PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 30, 19 19 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Knti'iirl nt the Heppner, Oregon. Vin-tol fiee ur- second-rlHss Matter WILSON INVADES HOUSE OF FOES One Year Th Ts:i:.M. of s! use iiii'Uo.N ...$2.00 Six .U..ntl.s ee Months -11.00 CARRIES HIS BATTLE FOR LEAGUE OF NATIONS INTO HOME OF HIS ENEMIES. onri: iii.r.cnov Notice is beroby given that a special election will be held in the City of Hejjpnfr on the 25th day of Oetob- ', "19, for the purpose of Kubinitlj'i-,' to ins voters thereof the proposed charter amendments con tained in the following resolution: i:i;soi.nio. WHEREAS, The present water sufiply is insufficient to furnish the City of Heppner and the inhabitants thereof with an adequate supply of pure and wholesome water for do mestic use and for fire protection, now therefore 1)10 IT RESOLVED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER, That the following pro posed charter amendments be and the same hereby are submitted to the legal voters of said city for their adoption or rejection at a special election herein called to be held in said city as hereinafter provided, to-wit: FOR SALE At A. C. Allison ranch, two miles above Pine Citv. on ! Ih'.tter creek, I Durham bull, i 7 jersey cows. 3 Jersev heif ers, good dairy stock. . Cows will freshen between now and first of yeai . heifers will freshen next spring. 2itf AN ACT To amend an Act, on tilled "An Act proposed by the Common Council ol this City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, to enact, provide and adopt, a Charter for tbo City of Heppner, Morrow Cotinly, Oregon, to be sub mitted to I hit legal vot ers of the City ol Heppuer, Morrow County, Oregon, for their approval or rejection at a sperkil election to he held in snid C:'.V on Hie 2llh day of December. MUX. and to re.-al all ails and parts of ads in conflict therewith," submitted to and apoi-eviii by the legal voters of saiil city at the Special City election held llioio'n on tin 2t)Hi day of December, I !M S, Mid to at. 11 ml all o! her actr providing a charier lor said city, 01 am -ndim; rune theretofore or tliero all'T enacted by the Legislative As si'Mhly 1 by vole of the people I IF IT ENACTED !!Y TDK PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER, that an Act entitled "An Act proposed by the Common Council of the City of lli"iner, Morrow County, Oregon, to enact, provide and adopt u Chatter for the City of Hcppiicr, Morrow Count v. Ore"i.n, to be submitted to the legal votetH of the City of Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, for limit- approval or rejection ut a special election to be held In Bald City on the 20th day 6f December, I II IK, tind to repeal nil aels and parts of ac's In conflict therewith," sub mitted to und approved by tho legal voters of said city at tho Special City election held therein on the 20th day of December, 1!H8, and that all other acts providing ; charter for said cly theretofore or thereafter enacted by the Legislative. Assembly, or by vote of lb people, bo and tho sumo hereby Ik :t nded by adding thereto Chap let X to toad as follows: t IIAITI Il fieri on I. For the pun. me ol pn. ruling, lends with elm-It to pir i ll :.n tho i t ,' it. title i -till llilm-it ol the IL'I'l'hcr Light i W.tler Com pany, In ami to IIh ryrlem i f watei ii, !,, now . 'ipjdyi'.ig the I. anility ot llM'pner w.ih v iter, t.-eetlter with nil ",c:i .m il:-.e , gionii.lH, toeer VKi . ina r ;. hvliuai. engine it ml eiiiipnii nt li-e.l i nd coii'iecled Willi l Kjsti in of water v m Ii-., lis III" I'm noun Council may deem necen mi :, and lo cniiMiuol, keep and mi .: . n a giavll) hlein ol wittet w.nkt. t.i uidei to piopeily and ado ii'i l'-lv su pi. the n.iid city and the inhibit. mis Unroof with wilier, the i et in lie taken ifnm u source from Willow i iei k t' y to the loliim l.i i Itiwi in Mmiow I'mnity, (iieguil. 11 it rf Mini Nihil other soiiices tribii V to caul Willow deck. UK the Cuiimiiii t oiimil of k.iiiI City of II pi' ii i i in i, il. i in n ..! i iei ad Hie pit l pie r nt pur .lit it wu. water ,t. .m l n;l;. I i-nl .t Ill I' I 1. 1 it V M stc'H . and t.-r r.nv or all the i', nullum : Hi ppm r l "r.V. coin of 'he United S!a;es of the i e-:r ii 1. rlaniiiird of value with in ter' ri. tli'Moon in like r.dd coin at the- d'le of fiv rind one half per eer! (!14'a) per annum, payable semi annually, each of said bonds to be a direct general obligation of said city of Heppner, and to be known as CITY OF HEPPNER WATE'l BONDS. Said bonds shall be dated at a convenient time to bo fixed by the Council, the maturity or maturi ties to be likewise fixed by the Coun cil, but not to exceed twenty (20) years from date, and the principal and interest of said bonds rfhall be made payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. Section 2. The debt limitations contained in the' charter of said city shall not apply to the bonds hereby authorized. Section 3. The Council shall each year at the time of making the an nual tax levy for city purposes in clude in such levy, a sum sufficient to pay interest due on the outstand ing bond of this issue and to retire I the principal thereof at maturity. UESOLVLiJ FJ:;t:IEU, That this resolution for proposed charter lam ndments submitted to the voters by the Council be filed with the Ho co'der of the City of Heppner, for :V:ib;'iis:;ion to tho legal voters of said city, for their rejection or approval lo b" voted upon at a special election to be held as herein provided: RESOLVED FURTHER, That tho Cr.tiueil deems it advisable and tioes hereby and herein call and make nc- a: ary provision for tiie holding of a apocial election which s'aiill be and hereby js called to bov held on the .'.Tib day of October, 1 ft 1 , between '.he legal vol in;; hours on said date, i nit dial sa'd lime be and the same hereby is designated as Hie time for l.oldiri:: siid special election, and the Council Chambers in said Ciry are lii'ia by tic. i"t',al 'd as the polling place tiiereioi nod the following earned e soni are hereby deaignaled and poointtd aa. .-.nil for (lie jtii!; es and 1 :'l;s' of raid election, to-wit: .'omi Kughri and W. 0. W'.Orrty, i :;. c; D. W. Ilaitnott, Anna V en civ i ml Mrs. H.irson Hughes. Clerks. nr-MoLVFt? rraTHEit, t:i: for the 'hereinabove proposed charter amendments, the following ballot tl- tle be and the same hereby Is-adopted lo-wit: cii itTi:i; amkimi:nts si bmit. Till) TO Till.; VOTKItS HY THK om.ho corxcn, G!E$ COST GF GHEAT I Informs Them of Lives and Treasurt t Poured Out to Save Civilization. it nl ut th l'i In . ible. Mid i .mi' nil ,lil .. plpci. i'I' Ii III I lell .1.1 lit k , r it i i ii t jut? 'Hit nt I he Citv Ii) .1 ill lull I, -Oil Mill llipliH I I i ll til li.. and illpi'o of K'l'i' i.ilii;,i teiii li .iol id Mild l it) In the M in nf On ll niilii it riioii aiiol Didlain (linn linn), mid build- to be 111 lie AX AIT To amend the Charter of the City of Heppner, mibmitted to anil ap pi oved by the legal voters thereof at the special election held therein, on ieivtnbor 20, mm, nnd to amend all ' r.ior acts providing a charter for aid city, or amending buhhi by ad I in thereto Chapter X, providing for in Issue of City of Heppner, In tho mini of $100,000, tor procuring funds for the purchase of the Heppner Light A Water Company Water Works System, and for making ad ditions, heltci menu and extenslonn loi adequately supplying the ( 'It) with water. leu Yon DM No i ': it n iniiEii iilsolvkd. i'hat I. in R M i.uler In and he in 5tore 'n I a.. i uct ed to uhllt-h tho hiiieln nbnve proponed chatter amc'iilineiitii submitted to the voter by the Council In the milliner provided by law, that H tn h.i y, by publication til tht i rei idutinii in Dili for Iwo cun- iiiitu e pti Illicit ,mi i with in the t on ly d i! iMuiieiliat. ly preceding said tiii lal i lee ! ii i u III the Cielte Timi . .ml lli;iiiei- lliiiibl, i"a boiiu l ew .p,ipeii pulillsbeil In the t "It v it lleppiii r nnd hen by iloslgnaleil fur id pm po o. t'.m i d bv ti e Cnuticil on lliln the ."I'll d.i) ol Si ptemhei. I'llt. by tin lolluw iiik tnlo; Vim- Swo.k, NnMo, lloymoi. .nt t Ii n. T.ilt and t'hti k v None. Sliliinllti , to tho M.iym Soptomtior ."'Hi. l'll! liimd bv tho M.itor Si pti tnbei C ' I It. I'll?. It ' Ii i .1 I. .1.1 , .I. I it ti o! i I ,.!. I I I .nan o.irh, l na.l ceillt i inn''! ti.o ,l . I'l in tut ..I, , II.,. h . o.'le . n n ,ti or and i 'hi 1 1 !o , tn tin- the lioiir- t nil. I boll. I nt niitttnily i-titii f Tn-r'rt ft ri.rd. In i n. . a il elf. u( I ;.inl da' i ' i. I . il In- Hie I I 'i f i. I I i the l iii i . i- r ... .. ,, i.t the I , 'i' " ' 1 . linn I lull i ' I con I I! i f b ! III : t 'I' f .,: . , I - i .i,,t f the w 1,11 rill tin. II lle 'alli e Mol i f il I .teuie til p. v.r '.IIS. M.i) or A tli i.l : J V ( ri. ll.l.l MS. lie. HI del . Clou Quarter. Ilitp.ii'. d II. hi... Hunter I've Irmii-ht I nk tho k.m i.f i,.iir ni-it-II. Ho win, Un't tn.un In It f..r tho n tn tho imiuip! I.t'lidmi I'pluli.ti. (By Mt. Clemens News Bureau) Aboard President Wilson's Special train Carrying his warhiga-inst fhoe who oppose the adoption by the Uni ted States of the peace treaty and the covenant of the Ideague o Nations in to their households, President Wilson last week invaded California. And there, where the question on which league opponents have ham mered the hardest, that of Shan Tung Is of most interest, the president found the same enthusiasm among the peo pie for peace and for Insurance against future wars. The people want tho long controversy ended. They want this country '.o be able to again turn its undivided attention to social, economic and indus'rial development Their leaders may not feel this way, hut judging from the expressions which met the president en every side. The leaders have overstepped the limits of the peoples patience in theu- stubborn determination to force a change in the great document. Must Take This League. "We must ifcko tbiu League o Na tions,' said tu 't president, "lor tcore i is no way in which another cau La i obtained without compelling recall, j niileraUon. by the puwera. And ill vould sit very 111 upon my stomach to! take it back to Geriuaiiy for conuiilera- i Hon." I "All over the world people are. loo!:- lui; to us with euniidenee our rivals! along with the weaker nations.. I pray i Ood that the gentlemen who are. uj laylng tlris thing may presently see it in a dilfcrent light." Germany, '.ha president declared, is j taking now cgurago from our delay in ' ratifying the treaty and her news papers and public men were again be- j coming arrogantly out-spoken. Deeply impressive were the figures cf the cof:t of the late war, in lives , and dollars. It was the first time that ; tile olucia.1 statistics have been made ! puhlie and the tremendous totals : shocked the president's audiences. Shows Cost of World War. "The war." said President Wilson, I cost Great Britain and and her Do-, mains $38,000,000,000; France $2fl,u00r 000,000; the United State3 $22,000,- 000,000; Russia $18,000,000,000; Italy $13,000,000,000 and a total. Including ' tho expenditures ot Japan, Belgium i and other small countries; of $123,000,-1 CO0.000. ! It cost the Central Powers as fol- j lows: Germany $39,000,000,000; Austria-Hungary, 21,000,000,000; Turkey! end Bulgaria $3,000,000,000. "Tte United States," the president caid, "spent one million dollars an ! hour night and day for two years In Its struggle to save civilization. All ; this, however, fades into Insigni ficance when the deaths by bat'lo are considered," declared J the president. Russia gave 1,- 700,000 men; Germany 1,600,000; France 1,380,000; Great Britain 900.- 000; Italy 364,000; the United States CO, 300. In all, almost' 7.500,000 men perished In th great struggle, or 1.600,000 more men than died In all of the wars of tho previous 100 years. Should Renumber Recent Horror. inese are torriDia raota, and wo ought never to forgot them. We went into this war to do a thing that wi.i fundamental for the world ud what I' have come out on this Journey for is. to determlno whether the country kaa forgotten or not. I have found out. , Tho country has not forgotten and It t will never penult any who stands in the way of the fulfillment of oui- gnat pledges, over to fiirgct the sor roful day he lii.uln the attempt." 1 Ion ami dincuiMlon. the pres -' idotit pointed out, must replace force ; of arm In the) aottlotncnt of world , rnntroverleit. Cotmtuntly ho dwells Upon tint fact that all th.i tia'Ums In tho U-ait'to unr.'o to do nun of two thing, firm to submit their d;rernceii ' to arbitral inn. In which can. they anroo to abide by Ihn ilocUum ren dorod. or, If unwilling to nrhi'rutn, to! hsvit their inw dUi-iK d by tlm Coun- j Cll of the LettKU", In which ca lX month la grunt.-.! for di-cuolon. ' Thru month tnut olapn f ilowinc thit rult of tin stop in srbltra-1 tlon befort t!in tuition rotu-.-nied enn doclarn war. Holds Out Hops for lrUnd. The pre!,! nt took .! fluent!, tn riratie!i't,1.t t.v ti... . .. ! clCO ljilu r Ci'iitn !l t.) (Iirt ; nc that ho Ih-Iiovc ln Uicl , her . bofuro the Li ,i,;u - , tor ftt!imi-tit h-n la I actually In -i ,t.-;u --. Sh m Turn!, ha .1,.. :..rt ,1. turnrt.l ( ( j,,,, , J.iaan, h.. given h.-r o icu p;.-,!,;,. t., t An.l r.h tho I.f.tiu" of N f.treo, !,! th.t pre. .l.-nt. ! CHURCH NOTICES I t Federated Church Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. We use the lesons of the International Sunday School Asociation. Morning churo (service 11:00. Christian Kndeavor 7:00 p. m. Evening ser vices 8:00. H. A. NOYES, Pastor. Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in the lodge room in the I. 0. 0. F. building. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All interested are invited to attend these services. Subject for Sunday, September 21, "Matter." FLOUR RE-SALE THE UNITED STATKS (J It A I X ( OIJI'Ol l ATI O X Announces that it will sell "Straight" grade Hour, to all purchases s, in carload lots, in 140 lb. jute sacks, p-oss weight delivered to any Hall way station in Zons 10. com prising t".ie States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, at not to excor-a $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Purchasers will be supplied from nearest avail able mill, which may iwult. n r li.'.'it saving for buyers' nrcr-t'p.t. Vliol:s:tlst ao'l .jobb':ip; profits on such flour must not exceed 7,"c per bbl. and retailer's profits nitiNt not exceed $1,115 per bbl. l'N!TK.i STATES (iUAI.N COIU'OUATIOX 510 Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon s A f t T v & s E r. V I c E EVER SINCE ADAM'S TIME When men tell you there is not much opportunity any more for a young man with no special advantages in the way of money, position or education-, consider that they have been saying this ever since Adam's time. Among men today who enjoy any degree of material success, only a very few had spec ial advantages. Their start was made by saving money. Money saved is an advantage to any young man. It earns interest for him and makes his opportunity wider. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Deposits Over One Million Dollars SfTi alley C utter Will Save 25 Per Cent of Your Feed Costs One-fourth of the dry feed that is fed uncut is wasted. The Smalley cuts dry feed so there is no waste, and the stock get full value of the feed. Nothing keeps up the flow of milk in cold or bad weather like good succu lent silage. Get the highest production from your cows by purchasing a Smal ley Cutter and putting your silage away when feed conditions are best. The 3-in-1 Smalley Cutter Combines a complete Silo Tiller. Feed Cutter and Meal-Making Cutter all in the one machine. Perfected thru ( years of experience in building machinery to cut the cost uf feeding on the farm. Drop in and let us demonstrate the Smalley. for you. GILLBA ha q. 01 use of . KVan- ..) ll.frr .1 brin N'ltlont iitua It CDC JIC5DL Heppner, Oregon Distributors for Smalley Feed Cutters J! - '-MP Il . k L it - OOC 1 I, TbU n ii r i oi, i si , .'i'.l lnt Jju " . 1. bJ , ; eff-jct ' ,1-ni In .in, If f r"i vil nay. I 91 to to to