Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 09, 1919, 2, Page PAGE THREE, Image 11

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    Tuesday, September 9, 1919
A Smaliey Cyfter
Will Save 25 Per Cent
of Your Feed Costs
One-fourth of the dry feed that is :
fed uncut is wasted. The Smalley cuts
dry feed so there is no waste, and the
stock get full value of the feed.
Nothing keeps up the flow of milk
in cold or bad weather like good succu
lent silage. Get the highest production
from your cows by purchasing a Smal
ley Cufter and putting your silage away
when feed conditions are best.
The 3-in-1 Smalley Cutter
Combines a complete Silo Filler, Feed Cutter and Meal-Making Cutter, all in
the one machine. Perfected thru 62 years of experience in building machinery to
cut the cost of feeding on the farm.
Drop in and let us demonstrate the Smalley for you.
Heppner, Oregon
S Distributors for Smalley Feed Cutters
Camels are soldevery
where in scientifically
sealed packages of 30
cigarettes or ten pack
ages (300 cigarettes)
in a glassine-paper-covered
carton. We
strongly recommend
this carton for the
home or office supply
or when you travel!
R. J. Rcynoldt Tobtcce Co.
Wiattoo-Salcn, N. C.
18c a package
CAMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you
ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch,
then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know
for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth
body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a
class by themselves!
Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice
Domestic tobaccos. You'll not only prefer this blend to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight, but youH appreciate the
remarkable full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing
flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation!
Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only
permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your
taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un
pleasant cigaretty odor!
Compare Camels with any cigarette
in the world at any price! You'll
prefer Camel quality to premiums,
coupons or gifts!
. W "-f ..of.ir fr f-romiMma ! .t.
coupons or gifts! ''I
W . '-i t"! - V r-ifiJE?"' . " " ";ood I.rd. I've got to go through It
QpriT2TTvV r'S V ' CZ,'(.7,.7 ; An'' h" ,r"" ,rn,,",t f,,r
If V L' Jl- C XI: liLi" ''-Li . liZT" -rAlt'"'' ' ''"" hnpP'-ned Just n he predicted.
l.'.r5r"f . 1 ...' JMSSL'tf Siss ANY F001- "N FINI LT
.ii...- iiLhi t ii in ill ! t i ' I ' j "" """ll"1 " j Practically ImpoMibl for Any Prop.
His Prediction That Funeral and Mr. I
riage Were Before Him Turned
Out to Be Exact
Lnst webk a friend drifted In from
tne Old Home Town, now 20 yenrs
hack of me, and we had a seaHun f I
gossip about the old acquaintances
wjilch waa aoul sntlsfylng. Soma of
the stories were pathetic, some were I
sordid, some were humorous, but all
of them illustrated phases of life In a
country tewn. Perhaps this one about
Ezra was the best
When I left the Old Home Toprn
Ezra was the possessor of a wile
whom he had had for 25 years or
more, and who was In fairly good
condition, although a little deaf, as
might well be, for no woman eyer
talked more fluently or more willingly
than did her husband. For some rea
son she was taken ill and died, and
Ezra mournHl her for a time, not an
exceedingly long time, and then he be
gan to take notice and presently mar
ried agnln.
This wife No. 2 was, of course, a
later model, but she, too, fell 111, and
tho physician advised an operation.
Ezra hired an automobile and went
with her to the hospital, where the
physicians told him that there was lit
tle hope that she would recover. Ho
went home sorrowfully, and finally be
broke out to the driver In this way:
"Don't Cheat Yourself"
says the Good Judge
There's nothing saved
by chewirog ordinary
tobacco. A little chew
of that good rich-tasting
and its good taste lasts
all the way through.
Little chew lasting
satisfying. That's why
it's a real saving to buy,
this class of tobacco.''
put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
; View tnki n triim nnotlii-r inri'limf allowing ih Iurtiu liuiiilx'r which bus started on u (rip around the United
, States, puK-lnx the WustiliiKton iiiimi:i iit.
Diamond Betting.
The following method of ai-ttlng
diamond has been found to be tlie
best: Klrst drill the bole for the dia
mond to the usual dvpili, a little
dm-per than the greatest dimensions
of the stone. The drilling should be
!on without lubricant as oil of any
K'1 tends to prevent the sH-lter from
ing smoothly.
R his being done, the hole should be
are enjoyed by millions, though th-lr , . Orlalnal "Lons Tree."
anH t,u(SA l I tkf Jtllt ftf I
the memory f the world, says the , wy ul
stmid In Nebraska almost In the cen
ter .f the continent, half way between
New York snd Hsn Krsnrlsn, which
mss within one mil of tlist renter.
1'nder Ita brsnhes rste ttoumi'ls
of '4tt-era en rwite to the Kldnrado of
Hoton Transcript.
Hurh a nisn whs Ogier Ohlselln de
f'.usbecq. Me was Ixirn In the pteasani
town of Comlnes. in Flanders, now
half French, half IWIglsn. with th i
Klver I.ys between, almost fnr bun
dre. years ago and educated In that
university at I-ouvaln which now, alas
UI.se.1 In slightly. Just enough to make Is laid low. Hul-q was a rollertor.
ft out of round. The spelter Is now and. when he was .ent by the I inpert.1
poured Into the hole, filling It curo-
Ferdlnend s ambs.wdor lo the ul
pletely. and the diamond, held In tsn Xulelman tb- M-gninrent on bis
pair of tw.iera. la pushed Into ths return brought manu-rl4 and c.m.
liquid suiter In th. hole until It ! '" " An1
strikes tb. bottom. In doing this an " fes- plant, was the lilac.
innt nt snliee eotial to the dl
pls.eroeot of the diamond Is pustied
out of the hole, and when this drop of
spelter wakes Its -smn-e It Is cer
tain that there sre no va.-ant spots
under the itnne.
After the teiter has ox-led the end
rf the rd In whl h the d snwmd Is
bente. rsn te ljst1 "P I" ,n" c"
timely manner. The fail that the
hole Is iihily out of round prevents
the ere of spelti from working cut
.f th end "f the ft
AtcleM isttle ttsndsrds.
tt Is pr'.UI.Ie that the first flsg was
carried by the Mararme In their bat
ties with tb Crusaders, the latter
ad"ptlng the Idea, whleh thus spread
nver F.UMJ. 1-fig bef'ire that Iheee
had been natbmsl sianilard. however
as the ancient Fgvpflsn esrrled !
fTT their hU the f gure of a serre.
animal n a t"r. A si;e. rt no
I paled op a stlrk was the forerunner "f
' the tMinners now we. In the d.its .f
Introduced LHa to lull. j r"rr,"1i " :f' ,n -
e.ee ,n srn.y. one u -inieierv vi
tee Turks was a Bre s tall.
n re mn bo In a
the pacific cfiast. It was the best-
known ramping ground on the old
California trail. From 141. when the
gold seekers rushed arros the gieat
plains down to the completion of the
l iilun I'aelflc railway, the great ti
waa a guldepost to the wagon trains
going wet.
After the railway was mrnplrted
there wss no further use fur the old
tree snd It eventually rotted away and
died. In 1010 monument was
erv-li-l on the spot that the tree had
occupied. It rvpresente the tron of
a gtsnt rnttntiwund and bears this In-
rrtptlon: 'm this spot stoid lbs
origin si Ione Tree on th old Csll-
fornla trail."
6n the beach.
jus sesaimre reeurT reminds mo I
it fnt ) iv nrr:i'nij,'
. -iter. ehT
".'. t M.st. Tl.e belle are peeling
don I ym kno." l;.too TrsnvTipt
osltion, However Good, to 0
Absolutely Without Flaw.
There Is nothing however giwid but
n person msy find some fault In It If
be Is determined fo do so. There Is
nothing perfect tti.it Is of miin's mnk
Ing. There Is nothing Unit man origin
ates or performs but what rmitalns
mora or leas of his wenkness. Worth,
like water, must stay below the level
of Its source. It I quite natural that
a person should dissent. The aelentlsts
dispute as much as the theologians.
Every time one obtains a new stand
point he rhsnges his opinion. Every
time be meets a friend be finds that
ha differs.
Bo we must msko up our minds to
disagree In the right spirit oliserves
th (lfalo Hist Journal. If w don't do
that and our disagreement falls Into
III will and enilety, then w heenme
enemies of the truth and sorlal pests
beside. The person we earnestly and
candidly disagree with may b right
and ouretes wholly wrong. It would
mah us feel very aheurd sometimes
In th midst of violent controversy,
to here sudden light let I on the
controversy grid show our adversary
entirely right Th safest thing, eo far
ss one's conduit towsrd him I con
cerned Is lo remember he may b fight
and treat him accordingly.
1 1 1 Preserve Your 1 1
I j Earnings
I I .
t 1 H
Large, loeappl Cannarl.
Th Urgent pineapple mnnerlea lo
Ith world are Pirated In Idmolula.
Opportunity waits for the man
w ho preserves his earnings. Time
aii'l again men miss the chance to
make themselves comfortable for
life hecause they neglected to
prepare for their opportunity.
This hank offers you the service
of its entire organization to help
you (lecitlc on the right plan for
you to use.
It is good business sense on your
part to take adventagc of this of
fer. Four per cent paid on Savings
and Time Deposits.
Farmers & Slockgrowers'
National Bank
i" -
bere !., (.it '-ir,.,,f,i''i