PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 19, 1919. HONDURAN CITY OF MYSTERY No Scholar Hat Been Able to De cipher the Picture-Writings Left In Copan. Copan Is a city of mystery. The people who once thronged Its streets and bowled at Its nltars are lonK since gene, leaving no record of their ex istence save t lie hoary stonos of their city. Those stones, built Into pyra mids, walls and monuments, bear their story carved in the Maya characters, lint no descendants have survived to Interpret the stories, and no scholar bus arisen wise enough to read the picture-writings of Copan. Ruins of tUs oldest city of lhf Maya Indians may still be seen by those Kulllcleidly persistent ami en thusiastic to seek (hem out. A lit tle Indian village In western Honduras, and Hie. river on which it lies keep the name of Copan alive today. To visit (he ruins of tin? great Copan you must seek out this village by train and I hen go a long journey on horse back. Just beyond the village lies the old Maya metropolis. The only Inhabitants of Copan to day lire queer figures of the Maya gods, that peer m;t of uncxpecie : biding places like I be crea lures of a bad dream. Womb rl'ully carved many of thorn are, grolesque in attitude and expression, uceordlng to the. arlisls' conception of the b"i'i:,'s of the oilier world. When Copan limn'Mi-d, bow II fell, and what beoame of lis last people. 110 one knm, s. The c'ty is as deso late as only a d -:!' d cily can be, oppressive and r-; n I even in the s.ndlgld. of a troph-nl midday.--"Mksah" In Jmlitiii!.p.i:. Slur. first to wcia fi::::r hkjg Lcjend Mnhes Pre.' V.-'.'i th? Pioneer of Custom Thai l' -r,y Now Dj, Called Unlvcroa!. Tic first finger "ring i-i smipn.-Ji'd to have been worn by 1'ininei hms, via) stole lire I'l'oin heaven Ilia! man might warm himself and cool; bis food. Tills act So ineeli -.ed .Illj-lior that the king of gods laindetaned him to lie chained upon a rock where vul tures could constantly feast upon him. The selili'liee was carried out, but l'loii.etlieus was released. Tlieti .lupiler ordered that Prometheus wear h link of chain about his linger as a remin der o' he punishment. A fragment of I he rock to w hich be had been chained was set In the ring, so that be might still be regarded as being bound to the rock. Tile cuslom of wearing an engage menl or wedding ring upon the third linger is due lo an ancient belief Unit a nerve or vein directly connected this linger with the heart, uceordlng to a writer In Ilie ritMnirgh PK pllih. Miicl'ohius said: "II -ea'lM' of this ii- re the icwly betrothed plie-es the liie.' on this linger of ids he l"ed. as lliouidi II were a represent!! t. -n of the luvirl." And ju-t to show thai the practice Is n very old one. 'leer., bins admitted having obtained Ui l icls f: oei an . pi Ian pi I ' -I. t'l IS linking tile belief with the d ill r e le s of the p,, ,. "lunior" rtcrenib-s Hi.-, Pp:l. ' (i . friends said It w a- c vu-ahle I 11, it was bi- lli-t hi y. lie is I !.u -I (he pheto.veoh at the ha nil 1 -t I: W a--" l. : : he a v. o-.-i. 1 lie- .u.i"v f i- 1 ' 0, id - ,j, p: II.' It ll I lie v-i I, t 1... ' r- ,t:.v i- ..I I....M-. g i ' 1 ' 1 !:. .1 M-s r. ..'.!. ' ' i 1 1 . 1 ', i I 1 .a ' . , ,V be.-m t 1 .!;!. -d o-il 11. ai I I . - ; ' I 1 1 ' . . !,. , l ii , t'-.e -aac I' ,1, ; . ' " ' ; !..! . !.' led MOW GOOD TIME TO BUILD Many Reasons Why Those Who Are Thinking of Construction Should Get It Started. Building done these days la .quite certain ta be good building; better than the average quality in times when real estate improvements are more aclively carried on. This is a point worth considering as au offset, in part, to high prices for mat"r:al and high wages in the building trades. Contractors are sure to take crrastisl pains to please those who give thrm business. They are not obliged,- as they have been,' at times, to put up with alni'wt any labor, however incom petent. Hint can be found, even ainoeg tramps and idlers. There have been periods, such as the las! year of the war, when the standards were-so low ered that almost anyone who could and would work at .nil was eagerly hired for service which needed pains taking intelligence. , Ail the way through the various trades that contribute to. the building of :x dwelling or a business block there is u strong desire to make the work done so satisfactory that it will lead to more employment. All who have, anything to do with real estate im provements are anxious to promote a revival of construction, on the largest possilde scale. These facts are Important. They are worthy of consideration by all who are dealing with building problems. Kx- challge. roree With In. TrtMg without discover force within. Says Victor Hugo: "There are instincts for nil the crises of life" A deep perplexity awakens a flash of Insight; a bitter opposition sets th soul on fire; a brave peril opens or eyes to horses nnd chariots of fire- n severe catastrophe evokes a heroism' of which the sufferer had not thou-dit iotnself capable. W. L. AVatkinson. Reviving the Bride. They were being married In a small country church that was heated with a stove. Everything went well until at the close of the ceremony the bride fainted. In the general excitement that followed the bridegroom lost his head. He grabbed the empty coal scuttle and rushed to the pump for some water. Then lie came running in and dashed a scuttleful of black sooty water over bis then reviving bride. f'iil I - ijf :t - ft I I'i SI i, nib! Proper Home-. Important. To provide proper homes for the people is ciie of the worthiest objects of Ik ii 11 111 1 1 endeavor. Proper housing conditions have bei n regarded as the basis upon y.'h'cli ail mber i-if onus and hoi torments tan. ', r.-st. W ithout decent homo surroundings, b'ghl mi. air, proper sanitation, we do not have good citixi ns. All of this bus been said many times In fore. The surprising tiling is Unit, in this count r.y. at least, there has been cmpanstively little in terest in it among well-to-do who de sire lo aid wilh Iheir wealth the well being of their fellow men. Money ex pended now in building serves a dou ble purpose, meets a coineidenl need, the need for employment and housing. City Manaoer Pl!n in Ksnsa-. Kansas is said to have more chics with a commission foim of govern ment than any other ..'tale, ami it also has three cities vhe.e the city man ager plan of government is in success ful operalion. One of th" latter is McCraekeo, n liitle cily in the western ( dgc of I'.n- h eounly, with a pnpiiia 11011 of only VTl persons. It minuted the coming don-manager form of city government nnd on May 7 the coiionis iloners nnk over (lie oily inYairs. in.. Hi t a 't v .; it...! , ; !., ;,-, 1 It' an of M.-t Ynoi. .si as city . (,. w ill ha ve eoiaplele f all the ' .if -in iit":. In of the eiiy. t'luls Han S-'i .V ':utr. The Most Valuable. I So, day by day, and week by week; i so, month inter month, and year after year, work on; and in that process gain strength and sv mioei ry, and nerve I and knowledge, that when success, pa I lienily mid bravely worked for. shall J i i'i ue, ll may find jell prepared to re- coin, ii ju k,.,.,, '. ,,.u., mni w h - Ii joii will net In this brave and paiieni labor, will pmve ii-.cli, in ihr 1 cat, th,. tm .-t valuable i, jour sue- ! 'e-'- e ;.-,. (;. llellMUll. ml IN : i'i- ''i i!ii ill ili'l .l-ll Is it Possible to Legislate . i.ifp. snil Riralnc? Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collectioi of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and useful ness are only outward symbols of the intelli gence, life - long experi ence, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it. Will not Government direc tion of the packing industry, now contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, ex perience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what politi cal adroitness could replace such life and brain:, once driven out? it!: El .;!! ! -III;?! 'I; m iIlM: ili!!! ill 'ii'! i k in m I JM 0 !;i Let us send you a Swift "Dollar, It vil! interest you. A'Mr.:3S Swift & Co:r..T:iy, Union Stock Yards, C!::?a;;o, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. - I in'; (!e a- " el, lie k , ! O.I. I ll ' p . k.'.fe. A - '. . -I" V lib I. 1,1 elf i ... i1 t i --'ii ai d '" ' l - I'i " t" lit' il li.e I III. !l Iter ,1 ,.., i I -M ' ; '. i'i ' Sv'. .i !-. I loll ir. .1 ".I ,'; ." lil'-l .! l -lie III, lb Ii , I e- I'm i. .1 i tl 1 1 It -1 1 e Ion : . ; - ; -i -- . .!' I.c;1 Ho-.t r :.'. Th lual.e in. ue ,.rk pi'" ( l- 'a 'in I b at ii ma il it I- a'ne. I i- d !: I m..i "' 'i le ii -li it eve:- !i lne I ' M: '.- .:i u n Mi v i' h, i:a' nr. ' o ...ry paint r i us i-.a, t . ., n..; ,-:,),. -! .. fan'. - ee-.H-Ol-. W l.k , d. i I il in. m pn ha ,h. p I.: !!, at i h II tile ri....!, 1 v. t Ci J to " ... e III .,..-.'. , . . i - '. a. . . i if Jen- I.". I-. ,1- i'.l ' ! II I . ! ill. '. , a : le . . - c, ii i.i I hi il i t't.f iii r - i r - . re pi -( 1 1 v .i.ii , .iii.l Ii ho I,.-, a ,;n , a i ii i- ! ,' . ' -.i .. " .III ll :r t a ' t ; i . . . IUM . I - ii Ii '..i , . ,1, ' p ..I.-. I up .il l I. e . 'I , . . .1 v . , , . ' le. '.ll III o. i I. .1 , . . I 1 . I- ! -phone. I.i.i. I. . . I . u oi. i . .1 e .1 i i -t IIUM-t s' i 1 1. a ; tie , .i , t a. t'l eillll II III OUe V -,!,. , ., i I. , hi, I la-! p. lor lo tile ,.l - 'I.,. ,-,.,. lion nf n lb... rb" I ton . r nt i I i'T i U lie ll la hillll of m bile t,.i I IrtMii SotoiniiirN iUnrrb . of lo. ti Ho li'iliple mi. roil.' i n. led 'ri,,. i t, w l, win, Ii mi nppllei I., ,.n.,.i HII lllllllkl'r, boll toil h l lii . ..-,iii mi. I Amlili limp. Opp.i-tte tin lo,r n ilrlol.lhK fountain b . been i ti . ted. nnd I ! mmlwiijf nbbli load-, thr.euti thn .b nll dun I!,. itit, I,) ,, "ilnl lin-i Im-imi iiitln l) ri -bull!, Vnrjr Your Cardm. !inii"iiibiT Ibi't I'innl il.i n - nn l Ina'-la Ibtlii' xb.ri the) ten,- )., .into llili bi-t. Tll 'lefore, r ir b iier lli'a 'fi"r .lnidi In' i rnti net lii ii ,-, ib Indui bud ir.pi a beti Ibe iiih rrop. . I.iil ji'if tjit tl,,. nrrni.k'i lm i! of I'u Kir. leu t. .bi. i li e .',iir.-! fr.mi ibcM no, bi.e. t. 'I'u. ..'ii H ! tl.lea III I'.l nini J-t i. i , r jf nloii a i .tt in fo.i l ib on .!.. in, rt (Ju'.d )le' li aii. mil In i n't If T '' 1 '. -V I ' i y 1 i""f'( ii' our'' J ,' oil li Z WHAT DFCOMCS Of V THl Vt(!A&E LOl.lAt? HfCEIVFD BY SWIFT A f.OV'PANYW BY f'J,)rllt ' 5 LIVl AN. MA' l M Cf NT f OP lnflR 7 64 Ct SI P. MAN) WITH t SWIFTifOMPANr .:! ii I, it. ii'i i'i !!! YOU CANT BEAT Ltfi i i. ..'iii!4 ii'um.t!!i 'l :n ii' Ci . ,; , I i i i : i n i . ! Soft Diinks I I'l' V -,'ll' I.i- vj, ,( c a '! ! t s !'! ik ' - :.'. ! -- like w "i K t.. . 'i : .'!;.' t' ..!'!! I'.'.'.v. McAfee & A;ken v Ti - . .-1 J. -1 . . ' "'-' -1 ,o ' . VI' .' . Your Bath Room- : : i i . r ' '".'," i i 1 i I ! f ' ;. ! t ' 'hi ! 11! 11 I I i 'I!! ' . i i ' ' I" I; ,' i .' 1 ':,', s ' t""in in i'ur liVniM.' ami its 'i' v : i all j;ii:itly In tin- plca--t " .mi v t iioin it. ' i ::i tiur hiui-o that lnuKl 1 o U' the liatli iiMnn. ' '1 nii'l iiiany tiling, tliat will ,. i- i'i l lit' liatli I'iioiii a tul l'l.i!ot f.'-t. People's Hardware Company Get the Habit The habit of viewing things cheer fully, and of thinking about life hope fully, may be mode to grow iip in us like any other habit. Samuel Smiles. Stage Set for Him. Plnbbs "Some fellows would rather be born lucky than rich." Slobbs "Rut the fellow who is born rich Is already lucky." . "Here's a Friendly Ti h says the Good Judga Men who tobacco, chew the best '.viihout its costing them , any more. They take a little chew and it's amazing how the good tests stays in a rich, high grade chewing tcbacec. For lasting lohzzz-j sidj 'facdoa, lucre's i:pthia like a small ch: rich-tasting tobacco. :o CHEW 1 ,v. THE REAL TC Put tljl t-'O StSlLS RIGHT CUT is a shortcut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco mm I sSviJS!r.:'SI!!: Say Mr. House Owner isn't this weather' petting.iilto your system anil making you long to see the old home' sblne again like- it did when it was new? Don't you realize that a new coat of paint would bring back all ita freshness that it would again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you fi)-3t built it? This is the time of the year to sta-t lat work and you know howbadly it nerds it. We v.irii merely to call your attention to the fact that ws have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Resides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your homo., Of Interest to the Ladies We havs-a complete line of Chinamel for touching up and l'-linlsiiitig those old pieces of furniture, that you prize so highly and this work will come rigbt alor.g with the rprim; 1 ue cleaning. These varnh'.lii's are prepared so that they do not require tbo services ol a painter and you've no Id.a the u'liouut of g.'orl you can do in one room with a lew of thr-fe color. We've every on,, you could want. I tA UiCl it Bisfoee tOMi; 1.S AXI l.l.l I S TALK l'AIXT TO Y(l' K 'biaHUi";;;;;";;!;-:iiy V. ;:-:!i::3,;;;5 -Jf'M V T ::"'::!:i:':i " l- M I . .-CT It's Sensciblc Economy to Buy crcad I hesc Hot Day: v N woni.-m van i.firl to ruin hiT lu-.-.itl, ' I"'1 '"iiiil ;i'ic;ir;iiK't' in, mi,- j,r,.Uiil ;i h..t ovui in i Ik- Minit.HT. uIK-n ,1,,. t..iu Rct ., HOLSUM BREAD ' fresh Eery Day V We've iiKiiiy oiIht iu-in n our t(1(1 that w.ll .saU. yt.u tho nm'ity cunkiu- thc,e hut ,1a)... C..H10 in ami kt u make a ,', MiK'k'-inii (,r a hiiuh tulav. 'i 1 1 1 1 i 11 i . '1 Sam Hughes Company -rlda'fTv vil!!!---;:''