PAGESIX THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 12, 1919 I ifirn inn Tft erir tucidhv I I Hoixcu mm u olimu inunnAi DAINTY FUR WRAPS Ermine and Coney the Popular Summer Fashion. Kvery Ounce of Weight Has Been Eliminated by the Manufacturer in the Seasonable Apparel. About this season the gay little ermlue begins to change his snow white coat for a darker one that will exactly match the bare rocks upon Which he disports. For him spotless white ermine Is out of fashion tem porarily ; but It Is ermine all the jear round the whitest of white ermine Jor Dame Fashion! She cares little 1m the brownish hue of summer ennlne the color that the little ani mal selects to match his rock back groundand most of the dainty little wraps for summer wear have -narrow facings of ermine at the neck line. A few of them are all ermine; but these, of course, are the very expensive mod ls. White coney Is a humble first cousin of the ermine, which has managed to obtain a place In high society. It Is not always easy to tell genuine white ennlne from the soft and really beau tiful white coney, though the latter for la much cheaper to. buy. Some times ermine and coney ure blended in the same 'wrap and usually a sprinkling of black ermine tails Is enough to convey the all-ermine sug gestion to aa average observer. And, after all, whut does it mutter. bo long as a wrap Is really attractive and smart? Solid worth In dollars is not the measure of merit In a summer fur garment as It Is In a winter one; grace, daintiness, nioillslmexs are (he Chief requirements of Madame Mode andjur that is good enough to pass muster and not suggest actual cheap ness. The Paris frenzy for short sleeves, which Is actually such an oliesslon Just now that In flirls a long sleeve ta conspicuous, has brought the ques tion of summer fur wraps Into fresli Interest. Even a chiffon sleeve Is warmer than sleeve at all. Very comfortable, at such times, to cuddle Into a fur wrap, even though the dute be mid-July; but the fur wrap must be feather-light and not burden some to carry about. The wrap build ers have seen to this; the little fur pelisses and eupelcts for Hummer time are the dalnrlest affairs Imaginable. The beautifully dressed skins, sort and Hupple as silk, are lined with chiffon or with silk mousellne, or very soft, lightweight satin, and summer fur wraps dispense 'with quantities of dangling talis and animal heads or In fact anything that could add un ex tra ounce of weight. When not actually In use they must be curried on the arm anil a heavy fur wrap on a warm day would be an abomination to carry about. lint a Utile capelet of mole or ermine lined with shirred chiffon Is very different. Specialist Invited to Forward X-Raya by Parcel Post Became Some what Satirical. Dr. Simon Flexner of the Rockefel ler institute, who has just received one of the French government's highest decorations, told a story at a New York dinner. "The medical Ignorance of some peo ple is staggering," he said. "I know an X-ray specialist who got a letter from a middle western farmer the oth er day. The farmer wrote: "'Dear Sir: I have had a nail In my thorax for 17 years. I am too busy to come to New York, but want you to come down here to Paris Corners with your rays, as my case will be worth your while. If you do not find time to come, send a dozen rays boxed, by express, with Instruction card, and I will try to work same myself.' "The X-ray specialist wrote back to the farmer of Paris Corners: " 'Dear Friend : I regret to say that business engagements prevent a trip to Paris Corners, and I am unfor tunately out of rays just now. If you cannot come to New York, send me your thorax by parcel post and we will see what can be done.' " The Persistent Echo. "Good morning." "Good morning." "You remember that house you sold me lust week?" "Certainly." "Well, 1 had my wife up to see It yesterday, and now I wnnt to Sell It back to you again." "Hut you said you admired the house." "I did." "What fault do you find with it now?" "It lias an echo in It." "That doesn't hurt it." "Yes it does." "In what way?" "When my wife scolds me for stay ing out late the blamed old bouse will repeat it six or seven times, and gosh, how I do bate nagging." Kchoboth Sunday Herald. Apricot Oil. One good that Is working out of tbi evil of war Is the demonstration Hint chemists, under the spur of de mand. miii readily surpass the uccom pllshmeiits of German science. The following is a concrete example: Cali fornia lias an annual by-product crop of 7.0011 tons of apricot pits, which were formerly sold to Germany and Denmark at $ l."i a Ion. When the war closed this market, nnil the price dropped to yifi. a California chemist bought a supply anil started experi menting. He Is now marketing a substitute for olive oil; n meal used In rooking; oil of apricot, known ns bitter oil of iilinoiicls ; American blue, from which lTiis.-lr acid can be made, anil a num ber of oilier by-products. 'SATINE IS AGAIN IN FAVOR l JV .. -v n 1 4 Amcric.-.n University in France. .M lieamie. 17." miles southeast of Paris. Is Hie seat of the new Ameri can Army university, which Is, per haps the most oiiKtamllng of the ed ucational work can-led on by the American expeditionary force.' says lb" Popular Mechanics Magazine. liouscF In what was formerly an Anie'-'cun hospital are l.l.Oou Sodr-'"li'i'iit-i and a force of r,H0 teachers. The cnn li-'i'iim Is notable for Its agrl ("'nind co:,..;e wiMi a tiOO acre farm. V.: He v He "Hedged." I M"--.r"sts av thai five feef four '.; 'be divine height for women. Ills DaiMii: (crossly) You kno-' .'(it I am live feet nine. Mo (quickly)-You are more than I d'.vlue. London Tit Hits. Womnn't Way. Sometimes a woman would rather get nervous prostration than not to have her own way at all. Galveston News. At Home. The program at the Twentieth Cpn tv.ry club was on Joan of Arc, her tor tures und imprisonment. A small boy bad been allowed to accompany his mother und had seemed much Inter ested in the program. On the way home he said: "Take me again, mother. I like that Penitentiury club." Cartoons Magazine. lu sr.nvr: to have a CHAXt'K TO FLY The director of Air Service is ar ranging a plan to provide an oppor tunity for the reserve officers of the Air Service to keep up flying prac tice so that they will be of value to the government should an emergency arise. Otherwise the country will lose the experience these aviators have obtained and thus the money spent on their training would be wasted. Mary reserve officers have made known their desire to obtain flying practice and tha government is in possession of quantities of flying equipment, planes of all types, hang ars, repair outfits, etc., which will inevitably be scrapped unless some means is provided for their use by the glying men who have gone Into the reserve. It is contemplated to organize re serve units within the different lo calities. Reserve flying officers re siding in the Sacramento valley dis trict, as far south as Fresno in the San Joaquin valley and as far north as Seattle, Washington, who desire to belong to this reserve unit and re ceive a certain ahiount of training each year in the different types of machines, are requested to send their names, rank and address to Captain Thomas S. Voss, Mather Field, Sacra mento, California, who has been des ignated by the Department Air Ser vice Officer to list the officers for Che Sacramento unit. Those residing in the Bay district would communi cate with Lieutenant George B. Fre dell, 711 Santa Fe Building, San Francisco, California. Those in the Los Angeles district, to Col. L. J. My gatt, Ross Field, Arcadia, California. The district includes the area be tween Venice and San Bernardino and as far south to include Santa Ana. Those in the San Diego district to Col. Hanlon, Rockwell Field, San Diego, California; their district to include all towns in California south of Santa Ana. It is also requested that all dis charged enlisted men in the AIq Ser vice who desire to become members of a reserve unit to communicate with the officers designated above. A plan whereby the above scheme can be effected, is now being arrang ed by the Director of the Air Service. At present no plan is in existence ex cept that schools and colleges for re serve officers training corps units and colleges giving courses in mili tary training prescribed by the sec retary of war. It is believed that un der this plan authority will be given whereby the reserve unit can utilize surplus stores of clothing, equipment and material. "Listen!53 says the Good Judge "And remember it, too." The better the quality of your chew, the more you'll enjoy it. You'll get more out of your to bacco money, too you'll save part of it for something else. A small chew of this quality tobacco tastes good and it lasts and lasts. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco r aKaB sy I SprmS Time is f i iri? kWmr,i paint rime i w. mm c la - K ih vi t, ,? y i ... .-. y . mm mm a i . rm i:i t. sty y w II U 7 11 J JIM t V5- I u. iistjifc . i f I ne- i y (iood, pure Ice, these days, is a very necessary part of the household expense of every home. It is a case of spending money to save money the Ice hill in no way equaling the loss in things spoiled hy the heat. We maintain a delivery service in every part of town and orders hy phone will have prompt at tention. Why not send home a case of our Soda Water it's pure and wholesome and will add greatly to the pleasures of life during the summer. Ask our driver about it. Heppne Ice & Soda Works y 1 n I n ) A. J L J f.. V Th nrwet thing in fnhioni ! a drM mad of that old, drtpiwd fab. "C tint. It U really tunning, to. Tha color la warm yellow and Iht m. broidery a In brown and Un. The rlbboni are blue Tho l.ttlt hat la heer cream lac. Neckwear for Bummer. MiiiiiifM.'iiir. i uf Konirii'n iKH ltvtcnr r biiy ail. I uii u.- ,,.H f,,r .itmiiM-r wiling. N.n.liy Hlte.Mit guliiiln eirtiiniille. tu t or luce- tmw Hir tun). ehiire ef r. .r. H(, Very narrow, ilululr il!.ir ith luttrhliii; ruff.. d Uflied e., ,.. billy f..r rHr will, II,,. vtal li. i in', are uU., rir rl , m irMi,iiii I'lllluK li, t,.,,A I ninny vm nre In, lii.l, ,) ' I 'b nimi,!. f an, r itunM- '. all otiT l tlrnilln ill an, viriuui in Uru(.e e,l are fa ro ri J. Itlilii oil' I In lh i nr. tin ti--n Hi' YOUCANTBEAT I'lu'se loulin fountain rinks Ice Cream S'.d.l 'MKule Sft Drinks 'i' and 'ft'haiTo imc hit the .pnt 1 I l.i s tnal a fed iiM like tluil MMl'll Tl V T r, Mee& Aiken Say Mr. House Owner isn't this weather getting into your system and making you long to see the old home shine again like It did when it was new? Don't you realize that a new coat of paint nvould bring back all its freshness that it would again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built it? This is the time of tlie year to start lat work and you" know howbadly it needs it. We wish merely to call your attention to tho fact that we have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your home. i Of Interest to the Ladies We a complete line of Chinaiiiul for touching up and rennii'.iins tlvise old pieces of furniture that you prize so highly and thi3 work will come right along with the spring houne cleaning. These varnishes are prepared so that they do not require the services of a painter and you've no Idea the amount of good you can do in ono room with a few of these colors. We've every on0 you could want. 1 I f 1", i in mi , I, in i " M amount of good you can do in ono room with a few of these hv J L OWV f( tX)MK IX AXI LET US TALK I'AIXT TO VOU I Your Bath Room- ! a most important room in your house and its ,'i-oper equipment will add greatly to the pleas ure and i-ati-l'acti'in you get from it. ll there is a room in your house that should he e.nneiiient it slunild he the hath room. In our -Imv,' ni! will find many things that will ' "Hm :,k iu-e of the hath room and i.. i V it M '! r : l ilu-ir modest cost. People's Hardware Company It's Snseiblc Economy to Buy fj t.rvad These Hot Days jj ( Xo woi. a can afford to ruin her health and ; ; ,,i:r.a.ra,,cv vwMnK an,iuul n 'i.i Pacific Grain Company tiue. r to M. II. Houscr) GRAIN AND GRAIN BAGS Local Aden's: Carl Voiint. lone; T. I.. L'c. Cecil; J.v lurj;oyiio. I.cxxinRton ; Roy '. Wliitci-. f "uii in ,ic .summer, when lie can K 1 HOLSUM BREAD ; : Fresh Every Day We've , ;,ny other items on our .shelves too ) these lu t .lays. (on,e ,n and let us make a ,T, MijrgtfMi hi lor a lunch todav I Sam Huehes Comnanv i . - ' - t- . . '.4 IS K i i ssim I ill II III c.-r-1- mm , ci