1 ' 1 I PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 12, 1919 if LEARN THE REAL JOY OF LIVING-BUILD A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY A. stuffy apartment in a dusty, smoky town won't bring your children the health and happiness they are entitled to. Build a home for them, out where the sun shines on flowers; where the bird-songs ai e wafted on the fresh summer breezes from the rustling shady trees. Out where they can romp and play and growto strong young manhood and womanhood. US "Tum-A-Lum Service" is not merely an expression coined for more effective advertising. It is an actual fact built up by years of experience in the Retail Lumber Business. We have 30 retail lum ber yards in Eastern Oregon and Washington and throughout these different yards "Tum-A-Lum Service" must at all times be paramount over all other issues. The handling of so many different yards means that we cannot and do not do business in the old slip-shod way but that we have built up a selling organization that must have a system of doing business and from that system has arisen "Tum-A-Lum Service." In "Tum-A-Lum Service" we aim at all times to give our patrons the very best in brains that money can buy and we place the knowledge of these men at your command always. Free Architectural Service Farm Housing Departm't - We maintain an Architectural Department at the head of which are me': whose life work has been devoted to the study of Building Problems. It is their duty and their pleasure to advise with you in all your Building Problems. We have hundreds of plans ior bu'ldings of all kinds always made up and we gladly place these a I your disposal as well. This service is free to you and thai alone means a great saving in actual money to the man who contemplates building. feci Our Archilecturlal Department is especially well qualified for the solution of the Farm Housing Question. Whether it is a house, a barn, a granery or a silo, or whatever building necessary on the tarm we are prepared to consult with you and offer advice that will mean a satisfactory solution of your problems. All these different features linked together have built up "Tum-A-l.um Service" until today it stands head and shoulders above any ihing of its kind in the territory we cover. Pirn piTsisriP' . . .'- :.,i-r'.:v,o:;: vj A Bungalow is a sensible home to build There i a "hoine" look aboul a bungalow that make u glad you own one. Plenty of room in a st.ia'l oin- ior two --or in the larger ones for a good hie, family. Slop in and look over tUe plans ai our ollu e ou'll be MtrpiiM'd how rcaona bi i ,: tan build now. OUR C 0 ivi M UNITY INTEREST Service of this kind can only be built up and maintained when its promotors have an actual interest in the welfare of the community they represent. And We Have That. We are anxious to see each community in which we are located go ahead ami will do everything possible to bring it about. We are prepared to give you aid in many ways and to assist you in your building problems and our men in charge of our yards will gladly talk it over with you. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company What is the barn for my needs It's a mighty important question for the right barn will cut your work in half. To help you solve your problems right, we invite you to make use of the books of plans we have at our office. Come any time let us fig ure with you. A SERVICE THAT WILL PAY YOU HEPPNER LEXINGTON IONE 'OS. d. C h sl , ; L ": . . -, AAiU V, "'17 ; , i iTH t 4 , ilii ,,i,lUU ' mS Km. m ......' 1 , Jtmm " " L 1 M I I I I 1 J T " ii . 1 , , L M P. O