THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN A PEACH STORY who was here what price he could quote f. o. b. Milton. He was given a price of 75 cents a crate, the same price per crate at which peaches of good grade were being sold at retail in Pendleton. This incident has been given to the East Oregonian as au thentic and is commented on as showing some of the peculiarities in connection with the price of food stuffs. Thosewho have the impres sion that profit making is confined to the retail trade and that the pro ducer is not desirous of tne best price he can obtain need further enlight ment. East Oregonian A local man wanted to buy 7 5 boxes of peaches tor a shipment to a relative in an adjoining county. They were to be had in Pendleton at 75 cents a crate retail. But he expected to buy them cheaper in Milton and on Saturday asked a Milton fruit man Read the Herald classified ads. Tuesday .September 16, iqiq ft I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I n 1 1 SI y I 1 1 4 y s fi n y y 1 n, i n f M II p y ft 'fi u II y f i M ft y Li Hoy V. 8 r, WSiiteis i - An u y an 1 1 The Real Estate M I am offer;ng this week a 20-acre tract within the city limits of Heppner, with a good, four-room house, concrete cellar, fine well, with wind-mill and reservoir, fair sized barn, chicken house and other out-buildings, some fruit trees. A bargain at ' 1 1 I i I 1 1 y y $2,000.00 I also have for sale a number of fine wheat farms and stock ranches and can suit almost any buyer in the matter of acreage or price. ' y u I u fi fi 1 1 Fire Insurance I write insurance on almost everything that is combustible. I rep resent six of the largest Old Line Insurance Companies on earth. 1 I tt 1 1 I i y I i P "J y it 'M Roy WSiiteis y y The Insurance Man it M Smoker realism m M that the value i in m I the cigarette and do M nof expect premium m or coupon! Camels ere eoJd everywhere in scientifically seeled pack age of 20 cigarettes ; or ten ' , package (200 cigarettes) in e glassme-paper-covered carton. ' We strongly recommend thie , carton for the home or office supply or when you travel iiiipiiiiliiii! 'j 1 ' -II I" -I LI. -I I I 'I!!:,: : ; nBlSISllWIiiiS IGARETT If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price ! CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any way you consider them 1 Take qual ity , or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfaction you marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or $ifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wimton-Salem, N. C LONtJ AM) SHOUT HAI L LEGIS LATION HKCEIVKS FAVOR ABLE CONSIDERATION West Side Mum Stroot lihPPN UK, UKIWivva- I M u WELCOME HAVE YOU HEARD THE PIANOLA If you have not, call at our Store and let us demonstrate it for you. We have just re ceived a shipment of High Grade Pianos and Pianolas from Sherman, Clay & Co. whom we represent in Hepp ner. i LtUk Wc will be clad to help you roaVe a selection of a Piano or Tianola. piano r pianola wc sell. Terms can be arranged if desired. Catalogue of our instruments may be mailed on rcpict. Patterson & Son The following letter has been ad dressed to Senator A. D. Cummins, of Iowa, by H. H. Corey, of the Public Service Commission of Oregon, re garding the long-and-short-'haul leg islation now under consideration in congress. Senator Cummins Is chair man of the BUb-commlttee which re cently made a favorable report on the measure. "All Eastern Orego.i was pleased to learn, through the press, that we were successful in securing a favor- haul legislation pending "beWW'W.'t congress, and that the sub-comniittoe of which you are chairman, stood five to one In favor of the measure. On behalf of the people of Eastern On-gnn, I mi:i wining to express our sinrere appreciation of your support knowing that your able i cprei uiui t tons and conclusions in the pi-: ims is based upon a nation wide knowl- tdgn und years of experience on t.i railroad question which is exceeding ly broad and comprehensive, and that we feel that your support of the leg islation In guest ion, based aw It Is upon surlt wide knowledge and op- porportunlty for full investigation, Is a sinrere testimonial In behalf of the reasonableness and Justice of the re lief for which we have contended. We appreciate the fact that large Interests located in favored rate lo- ealitlei will endeavor to defeat the long-and-hort haul measure on the floors of congress. However, we have faith In the ability of yourself and colleagues to Influence a majority of the member of the senate to see (tie ustlce of our caie. so that they may finally be able to suppmt this very meritorious ieli f ineaiire. PHONE MAIN 365 IC Good, pure Ice, these days, is a very necessary fs a casefspcmilfr;,inr.lit'yaLcvery home. It Ice hill in no way equaling the loss in things spoiled by the heat. We maintain a delivery service in every part oi town and orders by phone will have prompt at tention. .... Why not send home a case of our Soda Water it's pure and wholesome and will add greatly to the pleasures of life during the summer. Ask our driver about it. Heppner Ice & Soda Works REAL " imt'MM V ATTEND LOCAL AGENTS HEPPNER 1 OREGON rENDI.ETON, Ote. H'pt. 7. The I'tlnce of Wales himself may be an attraction not on the progrun for the Pendleton Hound up which will be held Thursday. Friday -nd Saturday. Pept. 1. 19. n'l 2". Pendleton HI highness, who Is now In Canada on a tour west, ha been Invited tl h- pMent at the greatest ler uhtrw In all America and It is poible that he will consent to at tend. Whether or not royalty Is piewM. thin will .e klnr nowne.1 at nils r-ar Hound fp. Sir liv any rowhoys won a till" lo rnerilH time and follomers i,f the Hound I'p re wond'ilng ho "t ""' rtnwn for b'ill.1'. ning a fi'-r, tiding a t-ty strinr td f'r t.lne There re woiH's rhn tf.n.liip tll-- t be roinp.-t.-d for l,y the eomgirU. and In all. 19 differ, nt etenla Will be Con- l.xd for durir.i- the tine big dv. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET Clifiict'st of I'.eef ami Pork always in stock. 1 -1 Poultry on Saturday. I'resh fish on Tliurstiaj s and Fridays. Cold meats for lunch cv.t 011 a L S. Slicer is a money saver. Our ( storage insures you the best of meats always. O VI ATT & HAPPOLD, Props. Under New Management The Heppner Bakery M. V. lilOl. Home Made Bread a Specialty I run (tuatantee my products stilrtly flrt rlasa In every par titular and Invite eveijr family In Heppner ! tlv Uieiu trul. j r;kte, Me and Cake will jog. X i a c:i X Head the rlifid and fl.4 9iat i. .b t aetir.i.