Tuesday, August 19, iqiq. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE LEGAL NOTICES f NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given ttiat the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County administratrix of the estate of Robert D. Watkins, de ceased; that all persons having claims against said estate must pre- sent the same, duly verified accord- jQing to law, to mo at the office of my irattorney, S. E. Notson, at Heppner, " Oregon, within six months from the date of the first 'publication of this notice, said date of first publication being the 29th day of, July, 1919. BLANCHE P. WATKINS, 13-17 Administratrix NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 12, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Eddie A. Hammer, of Lena, Oregon, who on Oct. 2 5th, 1915, made . Homestead Entry, No. 015331, for WVa SW, PKU SAVVi, Section 22; NE NV Vi, NE Section 27, Township 3 south, Range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above do scribed before J. A. Waters, clork of lhe-County Court, at Heppner, Ore son, on the 16th day of September, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses, Wal ter Hayes, of Heppner, Oregon, Da vid W. rearson, Howard E, Pearson, and Jacob H. Pearson, all o T.ena, Orrpon. v C. d. DUNN, Register. 148,. ofthe General Laws of Oregon, 1907, andChapter 214 .of the Gener al Laws of Oregon, 1917. W. P. MAHONEY, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of July, A. D., 1919. RUB IN A F. CORRIGALL, Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires Aug. 9, 1921. (SEAL) . ' STATEMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of rhe State of Oregon, tor Morrow County. In the Matter of the Estate of Thom as 3. Pettyjohn, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Eliza J. Pettyjohn has been duly appointed by 1 he Cgunty Court of Morrow County, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas S. Pettyjohn, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to mo at the office of Sam !;. Van Vactor, at Heppner, Oregon, wil'iin six months from the date of the first publication hereof, with'the proper vouchers duly verified. Dated and first published this 22 nd day or July. 1919, ELIZA J. PETTYJOHN, Administratrix of the Estate of Thou as S. Pettyjohn, deceased 12-16 of the First National Bank, of Hepp ner, County of Morrow, State of Ore gon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, 1919, who lias not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit (savings deposit), principal and interest, for a period of more than twelve (12) years imme diately prior to said date,' with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice address of such deposit or,, and the fact of his death, if known. Name and Address Amount Win. Ayers, Heppner, Ore 7.43 A. H, Sprinkel, Heppner, Ore, 2.37 State of Oregon, County of Morrow, ss. I, W. P. Mahonoy, being. first duly sworn, depose and say upon oa.Ui, that I am the Cashier of the First National Bank, of Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Oregon; that fife foregoing statement is a full, iru correct "and complete slatenient, showing the name, last known resi dence or post office address, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as re quired by the provisions of Chapter 1-1S, of the General Law;! of Oiegon. l'.'ilT, and Chapter 14, oi the Cener a Laws or Oregon, 1917. W. V. MAKONKY, Subscribed 'and sworn to before me this 25th day or July, A. D., 31119. RUISINA F. COKRIGALL. . ': I or Oregon ; ol- int.,nliim to make three-year aiy commission expires Aug. 9, 1921 (SEAL) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Depart ment of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at La Grande, Oregon, July 31st, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions or Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Robert A. Thompson, of Heppner, Oregon, Se rial No. 018356-018373-018357-018-355, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less I than $3.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. I m., on the 22nd day of October, next, at this office, the following tract of i land: NE Yi SE Sec. 15, Sy2 NW Vi, SEYi NE Vi Sec. 14,.SE SWV4 Sec. 13, E NW Sec. 24. Town- ship 4, South, Range 27 East Wil . lamette Meridian. j The sale will not be kept open, jhut will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person j making the highest bid will be- re quired to immediately nav to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for Sft'e. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. NOTICE COR PUBLICATION Department of the Interion United it La Grande, NOTICE 1'OU IMT.EICATIOX STATEMENT the First National Bank, of Hepp ner. I'oi'tity of Morrow, State of Ore loii. showing the amount standing to ; liit- credit of every depositor July 1, j 19 1 9 who' has not made a deposit, or ,as not with drawn nny part of j (Not Coal Lund) Department or the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oreeon. June 5f 1919. I Notice is hereby given that Cliff 10. Dewey, of Pendleton. Oreenn. who on April 20, 1915. made Home-j stead Entry, No. 014596, for Lots 1 and 2, SVi NE, SEU, Section 4, Township 1 south, range 29 east, Willamette Meridian-, has filed no tice of intention to "make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before R. T. Brown, Uerk ol Counly Court, at Frndlelon, ! irll Orcson, on Ihe ijth day of August. 1919. Claimant names as vvil ses: tiny French. Paul Ke.slor,, Clara Card. Oorfje I'arrot, all of Pi-nd-ton. Oregon, C. S. DUNN, Register. , States Land Office j Oregon, July 12, 1919. i Notice if. 'hereby given that David Y. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who on Au;-'iist 26th, 19 16, made Homestead J KtUi?, No. 016-110, for SWVi SE Vt I Section 21, N'W'i SW'Vi Section 27, NEM, NVi SEVi of Section 2 8,. Township 3 south Range 29 east, I Willi'incfle .Meridian, lias filed notice proof to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, clerk of the County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 16th day of Septem ber, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed die A. Hammer, of Lena, Oregon, Waller Hayes, of Heppner, Oregon, Phil Higgins and James lliggins both of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register NOTICE OK CONTEST Department of the Interior.United .States Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, August 6th, 191s. To Harry McDevitt, of Pilot Rock, Oregon, Contestee: , You are hereby notified that Phil Higgins, of Lena, Oregon, who gives Lena, Oregon, as, his post office ad dress, did on June 19th, 1919, nie in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead En try, Serial No. 019190, made June 14th, 1918, for Lots 3 and 4, S M NWVi Sec. 1, Lots 1 and 2 and SE NE Sec.,' 2, Township 4 South Range 29 East Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he al leges that said Hurry McDevitt has ituaimoneu s,ua homestead, has not built a house on same, nor made any improvements at all, that; he is j-,ot in the employment in military ser vice in connection with operation,; in Mexico, or along the border thereof, or in mobilization camps elsewhere in the military service of the United f.tr.tes or the nation,;! guard of a ay : of Ihe states. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your, said entry will be cancelled without fur ther right to -be heard, eitfiier before this office or on appeal, if you fail to! file in this ofice, within twenty daytti ater the FOURTH publication o this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding In these allegations of con test, logelher with due proof that you 'have served a copy of your ans wer on Hie said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. S. DUNN, Register NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. Date ol first publication. August IS, 1919. Dale ol' second publication. August 26, 1919. Date ol' third publication, September 2, 1919. Date of fourth publication, Septem ber 9, 1919. Make for Business Success. The foundations for success In busi ness are work, perseverance and char acter. Different men who have tri umphed In various spheres of business may set down their own experiences and views In other ways, but you will practically always find that the sum ming up comes to those three Items in the end Read The Herald for all the news Had Origin In America. There has been much controversy over the song. "The Red, White and Blue," but the logicnl conclusion Is that the English adapted their words from the American song, which was written by Thomas A. Becket, an Eng lishman, after he had made America his home. Before this song was writ ten, in ISfiO, no similar version was known in England. a r??x -raid ot&. j ILciclIs Flos Hosiery .no i lei, i oi; i-us-.i i '.vi iu who lli-l d 'l'OS I (I'ollUlll'ITlel dcMs!t) '.rinc'pa! or interest, for a period ol iiiov" than seven (7) years Immedi-rh-ly p;ior to said date, with I'm n. inc. last known place of leslib-nce or po-l oi l ice aMre-P of s'lcii deposi tor, i ud the fact of his death, ir known. Nji-io and Address Amount Eail Allen, Heppner, O;egon. $ 1.0U .1. E. It, ink, Heppner, Oie C. J. Bradley, ll.ppr.er, fire. . IVnl lleyno-r. ilipne:, Oie. . ! . K. I enn"tl. Heppner, O.o. ., M.iiy E. Barnard. H.-ripn-r.. 0, e n Fleniiiia. ll.pj.ni'r. (tie. IV. n-wi,nh Cirn'i, Ilpl- 1. e!', Ore v . :;. i,,U. tie. iii p,n , (;. u. i;. Lie.-.., Hippmi. die. ... i'. II. Or. n, Hvipi rr. On-.,. T'.i.t ny. Heppner, Oi .1 1. !l' 'teM. EH . It Pl'tl.- r!. .. .". 1.85 n.iio 5.110 io.:!.-, i.sn 1 1.2.-. l sr, I.ST r, i.ihi S.'oi t) pai -intent cf th. Jno.. l.-ii-l OIHe .. . : i !. , ; I in. .i'i' T, If, I''. ...' is 1 -why -, l!.,lt 'i :: p.- !!., er j.-.,. i, o i .c ' : ;:ist 20'!'. I'' !''. ,, .,( ': il Enlry, No. i I r ! I I :i .-ieiiioii 27, S', SE,".' NE ", NW", . N i , Xi-y. '!' WH NW'i S-'iiicii To. n.iiiip 3 nmtli Itange 29 e.i v. diacette Meridian. I "t inietiGoii (o make It.' , ! t e-l il.li- h claim k ' I e l .p 1 d (C'ilii cl b'.foie J. . V.'.il tl.e Counly fu'ii !. at H ' ;,,n. on llie If.tli oay ol V !'C -.1911. f la:ini,'il iir ii."- in- . A . H i ' i in r. i ' ' i n i. Waiter Iti.vr-,. of If-";. !:,, I'I i! lHuriiiH anil Joh'i llin ' I i n i. (t:-i on. C. S. DUNN. !! :,-l-. r. I - United I rar.de. li) v- I'I., V. A' I 1P,,.U.- Inr S 'i Section S,-c- 3 1. 2'1 c.i" , I i il.'d tu tli e a ' V p: oof aViv e 1 ( ! rk l pner, j pl"i:,- ; I !!-! On i!fn, j fin Kon, ; ria, both ; NOTICE I'Oll PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Uniled States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 14, 1919. . Notice is 'hereby given that Jacob H Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who on ly 2 4th, 1910, made Additional lead Entry, No. 010162, for iS'i. N'Eli, N SE',i. Section 2.1, J T'lvnsliip. I! south. Range 29 east, i Willamette Meridian, has filed notice I ; I intention to make (hire-year proof i lo establish claim to Ihe land above j kiiicribed, before J. A. Waters, rlerk j of 1he County Coin t, at Heppner, Or i egon. op the lClhday of S( ilembei , 1919. Claimant names as witnesses, Ed tdi" A. Ilaiiuiier, Waller Hayes, Phil ! iUggins, and James Higgins, allot !.' na, Oiegon. i Not Coal Land. I C. S. DUNN. Register. Speed of Birds. ' The sliced of birds Is often over rut ed. 'Ihe swift, for Instance, has ncen credited with n speed of 1.'0 miles an hour, and Ihe popular Iniag Inntlon compares the (light of a spar rewhawk with that of a cannon hall. The homing pigeon can be relied on un der ."airly ensy conditions to make 00 miles an hour, or considerably more, Kine hosiery is a very necessary part of every well "dressed lady's wardrobe in fact just as im portant as good shoes or a nice hat. Our showing of Ladies' Hosiery is exceptionally fine, when you consider how uncertain the hos iery market has been it the past and still is for all that. Fine seamless silk stockings in black and colors and lisle and cotton in black and colors. We also have a fine showing Stockings. It will pay you to lool of Children's them over. Thomson Bros. You'll Like Our Service DR. HAROLD C. BEAN I'llVSK l mid Sl UOIiON llcpiiiel i Oi l ier I'llone Oregon, He-Id. imt VAUGHAN & BUTLER j DENTIST I Perinuni'Ut!) located In Oddfellow's IliiiiMili, 'Iippner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON at r iim;y-at-i.av Office In Court ll in'e Heppner Oiegon 1 A -i 1! pi'tii r. Om l"td,.;.l. I i - 112 K.ll. 1 1: e, li,. i M, Co O'C. . 1! t I'f' i-. ( i ..ii. . II-II. r.t i'h', . l.n r (,.. II pl'I.el. M. C.-rr k Itil'.l.T. Fox. Oi" .... ..!U Nfi Dailii l. II ildilian. (lie. 1 MaS ll. IL ppn-r. Iii !. n t n.i n llurdv n. On- 1. U.ilne, ( pn-r. Oi v l Cntx-iU. H'-ppner. Or ... U M Chun. Triio, llppnfr. (1 7 U 21 75 1 4i 142 :.( 4 2 5 2 76 4 34 5 !' 4 on NEW HOME -it,'" i f Oif r"D. Cmtit' .f Morrow, I W ti. I i ti ' !' I I Nf n tf-w IV M i' nni y. Ii'- lli fi'( duly iii. i .,) iipi.n oii'lt pm H r i lit'-r T in. fit. i nk. of ll'iiii'-r. Ui'iiiiy ilale "f (tic"H. thit It" it l.i!-ii," I l h lull. I'll-, nr. I r..!, ,t ' .Ui.'i.rnl. (hp r - !". !! limvll t"i" p . t r 'M, ,',,( frf e' 1 ; - ! - ' cret it Vfor ny wife UU. A. D. McMURDO niiMt ia a si i;i.i.o 1i U idione 122 Office I'i tt'irson'K Ilnig Stme Il'I'plier Oregon WOODSON & SVEEK ATToitl.Vs.AT-I.AW lli'lpner OnT'it SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATToltM.V-.T-l..V. II' Miner Oieton SEVENTH ANNUAL .Morrow County in "YOUR FAIR" Sept hO OTHIH LIKI IT. NO OTMl Al COOO. F. A. McMENAMIN ' i.avyi:h B't"rt Md. Ilpnr, orrir rin,n Main (43 Itonldrnr I'bonn Mttlll (S ROY V.WHITEIS ls HAM I: itr.Ai, itati:. ims. MrpIBer Ol' Or iron a. 4 1 S DR. J. L. CALLOWAY ALL TIM f? 1 '"Tldl'AIIIH," I IIVs(1V lOrad!t An.lmn Krf.ool of 0t"f. - , v 1, v.. II'. ,. 1... . . I (.1 i- hrl 4 WARRANTCO fO H. .1 ,,.., I.,., 1 11 ... ' ,,. , t-t ' i- 1 '"i " - ; N 11 to 13 ew looay September 11 -Opening Day Fireman's Day ni- Drill Im'm' K.-iccs. r.i((li- k'acc, I dot Races. September 12-Returned Soldiers and Sailors Day Merchants Day Hitf I'arad.-. Cliil I 'nc. (ifii i ( d for di ( n the l.r Drill. 11 .nts. Tractors and Special Features. I iln.it in each ( lass, I.- l.ij September 13-Farmers and Stockmens Day Sudith Atin'i.il Morrow Count v Iair uill ----- ur fiii fi'D that thr 'i r at. 'I l-i U r th.ni t v ( r 4 1 r,f llm M.-r.'-. Iir A. T. fill CI.., r K.t'.: I UIU.I1UI '. tU, I li.lOlol 2 I. C t'li',r, 4?