or PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 9. 19 19 V, $ flfcail mm Morrow County Fair September II, 12, I3J Call and See Us While in Town .1 MI Come to This Store for the Very Newest ot Fall FasHions You will find a vast array of Style Masterpieces each one up to the minute. It's the greatest Show ing of new Clothes for men and young men we have ever had. Come in and look around. Suits of Extra Value They are perfect down to the finest detail, and they are from the best makers. Overcoats of the best Here's your choice of a great stock of the most stylish and most durable Overcoats we ever offered. Hats In tune with the times The keynote of a man's ap pearance is his Hat. Here arc the newest styles in de signs that reflect your good taste in the selection of headwear. furnishings to please the most critical The importance of correct Furnishings is well empha sized in our present show ing. You will find it easy to express your own ind viduality when choosing here. COMPANY