Tuesday, August 19, 1919. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS 0 IONE NEIGHBORHOOD Li it " HERE'S the quality bread. Only the purest and most costly ingredients enter into it finest patent flour, rich milk, sugar, pure shortening, best yeast. It means the most nutrition, wholesomeness and flavor. Say FRAN Butter-Nut The Incomparable Loaf FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BRISTOW & JOHNSON IONE, OREGON t - 1 BE NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work. The day will come when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this time. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE 1 IONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station I IONE ITEMS I t t A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason Monday morning. Frank Engleman left Sunday by auto to attend the Klamath Falls convention. Mr. and Mrs. Hardest' and two children of Morgan, were transact ing business in lone Friday. Walter Cochran, who recently re turned from Bervice with the U. S. navy, "has accepted a position with the Standard Oil company. Mr. J. H. Wells, who has been keeping boolcs for the Standard Oil company haa resigned his position He left Thursday for Portland. Mrs. J. M. Orr gave birth to an 8-lb boy August llth, a tthe Johdon hospital. Mrs. Jordon, the nurse, reports mother and baby doing fine. Mrs. John Wilt of lone, is suffer ing wish a severe attaclc of bronchisis Under the efficient care of Miss Zel ma Engleman we hope she will soon recover. Mrs. W. R. Cochran and daughter, j Lillian and Grace, went up to Hepp- ner Thursday evening to have some dental work done. They returned Friday morning. Miss Lillian Allinger has accepted the position of assistant cashier in the lone State Bank. Miss Allinger is a graduate of the lone high school of 1918. Mr. Ray Land and family of Tig art, Oregon, arrived Tuesday evening for a few days visit with the former's mother, Mrs. R. C. Land of lone. They returned home Monday. Mrs. Ralph Kaiser and c'hildren ar rived Sunday from Maupm, Oregon, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin, and her sisters. Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, and Mrs. Glen Ball. J. T. Knappenberg left last Sunday by auto for Portland where he will join his wife and from there they will go to Klamath Falls, where Mr. Knappenberg will attend the Elk's convention. . Miss Lillian Cochran left Saturday morning on the local for Umatilla, and motored home In the evening ac companied by her father, W. R, Cochran, who is still working on the highway. ' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Llnstrom, who live out north of lone, accompanied by Mrs. Llnstrom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell, of lone, return ed to their homes Saturday, after spending a two weeks vacation Hitter Springs. The trip was made in Mr. Llnstrom's car. Mrs. Mary Norton returned Tues day from a two weeks vinlt with rela tives and friends at Oregon City and Portland. During her stay In Port land her nephew, Henry Ames, pas sed away Sunday, August 3rd, at the age of 19 years. Henry was well and favorably known in lone, as he spent some time here last spring for his health. m rranit Alters and Johnny Huron, V his stepson, had quits an accident on i. last Wednesday morning. As the I started home their team became frightened upsetting the wagon and L throwing them both out, hurting Mr. jf Aker's 'hip and shoulder, but Johnny caught himself tome way and was not seriously hurt. The last report we had of Mr. Akers he was still con fined to his bed. CECIL ITEMS i Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements, Vehicles. Windmills, Pumps, and (iasoline F.ngines. We Sell Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone. Oregon ItKTUlNKI. rlUlM OVKH SKAS Guy Hale arrived Monday from North Yakima to visit his home folk and friends of lone. I Mr. Hale returned some months go fioni England where he served as I so engineer I nthe naval reserve. He j received his dischaiire at Baltimore, ! March 20th. U. E. Baker of Broad Acres, was a Cecil caller on Sunday. Jack Hynd and son, Heu-b, left for Heppner Thursday evening. Ed Miller and daughter were visit ors at "Butterby Flats;" ranch on Monday. Miss Eater Logan of Four Mile1 spent the past week visiting friends at The Willows. The Misses Doris and Dana Logan of The Willows, visited with Mrs. John Nash on Sunday. John Kelly of Heppner, was doing business In Cecil on Wednesday, he was on his way to Boardman. Misses Etta Barnes and M. H. Lowe were the guests of Mrs. Ben nett of "The Last Camp" on Sunday. The Misses Thelma Hall and Ber- nice Franklin of Rhea, were visitors at the Butterby Flats ranch on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan and family of The Willows spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea. West McNabb of lone, was a Cecil caller on Wednesday, taking home a few samples of wheat grown in the Cecil disetrict. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ross and fami ly of The Bungalow, also Claud Mur ray spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Fred Pettyjohn. The Misses Juanita Crabtree of Dothe-boys Hill, Miss C. Palmateer of Windynook, were doing business in Cecil on Friday. George Krebs and his sister, Mar garet of Portland, left for Heppner on Monday where they spent a few days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pearson and family of Heppner, made a short stay n Cecil on Sunday on their way home from Boardman. Walter Pope of Sunny Side, was looking up some of his old friends at Morgan on Monday. Walter says that walking is still good. Misses Lucile Logan of Portland A. C. and V. M. Hynd of Butterby Flats spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Hun- rfksen of "Willow Creek" ranch The Misses Pettyjohn of Morgan also Gertrude and Hazel Pettyjohn of Cecil, were the guests of Mrs. Beb Barnes of Poplar Grove on Sunday. J. W. Osborne of Cecil, Clarence Winter of Shady Dell, H. J. Streeter of Four Mile, also A. . Nash of Fai View, were all Arlington callers dur ing the week. Mr. C. Morey who has been visit ing with his daughter, Mrs. H Streeter of Four Mile, for the past few days returned to his home Oswego on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth ac companted by their niece, Mine Thel ma Hall, left during the week for Monument and other points where they will spend a few days. Mr. C. J. Smith 8unday school or ganiser of The Dallef made a short stay In Cecil. He remarked while there "that Cecil 'had the finest aho of hay atacks that he had seen during his travels." C. A. Minor accompanied by Mr Frank Roberts and family and WU liam Ball, of Heppner, stayed at Th Last Camp, Cecil on Saturday even ing, leaving early on Sunday morning for Portland. in wishing them a, happy career in their married life. Among the out of town guests was Mrs. Kate Wilmot of Sellwood, Oregon, grandomother of the bride. Miss Bailey of Portland, is here visiting the Jackson's. W. G. Scott was quite ill at his home in Lexington a few daws last week. Although Mr. Scott is now able to be on the streets he has not enUrely recovered. Ed Burchell who recently pur chased & house and some lots of Karl Beach is busy having it thoroughly cleaned and papered. He expects to move his family Into it before long. Mrs. Ethell Wilcox of Klamath Falls, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Esketlson, and other relatives. The Barnetts and Mrs. Trannie 4 Parker enjoyed Saturday and Sunday in the mountains where a sort of family reunion, was held. A farewell dance was given Satur day evening for the Taylors who ex pect to leave shortly for their new home in Idaho. During their stay In Lexington these people acquired many friends who will miss them when they leave. We understand the stork was very busy Friday night and left a daugtv "1 ;i X Frank Engclman CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS Billiard and Pocket Billiard. Ice Cream Parlor in Connection. Latest Magazines and Periodi cal. Orcgonian Agency. Columbia Phonographs lone, Oregon I G. F. STEELE jj ter at Mr. and Mrs. Morthness and also one at Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chriut ensons'. A fine boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Orr of Lexington at Ion The little daughter of Claud White is suffering from blood poisoning in her arm, the result of a cat scratch. Buster Gentry had his adeniods tonsils removed by the doctor at Heppner and is recovering nicely. Mrs, Elsie Cowins has moved from the Allen house over Into the house formerly occupied by Cretes. Ermund Zochert returned from the Dalles Sunday evening with a new S ton truck. Besides durability the truck is quite classy looking. Frank Burgoyne returned from The Dalles Wednesday evening with a new Maxwell car, a gift for the wife. Mr. Hill is back from the. Rose City but Mrs. Hill and family 'hare not yet returned. Mrs. Clark Davis and children are enjoying a visit with friends in Idaho. If you want what you want when you want it try a classified ad. Read the classified and find what you are seeding. ItKTl HN HtOM Al IIOKNIA Tltlf i DR. CLYDE R. WALKER jF. H. ROBINSON I1DMI H AM M lt.ln ATToltW.Y St l.V I !" imrw ( nr, ttrrfua M.iln Mrw WATCHMAKER and JEWELER Fine Repairing of all Kinds lone Oregon Ash Your DeAlcr Grand Prizcoa2l Art arms 6 Ammunition Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson and non, Thomas, returned Friday even ing from their six weeVs trip to Cali fornia by auto and they report a very ph'aKHnl trip. They went by Hie y of I(osberg and vlhlted friends. Mr. Davidson"! father U at the Old Hol dlers home at iAm Angles 'l H"' spent some of their time with him. lie alno lias a sinter living at Ontario and vlmted her. They visited quite a number of plaret of Importance before returning Yosemite Fall. Crater Lake and several other places the writer hss fot gotten. I.KXI.V.To ITK.MH t t t A very pretty wedding took plsrr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McMillan Wednesday evening li"n their .nly dauithler, Mis lon. w united In marriage to Janice ut hie, U.-v. James flntr performing the reremony, after which the couple went to th'uriimlnts rami) where bountiful supper was served and a Mr charivari wa flven hjr Hilr tinny friend The brid, one ot ,iinrlnn' mot rhrmr toons- U'llea rmiint! St the fo-c of '1'Mil wt year and she - rrw.Urtttif, , l'tirl'in unite. mmsam THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON scnoc- no department Th OnlTaralty Include, th, Collem of Literature, Science and the Art,, and th, prut School, ot law. Medicine, Ot Portland) , Architecture, jovnalian. Com merce, loc4Uwe sad Mum. aPEOIAL FEATURES A beautiful campus, facultln ot rprcUt latl, modem farilttiee, low coat, with many opportuniUea for elf-help, "athlrtiea tor Torjbodjr," a really democratic aunoaphera and the fain on "Oregon Spirit." Por t catalogue, mastratfd txwUet or npeoine Information, addreaa: THE REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. The Heppner Garage Vaughn & Goodman Successors to Albert Borwker We will endeavor to carry a complete stock of tires, tubes, accessories and parts and will appre ciate your patronage. Our shop is oprcatcd by Messrs. Inman & Thorn ton, expert mechanics, for several years with the Covey Motor Car Company, of Portland. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisement! under Claaalfied Ada are In- thla headlnc one cent 't (LlNT A r,aoIr CM" ' ad- a word for each Inner- I . . . vanre unleea Riven by tlon. No ad for lewt YY U K LI Prwina with duly e- than 15 cent. tabliahed credit NEW THIS WEEK W A TK.I -Married man wantH pohitlon on ranch. No objections to Ktot k mmti. Can operate truck, lloi 17 5 lone. Oteiion. 1-17 I I USUI lit, loll hi' . IU 1 11 k decided to rloH the Nw Itooin-Ing-lioilne I will M'll at private hale all the furniture of 17 rooms con slstlnx of bed room nulls, raipetie, riiKn, dresners, beds, spilntis, fnat tietw'S. etc. Al practlritlly new and In Hood condition and will b sold cheap for rash. Mr. frail l)on- liouxer. 1-t pd WATI-:i-Lady bookkeeper wants a few hours work after supper. En quire at Herald office. mf TAHKX I f-Yearling black filly with white spot In forehead. No brands or inuiks visible. Came to my plare stilcr, miles tuiuth of lone on the K. A. I.undeii place about Ma I l&'h. Owner iiiHjrliave aame by prrrt- in property and paying charirea. J. K. HWAN'SON, lone, Oregon. 11-li lu-.lt lull hl,. Al Mi I At It at H"irln Mill on Willow creek. Tanii'ac or Vlr, or will cut' on re serve lor "c esch. I It IIA.4K Y. I'HiiM; Mil J. O. Iler to have your wood sswed before It ralnn -2 4 FOR SALE loll A hgt Allh lKAI. Mrs. K. I., ft ' knum for looms b th night. e. k or month, Keas.Tf.iide prlren Nr first National llsrjk. H 17 HAI.lv- i.ihmi second hand rne. Inoulr of Mrs. f;erire Rwa-t-r- 11-tf. KUl HA I K ton Tackard truck In ood condition cheap for cash or good security Just been ov erhauled and made like new. Knqulr Meltoberts-rohn Auto Co., Heppner, Oregon, or O. W. Ilui. Irrlron. Oro on. jpt Tltl'f'K Wll MAI.K Three ton Packard truck la A No. I condition IU00. for particulars call on or addrees the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oreioo. itf MISCELLANEOUS , VilHI Tli" voun man bo IimV ' lie rs'or nd hon from hotel w.h r- i si f.ik'rs Mill hotel tb-jjj ,.ime,; one more volume will mrbt of ih. -i-n.- i. n...n sn-i i',bin It dosra to pirnont dale. ,to I.. ,.,',! at o ild r.t im l! r t,in.in A hsrirsln at leas thtn one. iir'.. to li e p.,'ioi'i i '"-, hair ri rat Crf ptiip Mill Ml K Uteet Werner edl- Hon of the Encyclopedia llrlltaolra; Mill iit.out il' Ur I If f.fflre Kn j'ilre at thle I If