Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 07, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday. October 7. 199-
. 4
tut? urnriMDn update ITT? TjTjMT? r fturcnM
rnuu x vv -
iNH BRAND fell:
mmWM Ma1e bv men who know, J yf !.
!! -people who want the j
Only the choicest wheat I M'S i
WWflA'i l"l,'cf,jlly Shaded, and f f
'IPS IMW ' ,noroi,Kn'y cashed is used fflwfj !
fEjf'WMfS 'n inaling our Hour. J ijftt '
WSiMi Your baking will prove to I HJ i
iiL vou the big advantage of J fj$g
'UWWiIf "sinKWhite Star Brand WMi
ififKllil f,our for ,,oth brcad and mWM
URKm ry- l ii
Hcppncr Farmers' ii
' IMjf II 1 Elevator Co. I iM :
I ( Preserve Your 1 1
I I Earnings 1 1
EE P n!''"i-l unity wails for (lie man W
: $ " ('reserves Iiis earnings. Time c EE
EEE fcl ;!;"' 'ls-';i,n nun ,n,ss 'he chance lol B
: H lll'll.-.i I liine,l,.,.. ....... f.. 1.1 - . l Li"
: ...... 1 1 . v IH.H.H c i ui ii km i a me j or : rrr: I
Ej ji life bemuse tliey neglected to jtr
; j prepare for their opportunity. j EE
h ''U I auk offers you the service ' -EE:
ES i "' ii !itire organization to help vj -.3
F ' " ''u' ''i.u'it plan for $
; mm! to use. jj E:
ff g""d,hilsiness sense on your S r.
EE M l" ,:'ke adventage of this of- '51 EE
1 i !;:r- . S F
.. m !'"ur per cent paid on Savings f'tj
EF Hi ;,"d Time Deposits. J1 -., ,
I f Farmers & Stockgrowers' j - S
I I - National Bank
IS cents a package
Camels ere sold everywhere in scientific
ally sealed packaged of 20 cigarettes; or
tn packages 2(H) cigarettes) in a glass-ine-paper-covarvd
carton. We strongly
recominvnd this carton for the Aoxno or
c.r.7crt r.vpply, cr when you travel.
(Cupyrlght. 1919, by the Western Ki; -paper
"All v:i''i:tions cot to a week."
Thus the titwl stpnograprior of y.pr'e
ft Co.. n city mcrrantile house oi hx-
'.insivf h;i: iiiess prestige and uun"
vlcus r.s to the rights of their tai-
"Sliiiinuful," tame an imligimiit cho
rus. "And no pay for the week sppnt
A risitiK storm of protest was speed
ily rt-pressIH as the manager of the
establishment came into the room.
There was one exception to the general
group Arline Dniry. The othei-s sat
with an angry luster of eye. Her
hands strayed from her typewriter,
nerveless, an expression of Infinite dis
appointment crossed her features.
Arline had lost her mother a year
previous and had heen cast utterly on
her own resources. She Was not an
expert typist and had- not acquired
even the fundamentals of .stenography.
Her position, 'a poor-payiu;; one. had
been thrust upon her almost grudging
ly, and became a work of such drudg
ery that she was too tired eve
nings to attempt to perfect her
self in taking dictation.
To the usual vacation with a fort- j
night's extra pay Arline had looked
forward with glad anticipation. She
had mapped out a stay at some cheap,
but respectable sumer resort. It seemed
to her that alone by herself, mind and
body at ease, she could think over pres
ent and future In a clear, coherent way.
The double anouncement had upset
nil her plans. The clrcumsct-lbed
term of leisure seemed scarcely worth
caring for. The withdrawal of salary
during the period meant deprivation.
She had saved less than $20. When
she get home that night Arline count
ed over her little fund and viewed
the prospect dolorously. She had se
lected a resort, the five hours' ride to
which would he quite a novel enjoy
ment. She retraversed the advertise
ments of places nearer the city. Fern
dale the fare thither was low If she
went on a vacation at all that must he
the limit of fare expenditure.
It wax Just before noon on Monday T,lg aboye date ha8 been designat.
that Arline arrived at Ferndale. She
found only a lonely station with a gen- e(l fr this year as "Patriotic Fire
eral store opposite. She was Informed Prevention Day," a day set apart for
hat the real town was two miles dis- con3idelation of 0UI. tremen.
hint on the lake, comprising a fash
ionable hotel and the homes of rich du.s fire waste, and the adoption of
people. There were no myilest house! adequate and permnnent means of
where one could expect moderate
hoard arid lodging, and the hotel was
$4 a day house.
Arline sat down on n benrh outside we Americans: "That we are mighty
the little depot, gloomed and almost
homesick, contemplating ttie necessity
? returning to the city. She noticed
only casually that an automobile had
driven up containing n chauffeur and
n matronly looking woman. The lat
ter alighted as she caught sight of Ar
line ami came straight up to her.
"You are Miss Kvil White?" she said
half Interrogatively. "We have been
here daily since Monday expecting yon,
but feari'd you had found some other
appointment. Mrs. Klston needs the
care of a, nurse greatly and she. will
CAMELS' expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos answers every cigarette
desire you ever had 1 Camels give
such universal delight,such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you 11
call them a cigarette revelation!
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigcretty
odor, smoke Camelsl If you
hunger for a rich, mellow-mild
cigarette that has all that desirable
cigarette "body" well, you get
some Camels as quickly as you can!
Camels' expert blend makes all this
delightful quality possible. Your
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigarettes are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
made to meet your taste ! You will
prefer them to either kind of to
bacco smoked straight!
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette in
the world at any price I
BER 9, 1919
The French
people have said oi
I Found At Last
Best Auto and Tractor
Work that Skill
can give
Repair Dfpwtraent McRobrrt-Cohn Auto Co.
Indel welcome you. John, will you
take the lady's suitcase?" and almost
before she was aware of It Arline
found herself In the nutn with th
pood-natured housekeeper of one of the
show places on the lake, telling' her
enough to know tluit R well-paid posi
tion was open to thin MUi Kva White,
who bud not appeared.
"And why nut?" whispered Arline
herself. "If she doe not come, whst
wrung Is done by my having n free vi
cut lou and one useful and helpful m
4vc!l." and both hopeful and tempted,
Arline Irury lent herself to decep
tion that was favored by the iioti-ap-peurnni
e of the real nurse that day
and never
For the tlrM time In ninny yenm Af. .
line dr'ftcd contentedly Into n new
prricioe that n delightful. Ttie In
valid Mrs. KNton treated her as If she
ere mi real friend lntend of de
pendent. The second day her son
Harold, n tall. hateNoine young fellow
about two years tin' senior of Arline,
appeared on n lmt.v Iniint from ihe
city. He "tared :r:Higelv lieii Arbne1
a Introduced under lor Ibt ti '
name. He followed her lnqulHh 'y i
Willi bis gin I but ttlien hp noted (tint
hl mother regarded fondly. nlnmt lov
ingly, he uppreed some powerful Im
I'HNh that sought expression.
Two weeks went by, a month. All
thoughts of returning to the city were
nhnndom-d by Arline. Hnrobl mine to
tlsii hi mother twice week, ami he
coilhl not help but feel attracted In
ward the bright. Intelligent coiiipanln
of hla mother, to whom she win ua at
tentive and thoughtful as an own
riaugtitrr. Arlln divined the dawning
of il miltunl love, nieh failed to rott
eeal from the ether, and one day. In
f terntr e-.'- nf wMi shaduw.
brii lie tvulesstd Ins Mi-ctOoti. ahe
bowed her brail In humiliation.
am nt Ma White" she b glial
at he Interrupted her gsl).
"Oh. I knew thnl Ihe first day I met
jntt" he declared "for 1 had rrerlved
word from Ihe nurse thai she could
Dot come. When I found you here, and
y dear mother fe'Mig better each
day under your ran-, I n' longed (
hae yott remain. And "
That "bow wae (be tal hour ei
lae'r young life, whete ! i'ie l
..nl end Arline told atl 1r (nri a
lift I f te Irt efiaJifvJ Wiwl-aed.
builders and mighty burners," and j
so we are, not intentionally or cilm-
Inally, but negligently and carelessly.
This indeed Is an age of great ach
ievement and economic reports, and
foremost is the Immense saving of
property and lire that can be accom
plished by the prevention of lire.
Itnl'orins come from a change ol
mind and a change of mind can only
come by constant meulal effort.
Therefore, think fire prevention, talk
fire prevention and practice lire pre
vention, not only on October !l, but
on through, the year until next fir
prevention -day, and then start over
again. Never relax your caution
against the ever present danger ol
fire on your premises. In that way
I you will not only make it a habit
with yourself but will Influence oth
ers, and we will all reap the benefit
I Make it a point on fire prevention
j day to critically examine your home
store, office, shop or factory. Try to
' disvover anything or any condition
that might possibly cause a fire, and
above all clean up. If you find any
Inflamuble material, remove It If pos
slide or make It safe; you will be
doing yourself a (treat favor, and
then don't slop, keep It that way.
In America we destroy by fire five
times as much per capita as do the
1 ople of Kiinipc. It should not be
so. We auipasa In eery oilier way
we should in this. The temedy
lists with each and every one of uk
Let us start now.
It Is Ihe office of the state file
i., m -hull dep.it tnicnt to promote this
tonseiAatlon woik, and for Ihe ask
ing we are ready lo assist you at any
time. Call upon us.
a. c. n.nnKii.
State Fire Marshal.
A preparation that effectively breaks
Is is being demonstrated every day
in the houses of some of our custom
ers, and proving entirely satisfactory
Results guaranteed 35c a Package
Phelps Grocery Co.
W ! W hell
1 tmwe
.oK lltf'K TO II WW A IlK.I-T
Mr. and Mr. R. J. Camoer, who
have been spending the aunimer on
their ranch near llardman. bave
mated bark lo the home ranch
on the John tay, near Spray for the
winter. Mr. Carraer aay the John
Pay alley I BoiH a winter resort
and while hi llardman neighbor
are rustling for fire wood In the
now banka he will be barrelling hi
banana and reclining in the grate
ful ahade of hi own vine and fig
lire )ut over the tang.
Hernia fWlfle4
fenny vr
ad 4 rvamKa.
Under New
The Heppner Bakery
Home Made Brad a Specialty
mi:' " "'PPnvr to lr. ,hm ,
I ran guarantee my prod
tlrular and Invite ry faml
My Cookiea. Tien and Cnken "u t.