PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 5, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oreson, Postoffice as second-class Matter TKItMS OK Sl'BSOIUITIOX One Year ...2.00 Six Months Three Months $ .50 .$1.00 THK MKTRIC SYSTEM The two stupideBt nations! No! Not Russia and Germany! Nor even Nigeria and Timbuctoo! Hut Great Britain and the United States! " Now what do you think of that? You don't believe it? They are the most enlightened nations? They are and they are not: In some things, yes! In the great vital essential of these vital times, no! B'or Great Britain and the United States are embarking upon the most colossal world competition in all his tory with the wrong kind of equip ment! They are tackling world trade with the wrong tools! Two hundred and twelve nations and countries are doing business to gether under the simple practical and tem. Two nations are attempting to do business with the 212 under the old German system. These two old-fashioned, behind-the- times, dozing nations are Great Britain and theUnited States! And the system they are using was discarded as worthless by Ger many half a century ago! The two greatest (?) nations in the world are trying to do business with Germany's cast-offs! This, no doubt, is precisely as Ger many had planned. Having tied a weight to the heels of her greatest trade adversaries, this cleverly cun ning country removes her own weights and skims into world com merce on the wings of a Bystem In vented by nn Englishman James Watt In 1783. Think of the Irony of it: An Kng- litAiman gives the world the logical, decimal system of measurment which Germany adopts to her tremendous acceleration in commerce and power and enrichment by billions of dollars In return Germany fastens upon the land of the Englishman to whom she (ver. no much the cumbersome jum ble of nuantity expression that is a terrible handicap to Great Britain In her world enterprises. But the real tragedy is this: The United States slavishly follows Britannia m her weights and meas ures and retains them, while all the rest of the world, except these two, adopt the decimal system which everybody understands! It is under this tremendous handi cap that the United States enters world trade. In all her dealings with the Orient, Oceania, Latin America and the remainder of the world out side of British possessions this coun try to do business with two sets of measures; the metric to sat isfy her customers; the German to humor the obstinacy of her own man ufacturers. But that obstinacy is cal culated to cost those manufacturers tens, of millions of dolars annuually In lost time and orders. San Fran cisco Bulletin. E. J. Falrtiurst of the "Busy Bee1 ranch was a Cecil caller Friday. Earl LenrvlcTc and John Tannerly who have been working on Skinner creek for the last few weeks return ed to Cecil to help with the second cutting of alfalfa for Minor and Kreba. I CHURCH NOTICES I t t Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. We use the lesons of the International Sunday School Asociation. Morning chmr'i servlco 11:00. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Evening ser vices 8:00. H. A. NOYES, Pastor. Christian Science Christian Scltnce services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in the lodge room In the I. O. O. V. building. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All Interested are Invited to attend I these services. I Subject for Sunday, August 10, "Spirit." NOW And Build of Wood Never was there a better time to build than now. Even though., materials and labor are higher than several years ago, there is no reason for thdm to come down if you wait and there are many reasons why they will keep climbing. You will find our present stock of heavy timbers, finishing lum bers and mill work ideal for your needs. We arc always glad to help you figure on your plans or you can select a plan from the many we have ready to show you. Stop in soon and talk it over. i urn- A-L urn Lumber Company HEPPNER, LEXINGTON IOTIE ML. WELCH AND ! iS-Sfe'. - I UNINGER I ISOllE II Best Auto end Tractor j Work that Ski!! d r Clih j PTR - ccn sive I V im ! It's Work Mffl I SERVICE RENDERED WHEN YOU NEED J 5 JZtirfXT 1U 11 I III mIkI ! ITM0ST f CKi) I one VnWMss-' U Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. Q lV-STt ZV""' "vKS'ffi j( " " Vj J31JmV L---- I -J: Mir white star i 111 : rr,,n,'s ,l,c vmlir TESshk - .c-.-c.uca, SKri& &jQ f always given on the .trJ" JLA .AAf BRAND - (; A.f jj workurd,Mindi. U r.. -... )S'?BT,1 M,,l,.l,v , .vlw. U. is .ilways a i-Ioasure " i lilt V&JtKiHf f '.I. ..t A MM V for u to live unto that,.n V. "... I: R ff& VM R, U TOvA m..i. .i I.. ...i 9mm U "n bohoreand vonMl need itI,...;,!.., P I! VW CSH7V 1 ftHili&R ran-VulIv wa.lcd. and WfM J Uiptr lite to a garment to keep ' it up in ! ; M - -U, our fl,,;r. 1 1 "S i I ! I H L tfl I I . rr.. nil t. . ;i t r. r llll 1 M LW . 1 M lv INI 1 l Cat I.I A 1 UNW i X I MOW l..n"t wait l..r W'intir's blat. for miw and i v and stnTts to lin.l ymr coal bill Dipt . l.ul i.i.lcr ,,ur winter supply now, wliik-ptuisn- ,,u and tin- supply pU-ntil'ul its a vi in.; w 't th w an u i'.ilv to (ill uuKi n now, and a bettor i'.-al in it. -t s,,i, at tlu-so prior v ts clo.m. tuo biiinnij; and loaxvs a white ash tin slate ii' if rbiiisor.s. l'!i"iio our oiiUis to Main v-- ED. BRESLIN mm Made by nu-n who know, f"i' po 'pic who want the best. (bi'v the choicest wheat ei adod. a n d hi v washed is used u in m.iIniii our flour. our baking will prove to inn tin biir atlvantaije of tiNin White Star Brand lour t' ,r both broad and tstr . mm, VjftM. Hcppncr Farmers' WMim CIcvator Co. in 1 lva! -s- j , . r WXTfR. T$ 'tty-J i,' !sJ lor ui to live Ul to that remit. iti.n l, i cb-n up that suit for you now. Vacation time v'I! soon bo here and youMl need it besides it eit s b.nor lite t a garment to koop it up in Kod shape. Heppner Pressing & Cleaning Parlors E. S. LILJEBLAD, Proprietor Ladies Work A Specialty ' H UWKIIl IH Y ntKTHl.t A M I'arti'in. nf.-rr In bnr.V- In Hi'i'i't.rr faiutil.-i) tli-mllnij ih Hint mn-tim of rrti- lorn In !! I'atjrr Hod I Cn l.ank n I'lr)- m. Tlif riii.rtny .n el Ji.lir:it.'l li n : 11 l'l June Ml) Al th inr-rinc iSilunU) rlsil.n iaiuft dp jrrprrtr t t-itmi.-t il't rutro m n;fn.ftlm rinnt 'iillUni piiuntr! .ul n. J il T!i'ii,r.n. Ani. H.iot mt IMti;.M to MtMI-M-TK rnii-H- si in m it. m it i-iMi Tl. HoarJiimn rhi . dfi Irlrt artvrrixtn for hid f..r lh ron Ururtlon f.f It K-rrn-t of th-ir i fin tubllc K'hmil b jllclinx hlrh Hi rtpid Kroth of that thiUInc rom- nmnitjf mufcrii . niial f : on .both III n. ronrr! rnnptruMinn r mM for lth pmt bid for hratln. rluiiibliig. t. I sJujr tutr-r and L. V. CBtrf wot o HmtT'ist'-n t-iii rnrcnmc !.. ' .'i. l J t r, f f . ;, ., I ,. Ir ,rney, ten g MVMMA) V.'NTf)S I'.ICT TNI- HI 'ST IlfSt'l.TS i i