I 1 - , ... . ... , , a y Seventh Aeraal JlvU vUy Uu U A w V V WllvJU II IffelUuu- e p if e ImI i i si Id on 1 hursday Airplane stunt flying. Music by Campbell's American Band. Address by D. E. Stephens of the Moro Experiment Station. Relay Races and Bucking Contests. Dancing each evening. nday Big parade, every one wanted to help make it a success in honor of our soldier boys. Patriotic Music. Addresses by E. L Flavelle of the Western Farmer and Senator Pierce, of La Grande. Relay Pony horse races and bucking contests. Spectacular Airplane Exhibits. s U D Y Music by Campbell's Band i.. -Ci ,ML' ;' ..-'In.i.'vd li uu. Address by 0. M. Plummer, manager of the Pacific International Live Stock Show. Bucking contest for the championship of Morrow County. Final relay races . Big dance every night. YOU ARE EXPECTED: TO BRING YOUR EXHIBITS. TO COME YOURSELF. TO BRING YOUR FAMILY. YOU ARE EXPECTED: TO TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR TO BOOST BOOST FOR YOUR FAIR. For information call or write F. R. BROWN, Secretary, Heppner, Oregon