THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN ! FROCK FOR THE YOUNG u"SC 3 WHY SHE DECLINED White Net and Silk Lace Work. part with an iuset band of the lace. A.cfouipnnyins the frock Is a quaint poke bonnet of rose taffeta nnd straw the lint fin ing and erown are of the rose taffeta. A small cluster of roses Is placed at either side of the hat crown, underneath which long stream ers are fastened. as""!: fs 'V A 1 mtnm CROWNLESS EVENING HAT Tuesday, August 19, 19 19. 1 'I 1 s 9s;K-iV.Sjt. I la a1 ) h n pi w c;;v"':---"-2-v;;vA 1 p ft Vi, , V- V - &m gf 18 cents a ft: 1 hr'vS Wide Draped Band of Tulle Encircles Head and Is Worn Low Over the Forehead. The very latest thing in evening hats is the wide draped band of tulle "5 y 1 ,:ri::sa Sis: .:mv;j mmmm&. yy.yy.Jt-. ft iiiiiiiiii me. marry you ! He 1 know that you love dearest ! She Then I can never lie Why not? She Because I have sworn never to marry a man who knows more than I do. London Answers. STEERSMAN FOR A WIDOW "1 SI .. 1 mmmm:m 1 .,jk ii)f if$ which encircles the head, is worn low over the forehead and is guiltless of anything resembling a crown, unless perchance a s'.ngle layer of sheer tulle may be called a crown. As a rule it Is the coiffure itself which forms the crown, the high masses of cutis and puffs which are now so extensively worn by 11 women tilling the entire space left open by the draped band. Often the bands ar adorned at the side with a sweeping osprey, or by a long, curled ostrich plume. In the latter case the plume is attached under a bow of the tulle, and sweeps down over the shoulder to curl around the neck. Bands of tulle", tied in broad Alsatian bows at the hack, have also 'been noted at some of the recent smart first nights tit the theaters. These evening headdresses, with a few models in lingerie hats or garden hats, alone reflect the Alsatian Influence. ' This charming outfit for the young lady is called the "petal frock," and is said to be a great favorite. NOVELTIES IN SUMMER HATS Fine Straw Regarded as an Excellent Selection as It Can Be Made Over Many Times. If yon ore going to have several hats this season, by all means choose one that is of rather fine straw, and has a medium high crown mid a medium wide brim. Buying such a hat is real -hat economy, for such u chapeau can be used over and over again for sev eral seasons, because n large hat is al ways good style every midsummer, anyway, and a conservative brim and crown make the hat, if becoming In color and smartly trimmed, in good taste any year. A pretty brunette who selected n hat of this type four years ago Is still wearing it and having It admired, ho- cause it has been so easy to make chic each season. Her hat was orig inally a light gray hemp with a plain crown nnd brim, and was trimmed the first year with a three-Inch band ot black velvet around the base of the crown, nnd a gay wreath of field flow ers, such as scarlet poppies, daisies nnd buttercups, on the brim. The next year the same lint whs faced with pink crepe de chine on the tinder brim, find n dainty wreath of blue forget' mc-nots nnd tiny pink rose buds whs the trimming which gave It a delicate pastel effect that made It n thing of beauty to wear with an oyster-colored W1R suit. The third senson It was colored n soft leaf green with hat dye (of which there are half a dozen good kinds), the pink facing freshly pink ened with dye also, and the trimming consisted of a baud of darker green velvet around the crown, which was embroidered In coarse stitches with silk In shadow lawn green, purple nnd a touch of nihgentn, and It received the most compllincntH of all thin third year. Thin yenr thl lever home nilltlnc is going to dye her durable hut dark but rather bright blue. It will have the mime pink iindnifnciug, and the trimming will consist of a very wide dark blue satin ribbon with a Itonmn utrlpe or two In pltik, that will be draped loosely, sash fashion, nrotim the brim of the hat and fringed tit tho 1 ends, which will drocp from the 'left lde of the brltn. 'I hp hut will be worn with n blue ii-rt suit and flesh-colored blouse. Miss Chatterbox I must tell you the sad story of my sister some day. 1'oor girl, she's a widow, and she's looking for a captain to steer her through the stormy sea of life! Naval Friend She doesn't require a captain its a second mate she wants ! London Tlt-Klls. Vests of Ribbon. Gold and silver brocade ves.ts made of ribbons are in good style. They are finished with a little belt across the front of gold or silver cord, knotted Into a bucklelike ornament at tho cen ter frout. Learning. Learning, joined with true knowV dge, is an especial nnd graceful orna nent, and an implement of wonderful list nnd consequence. . . . I would rather prefer wisdom. Judgment, civil customs anil modest behavior, than bare and mere literal learning, Montaigne. WANTED IN A HURRY I vi Plant to Be Dreaded. One of the most terrible plants in ex istence Is the Ascleplas gigantea which Is common in Abyssinia, nnd ?rows also in Ceylon. When cut, milky sap exudes from the stem anil leaves, and the least drop of this will ause total blindness if it comes In ontact with the eyes. T iiiiil;- Uinh's miiiTliikt' was n big Miti'is: to me. I lliotiglit she wasui to be niiirrictl until next spring. Criic That was her Intention, but iht tiuild left suddenly and she bad to have some one to book her waist In the buck. HOW CUPEL! Hubby tfrora the next room) Why are you "for ever gnzing Into that mirror? W I f e y Tva 1 ti a t rtiwovcred tliut I am good, looklnir. Hubby You're some little dis coverer ifll right: nobody lll ever suspect you. ill AFPLIQUE 13 EVER POPULAR Method of Applying the Decoration to Obtain the Most Pleasing Results. Applique continue to be s popular and as effective a method i,f exterior decoration a ever. 1 here's an Inter--ding new wrlnkla to the luteal phu of It that you will snt In know about. Usually the applied motifs are put no flat; untimiMlly they are pinch tucked Into position, which fives tbem the altogether effective look of relief work. Tor Instance, thera U the mnro' !d( (lory. It la rut generously Isnra to betlQ with ao aa to allow fur tba plnrh tucka radiating frmn It center. And that tery fetching Idea Isn't lim ited to morning glories, by any means. There Is many flower that la mora nsll.tlc for this extra bit of band work. Leaves, too, are given m artistic prominence for bit of tucking along their veins, and bm the tucking la treated to soma decorative stUcLlnf It ('comes even mora charming. MM Cleaning Preeeaa. To dry-clean cream bnlland btlada have plenty of clean powdered brie duet ready. I-ay tba blloda list on tt table and with a clean, dry ckrth r9 tba brb-k dost veil lam tba bttada. renewing K as It gn dirty. Iftftw wet), then give tbem Inai tab wSan sj trees, clean CleUs. ORATlTfDB. "What did Mrs. Cuttlna r when the vm Informtd that her hutand bad dMeritd her?" "All she eould say wss, "Heary la se thoughtful!" si HER PRRMO AM EXT. He: When In doubt plsy a trump. ibe: The trou ble la. i m in doubt most ot the time. And I eeldom set mere thsa fov ar Bvs trumps. LI OUT AND SHADOW. Was there soy. thl at aaewaj abeut tba eea-(vacua- parties U tfeat we44lST Ka, et tba welee aad Ua I Ccmels are sold every whereinscientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or tenpacka$es(200cigarettas) in a glassinc-paper-covered carton. We stron'y recom mend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. CAMELS are in a class by themselves easily the most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that 1 Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price 1 Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost test! Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how liberally you smoke them ! The expert blend" of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment ! Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality I 7 essa. car cfl K ft " Diamonds of Many Colors. Although when free of color they lire said to he of first witter, diamonds are found In nearly every color of the rainbow red, yellow, orange, green and blue. Small Farm of 160 Acres Partly in cull i vat ion, fair house and barn, arc!. near town, well watered, good garden, small orch- PRICE $3500. One-half cash; terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BE A LEADER 'I 1 ( I- 4t (ttM ,7eWe-r 4i 1, 'f w 41, J my Ujl 4. f :,'r - 4,' i' 1" , An irrmttise problem in reconstruction confront the present fctneration. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Oregon Agricultural College Trii (jt Iffjcrthtp in thf iMttt ie rvj prcfe-taiom t (Ultwt MOMF KrONOMirg AOPICULTURK. COftMKRCK. FONP.1 NY PHARMACY. MtflC, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL KNO 1 M MERINO. fcl-ECT fit AL KN'ilNKRff INC. MECHANICAL tN'jlNKEWING, CHCM1CAL KNOIMEKKINC. INIjUSTKIAL AKTS. MINIHO tiNOINtLHlNO. UKOINO fc-NUINCKKINO. MILITARY 5CIKNCK Th Cft training tnr, Ui court in B' t- nw.Ki, Art, Mjthn 'i MM-rn Ls)ntiat, ThytKii t'JtKativn, li,duttril J-mm bibtm, iwl-ir! S-.irrxt, nd ti ttcntt.ti ul an tducaltcn Three rpgular terms Fa!! term hegint September 22, 1919 naHsMsMissilr?l mm at iir,ri t m ii.imi M saasaatoasjs ii 1 ' s i,t si j Pit C"ltg Ca4ln. tlluairstM ttrlt nd Mhf tnf'msif 4JrfS THE f(OUtAR. Or.(,n ArKiiial CoOt. Cmv.I1,. sssasassMsalasWimisaWnrf f ' saan saiMsai.y is "ZKg L Announcement Wc wi.-.h to announce to the lleppner public that we have taken over the Ileppner Garage Machine Shop and are prepared to give all car owners strictly first class service on short notice. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee satisfaction. We have secured the services of Mr. J. W. Krit sch, formerly with Win. 1!. Chase Co., of Pen dleton, and he is now in charge of our battery service department. Philadelphia Diamond Grid Hattery is the batt ery for your car. Inman & Thornton Proprietors Heppner Garage Machine Shop Heppner, Oregon PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET i Choicest of llctf and Pork always in Mock. I rcud Poultry on Saturday. Fresh fish on V Thursdays and I'ridays. Cold meats for lunch " nit on a L". S. Sliccr is a money saver. h Our cold storage insures you the best of meats ' :,Kvas- i OVIATT & HAPPOLD, Propt. " ur i ll . Preserve Yo Earnings I M i 1 1 - wails fr the ,a "o preserves Ins t aniim 'r;.,, ''d auaiii men miss the chance to nake themselves comfortable for '.cause they negloctrd to prepare for their opportunity, I his bank offers you the service of its entire organization to help ou decide on the right plan for you to use. II is gootl business sense on your part to take adventage of this of fer. Four per tent paid t),i Savings and Time Deposits. Farmers & Slockgrowers' National Bank