihool system, ,l
t In lie!u i-d Is ii i m. il to rrow mnl
In mine f xei Institution in C
I nil. Ill l IP l'
Tle hool PiiO'l lor the fir
mi. nth of the Irritrori w hool lio
an Molln.l nl of II. ali- si. 'I 2 1
'en ! or ibe 7 aie t niolled In
in" hu h w hool ss folo: 4 insl
nd 3 1'i'isle: 4 are finl yir
ieril. I en.nd er, I third )
snd I fourth vsr. AHelnUnr e lli,l
n d , whlh l 4 J.er cent p.
fet. Th new lest books ! r-
HI CKS t'Olt SAI.K ir,0 head of
roai-se bucks, best (Unllly. Brown A
Menamln, Heppner, Oregon. 22 If
T.M lt.C ItiHTH I OK MAl'K at
lli-rreiiK Mill, Hi ! rents each, I. It.
Il.ixey 22 25
.oolt lloMi: loll sl I 7-room
hou-ie Willi hull. Lot 70I32 st
one li.i r IIS reiil Vsllle. for prlie.
rum. elr., mil on oi uiMnx-i ('. L.
Keiliili.y, Hi I pnei. Ore,;nn. 22-2l4
IIIK K Kill hai.i;
Three ton I'mknid truck In A No.
rnn-l.tiiin f I 0 0 . tr lurtlrulara
call on or address the Heppner Her
nld. Heppner, Oiegon. 621
SJi.iMHt tus ;l Are l Irrlgnn,
'm-K"n ll.ilf tulle front depot. Hl-
hlt fenced, wind break, thuxi aeres
ii I vk-year -old Spple tieea, elfht
4'ies slfi.lfii. Mrs. Kmlly Iine'lng.
lli Hidrnsn, Oregon. l(f
n .ll W"i
liotl the old t.
fi My pupil"
k snd the ihsni,"
the new i ff led,
i re riellhet slim nt
nor lnly T!if are tln "liin.it
-I'l'iail" fur the n.nnlh Abnetc. from
, (..en. diM-s not pruinote Ihe p'ipll
'lvunciiii'iit In bis school whs:.
If ynu wsnt whs! yon wsnl 1
Mi wjnt It try a cUaaifl'd ad.