Tuesday September 16, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of NEIGHBORHOOD IONI .-? 1,1" ' M(,;-:-VV,4 n I fa M sa't It ilellcloasl -rfiSS & B I K' Pbi Butter Miu a&vArPSft ts fa Kf.'igUlW kereatteri It is C&5&K3f El Try Franz Butter Nut Bread Today FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BRISTOW & JOHNSON IONE, OREGON ! ' BE NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work. The day will come when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this time. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE i ii IONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements, Vehicles, Windmills. Pumps, and Gasoline Engines. We Sell Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone. Oregon IONE ITEMS IOXf J 1 . Cronan was here from Port land this week. Uoot Agent Hawk spent Sunday with Arlington friends. Mifj Ada Patrick of Portland, who b-'.s t. en the guest cf Mrs. I. T. Wal ker has returned ).ome. Mr. .r.c Vrs. G M. Akers havo re turned from Freewater where they spent their vacation with relatives. Their son-in-law, Johnny Frazer, re turned with them land will spend a few days here on business. G. M. Akers has purchased proper ty near Freewater and will move to that place soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wilt arrived Saturday evening from Pontiac, Mich., and will spend a week at the 'home of Mr. Wilt's brother. J. H. Wilt, Of this city. Mr. Wilt is man ager of the General Motor Truck Co, of that place. Chas. Oneil has sold his garage to his brother, H. J. Oneil. It will still be known as the lone Garage. E. R. Lundell and family spent Friday in Heppner enjoying the fair John Harbke of Mary Hill, Wash. who has been transacting business in lone too t'.m last tiv days, returned to his (home Saturday. Miss Linnea Troedson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson, of the Ella neighborhood, will attend school in lone this year. Mrs. R. W. Brown and three daughters left Thursday morning for Walla Vfalla. Mrs. Brown has rented rooms and will keep house for her children while they attend school there. The families of S. E. Moore, E. J. Brislow and Paul Balsiger motored to Heppner Friday to attend the Mor row county fair. They report a good time. John Land left Friday evening on a business trip to Heppner, returning Tuesday evening. Mrs. Holmes Holenian and little daughter, Marjory accompanied by her mother, Mrs. John Cochran, left Wednesday to spend a few days with relatives in Heppner and while their they attended the Morrow county fair. Mrs. Alice Keller left Tuesday eve ning to spend a few days with friends In Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer spent Tuesday in Heppner on business. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Gus Wilcox, who will spend a few days Jit their home. Chas. Oneil received word from his wife stating her mother, Mrs. E. A. Hartwell passed away Wednesday morning, September 10, at her home in Kelso. Washington. Mr. Oneil left In the evening to be present at the funeral. The particulars will be given later. Miss Ruth Douglas left Tuesday for Enterprise where she will attetnd school this y:ir. She will make her home with her sister. Mrs. Turner. Mrs. H. Bigelow of Portland, ar rived Wednesday evening and Is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clyde R. Walker. Miss Gwendolen Jones, who hat been visiting for the past two weeks with friends and relatives of lone, left a few days ago- for Washougal, Wash., where she wil ltj ili this year huvir.i? charge of the 7th grade work. vViil Glfford of Beaver ton, 1i.mii fler of 'he Pacific Potato Rtarch C . ainvtu Saturday and v. 11 spend a few . ay in lone on business. V.'l. I" here Mr. Gifford will attend a specil meeting with the board of director of this company. CECIL ITEMS i 1 f i 1 I 1 ! E. Mannigan of the Benson ranch was doing business in Cecil on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. John Nash and family spent Saturday at the Fairview ranach. . G. A. Whitcomb, of Morgan, was a visitor ai me uusy Hee ranch nn Friday. A. E. Ross of the Bungalow made a business trip to Heppner during the past week. Misses Ellen and Agnes McFadden of Enghtmile, autoed in to Cecil on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dempsey of Lower Willow creek, were doing business in Cecil Monday. A. Henriksen of Willow Creek ranch, left on the local on Thursday to take in the fair. Mrs. A. E. Nash and daughter, Ruth, of Fairview, spent the week end with Mrs. Peter Nash of Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Medlock and family left for Heppner Friday where they will visit friends for a few days. Miss Juanita Crabtree of Dothe boys Hill, anad Miss C. Palmateer of Windynook, were Cecil callers Satur day. Geo. Krebs of the Last Camp, who has been spending the last two weeks on Skinner creek returned to Cecil Friday. Ed Miller of lone, has been busy during the last few days fixing a large wind mill for Jack Hynd on Butterby Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick and daugh ter arrived in Cecil Wednesday. They have been spending a few days in Newport, Oregon. J. H. Miller of Boardless Barn, ac companied by J. E. Crabtree, of Dotheboys Hill, were business men in Arlington Friday. Jack Hynd accompanied by Master Herbert and Miss A. C. Hynd, left on Thursday to spend a few davs in Heppner and take in the fair. Mrs. Bennett and Miss Georgia Summers of the Last Camp, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yont of lone Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ella Butler of Heppner, ar rived in Cecil Sundav. Mrs. B will assume her duties at the Stender f ranch for the coming winter. W. E. Ahalt who has lately been ' honorably discharged from the navy , arrived In Cecil on Friday and will , spend some time visiting his old friends;- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and family or Rhea, accompanied by Miss H. E. Wallace, teacflier of the Wil lows school, made a Bhort visit in Cecil Monday. Ralph Winters of Shady Dell, re turned from Heppner on Saturday. He had been having a wounded hand attended to by Dr. Chick. We are glad to hear Ralph is about ready for work again. Mr. and Mrs. E. Logan and family were doing business In Cecil on Mon day. We hear Mr. Logan has pur chased the ranch known an Fall-view from J. W. Osborn of Cecil, for the sum of $67,000, this Includes tractor and combine. Mr. Logan will take possession In October. Harold Ahalt, who lias been In France for some months, also receiv ed his honorable discharge from the army In Portland on Thursday and Is at present visiting with his sister, Mrs. Boyd Logan, at Four Mile. Harold says there In no place so good to him as Morrow county. IFord Cars! 1 ; - I Ford Parts Ford Service I take pleasure in announcing to the Ford own ers and the general public of Heppner and Morrow county that I have opened an accredited Ford Agency i 1 I i3 1 i y K. in the Gilman building, on Willow street, Heppner, ' where will be found at all times everything needed in the Ford line. I carry a complete stock of Ford parts and handle no other line. My place is exclusively a Ford shop. Ford Price List Touring Car with Starter $719.70 Touring Car, without Starter $619.70 Ford Truck $684.70 Call and get acquainted Chas. H. Latourell PROPRIETOR COME TO US FOR I SCHOOL SHOES CO ... jcLuinicTta Jt - M'lf fi 71 1.1 in v mr n htm mm mm s-aT r .-.il J.- eg i r, K K Frank Engelman CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS Billiards and Pocket Billiards. Ice Cream Parlor in Connection. Latest Magazines and Periodi cals. Orcgonian Agency. Columbia Phonographs 1 1 lone, Oregon A J li:ill(.) XKWH DR. CLYDE R. WALKER F. II. ROBINSON IUVMCIW AMt ).U-..I ATToltM V AT I.IW HL.au. Cunnrrti.,11, ,r, On R n Mi'.lMrtMt I .m Oi.-i Miss Florence Boles was to leave Monday of this week for Corvallli where she will attend school. Mr. and Mm. J. E. Berry of t'nia tllla. toured down to trrigon Thurs day evening to visit their folks. Smith Jordan returned Wednesday l rf lust week from Yamhill county ! where he has been recently fighting forest fires. i Miss Tthel Knight was too 111 last wei'Tc to attend school. Her trouble j Is not considered erlous. however, and nn early recovery Is looked for The lirln fhnuX bensn Monday. Si-pti'iiiber 8, flh E. II. And-mon i an li-nrcd school man, as prln- I ripul, and Mim Blanche Powell and Mis. M. Orli'una a kunlnlant. High frlnM.I wotk WR rec'nlly Mill li'ir iz'' by v il- nf the district, and a Ix-i-ln ninit rl sttc With KooipinMTt fur n Mircerfiil year's wotk. Vhli I the ictt'. not a lsrire aftglr (In enriillim-tit I rotmldernlily lutifet than It wan a yar ago nd tle (tirli p'tTii to tf most ri Hi-nt. TIk pc.iioiil liost'l employed Kctcrsl per Hin In tat Ion capacini fur nn'l) a unit jniitinit tli hilM:n gionml In tW'd flinpi', sml tin- rn' t.iifik 1 Will t lud 'on K Ihry ' .1! be .l"!n't1 ly the d"Tl''l. The IrrlRon school district has In stalled a transport for pupils who live Rome distance from the school building, and Mr. Ilatle Ttand Is In charge ofthe bus. All went finely until Friday when trouble began. He started on the course with the Met the usual vehicle, but after a snort ing start and a run of a mile or more It stopped short and refused to go further, notwithstanding a volume of encouragement from the driver. The driver, however, understands1 Hie rh- ' ligation of public service, and he ! walked back a mil" or more and got jthe 111' f,- Ford." When he was about half way to achhool the gas supply ran out, so he had to go afoot 'bark to his home to get a supply of I gas. In the course of half an hour he lad the machine recharged and then the company tambM right along, reporting at the arhool build ing only a fw minutes late. Comfort and Good Service sold under a "Money-back" war rant of quality. We can serve you to ad vantage E- N. Gonty, Shoe Store G. F. STEELE WATCHMAKER and JEWELER Fine K -pairing of all Kinds lone OiTKMi PENNY A WORD Advertisement! undnr this heading one cents a word for each Insertion. No ad for less than 15 cents. Ads are invariably rash In advance unless given by peraon wldh duly establish ed credit. MIStT.M.AMXMH I'HOMK HI2 J. O. linger to have your wood sawed before It rain. -24 l ot M On the Butter Creek road last Tuesday, August , a coat. Kiati'inal pin on lup'l, fountain pen In pocket. Call Herald Office. J 8 If "Fori HAI.K Tltt'CK KOIt HAI.K Three ton Packard truck In A No. 1 condition f 1100. For particular eall on or addrea the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. $2tf HAY FOIl MAl K I havo CO or 0 ton of wheat, rye and alfalfa hay for wle In the atack, on my ranch one mile west of Morgan. Oms. tiray, Morgan, Oregon. M-21-pd AVIII Mm and wife at Saw mill I'refer man who liait some knowledge of bookkeeping and the !iiintr luiririens l'i .' In mill and y-Hid Woman to rook for crew of tire or ii nun t'etmancnt lob If mlted. Call at Hound lUMn ftuwmlll, ir addrc II. N. Hanson, Long Cre k ; Org.n. IJ-IOpdi tl.MM llu. :( Acrrn at lirliion. I'tiegon. Half mile from dpot. Hub- bit fenced, wind break, three acre ; twelve year-oil) appl Im-ok, nUnl acres airlfa. Mr. Knilly Dueling. Iloardnian, Oregon. ltf Foit hai.j; A hili spewl Wanticr and Wringer for sale cheap f taken at once, good a new. Inquire, at Hrald office ?t