THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER; OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS 0 IONE NEIGHBORHOOD 1 TiJ" t-jt ' iej i ii i m fc i m , i m i i i IONE ITEMS CECIL ITEMS Tuesday, September 0,1919 1 0$ n K A BUTTER fjj, W0 The Housewife's Friend Best housewives will accept no other it's always fresh when it reaches your table. Give your grocer an order for Franz' Butter Nut Bread it will please FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BFJSTOW & JOHNSON IONE, OREGON BE NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work. The day will come when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this time. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE Mrs. George Thomas left Monday morning for her home at Madras af ter a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. M. B. Haines of this city. Rev. T. S. Hansaker of San Diego, Cal., preached a very interesting ser mon Sunday evening at the lone Christian cfhurch. Sidney Zinter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zinter, of the Gooseberry country, was compelled to spend a few days last weeek at the Jordan hospital, having his arm treated for blood poisoning. Mrs. W. R. Cochran left Friday on a business trip to Arlington, return ing Saturday evening acocmpanied by her husband. Misses Ruby Engleman and Lovey Warfield both of lone high school class of '18, have received positions teaching school. Miss Elgleman Is to teach in the Ella district and Miss Warfield in the Rudd district out from Heppner This Is the young ladles first school .and their many friends Wish them a successful year. Mr. and Mrs." Chas. Ritchie, and two children have moved to Heppner Mr. Ritchie has rented a ranch near there but Mrs. Ritchie will stay in Heppner to send the children to school. ' , Miss Gwendolen Jones, formerly of lone, arrived Monday evening from Challis, Idaho, to visit a few days with her sisters, Miss Margaret and Miss Catherine Jones, of this city Miss Jones will teach at Washougal, Washington, and will li&ve charge of the 7th grade work. Mrs. Ralph Kaiser, and two child ren left Tuesday morning for Maupln, Oregon, after a two weeks vacation spent with friends and relatives of this place. Born, Saturday, September 6th, to Mr. and vMs. Fred Ritchie, a 7 pound daughter. Mother and baby doing fine. Born, Saturday, September 6th, at the Jordon hopRital to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jackson of the Gooseberry coun try, a 12 pound son. The nurse, Mrs. Jordan, reports all doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Peg Oneil returned Thursday after spending a few days in Portland. Attorney Robinson returned a few evenings ago after a business trip to Portland. Mrs. Herb Olden and son, Noel Debyne returned Sunday evening af ter spending a few days in Portland. Mrs. Olden said during her stay in Portland It Just simply poured down rain. Mr. E. R. Curfman and family ar rived Monday evening from Moro and have moved Into the L. A. Doak residence on second street. Mr. Curf man la the principal of the lone toigh school for the coming school year. Mrs. Herb Olden, who lives out south of lone, and her son, Noel Dob- yns, left Thursday for PorUanad to spend a few days on business. Mrs. Olden Is very busy getting her son ready to enter college at Milton, Ore, v c n IONE GARAGE I L. O'NT.I IX, Proprietor, lone, Oregon f Automobile Accessories and Supplies h Filtered Gasoline Station S Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements, Vehicles. Windmills, I'umps. and (lasuline Kngines. We Srll Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone. Oregon Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove, returned home on Saturday after spending several days with friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logana and family of the Willows, spent Sunday wlrJh J. W. Osborn at Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Ben BarnesofPoplar Grove, also their daughter, Miss Etta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn. Misses Gladys Medloclc and Neva and Beulah Pettyjohn of Morgan, were Cecil visitors on Sunday. J. H. Miller of Boardless Barn, and Olaf Johnson of Morgan, were visit ing around Cecil on Sunday. Mrs. Bennett of the Last Camp, also Miss Georgia Summers and Miss A. C. Lowe spent Sunday Jn Arling ton, looking up their friends. Miss Mildred Duncan of Boardman, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEtire of Cecil, left for her home Suday. Jack Hyd. of Buttephy. Flats, who been doing business in Heppner for the last few days returned home on Sunday. Mrs. John Nash and daughter, Car rie,, of Ewing, left Monday for Pen dleton where they intend to spend a few days before returning to Cecil. Miss A. C. Hynd and Butterby Flats, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. E Ross of the Bungalow. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miller and son, Alvin, of High View, were callers at J. W. Osborn's on Sunday. Mrs. Peter Nash also Mrs. A. E Nash and daughter, Rufh, of Fair- view, were callers on Mrs. Weltra Combest at Cecil Wednesday. Mrs. T. H. Lowe accompanied by Misses Etta Barnes, A. C. Hynd and U. M. Hynd spent a Bhort time visit ing with Mr. J. M. Melton of the Lookout Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire were doing business In Arlington Tuesday. Miss A. C. Lowe left on the local for Heppner Tuesday, Oscar and Francis Nash, who have eenb spending their vacation in and around Cecil during the last two months, left on Tuesday for their home in Harrisburgh. Through the courtesy of the obliging jitney owner W. Pope, of Cecil, Mrs. Bennett of the Last Camp, also MisHess Georgia Summers and A. E. Lowe were able to spend a few hours with Mr. an Mrs. Clarence Winters at Shady Dell on Monday. T. W. Taylor who has been visiting In Seattle for some time, came In on the local on Wednesday to Cecil where he spent a few days with his old friend J. M. Melton at Oie Look out before leaving for his home In Pendleton. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Mel ton were school pals in Missouri sonic sixty years ago and also served to gether in the Civil war. The residence of Mrs. Pete- Vajh was the scene of a merry birthday party on Sunday. The occasion being the eighth birthday of her granison. FranelF. About forty guests were Ford Gars j Ford Parts I Ford Service 1 I take pleasure in announcing to the Ford own- :i ers and the general public of Heppner and Morrow 1 county that I have opened an accredited Ford Agency in the Gilman building, on Willow street, Heppner, where will be found at all times everything needed in the Ford. line. , . -I carry a complete stock of. Ford parts and handle no other line. My place is exclusively a Ford shop. , Ford Price List Touring Car with Starter $719.70 Touring Car, without Starter .$619.70 Ford Tnick .' $684.70 Call and get acquainted 1 Chas. H. Latourell PROPRIETOR I ft Miss Mabel Smith of Morgan, will pr(.Hcnt an,i an enjoyable time wim 'V) Frank Fnplman I attend lone high school this year and will stay with Mrs. Dr. Walter. Shorty Feller, who Is hauling wheat for Mr. Dick MrElligot. had quite an accident last Tuesday while W-adlng some horses to water they be- j came frightened and one of them trampled on his foot breaking a bone besides cutting and bruising It quite badly. Shorty la walking on crutches He was attended by Dr. Walker. Miss Lucy Butler returned Monday to her Tiome In Skoniania. Washing ton, after spending her vacation with friends here. Mr. Fenwlck the local painter, ac companied by his wife and daughter, Uena Bell, left Monday for Newport. their former home, on a bunlneaa and pleasure trip. Mr. Kenwlrk still owns property there. Mr. and rMs. Ed Turrlsh arrived Thursday evening from Portland and will occupy rooms In Carl's rooming houae on Main street. Mr. Turrlsh machlnlxt and has a poaltlon with the Onc-ll Garage of lone. Mr. Tar riah was In t'nele Sam's service and wis discharged In January. put in by all. Cakes and Ice ctoam were nerved during the afternoon. Thos. Falkner and son, Albert, of Lower Willow Creek, were doing business In Cecil Saturday. M. U. Logan and son, Gene, and daughter, Miss Lncllle, who have been visiting around Cecil, left for their home In Portland on Sunday. They were accompanied by Miss Ester Logan of Four Mile, who will attend school In Portland and also Miss M H. Lowe, who will resume her studien at Franklin High CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS Billiards and Pocket Billiards, lte Cream I'arlor in Connection. Latest Magazines and Periodi cals. Orcgonian Agency. Columbia Phonographs lone, Oregon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER 1 in Mil N M H NOLO F. II. ROBINSON ATTollNLY AT MW Or Foil HAI.K A hlth apeed Washer eiyl Wringer for aale cheap If taken at once, good as new. Inquire at Herald office ?l THK WO.NM-.HI-TL HF.LT" "BANANA COME TO US FOR SCHOOL SHOES a I J jfDla'tnvnti jvi P3 Dr. Conder came In from tils Hand Hollow ranch Thurday forenoon and reported that the rain struck that fa vored community several hours be fore It reached Heppner. When the doctor left home at seven o'clock, he naya. It wi raining a pretty good lick and keep it up all day. "In that aand country that you people call a deaert. It most always starts raining sooner and keeps It up long er than anywhere else In Qi rounry. 'net keep your eye on the 'banana Lejf for thriller every time," ai the doctor. , t Comfort and Good Service sold under a "Money-back" war rant of quality. We can serve you to ad vantage E- N. Gonty, Shoe Store Don't overlook the classified ids 17 1 LOOK TOR Tiff. lrj RAti. TKADE. MAKK MoflcrrT I fireartnsC Ammunition Shoot EfehrJ i G. F. STEELE j 1 WATCHMAKER and 1 ipun T.-p Fine Kopairintf of all Kinds lone Ore'n PENNY A WORD AdvertiM-incnt und'w thin heading one renin a word for each lnertlon. No ad for let thin IS rent. Adu are Invariably canh la advance unlemi ilven by pentoni wlflh.duly entabllnh- d credit. MIH4 KI.I.ANKOt H I'HONK Mil J. 0. ItiRer to have four wood aawed before It rain. -21 I ol ! On the Butter Creek road taut Tu'-fvUy, Auiuftt K, a roat. lraternnl pin on Inp'-I, fountain pen n porkft. Call Herald Office. II If FOK hai.i: TIICCK FOIl HAI.K Three ton Tackard truck In A No. 1 condition 1 1190. For particular call on or addreu the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. utf MAY Vfll MAI K I have CO or 10 tona of wheal, rye and alfalfa hay for "le In the alack, on my ranch one mile went of Murcan. raa. Oray, Morian, Oreicon. 1J ll-p4 MANTr l Man and Wife at .aw- nill. I'M-fi-r man ho bae amne knol'-'lK- of bu'ikli'-i plng and tin liimlr l)iiin- lo work In mill and card. Woman lo ccik lor rrew nf 'iv or ! nun prinrnt job If iiti-1 Call at Hound Da. In mwihMI, r aldtf II. N, IUn'in, Lone: Cr k Orcm. 19-J0pd Orei,n. Half mile from d.pot Rab bit fenced, wind break, three anree li-lv-yar-ii appln tre, elr;ht arree alfalfa. Mm. Emily Doerlne. Ii'iardman, Oregon. jjif WAMUK (iirl for linuwwork In rood borne with all inodorn electrle rorm-nlt-tirea. Three In family. Ill per rii-.nih. Ad.lre. go 1 Ave. Portland, Oregon. It