Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 23, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Tuesday, September 23, 19 19
Pacific International Livestock Association
An organization composed of stockmen of the Pacific Northwest
of which Portbnd is the natural marketing center.
An organization which has for its object the development of the
Live Stock Industry in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on such a
basis as will insure to the stockman the stabilizing of his business
not only in production, but in shipping and marketing.
An organization which will be an educational factor in helping the
producer to put out a better grade of product that will insure him
the highest possible return from his labor and investment.
Pacific International Livestock
Exposition Building
A building being erected by the stockmen of the Pacific Northwest
at North Portland, Oregon, as a Stock Show Home, costing $250,
oqo and covering seven and one-half acres and which will be the
biggest and finest building of its kind in the country. An educa
tional and development center of tremendous importance to the
livestock industry of the, entire Pacific Northwest..
This gigantic building, now in course of construction, is about 70
per cent complete and every effort is being made to have the entire
structure down to the last nail complete before the morning of the
opening of the big Livestock Show next November,
The cost of this wonderful building has been apportioned among
the stockmen of the different counties of the states interested.
Morrow County's Quota is
This advertisement is intended as an appeal to the stockmen and
every citizen who is interested in the better development of the
livestock industry to subscribe this amount without further delay.
Most of the Oregon counties have long since completed their
Will Morrow County stockmen, bankers and business men longer
allow this matter to drag? NO!
Stock in the Pacific International Livestock Exposition Building
has been issued in shares of $25.00 each.
As soon as you read this advertisement call W. B. Barratt, S. W.
Spencer or W. P. Mahoney who are in charge of the stock sub
scriptions in this county and say how many shars of stock you will
take. DO IT NOW.
Let the world know that Morrow County is no piker.
Buy some stock in a proposition that will help your own busincess
and the business of every man in the county. BUY STOCK IN
Pacific international Livestock Exposition Building
If you have not, call at our
Stare and let us demonstrate
it for you. We have just re
cciveu a shipment of High
Grade Pianos and Pianolas
Clay & Co.
whom wc represent in IIcpp
ncr. , ...1
Wc will be glad to help you msrte a selection of a Piano or Pianola.
Your old piano will be accepted as part payment on any new
piano r pianola we sell.
Terms can be arranged if desired.
Catalogue of our instruments may be milled on request.
Patterson & Son
David Hynd and hla alster, Mis
Annie Hynd, who have bwn visiting
varlou part of Canada. Pnt the
k end with their slater, Mr. T.
j jam at Cecil, before leaving 'nr
th-lr home IB Bd Hollo. They
hi( thoroughly eB)oyed their two
months trip but -nil "
noli.lng to come up to Mot row
rounl jr.
Hit. Gratiu Huim.er of the Lost
Camp, spent sevetal da) In Heppcer
during the lal week returning home
Mr. unl Mn C. A. Mill.-r id I on,
AlvtB. of High View, were railing on
1 Mr II. B. Wllvn 01 Ewing on nemr.
Mltn The
dsv nl alo on J
Mt. Jfk Hynd .f Hutf-th Kut
ho ha been visiting with I."
mother In Arthur. Onutlo, Cn'l
fr the past fw weeks, returned o
hr tiom on Tuesday. Mr. Hynd
a accompanied by one of her
nephews, Russell 8haw. who ha e0
j service la France and ha Jl bcn
discharged from the Canadian a.my
and will visit around in Oregon for
some time. Mrs. Hynd declares no
place seems so good to her as her
home on Willow creek among
so much fine alffalfa.
A. It. Finlay, who has finih"l
building the new house at the Look
out, for Jack Hynd, ltft for Portland
Ceo. and Henry Krebs, Wa'.tel
Pope, Otto FinKy, Roy Stende, Mrs.
Dennett, MIhb-A. C. Lowe und Miss
Juanita Crabttee were among the.
Kound-up visitor from Cecil.
Melville V. Logan of Portland, Is
visiting with his brother, Lton, at
Four Mile.
J. W. Osborn who has been kicked
on the knee by one of his horse, paid
a visit to Pr. Chick at Heppner and
had his wound attended to.
Krebs Bron. have been busy mov
ing a house from the Melton place to
one of their sheep sited during the
week. We heard it has been called
the "Shepherd's Rest."
Mr. and Mm. Karl Karon worth and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mm. It. 8. Wilson.
Everett Logan, of the Willow
was a caller at Mr. J. II. Franklin's
Mr. Gorton accompanied by Mr
and Mrs. llardesty, of Morgan, spent
Sunday visiting lhe(f Cecil friends.
John IVckcrs, who has been woik-
ng on Skinner creek, arrived On the
local on oMnday and will work at tli
Last Camp for Minor and Kreg"
Mra. Wlnton JefUreon and aon of
llcppner, are visiting with Mia Ueo
Fiarnea of Poplar Grove.
Mist dartre Mlddleswalt will tearh
at the Rhea school for tho Mliool
term. She wtl) make her homo with
Mr. II. Farniworth.
t tajik Kngelmaa or lone, mtin a
hort call In Cecil Monday.
Mr. A. Itlahn arrived In Cecil on
Monday from Heppnu Biie will wnk
at Dutterby Fli for Mt. Jack
Mlsa Ruth May of Lone Stat tanch
left for Wawo Monday where !
ill attend liigh m
A. Ilentlrkseo, J. Uf)d l II
Kt-b of rlt, atti n I' I thf toa
meeting In ll-vpfi' r V.'lnidy v n
Mia VlvUn I-gana of Portland. I
icit.ng her Cecil ftifti'1 for an In
i 'inite period.
'. Streetr of t'outtll, I llt
In with Mr. and 'J . if J, Ktrte
of Tour Mile.
Mi Carrie and Ada Nash of
I .T.ng. were visitor w th Mia J. If
Franklin of Rhea on Saturday
Miss Lucille Huff of Arlington,
was the guest of Mrs. A. Henricksen
of Willow Creek ranch during the
past week.
Miss Sara A. May of Lone Star
ranch, left on Friday (or Warnlck,
Wash., where she will teach for the
coming school year.
Miss Hazel Winter of Shady Pi ll,
who has been visiting friends in lone,
returned home Sunday.
J. H. Miller of lloardlesh Rain, left
on a business trip to Freewater Sat
Hit Language.
Mother told sister thnt lnhy came
from heaven, so when Imby was eight
months old sister wild to a playmate :
Our baby Is talkh. now, hut we can't
understand him, 'cuuse he talks sky
Dally Thought
The one thing In the world which Is
if value, Is the active soul. Kmerson.
If with pleasure you are viewing any
work a man is doing,
If you like it or you love him, full
him now,
Don't withhold your approbation, till
the parson makes oration
As ho lies with snowy lilies e'er
t his brow,
For no matter how you shout it, ne
won't leally care about It;
He won't know how many Imu-
drops' you have shed,
If you thlnT some praitse Is i!a
Now's the time to pass It to him.
For he cannot read his tombnti.ne
yhen he' dead.
Pity He Didn't Mlsa Them.
Kntotoology doe not record the
first appearance of the cootie, hut we
uppose that they were not slighted In
the trip Nonh made to save two of
every living thing.
Choicest of I'eef and Pork always in stock.
Dieted lVultry on Saturday. IVcsh fish on
Thursdays r.ntl Fridays. Cold meats for lunch
cut on a U. S. Slictr is a money saver.
Our cold Morage insures you the best of meats
Under New Management
Thp Hpnnnpr Bakerv
I m. . 11iM.Mi.11. rivti: c ,
Home Made Bread a Specialty
.1 t m
I I tan gumsnt.e my products trl tly fltut clans In every par-
HcuUr t.d Invite evetjr family In ll'ppner to lvi them a
My Cookies. Met and Caka will please you.
. i
1 J