Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday, August 5, 1919
t t
C. E. Jones has sold his residence
property to Mrs. Ellen Busick.
Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Cook, of Bell
ing ham, Washington, drove over
from the Sound city last week to vis
It with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.
O. Minor.
Mrs. Frank Roberts and children,
came out from their Portland 'home
last week to visit relatives and re
new their acquaintance with Mr.
Roberts who upends much of his time
In Heppner.
Wells Bros, have moved their bar
ber shop into a corner of Gilliam &
Bisbee's stove department the build
ing they formerly occupied being in
process of wrecking this week to
make room for Patterson and Sbn's
new drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis (Kid) McCar
ty came out from Portland lest Wed
nesday to viBit friends and relatives.
Mr. McCarty recently returned from
overseas where he was engaged in
the transportation branch of the A.
E. F.
il X r 1
Attorney Frank A. McMenamin re-'
ports the advent o a charming little
daughter at his home this morning
and his smiling satisfaction in no way
diminished when he quoted Dr. Bean
as authority for the statement:
"everybody doing fine."
Mrs. B. F. Snell, of Arlingon, one
of the best known pioneer women of
Gilliam county, Is the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte.
Mrs. Snell has been at the Hot La'ke
sanitoiium for some time for the
benefit of her healtjh and Mrs. Shurte
went over and brought, her mother
here last week.
A young fellow who gave his name
ap Swartz accompanied by a woman
who claimed to be Mrs. Mc Creary
broke down a Haines car last Thurs
day evening in the sand country be
tween this city and Pendleton and
called on a local garage man to tow
them, In. By the time they arrived in
a telephone menage from McCreary,
at Pendeleton, was received asking
to have the couple hold on the charge
of stealing the car. Swartz spent the
night In Jail and the next (ley Mc
Creary came over, payed the bills In
curred took the woman and the car
and left. No charge being filed
against Swartz he was released and
allowed to go.
Sam K. Van Vactor bus houtfht n
tract on upper Willow creek sume
three miles above Klocum's mill
which he will develop and improve
for a Hummer home. The tract con
tains ft acres and Is fine soil with scv
for Irrigation and domestic purposes,
eral springs to furnish ample watei
Mr, Van Vactor has already Im
proved a line summer rump near the
sawmill hut as that was on leased
ground he concluded to buy a place
outright and make n real home. As
Aw a part or t'lie purchase Mr. Van
Vactor gets from an adjoining tract
sul'licli iit lugs to build a comfortable
bungalow and oilier necessary lm
provements. V. It. Brown, L. A. Hunt and
Miiiutel Kenny drove down to Cecil
last Saturday Owning to attend the
nominating convention of the John
Day Irrigation District called to noni
inale two dlieclors to be voted upon
at the mining clccllon. jut k llnul
and John Kilkenny wen- nominated
for t li in county and nnothep tlltectoi
Kill be named In Gilliam cnunly b
(Continued from Page 1 )
"I f honi was gavsid and the
oilier wounded In Kr.uito
l!oy Suitl. iiln nl ii , imi.
tunes In (be A'gohue lUlit i: in I In
imiiinln nit ami Mr. White r.iut.l iu.
see him.
Th.'le m nils to iiie Im-' u iii i ii
iniM.il.- in. nl. h the i. ii. liil,iiiii.;
nltiieiH when l ie linn i'ie din
t hat M il ami It Is Willi a i. w in 1(,t
t.ilitig mull 1 1 1 1 I . V - that men like
Mi. While ate In lug w tit thiotiKh
I h rminltjr to IiiIi-mIcw t tt dm
chain .-.I men.
(Continued from Tt Onr)
the l'et M.txler d uctal fur thr Halt
if Wellington, which iiiuI if
frttlr March I, lIJ The tatca ai
thi name In both Utm fur mliance.
that ale rompm aide
"All lUK)iiri taken vu and aftn
Jul) Syr.i will h at lb he tatia
and lulla to pir.'M a'lbartilMta f,.i
tin- month of Aiitiil il ln Minlcr
d at Ihi- tu rn tatea .
"Tho -prnea tif th- 1.1. I'Iii ih
' company tin Inrteaaril greatly hut
la unly fw nm hat any Inrrraa
r been liia.ta In Ulrphunr ratrt M't
of the tvtra data taiiialard Ida aaiu
a th aria many yrara ao Hub
ataatial Inerraa la ar ha t
t rally two (taalad to u(Uyt
Here are the final reductions that will quickly effect a comolete
clearance of all remaining summer lines! Price lowering haTbeen
to lave. that yU Cann0t af frd t0 negIect this opportunity
The nature of the values emphasize the economy of buying for the
future as well as the present. We cannot list all of the barga ns
vou'v ? " amplC a 8Srtmant t0 choose
you visit our store.
Your Final Choice to Save on
Suits, Goats, Drcscss
Each separate group is made up of the best selling
styles of the season. You will find each garment a
value difficult to equal.
Your Choice at These Prices
$2250 $1400
DAr7ss $1
and the only way to pay these in
creased wages is to make an Increase
In rates.
"We believe that no proof as to the
advanced cost of living and the gen-
ral high cost prevailing for labor
and materials is necessary, and that
the telephone using public will ac
cept this Increase in teephone rale
In the same spirit of fairness ami
otisldorntlon as it has th adv in
In almost every other necesvilv i;
these unusual times."
Kxeliiinge, Hi miller
llilslness - I'nliinitiil S
ously. It will interfere in no way with
any work in live-stock improvement
now being conducted, but makes all
the work more definite and effective
by providing official recognition for
ptogrevsive breeders.
The campaign will bo supervised
front the Department of Agriculture
in Wrshlngton, and in each state by
the; .Stale agricultural college. County
age; ta and other field workers of the
Department of Agriculture and of
the Mate colleges will handle the
ca.-.i.-iuign locally. Every live-stock I sires of pood quality will be given
owner actively cooperating and keep- j tn.blem as an official recognition
Ing und using none but. pure-bred ' meritorious effort.
i vice
M.. lo
I). -I:
$:t ::
Individual I. hie
Two party line :t.oo
Kxlenslon. willi or wlili-
"t bell i.oo i.oo
Itesideiice- I'liliinited Service --
Individual I 2 75 n (ut
Two patty line 2.25 2.60
Four parly lih" 2. OH 2.25
IMI'l!o i: Tin; MM sum K
This Im the 1 In,.. m nl a national bet
ter lite-stock crusade, to get r.ctivelv
In motion October l.tbat Is a' -m
ttneed by (he fnlted States Depart-
' of Am im H 11 r, woi kiug In co
operation with the State agrli ultur.il
collegei and other agi ncles Inter
cHted In live slink liiipnin iiieiit. The
i-.tit paUii looks forward l.i the tuturc
fond Heed " lit t iis ci uuti y's Incii i
111;: popiil.ilinii mi ) 1... uis f,,,,., 1, ..
Hid talel'll i,(i,, iViili.m ,, t,,,
tiH'k iltdtflM !n tins ei lil'li;,. 111,1
l. 1 lilted .-." I l, llt , ,,. ! ,
li"ll ,l!l , ;,. I;,,'.,
The plan It to I .1 1. n 11,,. 1,
im iit nl Hi., ti t n 1 1 11 11. 1.- (.f ..mil , ,.
IllehllC unilniN 111 th.. 1 nil.-,) Stalt"
with pine bud or huh guide ftiM'k,
and it Ian lit linptn' the iii";ry of
IMllelindi tht'iiiH.U.H The (leal In
Mew la gl enter etlu ieiic)' In pliidiir-
The cninprtlgn ill be the flrtit
otgunlied rruaitde In a luine country
to Improvr all lle toik atiiiuHane-
YtiU cannot buy unoiher '
pair of eyes, but you cm
buy glasses that will pie- '
seive the pair you have.
If your eyes nte ghing
you trouble, If you aie
bothered with head.nh.s
or find that you cannot
read ay readily us you .
use. I ;o, it' tlaie ou p.. it!
t.s a visit.
MoM c)u trouble cm !
II I.et I wit b .l op. i-
gl. s If ait.-nd. d In ,ii
tili.e. It Costs lliilhll!,; In '
f t: tilt u und it 11 ,i,-.
itdMIy lo .iui 11, It ,i,i.
ago to do ao.
Oscar Borg
Kegialeml 0itcliiiti1t
1 I
I Under New Management
I The Heppner Bakery
M. V. II M.Mr II. HUH.
Home Made Bread a Specialty
I Iran tiaranle my proUucta atrtctly flimt claaa la uny r.
y tu ular and Invli taty family la lli'i nar lo gi thra a
I iif CtHtklra, lra aad Cakaa tll pleaa you.
To he given at I'air Ii vilion. Heppner
Saturday, August 9
I'iggoM I'all of the Season. Come and have a good time. ,
Music by The Dalles
Jazz Orchestra
Ladies t'iiino in house dresses. Gentlemen in harvest togs. Dance .starts at
9:30; Goes until early hours of the morning.
Dance Tickets, $1.50
Gentlemen Spectators, 25c