Tuesday,-August 26, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN x - k s-.--y.v-::.-: :--.' -.vr. i K E.-tt w WAV 1 X J-i 01 fry sv J- I' I iff I V .. f : 1 Shelli Help Oil Geologist. The little jellylike unhmtls "Which the scientist culls Foraminlfera swarm so nlmmluntly in the sea that their tiny cast-off shells' in some places make tip a considerable part of the sediments which are laid down on the sea bottom and which in time raajf become beds of rock in a land area. The small size and the com pactness of these shells protect them from some of the accidents that he fall the remains of larger animals, so hat In many samples of well borines the Foraminlfera are the only shells that have survived In recognizably form the vicissitudes of drilling. In the hands of the specialist trained to Identify fossils, the Foraminlfera may furnish the only available clue to the use of rock tnelosinj? them and consequently to the existence of strata or structure favorable or un favorable to the accumulation of oil, gas or water, according to tne Lnitea States geological survey. ";:"T ; m ni. nil I.IIIWMIIH I... .1 ..11111.1.111,1 rjoq;aI T' ; -ittB ' Jill iff S fll, J i Pcnta Delgada, With NC-4 in Hnrbor- are preparing to maKe conic over mo sea in searen IJStx tlin Azores islands the aerial junction of the fntnre. They preilict that this garden spot of the Atlantic, with Its mild climine and other health giving (pialities, will j become the stopover for all overseas travel by airplane and dirigible. They j point out that the exploit of the United States navy in effecting a crossing has ' virtually put the islands on the map, i as far as the general public is con cerned ; that for many years problems of construction will limit the . over seas route to the Azures, where fuel and oilier supplies may be replenish ed, says the New York Tribune. Rising to u lielgiit of more than 7,000 feet as in the case of IMco and at the lowest 850 feet above s;a level, as the island of Corvo, the Is lands form an oasis In a desert of wa ter and mist and heavy hanks of cloud.-: clouds that rise Hit the water In the mornln;,' and blot out everything from view, narrowing the horizon to a few feet for the anxious aerial pilot and b'S navigator. 1 Already navigators are at work" on instruments lo eliminate these diffi culties. They count on Ihe Azores with nil of Its mist s and clouds to f.iuiMi them with correct weather reports, radio stations and rescue ships in ease of accident to the planes. Pleasant Place for Stopover. And a stopover at the Azores wi'l not he in the nature of a hardship to overseas passengers. What would a tourist find, for example, If his plane dropped him at I'onta lieb.'ada, the capital of St. Michael's? On lip- pronculng the Islands lie would 1!u l a great cloud of dense, gray mist resting on the horizon. Nearer. It becomes a brown dotted with mold; (if the health they always find, either climbing the volcanic slopes or bathing iu the warm baths of Furnas. As for scenery, where will one. find pine and -elm trees growing in the same neighborhood with oranges, ba nanas, citrons and pomegranates? Long kno.vu only as the little inlands where there are no snakes, the Azores are believed lo have a desiiny as rs piele with adventure as they are full of volcanic crevices and craters, all ex tinct, but alive with tossibililios. How Word "Booze" Originated. In the Pennsylvania museum, Memo rial hall in Fairmount park, Phila delphia, can be seen a collection of highly decorated old bottles, and the one which attracts most attention is the log cabin whisky bottle, molded In Ihe shape of a house. On one end Is the inscription "120 Walnut street, Philadelphia," together with the date, which is "1S-10." on the front of the roof. On the back is stamped in bold letters, "K. G. Hook's old cabin whisky." This erstwhile vendor of spirituous liquor is said lo be responsible for Ihe use in America of the' slang ap- I pcllntion booze, by which all kinds i or intoxicating drinks are known to- iy. Although some etymologists give it as being derived from the Hindu stani word "liooza," meaning to drink, while oihers uhilm It Is from the Dutch "buyzen" to tipple. The term was good English in t lie fourteenth ccnlury. t i-COUPON, l;' - siiv&sy-tiiwi-'v" 31 Oil"5-: -F.s-' . -.2"rsr- Cigarettes made to B f taste: VICTIM OF .TURKS' RAPACITY Dead City of Farmaguota, on Island of Cyprus, a Monument to Their Savagery and Hatp. reddNh preen. VeerHiL' to the fouthctut toward Pontu lclpada he would we the city first ns a formal while line, or, If the caze could pierce the cloud. It would be a broken line extendi!)? back from the sen wall with t feries of white splotches, small conical hills of bright pre n iind ftlff white houses edged with black trimmings. The white lines would .hecot.ie walls the next Instant, disclosing oriinpe jiardens, mid Ihe passcng would drop into a little harbor Hut tcrcd with trump Falling ships of .lialf-floren nutlotis. The harbor Is busy one, far superior In commercial fcxiM'ct to the town Itself, whl'h l,.is been ii.nliitalncd In all lit primitive state by the early Porttmuc seill"i, The ndiuli'ore of M.orlb m d I'lein ih bns not fu'rvol to'ipib l en the pun of (lie coiiiiniiiillv. nor that of any oilier In the Wand Kroiips, for that matter. The rioiids lire Inost dene in the I'MirnbiR. Toward noon the humidity Is a Kotirre of discomfort If one lit in tc llv, hut not so on the nioutidilit slopes. The IhiTtnoiaclcr has le ver In -i known d below 4S degret-4 In A, uury, the mM winter month, and It never has rp;i n above "'I, The aver se in '2 ih grcei liic yei.r round. Weather It Always Mild. Some of Ihe fltn t homes In the world have Iwen built Ibere by wealthy and often titled rontlwntals. prim pHlly l'orturii-e. In the fiirtnltiK d!- trb-ts (and there are lame farm nrnontf the various llnnd) many of the nntlvei r costumes entirely red short Jackets, vests and kn treeche with fnller buttoned or the fiN't, which are often hare. Win inrthlne at all la worn on the soles It usually consists of hsthcr mn (lata. Thpie twple are of r'tlrltif d!a- trfvsltlon, rarely vlsltlnc the conitnunl tie for fear thai some fn will laniitj t lln-m and their dresa. In Ihe ton. however, Herman, Knllh, l'nrliiue and American cutiaio rrisl visitors have Introduced modern neslrs tt dress atid lnfiutocd avclal aod bul Deaa llf. The oallvM d not overwork, tfilrs In rarli( for tt matiy lra Fiirmagusta, "the place of the god- ess," is in a desolate corner of the far-famed island of Cyprus. One look at the wrecked city shows plainly thai the goddess has forsaken her altars. It looks as though a sandstorm bad truck the place and burled its glory l.inealh n (bine, from which rise the mains of chu relic;, towers im'd a ibedri'l. It was not, however, the funds of he tropics that laid the nuclei. t me tropolis low. The Talks, wrathiul u! ibis city of .'loo chinches, atiacl.ed it In lege which might have rivaled the lengthy Tro.l.m episode bad not hun ger overcome the city's defenders. The pillaging of Ihe comiuerois completed the ruin wrought by battering linim, lire and stones. F.nrilxpiakes followed and settled the shattered atones further into the sand. l!ut through (lie city's days of destruction, even today, the outer walls and bastions stand linn. The harbor Irotighold of Fiirmagustu would be a formidable obstacle to tittack even In tills day of 50-inlle guns and Hcicntlfic artillery Are. In one corner of the wall standi a tower said to have been the ecen of lie xb'Uiona'a death at the haada of Ol hello. Aside from the strong walls there tire few bits of Intact architecture iinioiin the debris. An ooenslonal palm tree growing tip through (he ruins adds lo the effect of abandonment. A few Turks hold the city gainst time, the only enemy left lo It. Confectionery of Ancient Egypt. The invention of confectionery, an Kni!lih writer guesses, is due to Noah, who "first lilt on the idea of boiling down Hie starch of the wheat and Ihe iuiee of the grape. The result was a pane, said to lie the original of our present day 'Turkish delight.' Among the ancient Kgyplians whole fruits, part iculail.v ligs and dales, were used for flavoring purposes, the latter especially for preserves and cakes. In old tombs date sweet meats have been found, also record i of hotiey jellies. The making of con fectionery, In fact, goes back '!. i-n years, proof of which is to be fnii.i I on the walls of Fgyptlan tombs." - '4 Ir f?.'S 1 Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary a flavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their qual ity compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at once it is so new and unusual. That's what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! You'll prefVi this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight ! As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence oi any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any angle they surely supply cigarette contentment be'ond anything you ever experienced. They're a cigarette revelation! You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camels quality! 18 cents a package 1 v Oirtirti nrv so.d cvrrywht-ri iii Ht ifnufiiilt. sevjfetf p.icfc fii'cs of 20 c gurrifeii or ien tjic'c ni:t$ iJ00 ci.irottt in a gl.isnir.e-i'rntT- even d curicn. Vv ytrmnit, reccfjuii'MK t hi a carton iortlic henwarc Ince supply 01 wher. you tmvi 1. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wmton-Sa!em. N. C. B;:hy Shoe an Ornament. The ih-M shoe of the first baby may be preserved as an ornament with both intrinsic and sentimental value. A Jeweler plates in gold or silver the creased and worn little shoes Just ns Ihe baby foot formed it. Smail Farm of 160 Acres Tartly in cultivation, near town, well watered, t'ttir house and barn, gfjod ' garden, small' orch ard. PRICE $3500. One-half cash; terms on Balance s n 1 A AH fiouracement Whitei t T - - - j REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Chihuahua Is Smallest. The smallest of all rcengniEod hroeds of dogi Is the ( lilhiaihua, which Is also one of the most Intelligent of all the canine family. Thi breed Is a product of Mexico and Is named after a north- rn country when-there an thousands of these little dogi running wild nv 1 multiplying em h, y-nr. It wrnii a r.-- tnarkiible tblnir that In spite of tl e fact Hint (hay Imve never had it 1 y do slious in Mexico, one only has to visit that country iin-l try lo pun lui really roihI, tpinl Utile ('hihuatii j from a native to r il'ie that llie Me. Catia know the orili of this doc of bis own country. How tli- d-gs wei lued probably never will he know 1, Some authorities have lnllioiitd tin I tbcjr uere br d mine gi n. rmlonx bin k from large sipilrnls. and this view Is borne nut l-jr the fact thai nt one tin e these doifs run n llt in the woods an 'I thai the Chlbuiihua Is nearly as pro ficient In running up tree as the iijulr-H. BE A LEADER An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the prt5c;t ntrfition. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in it3 solution? ti-i, mirr? wi!?rv 1 tiH Mi Oregon Agricultural College Trtn f.jf k1f thip tn ht iptu,trtrt and proftfirii i f. 11, w MOMIt ECONOMICS AOat'.'ULTt'PK. COMMRKCK FOfl'SVC. tHMMACV. MUH': VOCATIONAL tDUCATION. CIVIL RNOINKKKINU. ELUtlKI'AL K N(. INKLKINf,. MLcriANICAI. rNOINKKCINC. :HKMICAL KNOINKKKlMl,. IM-IUtMU AI3. MININO ItNOINllltKIHU. LOtK.INO fcNUINEEMtNO, MILITARY SLirNCfc i n voit'j ,f,nmf muurjrt eui tn Rni'i". Ivn'-mif t. Art, Milh'-n,iiri. M.vtrn l,,ri-Mfri. Ii4-it.tl JuUf nalikin, Na-ii(l S- itltcct, r.d 11 ni-iitiill ijl an cl-X'tMr Three regular terms - Fall term begin September 22, 1917- -Vii AOli- i-, .i - sS Lai A-blMKasMMWNt .... . . . i M H Jl iaH IIAUJ1M it C'-M-f Cll,, Ill.jtr-"t B . lt tmi nhrr ififrnmni M-tr' Thl f'KOI&FHAK. !,-. liK,tin,ll -,:i..tnv,i:.i m 4. V ,msiarspt Ptrisnl Influenet. To Influence uln-r cne niot htvt t hearty f.-llow fivllnc for them. b alllltig to eitcnd a h lpln hand aa oo calon dcniands, to cln--r, lo rotofort, to console. Which means that Imag ination lo counts for mmh In the -TtiltiB of 'rotial Infiui-nre. Th utdmsglnstlv can never lie genuinely ymi-aihftle. rUnrertty, wtimmi n-nse, for'-efulll'-ss, coursgo, -lfolifld-ti, Ui1iion, ytnathy, k-tinr. of liuag Inailoti thrae above auiihl el ar Ilia qualltlx that 0ed to b cultivated by all bo would draw m tht aid f P nal Influanr la prttaltig hntrA U Ui goal at aocceaa. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET Clniff-t t.f Incf and l'ork always'in stork. Dif-nl Poultry u Saturday. Fresh fivh "ii Tluir!ays ami l"ri!a . Cold mt-ats lor hint li nil on a I.'. S. Slircr is a money saver. Our roll viora'e insure-, you the lest ui meats always. We wi.-h to announce to tlie llcppner pirMtlic that, 'we have taken over the lleppner Garage Machine Shop and are prepared to give all car owners strictly first class service on short notice. We emplov only skilled workmen and guarantee satisfaction. We liMvo secured the services of Mr. J. W. I'Vit sch, formerly with Win, K. Chase Co., of Pen dleton, ami he is now in charge of our haltery service di paiiment . IMii'-idciphia Diamond Grid l'.attery is the hatt ;vv f ' i" your car. Unman & Thornton Proprietors Ileppner Garage Machine Shop Ileppner, Oregon f K L Ml. OVIATT & HAPP0LD, Props. jpj'j j' j r . " wm )i Preserve Your Earnings 1. porlnmty wails for tin o prevcrves his earniims. : '. d .-o-ain men miss the t h- '';:t!,r llioiiiM-Ives comf 1 : , . 1 .1 nif ot-t-;ui-.i; 1 I If V pn-p:uc ,r lh',ir 1 Ms i,aniv of it cut ii "11 fh l hi on 10 me. I' is good hiisim-ss sen- ,, y,Ir l-ai t to take atlvfiitatr,. ,.( .1,;., . c fN v- ' ' O I 1 ,1 I t I - man To iie nee it) rtahlc for ";'!rlc.l "IT'O'l'init v. 'Hers you H' M-rv;r(. "gaiuzalif.il to he., ,l' ",l ril.t idan for 11 M I 1 ir f I ,',".,r, r!"r ; l-id on Savings U -y ' n ' I I line I)f posits. Hi I j Farmers' & Stockgrowers, I 3 1 National Bank