PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HBPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 9, iqiq - - - - Mr- " 1 ' New Elkhorn Restauarnt BEN & ED, Proprietors We have just removed into our fine new building on West Willow street where Hungry Fair Visitors as well as all of our old customers and friends will find us as before the Best Place to Eat in Heppner Thanking you one and all for past liberal patronage with assurance that we can serve you better in our new place than ever before. BEN & ED, Proprietors u Fall Millinery for Fair Days Whether you want a Hat to wear for every day or dress occasions you will appreciate the smart lines of these new Shapes. They are in perfect taste for every occasion and their exclusiveness holds a particular appeal to women who want something different. Visit this store during Fair Week. You will be well rewarded when you see our displays. Mrs. F. Luper airVisitors LET US SUPPLY YOUR BUILDING MATERIAL We handle a complete stock of Lumber Shingles, Laths, Sash and Doors, Brick Plaster, Cement and other builder's Sup plies. It is our business and pleasure to serve you. : Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. Um HEPPNER LEXINGTON IONE U i ; v m lf Autumn Millinery Distinctly Ncjo In this first display of Millinery you will find well exemplified that finest of Millinery art s that which can take modes certain of universal vogue and by original interpretation lift them tar above the commonplace. In one Hat you will find a special bit of color that accents the style, in another the clever placing of a bit of trimming. And from the many alluring styles shown you can choose with assurance for eerv Hat is authoratative in stvle. . You will find but one Hat of a kind as suring ecluivcness. Hut you bad best select soon so that you will have acom-( plete stock to pick from. 1 Ranging in price from $5.00 to $35.00 Mrs. L. G. Herren J d3 ; Q .' r It i Now that the opening of school is so near all commence to thmk of school books and other necessary supplies. As the school 1 uoks are to be changed this year every child will need an entire new set of books, toward the purchase of which the old books will be takrp jn exchange, providing as specified by the publishers, they are in good condition. We have in stock a good assortment of loose leaf note books, besides the regular composition books, tablets, etc. "Also crayons, paints, pencils, erasers, ink, fountain pens and in fact everything thut the' child will need in school. Special attention will be given mail or telephone orders the s-iuplies will be sent the same day the order is received. Yours for service, i x . 1 Humphrey's Drug P Company MORROW COUNTY FAIR SEPT. 1 1 -1 2-1 3 1 i n 1 I I 1 K H t rt U It H i 1 11 i