Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 26, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    I. .
Tuesday. August 26. iqicj
1 1 .aav bread wt lev 1 '
r JaaOw "ul tatr' . f v A
If I aA iimu n dtiiiii jgrfc H
If 1 "X- It's Freni Bitter Sot. f r,- 11. 11
1 1 & y J'I7 I U bT no other if 1
I I KV l&tyr ' koroaftori U It 1 III
I I (H aaHemly food." I I
Try Franz' Butter Nut Bread
Lay Something Away
for the Future
It is natural to save to provide for the future
The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to
provide for the days when they cannot work.
The day will come when you will not be able
to work start NOW to provide for this trnie.
If-you have no account, open one here now. If
you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it
C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon
Automobile Accessories and Supplies
Filtered Gasoline Station
Paul G. Balsig'er
Farm Implements. Vehicles. Windmills, I'umps.
and Gasoline Engines. We Sell Winona Wagons
Tank IJuilding Agency for Mitchell Cars.
Main Street lone, Oregon
Frank Engelman
Billiards and Pocket Billiards. Ice Cream Parlor
in Connection. Latest Magazines and Periodi
cals. Orcgonian Agency. Columbia Phonographs
lone, Oregon
rtnMCM ad niwiUt
I'fcooe Omeerk'
- i
Read 'em to your profit. Classified
Mrs. Walter Cason of Heppner,
came down on the local Monday to
spend the day with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Garfield of
Portland, arrived Sunday evening to
make a short stay at the home of L.
P. Davidson.
Joseph E. Cronan, president of
the Bank of lone, left Sunday for his
home in Portland after spending sev
eral days here.
Miss Gladys Capen wfho has been
visiting friends for the past two
weeks, left Thursday morning for her
home in Portland.
Miss Mira Frank returned Friday
evening to her home in this place af
ter spending several months with
Mrs. Johnny Mclntire of Cecil.
Mr. and Mrs. Volney Rhea and
little son arrived Tuesday evening
from Stiles, Idaho, to visit with Mrs.
Rhea's mother, Mrs. M. Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield have been
visiting relatives near Mecham and
Lewlstown, Idaho. They left Monday
morning for their home in Portland.
Mrs. Celectine Balsiger, mother of
Paul Balsiger, returned some days.
ago to her home in lone after visit
ing relatives at Portland and White
Miss Ruby Anderson of Harrisburg
arrived Friday evening to visit at the
home of G. F. Steele, Miss Ander
son will teach at Joseph, Oregon,
this year.
Mr. and Mis. Homer Franfl and
little son accompanied by Doris
Frank, a sister of Mr. Frank, left on
Sundav morning for Kennewick,
Wash., to visit relatives.
lone Rebekah lodge Initiated two
new members last Thursday evening.
In spite of the worm weather we had
quite a good attendance. Refresh
ments were served.
Miss Florence Turner of Enter-
J. H. Miller of Boardless Barn
spent Sunday at the Franklin home.
E. J. Fairhurst of Busy Bee ranch
was doing business In Cecilon Mon
R. S. Wilson and sons of Rlhea,
were visiting friends in Morgan on
Joe Marcus, who is working on the
Fair View ranch, was an lone visitor
on Tuesday.
G. W. Witcomb also Mr. Gray of
Morgan were business" men in Cecil
on Thursday.
F. R. Brown of Heppner was a
busy man in Cecil and vicinity on
Friday and Saturday.
Ralph Winters of Shady Dell, ac
companied by his father, was an lone
visitor on Monday.
W. G. Hynd and A. C. Lowe of
Sand Hollow, spent the week end in
Cecil and took in the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan and
family of the Willows spent Sunday
with J. W. Osborn of. Cecil.
Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats, left
on the local on Wednesday for Hepp
ner returning home on Friday.
J. E. Crabtree of Dotheboys Hill,
and J. H. Miller of Boardless Barn,
were doing business in the Eightmile
district on Tuesday.
MrB. Peter Nash and grandson,
Francis, who liave been visiting at
the John Nash home for the past
few days, returned home on Friday.
Geo. Krebs and sister, Miss Mar
garet, of the Last Camp, accompanied
by Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove,
left on Friday morning for Portland.
GroverCurtiss of The Grand Dalles,
who has lately been discharged from
the army spent Thursday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. John Nash of Ew-ing.
. . , . . ,1 pr se, arrived Thursday to visit her
rived in Cecil on Monday and spent, . MrK Andrftw
N. H. Whetstone, a veteran of the
civil war, expects to attend the na
tional re-union at Columbus, Ohio
and will leave in a few days for the
Miss Louvelle Lucas, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas, expects to
leave for Portland in a few days
where she will enter St. Mary's acad
emy for the coming school year.
J. C. Ballenger, lumber dealer at
the thriving town of Boardman, was
a business visitor in Heppner Friday.
Mr. Ballengor says everything is
thriving at Boardman and the drouth
so much complained of in other sec
tions of the country is not noticed
there. The ditches are always filled
with an abundance of water and the
crops thrive accordingly.
One cent a word for classified.
Try one.
Mrs. Bartholomew, of this city, ac
companied by her son, Fred, of Port
land, expects' to leave in a few days
for Columbus, Ohio, where they will
attend the encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic. They will visit
many eastern points before returning
to Oregon.
A. F. Bremer, who came to the
county last winter and bought the
Redmond ranch below lone was a
caller Monday evening arranging for
advertising an auction sale which he
will hold September 6 th. He wants
to sell his dairy herd and give all his
time to wheat. "Too much work,
too long hours milking cows," says
Mr. Bremer.
Classified ads on page 5.
The Uuiversity includes the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, and tht
special Schools of Law, Medicine, (at
Portland), Architecture, Jouraaliam, Com
merce, Education and Moiuc.
A beantirul campus, faculties of Rperial
iata, modern facilities, low coat, with manr
opportunities for self-lwlp, "athU'tics for
OTerybody," a r.:al!y democratic atmosphere
and tlid famoud "Oregon Spirit."
For a rataloiruo, illnMratefl booklet or specific information, address:
a tew days at the Last Camp before
proceeding to his brothers on Skin
ner creek.
A. Henriksen of Willow Creek, and
Gilbert Mahoney left for Heppner on
Tuesday, Mr. Henriksen will proceed
up to the mountains to assist his eon
Clifford with the cattle.
Clifford Henriksen of Willow ,
Creek left for his mountain ranch I
on Monday where he Is going to
round up a bunch of cattle ready to
ship to Portland markets. '
J. J. McEntlre who has been up to
Washington visiting his sheep cunips, j
returned to Cecil on Thursday, John j
reports that the feed I vvy good ,
where his sheep are at present.
Russell Ross who has been visit-
ing among some of his friends
around Heppner spent the weelc end
with his brother, A. E. Ross, at the
Bungalow previous to his return
A lawn party was held at the Last
Camp on Thuresday evening. The
honor feuest being Miss Margaret
Krcbs of l'ort'and. A very pleasant
evening wan spent by all present.
Games and HiiiUHementir of all sorts
worn ind -Igcd In apd refreshments
served du-tng the evening.
O. W. Barber of Mahomet, III., ac
companied by Chas. H. Rickman, of
Goleta. Calf., who 'are taking an
auto trip, camped In Cecil Thursday
evening, leaving for Portland Friday.
Mr. Barber said that with wliat their
expenses were at Cecil amounted to
1145,000, since starting on their trip
over the continent In a Ford ca
Mr.andMr. Kenneth Mahoney re
turning on Sunday to Heppner a Tier
their wedding trip were Invited to
leave flhe train at Cecil for a few
moment, they were greeted by
friends with all good wlhe. Iced
lemonade wa also handed to the
happy couple, old ahoes would
have followed, but owing to the hirfi
coat of living not a ! was to !
found In Cecil.
Mat (Mr lutws Ofvcn
y Jeweler n
1 Fine Repairing of all i
y Kinds j
f lone Oregon
grandparents, Mr. and lire. Andrew
Douglas, of lone. Miss Turner had
been visiting relatives at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. McNamer accompan
ied by their friend, Miss Lucy Butler,
went to Heppner Saturday afternoon
on business. Miss Butler Is a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Mrs. Leonard McNabb and daugh
ter, Olive, accompanied by her niece;
Miss Dorothy Eastburner and father-
In-law, Mr. Hlcklen McNabb, who is
I now 82 years old and very active, ar-
! rived Monday from. Delta, Iowa, and
tare kuestu at the home of Mrs. Mc-
Nubb of lone.
Mrs. W. T. McNabb and son, Wes
ley, returned Tueeday evening from
a nine weeks' vacation spent at Port-
land; Corvallls, Junction City, Aiwa
and Wallnort. They report a de
lightful trip. During their stay In
Corvallls they visited Mrs. Gus. Read
a daughter of Mrs. McNabb.
Rev. T. S. Hansaker of San Diego,
Calf., will apeak on the work fce Is
now doing In the Interest of the sol
diers and sailors who come to San
Diego In large numbers, Sunday
evening. August 31, at the lone
Christian church. Everybody come.
i Mis. Chas. Oncil received word
from her folks at Kelso, Wash., stat
ing her mother, Mrs. Hartwell, was
acr.oui.ly III. Mrs. Onell and child
ren and sister, Bessie Hartwell. left
Sunday morning for that place. Mrs.
Hartwell'a former home wash at lone
where she his many friends who are
sorry to hear of her Illness.
MIM Beatrice fipearri. who re
cently resigned her position with the
lone nank. left a few days ago to
visit friends and relatives at Eugene
and Rrownavllle and probably will
go to the eoaet for a short time. Aft r
Mis Spearry Is through visiting tht.
valley towns she will atop off at
Portland and take a review course at
Illnke Walker college.
Lawrence Shutt and 1ils frlt nd. Mr.
HaMders, who have been visiting th
past few dy at the Kill Mlm"
ranch, better known as the Shutt
ranch, left Saturday afternoon for
ll-ppni-r. Mr. Shutt I well and fa
vorably known In thl place and
while waiting for the train the time
a spent nuking pleasant rail. H
made the remark to one of hi lady
(tlend that "he felt at home at Mr.
Minor's ranch. It being hi former
hnme and the pche and rrem
tasted a g'Kid a ever.
The Heppner
Vaughn & Goodman
Successors to Albert Bowker
We will endeavor to carry a complete stock of
tires, tubes, accessories and parts and will appre
ciate your patronage.
Our shop is opreated by Messrs. Inman & Thorn
ton, expert mechanics, for several years with the
Covey Motor Car Company, of Portland. .
ini PtJ) lALL
Hitirtiu 6 Ammunition
Shootmg Eighr
1 . .... I
u - ' ' -' - -
Mr, tod Mr. W. It. Gammetl, who
have been living at Tumaln, Oregon,
fur aevtral year, fcave .leaned the
fjimmell ranrh on Heppner "ll and
ill reside there. They arrived from
Tumalo few daye ago.
J. w. Stevens and aoo. Ksdon. of
er llardman, were la ton Mndy
-.a btmUeM. Mr. Steven ay the
harvesting ia almot flnihe4 In W
neigl borhood and threshing I start
ing. Tra wheat crop I fair nuking
uiut.d bushels p-r acre.
Best Auto and Tractor
Work that Skill
can give
Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co.
Advertisement undnr thl heading
one cent a word for each Insertion.
No ad Cor I 'm than IS rent. Ad are
Invariably cash In advance iinlrns
given by person wlln duly establish
ed credit.
WAMKIt Married nun want
position on ranrh. No objection to
stork ranrh. Can operate trurk. It'H
175 lone. Oregon. H IT
Hilt A Hyl'AltK Vt.Al. see Mr.
K. I.. DiKkntMn for room b th
alght, e-k or month. KeaivrRtol
prtresj. Near first National llsnk.
is n
(teas) the rltsslfied and fl4 al
rou are BC:lnc.
rnm: ! J. O. lUger to have
yonr wood sawed befora It rain. -14
HrTHK Tb young man who
twrk the rtor and hone from hotel
wash room at Parkera Mill hotel tht
night of the dsn") I known and to
void trouble should return the ar
ticle to the postmaster t Parker
Mill without delay. It-tf
WASTM-Lady bookkeeper want
a few hour work after tuppnr. En
quire at Herald office. lltf
Foil HAI.lvooou Defend han4
range. Inquire of Mr. George Swag
lrt M-if.
Three ton Packard truck la A No.
1 conditio Hits, for partlouUm
call on or add tea the Heppner n
Id, Hppnr, Oregon. lit
trm MI.K Utet Werner edi
tion of the r.arjrrlopedla DrltUotra;
II volumes; one more volume will
bring It down to preaent dato. Good
binding. A bargain at lean than one.
hair first on price, Enqnlra nt tain
of flea.
I0Tn roil Mt.K AT fi KACH
t Kerr in Mill on Willow ereeg.
Tmar4 or Mr, of will etil en re
vo (or 7 eavch.
U-ll I. 0. DASKT.