Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 26, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, August 26,19 1 9
THK duration MKX FHI.I) day
The Fanners of Morrow county
who are interested in irrigation, are
interested in knowing hat the Hei
iniston Irrigation Experimental Sta
tion will put on a Field Day, on "Sep
tember 2 7th, where all the various
plans and methods of irrigation will
be fully mono into and clearly ex
plained by men who are absolute
authority on the same. Several out
side speakers will attend, many
amusement features will he put on,
a basket dinner and luncheon served
at noon ami n thoroughly enjoyable
time will be had by all who attend.
The plans for the inauguration of
this Field Day on an enlarged scale is
in the hands of the Hermiston Com
mercial Club, a thoroughly live "Go-t!et-
her" organization which plans to
get results, they are already discuss
ing having an aeroplane at the Field
Day Exercises. The people of Mor
row County are specially interested
in this because of the fact that the
West Exlontion I'rojeet reaches so
over info Morrow County smd it, is
also of importance to us in showim:
what tin; John Day Project may ulti
mately prove .to be through a com
parison of result there. Willow Oret It
farmers interested in irrigation will
do well to attend this meeting as a
demonstration of methods of irriga
tion applicable! to Willow Creek will
be shown that will be of considerable
L. A. Hunt
County Agent.
u;m:.h; i;ki;st sutoctfi
Han Francisco,- August 23. Tin
passing of Andrew Carnegie hri'urs
to mind the fact that he bad lieen I'm
years an ardent advocate of wrv'.i
standardization in weights ; hi'
metric units.
Andrew Carnegie was a tin-chi"
of fne Metric Cointliiltee of the ,w
tion; I American A: social leu
ol'arlurcs, n hieli sliormlv uvvil in-!
ric ! tan. I.i i ili.;,:! inn. At (lie liiee tin
commiltei' Kiel, lie nt.oY fit I'n'lnv,'
in;; slalemeill :
"The metric sstein of weithls and
measures is one of the steps forward
that the Anglo-Saxon race Is hound
to lake sooner or later. Our pres
ent, weights ami measures, inherited
from Britain, ate unworthy an Intel
ligent nation today. The iidvantaxo
America possesses over Tiritain in the
decimal dollar system as compared
wil.'li their pound:-, shillings, and
pence, would be fully eiittalb'd y the
adoption of a. mettle system of
weights and measures."
C.n ncL'ic believed that world stand
ardization of weights anil measures
would aid greatly not only the cause
ol world trade, lint also that of
world peace. On another occasion
he raid- "The old weights and
measures ale a discredit In us. Y
sh.il iiH'Vil. nl adopt 11 i t -v l.ler.
gr.im. if for no other iimm ii tli,n a
tin aid to peace; Inn limy would i h,.i
mo ist) aii! on r , 01 hi j ,i,to,"
i in: 1-1 u i : 11:1: m v
The i at it ic, ii ioii, loje.oo.n o
iimeinlnielil ol llie Peace I ir 1 1 y r, n
tinnm to lie Hie IHO-.I Impoilanl I- u
liolnlo llie minify The S.:.:;'o is (
llo hill 1 y to doelile III- ('!.- 1 1 II 1 I,
Senate shin Id not he Irn n , I' r
oiei rial I el i lions w ;i h ri nt i in : I .
Europe aie lelm ning to In i mat " it.
Ollt 1 ! in , 1 1 1 1 ,i loo, r'.r , li i.
s il' l.l nit; loi tun.- i t,- it, p.
Ml'e. . ts l. pi,,, . . . i : J,--., i 1
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-li I' onl nt T!.e l e !,...! it
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tipi'U. Si plieU.-r Hirl.
t I
FoMibility of Recovery of King John'i
Loit Treasures Causes Some
Stir in England.
The idea of making use of the etec
trie apparatus used in locating ores ti
discover King John's lost treasure tiai
been put forward hy Capt. Hugh I'ol
lard In an English paper. He recall?
the fact lhat, several years ago, Sil
William Hope Informed the Society of
Antiiiunries that the ford of the Wash
where the treasure was lust in the
thirteenth century was reclaimed in
the seventeenth, and that the land lies
between Wnlpole ami I.ong Sutton In
Lincolnshire. Now this treasure of
King John's Is of extraordinary itiH-r-est.
Not only did it contain loot from
half the castles and churches of Eng
land and John's own jewels, but the
crown of King Alfred us well. At Mie
close of the seventeenth century King
Alfred's jewel, now in the Ashniolean
museum, was found some distance
north of the site of Alhelney abbey In
Somersetshire. The gem Is made of
pure gold and contains colored stones
covered by a thick crystal, through
which is seen the miniature of a man
clothed in a green Saxon tunic. It Is
formed of enameled mosaic on n blue
ground. The man Is seated on n throne
with n crown on his head and holds a
lleur-ile-lis In each hand. Itoimd the
edge are the words In Anglo-Saxon:
"Alfred had me worked." Some say
the figure represents Alfred himself.
If so, perhaps Hi,, crown which the
gem depicts is the one which the ele
ments wrenched from the unworthy
bands of John nil that long time ago.
and the one which. It is to be hoped,
the twenllcib eenlury will recover.
Nothing is more unit (i, -
Every time a man makes a mistake
he learns something.
Just ns the average man reaches for
fume his pipe goes out.
Love may be blind, but unfortunate
ly it Is neither deaf nor dumb.
Most of the serious slips occur after
the cup has been to the lips.
Records are brittle things. You can't
lower one without breaking it.
After some wives have had the last
word they sit down and cry about it.
Remember Samson, young man. and
be careful how you use your jawbone.
In covering up his tracks a man un
fortunately" makes a whole lot more.
There lire traces of rrpntnesv in nil
rr.cn, but the majority manage to kick
aver trie traces. Chicago Dailv News.
Ux&erwent Pain of Having Tooth
Drawn With Stoicism That Would
Shame Many Humans.
It does not reipiire much Imagina
tion to realize that pulling nn ele
phant's tooih i something ,,f ,ln (,.
giueering ns well as n denial Job.
An example of Mrs was when Albert.
one or the biggest , ,., ts in the
lliitgling herd al Madison Sipiare gar
den, eH. v,.;, refused to eat
and the circus veterinary found a great
tooih cavliy which was beyond reme
dy l.y filling.
The tooth that was giving Albert so
much discomfort was as large as a
man's list. After a liberal dose of co
caine hud been injected, forceps as big
ns li e tongs wore clamped to (lie tooih,
a rope attached to the forceps, end a
sipuid of trainers made ready to sup
ply the pulling power.
Al a given signal the trainers gave
n tremendous pull, and out came the
huge tooth.
In this sort of dental work the nn
I'liowu i Illy lies In what the ele
phant will do. Albert had I n taken
out of the menagerie to prevent panic
aiiiong the red of (be herd In case be
developed all Inclination to object to
the process. However, he underwent
the ordeal calmly, and an soon as his
jaw was dressed he was coinlip-ted
back to his stall.
1 1
- v
mi I.
! I'liYi
I ,11 ;
Times does not heal our crief: it
only makes us apathetic.
There Is a negative golden rule : Trv
not to offend others.
A man is known also by the com
pany he doesn't keep.
All reform movements are for the
men; but of course they need it.
young men don't care much for the
future, and old men don't either.
War Is always a great revelation. It
reveals to you how long you can wear
i'our old clothes.
One may be glad he wits not born
t genius, ns he would probably be un
itappier for M; but the world has to
isive geniuses.
I.Ike n beacon light to a stnrm
ossed mariner is tie gleam of a po
Iceman's star across the street to a
nan hurrying h.m.ov, a rd at midnight
md fearful of foo;;,ads.
Chain '
(J) Rf W i5- v'WP : ' 1
KUfrto imi ,iv..
I ;iSIS iill A OnnA Tire Year c
SIS' - " - r
li "li-3-'- '!i ;vi I i & -ii;tiF' fc
ftt : l"ll,iiJ!ii 1 1 : i ii Ui 1 miM P.
S w ii 1 1: !iiiii7iiiii!s&ai ; Eii 1 .iiissa is 1
I liiii ii .
Ji;ij:;" i 1 ! '. 1. -.FJit 2 . n"ia . 11 si' 1
1 s s n. .-. m
HI t.l frit hi' ili!
y s! Ej vi- etc
25 5,,T!
1. i-i,
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.1. - ; ;::?
rs 'Sail ,"
1' 1 .:i!i;:ii-"o:::: ST,-.
Work put olT ends In nolblng.
Hoaslfulness drives away wisdom.
A lazy dog does not get even bones.
He who Is high salTcrs a great fail.
Io not brag before landing the li- li.
A thing is near, though fur, If you
unit it. '
A sleiplng shrimp N carried r.wny
iy the current. .
i, ft? .1.1; it--.. : - .. 1
vttwi.-.iai--. t.idi'iyt-iii' .'I'fr-.'i-...' i ....iiniuiwi ;si ie.M.....-'rf
mm:?m nmSMim imam
If yoll sleep.
Ill eat you up.
brother, the crocodile
Put End to Moslem Piracy.
In 'he sl nib eenlury Kuropenn
cli'lli iilloii ;is Ini-liMi , .1 by the Turk.
Moslem piiatei uere Hie peril of the
seas, of whicb lin y were f;i-1 gaining
control, This ih.nger was liveried hihI
di ii'iiveil by I ton Juan, commander
i f I Spanish tleet, imd his allies, ibe
llel'i II 'iltl.'iilroos nlnl tin. Veltel inn
'1 Wrpotiicn tleeis. Mt 11 naval hut-
Me uitli the Turks In the Itnv .,f
l.en-itiln. T nlil lire of II nemv'4
Lsliit, fter llie batlle bad raged an
hour aiel 11 half, cave I ion .littin Im
uran, e of vlcloiv. so he hoNt.il the
ini'seeraieil l.niiii.r of the Holy league
1' llie least of the eoliiiierllig galley.
In re It ce, ,l, . II by boll) fi b ml
! 1 llelev. The le-lllt wn 111 Poll
"" ipecinl cMiliailon mi the part
.f If-- I'll 1 Isl Inns nnd ilem esiol mi. I
' ' ' '"".'.I 1 n the pert of the
You have doubtless noticed
the growing preponderance of
United 'States Tires,
Every one is asking for tires
of known value end proved
And that is precisely what
United States Tires represent
in the minds of motorists here
and everywhere.
The idea back of United
Ctates Tires to build good
tires the best tires that tan
be built, is appealing to rapidly
growing numbers.
We can provide you with
United States Tires to meet
and meet exactly your indi
vidual needs
Unfed States Tires
re Good Tires
Flo.verc Loved by All.
Mowers seem intended for Ihe solace
of -ordinary hnmaiiily; children love
them; ciuiet, contented, oi'dinarv pen
lile love them as they grow; luxurious
ami disorderly people relnice in them
(fathered ; they are the cottager's treas
ure, and in tiie crowded town mark
"x with a little, broken fragment of
rainbow, the! windows nf the workers
hi whose heails rests the covenant of
peace. Ruskln.
Herald only. $2. 00 u year.
Under New Management
The Heppner Bakery
m. w. ii a.m. 'o i-iii, n;j
Home Made Bread a Specialty
products strictly fitst class In eery piit-
I c.,n gii.n anti e
tii ill. ir and In', il
My Cookies, li..
eeiy family in Heppner to :ive them
.md Cakes will please you.
t ct i'.ied Seat.
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1,1 -I ,t..,v.li. 'Ill WH.If th.'H ! ft
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Hilikhr, i u. tlmiiwnf hiJ.i.
ihcc la s. a wry iu,coarv
rlli lil fVJiiTf ol ittv lmnu-. It
tiilltr lll'iIk'V tn .sai- IlKilifv tin-
'"'I in i). 1 w ,iy tualin t lie loss in thirds
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' ly plioiH- will have prompt
lit ol
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t 'U .
' ' ' 1. 10 a t.if 01" otir Soda W att !
' .! .iloMiitu and will all yriatly
1 , iiii- tl 111 i 11 ir thi Miinnu'r. Ak 1
u 1 4 r aim.t it,
Heppner Ice & Soda Works
1$ vitnwv y i '
J.I . .on' . . ! , j a 1 Ii1V'I
U C f, t 'U.-i.W.
cat I liM i
,.,1 im4:
mmi v!!iz- mm'-
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; ; iA-W iff jkrT0
sr:i ;,'Vi y w
t'-Y, ,!il ti tf:
I i 1 , ! e - '
(oiijiji: wiiii ;uil
it Only the choicest Vi
K' t'oi'efv.llv tririfled. a
l!ionnij;hlv waslict! is n-
i'i i ':;k:tr cur Hour.
N our linking will prove lo
you the nr advantage of
u-inj White Star UranJ.
'' 'I!'' I'.r !, Ili i; .'..,', ;, j'
' :r .
heppner Termers'
Llevf.lor Co.
Pacific Graio
'..r:i ax
(.vutressor to M. J. Hotter)
Local Audits: Carl Vmini Ir..,-.
;(nle;.LlCl!i -JurRoyc, Lcxxington;
. iiiicis, iirppncr.
if I