.', .1 A Tuesday, September 30, igig THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NE NEIGH 4 .-' NEYS of 10 BORHOOD 1 CO . f Trmf Bo The Housewife's Friend Be3t housewives will accept no other it's always fresh when it reaches your table. Give your rrocer an order for it will please FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BRISTOW & JOHNSON IONE, OREGON x IONE ITEMS different r?;te;; Washington. Xo-. zona, but spent Iowa, Mexico Colorado, and Ari his life in B NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work.i 1 The day will come .when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this time. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE X IONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements. Vehicles. Windmills, Pumps, and Gasoline Kngines. We Sell Winona Yngot- Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone, Oregon Jake liortzer, a nig wheat raiser of the lone section, has sold his anch and expects to move m a short lime . At present he and his wife- are visiting Mrs. liortzer s daugh ter, Mrs. Fred Tash jf Heppner, and ifte-r visiting there will go to Hood Uiver to visit with Mrs. Botzer'si e ther daughter, M"s Mea 1 E'ae'k. They have not deciJed just where they will make their home. lorn is sorry to lose them. Mr. and Mrs. John Louy motored to Arlington last Sunday to spend the day with relatives. They were ac companied by Mrs. Louy's sister, Mrs Anna Henshaw, who took the train in the evening for her home in Silt, Colo. After visiting several weeks with relatives in lone. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopkins ar rived a few days ago from Portland and will spend theri vacation with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hopkins. Mrs. H. M. Cummins left Thursday for Underwood where she expects to remain for some- time looking after the apple crop on their place. S. A. Pattison of Heppner, spent Thursday in lone on business. Wayne Schriver son of C. M. Sclhriver, and Flenner Douglas, son of A. L. Douglas, left a few days ago for Portland where they will attend the Adcock Tractor school. Miss Margaret Jones has returned from her short vacation. While away Miss Jones took the civil service ex amination at The Dalles. The families of Will and Lowell Ganger motored over Saturday from Pendleton to spend Sunday withJ.heir mother, Mrs. C. E. Shaver. They re turned Monday accompanied by their mother, who will visit for some time with relatives. Mrs. J. ll. Sparks of Condon, came in Tuesday on the local to visit a few days with relatives. Mr. Sparks came down from Heppner in his car and they returned home Friday ac companied by their cousin, Miss Lil lian Cochran, who will visit a few days at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Yocum and daughter, of Spokane, have been visiting a few days wif'n Mrs. Yocum's sister, Mrs. John Keene. Mr. Yocum and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Keene and their daughter left some days ago for Spokane. We under stand Mr. Yocum and Mr. Keene have bought a cattle ranch on the John Day and will move their families n? Horn as Mr. Yocum gets his liouse- old goods p.iclft-d. ?Iibs Beatrice Sperry has returned from her vacation spent with rela tives and friends at Brownsville and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Klncald and son Harold, returned home Tuesday af ter spending several days with rela tives in Pendleton. The families of John Wilt and C. N. Wilt of Pontiac, Mich., accompan ied by Frank Christenson, motored in the former's car Tuesday to Grans plloy to k,i nd a fw days with Mr. i.d Mrs. John Will' davrbi..'. Wis. II jr Blal'f. it-'v -turn- t to lone Saturday. Sam Ganger came down Sunday from Heppner to spend the day wlUi his mother, Mrs. C. E. Shaver. i Mrs. Frank Engelman who has been spending the past week visiting her telutlves In Portland, returned Sat urday. Mrs. Engelman reports a very pleasant trip. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kltrhle has been quite sick but IhhI reports was bi-tler. Oregon. The latter years at lone. His business as a photographer occasion ed, a good deal of traveling during his stay in Iowa he was married to Del phine Gardner, w'ho after a long and delightful companionship passed on to the better laud six years ago There survives him an only child, Nettie, now Mrs, John Mobley, and two grandchildren, Alma and Joseph. Mr. Lowell was an earnest chris tian and meber of the Congregational church of this place. He was afflict ed with deafness most all his life be ing wore the last few years. Per hap this added t othe keen delight that was ''his in the study of the bi ble. He selected the songs and the scripture lesson and text to be used at his funeral services. He passed away the 26th of September at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Mobley. m M lone to Have a Paper Mr. Ackerman, former editor of the lone paper, was a business caller in our city last week. It has been reported that lone is to have a paper in the near future and that Mr. Ack erman has bought the printing press and expects to get the first issue out about the first of November. Ford Parts Ford Service I take pleasure in announcing to the Ford own ers and the general public of Heppner and Morrow county that I have opened an accredited Ford Agency in the Oilman building, on Willow street, Heppner, where will be found at all times everything needed in U i the Ford Use. I k I'm i f I I 1 i 1 ill I I I lOXK SCHOOL XOTKS Small Farm of 160 Acres Partly in cultivation, near town, will watered, fair house and barn, good garden, small orchard PRICE $3500. One-half Cash; Terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE The Camp Fire Girls organized last Friday with Miss Meda Angell, one of the grade teachers, as leader. The sixth, seventh and eighth grades started work in manual arts last week, the girls taking domestic science and the boys manual training. Domestic science is offered the first semester and domestic art the last semester. The high school classes have double periods daily and the grades twice a week. Mr. Earl A. Brown, the school band and orc'hestra leader, has the following students signed up lor the work: Cornet, Thomas Davidson and Edmund Bristow; Altos, Keltsey Devin, Carl Linn and Carlton Swan son; trombone, Keithley BlaTte, Har old Anderson and Nolan Vage; Clari net, James Howard; Drums, Ted Blake. More students are still want ed for bass, cornet and tenor. The teachers in the high school re quire each student to make out a complete schedule of all time whidi he is to devote to school tasks, in cluding the periods when he Is not reciting at school and the study time at home. The purpose is to establish regular hours and regular habits of study and home work. Any pupil In high school may earn one unit toward graduation by taking I carry a complete stock of Ford parts and handle no other line. My place is exclusively a Ford shop. 1 Ford Price List Touring Car with Starter $719.70 njuuiif; aL , wiLuuut vjiai Lei tpuiej.u m Ford Truck $684.70 I , 1 I Call and get acquainted Chas. H. Latourell I PROPRIETOR Lowe left on Sunday for Portland returning to Cecil on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fetty.iohn and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Ben Barnes of Poplar Grave. Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats accompanied by lier daughter. Miss Violet, left on Sunday for Heppner, returning home Tuesday. Zenneth Logan arrived in Cecil on" Monday from Pendleton and will visit his old friends lor a while. Robert Pope who has been look ing up his Civil friends returned to the Willows on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Farkner of up social work according to the fol- Lower Willow creek, were Cecil cal- lowlnu outline. When a pupil has lers on Montluy, Pioneer Pbm-k A why W. J. Lowell puKM-d away Friday, Sept. 21, at the iik" of 73 ars. The funeial services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. In the Congregational church of lone, ll k, Kinerii k con-din-linn the MTVln-x. Mr. Lowell was rather a qiiHlnt man but pt"tty well known. lieirtK an uncle of tin' lilukex er.il Mis. Kd Moore and Mrs. W. L. Pad berg of this plu'e and of Mn. Arthur Wills of Poitland. lie was bom in Bohton In MC. maktnK him 73 yearly of e st the lime of tils death. At the K of 14 Mr. Iiwe! came to Oregon, arriving at Corvsllls In 16. He lived a brief 1 1 n i In earned 15 points he shall have done his year's work and ahall be entitled to one-Jhalf unit. Points may be earn ed In tha various activities as fol lows: President student body, five points; secretary student body, two and one- half points; manager student body two and one-half points; president of class, two and one-half points; parti clpatlon In debate try-out five points; participation in inter-school, seven and one-half points; for each appear ance on literary program, one point; president of literary society, two and one half points; secretary, one point major part In play, five points; minor part In play, two and one-tiolf points; public appearance on any otjier school program, one point; points are alBo given for athletics, besides on the recommendation of the Inntructor In charge the faculty may grant one fourth credit per year toward gtadti at ion for regular and ryitcimllc par ticipation In any of the following ac itviliin! foot ball, basketball, base- bull, tennis ami track. This year the seventh snd eight".! gtadeiraie so large that It was nece :ir In rhunire their room from the tltt floor to one of the linger lilgl K hool moms on the rwond floor . A large number of p'lpll ft "in ruial schools aie attending, the lone Mhool this year. We r glad seicome itiem ami kit many mote us cjii lind it conn no tit to attend. PENNY A WORD Advertisements under this heading one cents a word for each insertion. No ad for less than 15 cents. Ads nre Invariably cash in advance unless given by persons with duly establish ed credit. LOST 33x4 Miller Cord Casing, Itlm and Tube. Return to Mcltoberts Cohn Auto Co., and receive re ward. 22-23 DR. CLYDE R. WALKER F. II. ROBINSON rilYMtlW ,M ! itiv ,thh;m.v AT l.WS 1i . rnn.t"l l.me, Orra M.ila Slrrrl ine, Orrgon Ash Your Dealer Gr&iw Prize Ho&Cfl NrcArms 6 Ammunition Write frffttAln'i CECIL ITEMS ITrT.Tm "" i ji sr,tprji"ff n l w jf I t f-KCIL Mr. and Mis II. Sherman of Sub in made a short slay In Oil duritu? iist k. i. II. Milt'f of P.osrdlens lUrn mine In from Fl'ewnter on Fund) and has b n vlsitlim at Mr. Yth tin's and a!o Mr. O Lundell s on Willow erek (or a few d. A large surprle pmty on Mi Car tie Nash hld at ling on f'al unlay evening An ft ) tint ,. spent KMm l,Ml ! "l- d at midnight. Jurk llnd, A It I in!' and T. II Mrs. Ralph Winter and family and Miss Hazel Winter of Shady Dell, left for Yakima Wednesday where they will visit for the next ref weeks. Mr. and Mrs Geo. A. Miller of High View, and Mrs. L. H. Lowe of Cecil were callers on Mrs. Jaclt Hynd of Butterby Flats Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and daughter, Miss Blanche, accompanied by Miss Violet Cherry, spent Wed nesday at I ho Last Camp, leaving Thursday for their homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. ft. Slncey rrom Michi gan, arrived In Cecil on Thursday and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwlg'iit Winner during their visit in Cecil. Mrs. K.lla Buller and daughter who havo been in Heppner for a few days returned on Tuesday to the Slender home. Mrs. A. K. Nash of Full view wua an Arlington visitor on Saturday. W. O. Palmateer of Windy Nook bus been busy hauling his wheat to III et'ecll warehouse these lust two lays. Jar k Fenwlck ho I buy papering urid painting Die new col I. ire at the Lookout for Jink Hynd. paid a bin rled tiip to lone on Friday. r.vri t l.ngun of the Willovs, left n the local for ll' pi.in r Wedrn-day Jnck liid an A. Ileiriksen atleiid l the hotel meeting In Heppner on Friday evening. Mr. snd Mrs, John Tavlor late ol lli'lpmr Jiimlion. sp-nl Tiisd.i) ullli Mr, and Mrs It H Wilson at Ling. leaving Wednesday, for thed Imme in Portland. Congratulations are l iidi'd from 'In I'i'il f on.iiiiiMty to Miss In w li.ei.l.is f Tn.iitil.ile end Mr Krlr !!. ri "f Oi'V'iti City who ere iiiii'iod a f rl iy bi o We nnd'j 4'srnl tin) will i,l" in I'ortl.irnl We't-liiig bills ill 'In In 'Vril dm li e tl.- til dii of !". Wat" ll for nrt ulari rietit k. I' i: L.iVi r of P '.jiUmcs .is du ng !.iirn In Ahii.tn Friday V. mIi' I,... V ,'. - ii'. and A. It F'ri l f stunt Hie n Hid In ll' l"ir. ils. Mrn A ll'Iii.ki'n and psrty of Hill SAliK 200 head stock sheep, 10 head well-bred black-faced bucks, 5 howl cattle. At the old llelllnghrook place on Rhea creek. R. S. McClim- ans. 22-33od WAXTKM Situation by man and wife on ranch. Call Main 4S3, Hepp ner, Oregon. 22-23. Hl t KS HUl HAI.lv 150 heud of coarse bucks, best quality, lit own k. Menaniln, Heppner, Oregon. 22-tf I'AMAKAt! ItWTS HHt HAlK at Herreng Mill, at 9 cents each. I. U. Ilasey. 12-25 iiMT r'ullblond Alrdale bitch. 1U reward for her return to Kinmett Coehran, Heppner, Oregon. 22-24 .MI lion: Hill HAI.K 7-rooni house with bath. Lot 70x132 at one-half Its real value. For price. terms, etc., call on or address C, L. Keltiiley, Heppner, Oregon. 22-24pd I'lUOK HtiJ O. Hager to hava your wood sawed befora It ralna. -24 roit kali: l it! I K Hill HAI.K Three ton Purknid truck In A No. 1 condition I IsOO. For particular call on or address the Heppner Her ald, liepprinr, Oregon. S2lf TlltMIl AI'AUIMIMh -The din-Ing-room at the Turner Apiirlnientl will open Monday, Kepli mber 29th. Those wanting regular board should apply early. 21-22 IOH HAM; Urge, se.ond band fire pnnif safe In splendid ivndlll.in. Price $200. Apply at Turner Apnrt rnrnta 21 12 I.VWi Itl.W A 1 1 1 For return r.f ! I 4 I. H, tire nd rim betwperi Lex ington and filet Thtirsdir. ".titer,,. jtier l, Finder return to M It .i!. r t. jtVibn Auto Co., Heppner or Hhelley'g ' Condon mid rr ive reward. M-t. r l.v.i.it patti . n i.f H.j.p! oer and alao Mi VhUn I,gn t Portland were ti e we.-k in I gnei of Mls A. C H)nd of lluttrrbr ,,i. M' lullt. I.gatt p-nt Thursday I'h I: J. talrl.urst at Jiii.v t.w ranch. i f j V: i -