THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of IONE NEIGHBORHOOD Tuesday, August 5, 19 19 . . BUTTER Hf 18K0 .,rney,. .AI331. 6' flllti I. ri fvMiSi u r-TZ? 0 I r Beat 11 no oth when vV Give y t J '.V. vibet e C The Housewife's Friend housewives will accept it's always fresh reaches your table. ir grocer an order for Franz Butter Nut Bread it will please FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BRISTOW JOHNSON IONE, OREGON cz 1 IONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station I PROFESSIONAL CARDS X F. H. ROBINSON - ATTORNEY AT LAW Main Street lone, Oregon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone Connections lone, Oregon G. F. STEELE WATCHMAKER and JEWELER Fine Repairing of all - Kinds lone Oregon IONE ITEMS I i A. B. Robertson, grain dealer of Condon spent Tuesday in our city. Miss- Doris Frank has been quite sick for some days but at last reports she was improving. Mrs. Zelma Read and little daugh ter of Weston arrived Tuesday even ing to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown. Mrs-. Milt Morgan was taken quite a week ago lasC Sunday while in church, and has been confined to ner bed for several days. We hope for her speedy recovery. J. H. Bryson and family who have been living in the rooms over the In denendent garage have moved into their own home on Third street for merly occupied by G. F. Steele. J. T. Knappenburg viBited a few days with 'his family in Portland. He returned the other evening and re ports his wife's health improved since she has been in Portland. E. A. Poe Is wearing a broad smile as he received a telegram, from 'his wife at Outlook, Washington, stating the arrival of a daughter at 4:30 m., Sunday morn. All are doing fine Frank Wilson just finished Tues- day afternoon heading 735 acres. He thought the general average would be from 10 .to 12 bushels per acre. He expects to begin threshing the 31st of July, having about one weeks run. The new Holt combine arrived on Tuesday evening for Chas. Nanne man. It was unloaded and set up in few hours and ready to be taken out home that evening. Mr. a. Amv. aeent for these combines, went out with Mr. Nanneman to help ad just the machine. - Dr. Evans of Cincinattl, Ohio, who Is visiting relatives in Portland preached in the lone Congregational church Sunday morning and evening Sorry more were not out to hear hin; as he preached two splendid ser- mons. He returned to Portland Monday. Mrs. Mary Norton left Wednesday morning on the local for a two weeks vacation. While away she expects to visit her daughter Mrs. Bessie Dun- I das and other relatives living near Oregon City and on returning will stop at Portland and visit her niece Mrs. Ida Ames. Miss Eva E. Swanson who former ly taught the seventh and eighth grades here has been visiting the Misses Margaret and Catherine Jones Miss Swanson recently returned from California, having visited San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and Riverside. Her parents were with her. E. J. Bristow, the local merchant, and E. E. Miller, the hardware deal er, left Sunday morning, with some traveling salesmen, who were pass ing through in their car enroute for Portland. They will attend the Buyers' convention whic!h will be be held there this week. G. F. Steele and family have mov ed into the residence on Second street owned by Mrs. Garfield of Portland. The place has been thor oughly renovated, repapered and painted on the inside and a new coat on the outside which certainly Improves the appearance. The work was done by Mr. Fenwick.' -Charles Gray has sold the dray and liia house and lot on Second street to Harry McCormack of Lex ington. Mr. McCormack has moved his family and household goods to lone, where he expects to make his home. Mr. Gray has purchased his brother's ranch one mile below Mor gan. He moved the next day after disposing of the dray. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilt, of this I city, and Mrs. C. C. Chick and son Charles, of Heppner, left Sunday in the Wilts car for Portland. When they reached The Dalles they decided to s'hlp the car and the remaining part of the trip was made on the train. They returned Frldey even ing In Mr. Wilt's bran new Mitchell car, having traded the old car In on the new one. They report a grand trip with the exception of bad roads. on jjia luiimii lit UftaSaMbiftSxaa.-WiMftRaw Sajaaaa. "?":?;; iDiuij'ttiiHi n- aa,aat"X tftnaa lift ftftwftt.ftftftaat" ''" aanuaaft'ftftft kftftftft If lii:::::;:::::::::. 'Atsjr r w, -ak av-aK-av'ax av ax-VY - i-"ttmrwmn iMMftmii iittiiiim ii ii it:! Hi ii ftauaa ft. mm aea. m -'V t tmB m e m k rV a ft. SaS"t Your Harvest I ...ft., V. . i Money Dollars are like Seeds. You must plant them in fertile soil in order to reap a Harvest of more Dollars. The Dollars you put in this hank yield Dollars of Interest to you.- !ii!:::::S !!:S:::::::s i3ft. . iiiaa ftJ :t:::::::::: ttaiaftfta taa ) Mill l:h:s::::::l BE NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work. The day will come when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this tfme. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE JOHN CHRISTOPHKRSON RE- TCUNS FROM ERASCE John Chrlstopherson, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chrlstopherson of the Gooseberry country arrived home Sunday evening, July 27th. He left home July 22nd, 1918, and was discharged at New York just one year from, that date. He was In France about elghtj months and while there served In the Infantry. Frank Engclman CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS Billiards and Pocket Billiards. Ice Cream Parlor in Connection. Latest Magazines and Periodi cals. Oregonian Agency. Columbia Phonographs lone, Oregon CECIL ITEMS t t t cz" ...... . ?. -a - -! Irt '.i:v We place primary importance upon our obligations to serve our depos itors in every way we can. f'oinc in soon and talk it over. First National 1 a r I Bank of Heppner ITK III II.IUMi dtilflrt ir lh rod i .t of tru-ir S hlrh Hu ll (in rom on onplruelln t bd for ".otrf wnt in .i l".t-' :: :: J fe k Wl, Deposits Over One Million Miss deorgia Summer, of "The Last Camp" spent Sunday at "Butter by Flats." MiB Agnes McFaddcn of Four Milo was a buslnens caller In Cecil on Saturday. Mis Ruth May of "Lone Star" ranch was calling on friends in Co cil Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller, of "Hlghvlew," were business visitors In Heppner Thursday. Mr. Dwlght Mlsner and friends were callers at Cecil on Thursday, en route for Portland. U. E. Duncan and family were over from. Hoardman Saturday look ing after their Cecil ranch. Leon Logan and family and Mr. and Mm. Doyd Logan and family npnnt Sunday with J. W. Osborn. Tom Dean of Morgan and A. K. Nash, of "Kalrvlew," are now buy hauling wheat to the Cecil ware 'house. j Mm. A. Ilenrikmn of "Willow Cieek" arrived home on Sunday afli-r a visit anion her memi in ioiihihh County. Mr. and Mrs. Oo. A. Miller nl in, of "Hlglivkw." wire vlxlllng with Mr. and Mrs. Fred PHI) John on Friday. Mm. John Nanh of Kwlri and Mm. Albert Forkm-r of Lower Willow Paul G. Balsiger l-arm Implements, Vehicles, windmills, rumps, and Gasoline Kngincs. We Sell Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements under this heading one cent a word for each Inser tion. No ad for less tlmn 15 cents. Classified Ads are In- ad- W U V) Persons wli duly ea tahllshed credit Ulasamea Ans are IffJ tarlably cash In . . t i-. iv vance unless giver, NEW THIS WEEK Mclloberts Cohn Auto Co., Heppner. Oregon, or G. W. Hux, Irrlgon, Ore gon. 13pi& Ari'I.ES I Oil HALE-Yellow tranv parent, Gravennllens; rliolro hand picked; $1.35 per boi. Selected fulls, 50c per box. At Iiouko, C. L. Freeman. NOTICE The young man who tmiV the rsior and hon from hotel wsnh room t 1'mkers Mill hotel the nlchl of the dance Is known and to svold trouble should return the sr TRtTK VOK HALE Tlirise ton Packard truck In A No. 1 condition $1800. For particular! call on or address the Heppner Her ald, llejipner, Oregon. 62tf leek were biminens vMtors In ''11 II n Tuexday. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ilosse and fssinlly f "The Ilunnslow" srrompanled by Murray, si)int Hundsy si the I'ettylohn home. Miss Lurlle Lousn and her brother i-ne Ixigsn of rortlsnd arrived on Sunday and will spend a few weeks st Ilutterby Fists." C. A. Minor and Mrs Frsnk lioli rt wind fsrnlly, al-o Mi Mrrrt Krebs of rortlsnd, spent Wedne..ty t the "IjisI Cmp " Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MrKtilit srn psnled by Mix Almlrs Frank of lor. ere rsllers on Mrs 1'st Farley snd Isrnily of the Willows on Wrdneml-y Mrs It. Ilennrt of the ,t Csmp," who h ben J.sin her eatton st TroutJke. I(kswsy snd other (ilsres fet'irn"4 horn Wrdnes 4sy. W. O. Hylid. of Hsnd Hollow, sc rnin.snlM by lil lielr.n. M ! I' rid M II Iie srrlel Iri ( il Tnorlay. W. O. thoushl h id r '-ert the alfair lookiriK letter l K M l,l" Latent Werner edi tion of the F.nryrloperila Ilrlltanlca; 32 vol union ; one more volume will tlrle to the nl master ' I'srkei s i ,. nK (t down to present date. Good 'Mill with. nil delay 14 If i blndln. A bsricsln at lens than one- Ihalf flrnt cost price, Kn'iulre at thla office. tf. MISCELLANEOUS , W TKI-Laly bookkeeper wsntsj a few hours work after supper. F.n- ' quire st llersld office. 12tf ht'Mv rim ki: Miit I At I'srVers Mill every Hundy. ! Flnet smnjner resort In the county. j Try our dinner next flundsy and yon T.lhfcS I I' YearllnR blsrk filly , will be sure to rome brk Make with white spot In forehead No r" ": iwrTn.Min- in . -Iw.n.U or marks lll.l". fsrne to my f lebphotie thus lnir1nR our beet pure sixteen miles south of lone on at'eai'oB- the y. A, l.ljmlill t.lncn BKOUI iy, f,lh i.iay lisve Mine by proV- 4 tf. ing properly ami J. K. H'.VAS.-ION. I psyltiK rhsiye inn, tireiton 1 1 I & FOR SALE I nit HI.K- iirXMi rond hand rsni: Injure i.i nk i,e.i?K" nw- (ert tf lt wl-a ton I'.rksrd Irui k In t'd rondilloti rl.eup for rash if'nd wM-srliy Jl tn erlM'llid snd riil like hew F.n(iiire AJYourDe&lcr firAtvl Prize Ihfcmi lf(tjm G Ammunition p 1 1 m ',WrH..'''ll, 1