PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August io, iqiq shoi i, iM)i:;izi: Uhm. idst OK .VMJI'H'.W i.v;io How about ihiit local post of l.i' American Legion? Are thfie 15 ix Kcrvice men in your town? 1 tlx-ir Americanism 100 p'-r cent? If so. why !use they not orpanizwl and ap plied for a ehurter from the statu or ganization? These are questions being ask'-d daily of small coniinunities about, the state of Oregon by State Chairman Rivers of the American Legion. In most instances the only reply has been "How do we go about it?" It is simplicity itself. As few as 15 ex-soldiers, sailors or marines may get together, choose temporary offic ers and a name for their post and apply to the state committee, Liberty Temple, 1'ortlandU, for a charter. Ex-service men who are interested and what man who has fought, is not interested in what the great military force of which he was a unit i going to do when it is organized into a great civilian force? should write at once for information to the state headquarters at Portland and copies of the constitution of the national or ganization will be sent and instruct ions given for any procedure in or ganization which may seem hazy. There should be an organizer of the American Legion in every county in Oregon by this time. If there is none, any ex-service man of good character may become one by notifying state headquarters of his desire to woi'u for Ulie cause. It is now realized generally thai the American Legion is to the worli' war what the (1. A. It. has been t tin: Civil War. It if! the definite ex pression of the thought filling tin minds of hundreds of thousands o! doughboys and gobs during flu world war for "some soit. of an or ganization" after the war. It is non political policies not politics, is it slogan and it Is bound together b? the ties of comradeship formed li Bervice. The American Legion was initiated in Paris, boosted at St. Louis and will be perfected in Minneapolis No vember 11, In national convention. The men who showed the Huns how Americans fought and the great boil; ol reserves still in America, standing at the leash, are welcomed into (iiit organization. An honorable discharge front serrtce is the admission card. Tho dues In most posts are $2.00 a year. rUl'I'KI KltOM TIIK I'ltKSS ST ATI : Tut, Tut Jonathan Kx-Senutor Jonathan llourne, Jr., of Oregon, characterizes ex-President Taft as "dissembler," chief Wilson Ian lieutenant," absurb," wily," and ns guilty of "subteil uge" and "crafty Ingenuity" In his advocacy of the heague of Nations. Oregon Voter. HE WOULD, INDEED I 7 A 4 1 .' i. ) Tl; Darling, when you're In tr.y arms every burden is lifted from me like magic She Wait till I've sat here for an hour or so, you'll change your Idea. GOOD RIDDANCE Mourning Cast Aside. Relatives of Mrs. R. P. P.aker of Faris, Tex., the other day put away their mourning while makine arrange ments for her funeral. Following a report from Stratford, Okia., that ilis was dead there, another message came saying Mrs. Laker "snddeniy came to life." Physicians had pronounced Iter dead, hut later discovered she va: breathing. It is cow believed she will recover. ..llim!TM?H:,M , Commissions to Be Given 50,000 Men. Fifty thousand properly accredited graduates of the reserve oflicers' train ing eori'S will he appointed to the olli ;ers' reserve corps of the army "in the lowest grade authorized by law in that arm for which graduates have received -jeehtl training,'' according to an uu vmncemeut by' the war department. . H fei k II i V- tSK-Wf i the nciipnal joy smoxa :?4-- -v.--- no 'vww. 1':' - Tom So you sked oiil .leaks for his daugliler's hand. What did he say? Dick lie said: "Take her and let i ue lie happy." Iloslon Trim-kcript. NO TROUBLE AT ALL These also from the Voter: Keep the home beers brewing, And the home stills stewing. A successful executive has seldom been able to earn a living in eight hours u day. Some women divide their lime be tween worrying over what they vll wear and how little they can wear It's alright Tor Portland to work for deeper water In her liarhor, hut lid's spread u Utile of It over our in land deserts before we send It to the . Malheur Kntet prise. The k ilser might have secured easier treatment If he had been n ninsi lent ions objector, Itosibuig News. The wot bl Ih ton conical ions now for itllv league of peace, i:ei.ibiiil.v UMits to scrap.- iHifur liepatch. When a woman steals ano!loi woman's husband, it's pit i ( Incenv - 1 Hi , illis (laicette -Tillies, ml iniii' The ipii" ttup nf the l-it .ittaN , li,tiliiiir lo mi il Mi. 1 Iiiii . p i n Is a m-iv Inipoi one In i -1 i ti Oicr.nn. What Hie the nnie el l iita tllU. Itikel, rillnll illld I't III I inillll u of ttltH hectiolt dntllg Itbiutt the lll.t Iit? Last Oti'iriuil.iii If I'liuce of ulin Is hulking fur 'ciitnii he will find no heller pl.t. e I'iiiii the piiclllc noi!hct Hii.l.d he I willing In mk -I'.iit l ecmnun. 1 1 I he l. r II. .I.l Oul A Minimal)- of crop condition" n ! . iin,( In jmmhI heri lrilgntel That' Ju.t It. Tho nmn ith the lit tlrt it t h never Milfrm ft otii crop fail-ur- OrrgonUn. Supply Wit On thert Thi- l tin. Hurry mid Henry, tin hml In, umilf ulike. Th iithcr in.. riitn uthcr imuii hurrv Inn il.mioinlr lir inel llnrrf. m)Iii(: "1li, .i:iii llptnlr niul RT ),,llr tir hr.iilier." A llnrij I.Nlng t lit !.. tirollirr. Heiirjr iiune In, rry ln' ' Oml.ljr, l re la MV lirw hrolh rr Regularly Acquired. I was vi.-iling in n little country place and was about to hoard tho train to return when I noticed a dear little girl with tight curls close to her head, and, calling her, T asked: "Where did yufi get all those pretty curls?" Much annoyed, she answered: "Oh, dey was on me when I turned." Chi cago Trihunc. Left Out, Somehow. Margaret likes Peril's puppies and ilwiivs refers to them as her father lees, as a "litter of puppies." A dny ir two ago another playmate called lier in to see twin hnhy sisters. Mar :are was thoughtful for a moment at lie dinner table that day, and then, Lurniig reproachfully to her mother, ;aid: "We never have u litter of any liing at or.r house." Xx-vi:'i'i;l:H;ii:: ...:iiiiri; u, i'I" ; ;.. : ";: . ! -t! 1 !i ii:i'l';:ii'lii:i.!iiil,i:ii! ; :--i;:-" !i.:".:t! '! "ili'l, il liilt' ll !l Il:r,;,(, li-'ii-: iff. li!i'-'!f i i i'ir! ' r i, - ' I I I : m?M-'HV!:1!.'M,SArA- - .SAlSxMxa;'.:: ill!,,!! ! l' .J ::-! HIsi ill !,!'l ! Copvrl'lit 1318 by R. d. UeyrtoUit Tobacco Co. :::5:H!ii'ii;iy!!i!ii!!!il ill !te EV4a :mi;; i i n -m --wimmttm. "hi 1 " 'i'- in1 Teasel in Cloth Dressing. Fev vicoide pvobalily have heard of teasel, which is grown for the puipose of cloth dressing, The wild tease! is found in T.nglish hedges nnd copses ned bears a purple (lower in July. The function of the teasel Is to raise the nap of II, e cloth, nllliougii to some ex ient it lias been superseded by the use of wire brushes. One cent a word for classified. Try one. NEVER was such right-handed-two- ' j f fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a '" jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert ! That's because P. A. has the quality! You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert, corning' and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line! Prince Albert's quality alone puts jt in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words lo express your happy days sentiments! loppy red bass, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors and that classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. illi,!li Vit.'W I I II' H 1 i! M U il nil I " i in - i f 7- it 4 V X, TT n it is ,1 t I Wnl son--I i)( j on ever put through that freak scheme you had for making money? Johnson No, I didn't need to. Watson How wiin that 1 Johnson- It fell through. Under New Management The Heppner Bakery m. v. iia.m.mi:!!, rnoi', Home Made Bread a Specialty 1 can guarantee nijOroducts. strictly first class in every par ticular and invite every family in Heppner to give them a trial. My Cookies, Pies and Cakes will please you. PHONE MAIN 365 ICE "The tnarrtHUM kiiinr U hit mlt i' IIMM'f'll. Ill wiiui . It ItM.l. hv t:y i iho ha Iwivi n't fli a i : V 1 1 i) j 1 1 ; a rtAnn TKI'.AT. d!,ttich I v don't know wloit kind of nut tlifn nr. hut thv iiilnlr r ir 1 ' louil i f I l.i rUMifuol ! tel tult l'mi oid HUBBY DICTATES DRESS Sut for Diverts Ruor U(d en Cloth. Clothe may not mk lh lady, hvt hey certainly mad tb dlvorc court vnrk ovortlm tiinrtliiir. attrated y two dlvurr aultt filed at Kcadln, I'a. Tho alU'tntlon that her huhnd arantl brr la drni Ilk an "oh! omaii" other men would i brr y I Ih bnala of th aull of Muhrl R, !lkmao. who tnafYM Thmn llerk Ban SI year o In Allcutown. whll 1 rtor HTtion. aaiil 10 ha two rfurmnl on hla wife- ht attlrv .y Barry J, !luh, lo th detriment of hr nalHmonlal Joy, I th background rf I alinllar aotloB taken ty bl pouo, KIU a Bnah. . I Mm' white starH ! ..?,cJi wml brand mm -rr-.- ' PliSt:'! I lade by men who know. iFll,,P ! ZJl7 VK fi f f;)r People who want Hie Vfil I I ''v the eh,Hjest wheat I 'M rttClWfll I w'XVH , thorotighly washed is used f qWm WWf H-i 'fwmJf .HH l;fWI in making our flour. Ill W I ' i'I1 Wf,i Your baking will prove to 1 M ! K , f J t" VuKO WiWW I thc bi- advantage of ggfo : h 1, 11 UW raJiir ng White Star Brand .tmffi h I I II I li, 1 1 ' ' IMllt "our for both bread and f AM! I fmm Hppcr farm9 wi 1 Emm mtt 4 r 1 1 . (1. uid, pure Ire, ihcse days, is a very neeessary part of the hou'sehold exjiense of every home. It is a rase of spending money to save money the Ire bill in no way equaling the loss in things spoiled by the beat. We maintain a delivery service in every part ol town and onhr by phone will have prompt at tentioit. .... by not -end home a case of our Soda Water--it's purr and wholesome and will add greatly to thc pleasures of life during the summer. Ask on. driver about it. Heppner Ice & Soda Works Optlmlatl Thcwgkt Tlk to ptraao other j art t pint ftronwlf. i y PC. 3 1 ! Pacific Grain 11 ,i Lompany (Successor to M. H. Htniscr) GKAIN AND GRAIN BAGS U U Local Amis: Carl Yount, lone; T. I.. I I T i t - . Mill i.tiwr. v. cri; , 1 oh. lnirgoync, i.cxxingion; ioy 1, L, . ii nuvis. 1 iriMincr. Alberta Peaches Customers in Heppner and elsewhere who wish to secure fine Alberta peaches for canning ure advised that the crop in thc G. W. Httx orchard at Irrigon will he ready on and after August 20. Will ship to any address in Heppner at Sl.oo per crate, postage paid. All orders must be accompanied by thc cash. File your orders early and get first choice. G. W. Hux Box 55 Irrigon, Oregon 1 . 4 1 .HI-RALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS.