r THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Tuesday. August 5, 1919 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given Chat the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County administratrix of the estate of Robert D. Watkins, de feased; that all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same, duly verified accord ing to law, to me at the office of my torney. S. E. Notson, at Heppner Jkfegon. within six months from the gate of the first publication of this notice, said date of first publication being the 29th day of July, 1919. BLANCHE P. WATKINS, 10.17 Administratrix 148. General Laws of Oregon, 190.7, andChapter 214 .of the Gener al L of Ctaetwn, 1917. W. JL MAHONEY, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day ot July, A. D., 1919. RUBINA F. CORRIGALL, Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires Aug. 9, 1921. (SEAL) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION .STATEMENT norartment of the Interior, United States Land Office at La Grande nreiron. July 12. 1919. Notice is hereby given that Eddie A. Hammer, of Lena, Oregon, who on not 5Sth. 1915. made Homestead Entry. No. 015331, for W SWY cad a-ariA Spction 22: NE'A NW isiu 7i J t u NEW Section 27, Township south, Range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten- tion to make three-year proof, to es "J tabHsh claim to the land above de """Tvibed before J. A. Waters, clerk of r,'; pfte County Court, at Heppner, Ore- 1 v -"iron, on the 16th day or sseptemoei, 1919. n.imani nninps as witnesses, Wal ter Hayes, of Heppner, Oregon, Da vid W. Pearson, Howard E. Pearson, and Jacob H. Pearson, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of toe State of Oregon, for Morrow County. In the Matter of the Estate of Thom as S. Pettyjohn, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Eliza J. Pettyjohn has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate ot Thomas S'. Pettyjohn, deceased. All persons having claims against id Estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of Sam v vn Vactor. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof, with the proper vouchers duly verified. Dated and first published this 22 nd day of July, 1919. ELIZA J. PETTYJOHN, Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas S. Pettyjohn, deceased 12-16 of the First National Bank, of Hepp ner, County of Morrow, State of Ore gon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, 1919, who "has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit (savings deposit), principal and interest, for a period of more than twelve (12) years imme diately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice address of such deposit or, and the fact of his death, if known. Name and Address Amount Wm. Ayers, Heppner, Ore 7.43 A. H. Sprinkel, Heppner, Ore. 2.37 State of Oregon, County of Morrow, ss. I, W. P. Mahoney, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am the Cashier of the First National Bank, of Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known resi dence or post office address, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as re quired by the provisions of Chapter 148, of the General Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the Gener al Laws of Oregon, 1917.. i W. P. MAHONEY, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of July, A. D., 1919. RUBINA F. CORRIGALL, Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires Aug. 9, 1921. (SEAL) mm The Choicest Fruits and the Freshest Vegetables are here already for Preserv ing lime The need for preserving fruits and vegetables is just as apparent this year as it was at any time dur ing the war and we will be glad to take your order for any quantity you may want. Owing to the un certainty of the market this seas6n we are not ship ping in any quantities but prefer having you place ' "" ' your order which we will promptly fill. Talk it over with our man in the Grocery Department. V m Mm MINOR & 1 mm , jeVM: ''TV. J '.'.Mm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i mm r t'.' mm- "1: STATEMENT 1.R6 25.72 riiv of the First National Bank, of Hepp ner, County of Morrow, State of Ore gon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, mm who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of (commercial deposltx) nrinclnal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immedi ntPlv nrior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or post office address of such deposi tor, and the fact of his death, u known. Name and Address Amount Earl Allen, Heppner, Oregon, $ 100 J, E. Brink, Heppner, Ore 15 C. J. Bradley, Heppner, Ore. . 5.00 Fred Beymer, Heppner, Ore. .. 5.00 F. E. rennctt, Heppner, Ore. 10.35 Mnry E. Barnard, Heppner,..., Ore John Fleming, Heppner, Ore. Farnsworth A Garner, Hpp- ner, Ore 11 15 A. B. Gillette, Heppner, Ore. 185 E. II. Glene, Heppner, Ore 187 C. H. Green, Heppner. Ore 51.00 Tom Gray, Heppner, Ore 3.00 J. L. Hockett. Est., Heppner, Ore V. Z. Harrin. Heppner, Ore..... Ines A. Hlbbard. Heppner, Ore Jam Kdley. Heppner. Ore... II, 0. McCormlck. Heppner, Or A. A. McCabe, Heppner. Oie .. McCab Bro. HeppnT. Or.. J. J. McG KM., Heppner. Or MrOIrr k llutler. Fox. Oi e 5 sm MrOanlpl. lUnlnmn. Ore.. 2.95 I. Mi.r.ll, Hppn.-r, 0r 1 .. nu-n ihinl'iiun. lr 2 76 I.. Pln. H''pnr. On. 2 4 jt, M RoberlK. llftiir, O'... 8.U ( I" M. Stuitl. Tiu-'". M'pnrr. Or 4 00 Pinl f Oron. County e,f M..rt. . I. V. I. Manor.?, lM-(n firm duly nw.irn. lp y "I""1 thai I m th CM-r of It. Kltt Nimn!t Itank. of ll..rr.r. Ouniy f Moiiow, Smi of 0"""i: 'h' ,h lurrfntnc mifttin( I lull. f. ,rr-rl ri'l fnti.pl'- ''-mrr.i. ,,id th nan.-. la kn'n ""rt-d-nr or P""l ' 'I''"" f'ri "f ,' .!,, !f known, dfid '! t munt " U, rt l.' 5 '!!"' "0!" nitl b,- t'.'- j t Chni-f (Not Coal Lnnd) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 5, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Cliff O. Dewey, of Pendleton, Oregon, who on April 20, 1915." made Home stead Entry, No. 014596, for Lots 1 and 2, SMi NE, SE. Section 4, Township 1 south, range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before R. T. Brown, Clerk of County Court, at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 12th day of August, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Guy French, Paul Kessler, Clara Card, George Parrot, all of Pendle ton, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. v- !&.v,-":-.;-:i.vf -im- . . . .j U: GREAT BENEFIT FROM METRICS SAYS McAHOO NOTICE FOR Pl'BI.ICATIOX Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, at La Grando, Oregon. July 12, 1919. Notice is hereby given that How-1 aid E. Peaison, of Lena. Oregon, who on August 26th, 1916, made Home stead Entry, No. 016411, for S SV4 Section 27, SV4 SEVi Section 28, NE NWH, N14 NE14 Sec tion 33, NWVi NWt Section 34, Township 3 south Range 29 east or Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year pioof to establish claim t the land above described before J. A. Waters clerk lot the County Court, nt Heppner, Orej;on, on the 16th day of Septem ber, 1919. Claimant names an witncsne-i: Ed die A. Hniiinier, or Le:ia. Oregon. Walter Hayf. or H'-priner, Oregon, rtill Hlgglns and John Hlgglns, both of Lena. Oregon. C. 8. DUNN, Register. William G. McAdoo, war-time sec retary of the Treasury and Director nf Railroads, has eiven Impetus to the campaign of the World Trade Club of San Francisco for the world wide adoption of the metric units of weight and measure, by telegraphing to tl'o club a strong statement of sup port: "I heartily applaud World Trade Club's activities in favor of legisla tion providing for exclusive legality within the United States of America al metric system, of weights and measures," he wires. "A"ny legis lation enacted would of course take dun care of commercial interests during reasonable period of transi tion; and consequently alarm be cause of the cfhange is wholly groundless. A very great stimulus in deed would be effected by our accept ing the metric standards of Industry, education and science in use thruout the world, whose prosperity and effi cient service to so great an extent now squarely depend upon our pro ducers. Shall we in this striking in stance fail to adjust ourselves to the requirements of progress?" Many similiar statements of sup port are being received daily by the World Trade Club. Read The Herald for all the news worth printing. Perfectly Safe. "Now," snld the physician to the poet who had summoned him, "yon are not In good health, nnd I must forbid nil brain work." "But, doctor," protested the poet, "may I not write some verses?" "Certainly," the doc tor said, "write all the verses you wnnt to." SEVENTH ANNUAL t - t - PROFESSIONAL CARDS t M County DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Heppner, Off Ire Phone 70S Oregon, Resilient B&i VAUGHAN & BUTLER DEMIST PfirmanentU located in Oddfellow' Bunlding Uennner. Oregon rair "YOUR FAIR" S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-I,AV Office In Oiurt lloue Heppner Oregon 1.55 2 02 7.44 21.75 1.40 1.42 2.00 4 35 NEWH0ME 1 7T 77 crei it dfor my wife NO OTMIN LtKt IT. NO OTHER At GOOD. "WW HOME" (r a .lr -t '-f i ;U J " ' w ,m , 4 1 . . r. W MW MOMt WARHANTtO rO ALU TIMI. ... It. I l II t-it - f j..;;i. cast; ruRNiTur.2 co. DR. A. D. McMURDO I'HYSIUAX SlIUiEON Telephone 122 Office FattTMn's Drug Store ! llonnner Oregon 1 WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOHNKYS.AT-I.AW I ll..nnner Orgon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHN KY-AT-I.AW . Il-nntior Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN law y.u Itnb'-rt Ill'U. H' ppner, Or Office Phone Main 843 llrlip nrn plii.no Main 615 ROY V.WHITEIS isiium'i: REAL I.HTATF, 1lANS. lL ncnnr OrRoB ' DR. J. L. CALLOWAY OSTEOPATHIC rilYHlHA?! Gradunti Atnrlcn School of 0t- inthr. Klrkdvllt. Mo. unlr foon'1 or ef the Brlmr. Dr. A. T. Still- tl"m 1 'o 12 1 to 6. Phone Sept 11 to 13 Notice to Exhibitors Read your Premium Books for Special Awards on Livestock, Wool and Wheat Now is the time to prepare your Exhibits The Fair Board is arranging the Program and Entertainment Features that's their job It's your business to make your Fair worth seeing !