PAGEE3UB THE HEPPNER Tuesday, September g. 1919 Cherished Fee By ALVAH JORDAN GARTH HTTRAlD RRPPMTTP n-DTrtnu - - - till I Remember Phelps Grocery have the most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Candy, Nuts, and Cookies Call in and see us while in the city for the Fair. ICE WATER ALWAYS ON TAP Ladies Attention- We Have a Rest, Reading and Toilet Room for you-WH ETHER CUSTOM ERS OR NOT, FEEL FREE TO USE IT. I AUC Monday, sept Having sold his range lam! Mr. Frank Moore will sell his entire herd of caltk at the Moore Ranch Miles Fast of Lexington Consisting of twenty year -old cows w it li ealf to registered bull ; .'o mixed two-ear-oId: jo mixed yearlings; 'o mixed calves; registered roan Shorthorn hulls; i wagon; i two -bottom plows; 1 dic plow; 4 head work horses. Sale starts promptly at l :oo l M. TERMS All sums of $10 and under, cash, six mont Its time at 8 per cent on approved secured notes; per cent discount for cash. S.;lo under direction of farmer's Exchange K. A. McMcnamin, Auctioneer. HKPPNKK. OK1 V: SALE! 1 - GON P. K. I1KOWN, Clerk. There was the nonce, of crowding feet and hushed hut ewlted voices. Joung Dr. Allen R-?ve, Just at th threshold of professlnl practice, fac ed a group of half a Sw.en women a ad children who bore Ic their midst the figure of an exceedlnVv beautiful girl, but limp, lifeless, her face devoid of all l!olor. "It was at the alley, Doctor Reeves." babbled forth one of the women. "She was passing its end when Murphy's horse ran away. She was brushed against the wall and she went down like a broken flower. She is so still and white. Is it dead she is!" The poor of the neighborhood knew the young physician well In time of illness and trouble and were friendly and familiar. Doctor Reeves spoke a reassuring word. ' "NJ bones broken, one shoulder bruised quite badly, but there's the shock," he said to Mrs. Hannlgan. "Just hold this phial to the nostrils and fan the young lady till I go to the drug store and get soma medicine I find I have run out of." The young doctor moved with celer ity, lie was not a man given fo triv ia! impulses, yet his whole soul was enlisted in the present case. Never In-his life had a lovely face so impress ed him as that of this haphazard pa tient. He wondered who she could be, obtained the remedy he was after and was not gone from his office more than ten minutes. His face clouded as he entered it, for his absence, brief as It was, had been of sufficient duration to mark the return to consciousness of his mysterious patient and her depar ture : "I couldn't stay her, doctor dear," explained Mrs. Hannlgan. "She wan all nervous and troubled. She said she must hurry to a train and that her sister had her railroad ticket. And when I told her of you she looked at your picture on the wall there and said you must be a truly kind-hearted num. Then she said something about having no money and after she'd gone I found this lying on the little stand yonder. "Tills" was a small pretty finger ring holding an amethyst surrounded by small pearls. Along Its Inner rim was the Inscription : "Anice from Sis ter." Doctor Iteeves traced an ele ment of pathos In the situation. This Anice, whose fair fentures were so powerfully Impressed upon his mind, bad left the ring In lieu of the money for his fee. He mnde a great many vnln Inquiries regarding its owner the next day, but It was of no avail. Plotro Santos, a settlement favorite who mude and peddled plaster of pari Images, was brought Into his office that afternoon with an Injured limb, trnd this distracted bis thoughts from this provoklngly beautiful and persist ently haunting Anice. She was hack In his memory and cberlshel regard, however, within a few hours. Iteeves attached a ribbon to the ring mid wore If hidden from view. ":i-a de country, doctor." announced I'litni a month later, all mended up I'm. staring on one of his usual trips nwny from the city. "Owe-a for .von fix-a Pletro tip so flue. Pny-n when I come hack." "Don't you worry about that." snld the young physician, waving the grate fill Itinerant an encouraging adieu. Two afternoons later at the edge of a little village pletro came across a gang of rough loafers, who Bttacked him, took his hard-enmcd money, botipd hlnv and. setting his pretty ware on fence post as targets, pro reeded to demolish them. An hour la ter, passing the spot, a moan attracted the attention of a fair, gentlelared girl. Dr. Allen Iteeves would have gtv en a good deal to have wen, fr was the patient who had disappeared so disappointingly Anice Merrill. Her true sympathetic soul n re vrnled a she set the victim of bru tality and hnvoe free and heard his prtbetle story. She led him to her home, cared for him until the next day and even provldel him with the money to ruy hit far to hli city home. "You tnv-a my courage, my life." bo told Anice. "I never forget. When I come again I bring a you crPBt or of art. Ah. you have Inspired the poor mock aculptor. lie mak a your beau tiful far liver It aa two month after that when Iletro appeared In tht ufflca of Doe. tor Iteevea. lie aa thin and showed a train of Incessant hard work, but hla eye glowed and Mi fac at Irradl ated. "Doctor." he aahl. placing on tha table an object done up la a cloth, "I never pay a yet. but now I go 0nt with a new Image oh. auch beauty I Ah! It aell every here. S-on I will have for yon tbe glad a pay. See. yog are my good a friend. Is It not beau- 1 if ui r And removing the drnpry Pletro re ruled to I SM-ti.r tlretrt his n nrwl of hnliitiwork a if.ittie'tv In whi, h f hln slid KM'ttiile ttnd oMrscd tni to life the darrl'tig fis! in of Ani.e Merrll. AftiT that rre to rb.-rl.t el otjoda Irj tbe hnrti.,!,l ,,. f.,,,.,,, Iterva and Anlee Merri'l were't. n! la ! ir i f t!,e!r i n n tt P :tiu toeih)t ring srid the statuette h;.h tial led the anient ,V'ru atrntttit to the prienee -f tt g'rl he loved. 56rCijWC:T.: PHONE IC n I i ! is a case ice bill spoiled Mt Oa Carn'4. I llrft l:v-- iihd the m-dm of victory r. oi.ty f-.f tho.e ho 11 v fr j n.v nd duty and tha aooi-g hit,, ; id. ala. Newell iHrtght HUIla, BRAND Made by men who know; , for people who want the best. Only the choicest wheat carefully graded, and thoroughly washed is used in making our flour. Your baking will prove to you the big advantage of using White Star Brand flour for both bread and pastry. Heppner Farmers' Elevator Co, PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET Choicest of Beef and Pork always in stock. Dressed Poultry on Saturday. Fresh fish on Thursdays and Fridays. Cold meats for lunch cut on a U. S. Sheer is a money saver. Our cold storage insures you the best of meats always. OVIATT & HAPPOLD, Props. -ft 'T. i. O -. 0T1Cii,'4t' y Under New Management The lieppner Bakery M. V. H VMM Kit, PltOP. Home Made Bread a Specialty lean guarantee my products, strictly first class In every par ticular and Invite every family In Heppner to give them a trial. My Cookies, Plea and Cakes wl 11 please you. MAIN 365 Good, jiure lec, these days, is a very necessary part of the household expense of every home. It ol spending' money to save monev the y 1 lie v things 111 no way equaling the loss by the heat. We maintain a delivery service in every part of town and orders by phone will have prompt at tention. Why not send home a case of our Soda Water it's pure and wholesome and will add greatly to the pleasures of life during the summer. Ask our driver about it. Heppner Ice & Soda Works Bled Trlala. It Is sai l to he nil etnl,!!,h,.d farf that ai venil kind" of Mrds. rn,, m ' psrth-insr. bold trtnls to Jodge ot, 0f their number which baa la aots way ! offended. I y 1 1 i i i n H 1 t 1 m ;V7 r 1 1 X i CI 1