Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 29, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Tuesday, September 30, iqiq
nmifiov NEWS
Irrigon people are feeling elated j otner communities that it will take
over the fact of having a?ain received 8 gGod DUi to get the first prize,
the first prize, for the community .' Many personal prizes wtre taken also
booth at the county fair. Irrigon has by In 'son exhibiotrr
now held this foonor consecutively for j It is understood tha the bit- buiid
four or five years. Some community ing erected some years ago for a
should try another year to put up a hotel in Irrigon lias been purchased
l"ul"n6 euou Dut irrigon warns by Frank Yurrigan and Charley Pow
ell, and that it is to be taken down
to furnish lumber for the erection of
new and needed buildings on their
places out of town.
M: R. V. Jones purchased recenly
two fine Jersey cows from the He
.mini in in it! mi i in iiuuiii.il miu
SAY, you'll have a streak of smokeluck that'll
put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if you'll
ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and
nail some Prince Albert for packing !
Just between ourselves, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy
until you can call a pipe
by its first name, then, to hit the
peak-of-pleasure you land square
on that two-fisted-man-tobacco,
Prince Albert !
Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired
happy you'll want to get a photo
graph of yourself breezing up the
pike with your smokethrottle wide
open ! Talk about smoke-sport!
Quality makes Prince Albert so
appealing all along the smoke line.
Men who never before could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for years all testify
to the delight it hands out! P. A.
can't bite or parch I Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
process 1
"Right now while the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or the papers and land on
some P. A. for what ails your
particular smoke appetite I
Copyright 1111
kr K. J- Kiwoldl
Tobacco Co,
You buy Prince Albert ovcrywhoro tobacco it told. Toppy rod bagt,
tidy rod tint, handtoma pound and half pound tin humidor and
that clotty, practical pound cryttat glatt humidor with tpongo
mmmiwnmr top mac secpe rne looacco in much perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. G
At the (1. M. -kcrs Place iN milts .soiUh oi" lone and 26 miles West of 1 ieppner
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., I wili s 1! at Public Auction the following property:
') Head Good Work Horses and One
Saddle Horse
2 Three- Year-Old Mules
5 200-Pound Hogs
3 WK
1 three and one-halt
. I ten-foot Clark Double Disc
1 Superior Disc Drill
1 Chop Mill
1 Chatham Fanning Mill
Set, Harness; sets new;
u Collars
1 Saddle
.lain 1 !;u
with Hack; 1 three and one-fourth
IJain with Header io; j three inch
new Winona with Rack.
i . m i.iacK in it n 1 oois
l three l'.ottom 14 inch Canton Clipper t , p cu-,;n- 'r.-.;i -r t .
( 1 Lead bars, Lliains, Jiatl I ongue, rnrfcs
iwentv-foot Harrow
Shovels. Clevises and other things
too numerous to mention.
All -tuns under S10, Cash. Sums of ?io and over, one year's time on approved
in 'to. 5 per cent dwxt'.nt for cah on a II Minn over .?!.
L,. E. .AKILRS, Owner
E. E. MILLER, Auctioneer F. H. ROBINSON, Clerk
ruiston district. Jt is understood that I
the price was $177.50. j.
Part of the n:ime of one of our I It
teachers failed to appear in our!'!
notes of last week from some cause, i k
Aire i rfl'iivi .1.1 i, j, ,
.... .-mmuuu nave reaa j y
.Mrs. W. Uleuna Suddart'a. Mrs. Sud
larth has been in ti e schools for sev
eral year.
Frank Ashbuin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jchn Ashburn, of Irrigon, has
just returned from the Mexican bor
der where he has been for the past
two years in t!ie service of Uncle
Mrs. Harry Lester and Mrs. Guv
Corey and their children arrived on
Tuesday from Seattle, and we under
stand that Mrs. Corev will make her
home here. These ladi
er residents here and went to school
and were married here. Mrs. T.estPf
was Miss Elenor Corey and Mrs.
Corey was Misss Eva Doble.
A Mr. Stewart and son arrived the
latter part of last week from Kansas
by automobile. Mr. Stewart has
purchased fifteen acres and house
from Mr. John Brackenbury, and ex
pects to make his home here. He is
Choicest of Beef and Pork always in stock.
Dressed Poultry on Saturday. Fresh fish on
Thursdays and Fridays. Cold meats for lunch
cut on a U. S. Sheer is a money saver.
Out cold storage insures you the best of meats
always. "
Department of the Interior TJ S
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon!
September 24th, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that Wil
liam T. Scott, of Hennner. rwn
rfMp Nor,h Range 25 East, Wil-
Homestead Entry Additional No.
015160, for Lot 1, Section G, Town
ship 1, Northfl Range 2 5 East, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final .three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before J A. Waters,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 7th day of No-
Under New Management
The Heppner Bakery
Home Made Bread a Specialty
I can guarantee my products. strictly first class in every par
ticular and invite every family in lleppner to give them a
My Cookies, Ties and Cakes will please you.
vember, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses; A.
A. Agee, of lone, Oregon; Charles
Porter, of lone, Oregon; Leo. Gorger,
of lone, Oregon, Hervey Scott, of
Heppner, Oregon.
Charter Number 3774
Reserve District No. 12
At Hcnpner, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business om September
12th, 1919.
Loans and discount!!, Including rediscounts,
(except those ahuv.-n in t and c) $ 972,146.24
Total loans : 972,146.24
Notes and bills redlscoimtcd (other than b'liik
rcocHiunees r.oH) (see item bi.a) 12N,288(H1
Fo.-elKii Hills of Exebiintie or limits sold with
liidoreomont of tl is Mink, mt shown under
Item d, rliove (Keo Uc-in Drc 128.21S6.0O
Dvordra-fta nnpce'.red
ItopoKtt' d to kccli-u circulation (U. S. bonds par
vi..le) 2ri.0fl0.0ft
I'loduod lo swure V. H. ImpnidlH I uir value).. ' 411,100.00
I'ledKeil to secure jtostal savings deposits (par
value), 1.000,00
Owned end , upledurd , 000.00
War SeviniTH Cer' il'ie-e-teH and Tbi'll t Stamps ae-
tuall" ov re I 1. 977.44
Total V. f. (ioverninent seeuritlos ....
Pi?eurlt!t s, oilier th-iu tj. S. Itoiids mot Inelud-
iitK nto.-Us), leaned I'lid unpled'd 21.70R.24
Tit:ii I'o.idii. ! cui'iltes. ele., other than
i;. S
Slo'l: of l'Vu n 1 li(!'e.-u 111 nk lf,0 lerecnt of
H'..b: c.-lp. ''")
V'ali'u of b.iul:l!;K bo'.e , owned and unllK-uill-
eomt:. roe :m,(hI0 00
(jiuitv 'n baikiu ho
Kurnllve end f'xturos
He il esuite ov,f led oili. r then bmiktim bouse ..
t.:. ful r.-neivt it 1. K.d.H.l Itesi-rvo Hank ...
Cash lu vault and net nrniii'iits due from nation
al banks
Not I'inountH due from hunt's, be.nkcis nnd trust
l onipiinies (oil cr lliun Ire lmled in llPtns 12,
13, or 14
;iierks on (,ther tianlis In tlie fume eitv er lovn
i'.B r'pn"tluK t: rik (other than Item 16) ....
Tt.! i.f Uf mi 13, 14, 1.1, 16. ami it .. 279,736 4(1
Cheeks on Uirtkr braled outside of city or town
of rfior;;:iT ha'ik uud ttber cash Items....
Itedemptum fund with 1 S Trwsurei uud due
from r. S. Tr-i-jtiin r
tnieret famed , le t iui tolleetett u proxliiiate
fil i.olef; and hlll'i rei tlable not past d te
.U'ltal tn'k y.ild In
4i.ridns funtl
I lull . ldd 1il.i r.l 707 70
l"H nun tit ex.ue;i, Iftteri t, nnd luxes l I''..': 04
Amount riNervid for I oh a'.-n ed
.''iTIliut ir.li nt'l.'S It If inrl.'u
N", MU "OOl d'.e t" Nl'tU'li'il hunk . .
Nut f nun. lit 'I d 'e to hnek', huliKni ", find tent
eoini nnl.t. (other ib.-n I -. K.bd In lie. ,,, . i
i a
t f .1 d e'.e. lis e' tM. . M ;t.
"I, shier." I tiokli O.i n leal: " , t l .1 lid I ir ..
T..ti.! of If mi in. ' .'. nnd 33 1. re :((. in
l.idHldlu.l d. -t sill."! to . berk ...
V. If (".( K of (! t".tl d " In l " H ue in tv :
(Mtaec i..,n for lll'.liey t . rinK'tl
f i' Ide.t'l'- til'l :i d
h'( (I 'trie 'id (!' icl'ii
Totll '"f (tetnr ud d'ilt (..tlicr llu.ti
N lk d I .itr ) s.'l. '(.'I to ret' "I it, 1 1 ems SI.
'.. 11. V MM.'I M
f. rt i r I tn of ii l (other Hum for iixkk v
horroe. edi
'..h1uI mu ilan detents
fith.-r time d(i"ots
Total of time (! i..i n i"i to k-
,rvc, Items 40. 41. 1. unC f J.". '
Vr I""'" (t"Vn '-.i til 7 I 3 4
Other I' tilled Hii d. !( ts. its belmn de..l
of 1' H d.Uurr.'i(t if fir. is
(,tti re of (relit sid 1 rtoei.-ts cl.wks sold for
i ush snd oi'tstsndilK
1.1'iMl'tles for ffit' ' t t , Hi. h.dnit th.. th
ldti.l Hierve I'.i.nk i.'C ltot. l-t ( .
T tsl ot."r ii' i Mi.' ii:ti ( n. h. so I 'I
30.000 Oil
6.3 Oil 00
4. H4fi. Dll
T.2,108 16
22,6,786 13
1.260 00
13.1 18 .18
1 1,377,747 79
10(1.0(1(1 no
f.1.079 6(1
l.luir. 7!l
r,,(K.o uf)
9 ,t,c,. l 7 5
1 1 3"i
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l.lkt tt I
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I.I, SMm f I
'ul lie
A boss is one who gels things done.
None of us cnu buy good will; we
must earn it.
If yon must have wrinkles, get them
from laughing.
The man that everybody liken usual
ly likes everybody.
Anyhow, the rolling stone gets the.
rough corners knocked off.
Beauty Is only skin deen hut mean
ness goes clear to the marrow.
Evidently Russia's Idea of democracy
Is that everybody should bo poor.
Never put off until tomorrow what
should have been done yesterday.
Often the man who Is most down on
thing is the one who is least up on It.
The two great causes of human mis
ery are these: To want a thing and
not he able to get It, and to get a thing
and find you don't wnnt It,
flettor wages and working conditions
tv( re never obtained hy a brick bat and
dynamite brlgnde, but by an honest
leader cnpiible of tempering the nctlim
of bis followers, nnd who didn't get
red and heller nt the sight of a roll
top desk. The Finder.
j In the 1'iilted States every ninth
l marriage ends In a divorce.
There are 12.()(i0.n()0 wnge earning
women In the I'nlted States.
In India only 12 women In every 1
(XK) of full age can read and write.
Tetns was the ninth state to ratify
the federal constitutional Btnenilmrot
grunting suffrage to women.
Of the 4(10 member of the teaching
stuff at Columbia university this sum
mer, 110 will m women.
Mayor llylan of New York city, will
employ woman lawyer to defend
women In the women's court.
Although the lute Amelia K. Harr,
was the author of more than 7S novels,
she left an entitle valued at only f!W
The Women's Trade t'nlon league
with over fiui.iifin members him pledged
Us support to the American Labor
l our women are members of the
first (lass to he grs(l me( from the
law department of tin. I'nlverslty uf
Fiithcrlne p. Ivlson ef the Industrial
welfare commission, says that the cost
ft living for women bna Increased 41
per rent since Y.m.
At the request ,f (be Trench gOT
rnment, fulled States women eipert
rsnmrs have gone to that country la
leach their inethisU.
The divorce rule In 4'snsds If about'
n divorce for cverr fsiissi of popo j
111 Inn, while In the f tilt.rt Ktae It la
112 iff l'io,( of is.pulntlon.
t Marked peraohsl - the lattis.rd man
Vi nice and liath sLo ins; ti aiming
lh dry rltlea.
Hn ad may r!- In the yessf, bat II
diwen t aiys set In the w.t.
Illl lilli
mi ina r
Mjr e.ifnmsoe et ii A'.ir jt I;l,
Re4 th Herald claaelfled ads.