Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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4 M
Tuesday, August 5, iqiq
B B B g J-
.;. ?. ts j -
Much More Than Mere Comfort Is In
volved in Having Community
Free From Dirt.
. The greatest effort in the history nf
iJTiey.'leanliness Is cm !
Von, V For cleanliness has u history. Us
- influence can be traced dow n the (".:.
Those races that were clean were
those races that were the masters.
The Athenians, with their baths and
beautiful homes, conquered the Per
sians, with their unkempt beards uu-!
dirty skins. The Eomnus, with their
aqueducts, their barbers, their par
dens, beat back the barbarians wMh
their goat skins and greasy fingers.
Louis HI was the most rtft'nty mon
arch France ever had and one of the
mightiest. .Filth kept the Panama
canal from being built years before It
finally was. Bolshevism flourished
when the. dirty and Ignorant gained
control in Russia.
Real people, the wise, the leaders in
progress, always have fought for
cleanliness. At times it has been a
sporadic fight, n skirmish. A clean
man was handicapped by a neighbor
who let his premises run wild. IV.it
4ibeaeo'operatlon hns been brought to plav
4 it last.
, This year, in the United States
alone, 7,000 villages, towns and cities
are campaigning for cleanliness and
health. They are not doing so for n
day or a week, but in a continuous
campaign. In a steady pressure.
Tin cans, flies, refuse, dirt, waste
paper, unsightly buildings, unpainted
surfaces are taboo. The drive Is on.
It has been estimated that 30 000.
000 men, women aud children In tho
United States are annually interested
In and working on clean up and paint
up activities. It is an army of magnifi
cent purpose and of Immense possibili
ties. It is bound to win.
Join the forward movement. Clean
up, paint up and keep it up. Make the
old enemies, dirt ,nnd disease and un
slghtllness, abdicate and stay cnit.
Why y.s p-.--': H r .
"Tills is the fnurr'.i tmi:,:i!!!;jr you've
been late. Rufiis," :iid the i;!;:n to his
colored chmiTt'iir.
"Yes. snh,". repll.'d Riifus. "1 did
ovahsleep myself, sail."
"Where's thut eVicu I gave you?"
"In m' room, suit."
"Don't you wind it up?"
"Oh. yes. sab. I winds it lip. sail."
"And do you set the alarm V
"Ev'ry night, sail, I set de alarm,
"But don't you hear the alarm l:
the morning, Rufus?"
"No, sab. Here's de trouble, sah.
Yer see, de blame thing goes off while
I'm asleep, sah." Youkers Statesman.
- " Ncmesu.'
Nemesis was a goddess! t justice
ar.d retribution. In Greek mythology
Nemesis was a goddess personifying
allotment, of the divine distribution to
every man of the precise share of for
tune, good and bad.
KI) 1JY U. O. P.
Hard Luck for Some One.
The monthly assizes were , in prog
ress at the mining camp of Howling
Wolf, and the courthouse was crowded
with a motley Ihrong. who took a deep,
it somewhat noisy, interest In all tin
proceedings. The uproar got worse and woi-su,
and at last the judge could bear it in.
An imposing figure, In a moth-eatn.
white wig, he rose to his feet and bel
lowed out :
"Gentlemen, and also prisoner. I
must insist on order in the com :
Louse. Here I've tried four cases al
ready, and haven't been able to hi-.v
u single word of the evidence." IV. ir
Bon's Weekly, Loudon.
rule only ti.-i; vear
in r. bulletin sent today to its
-! hcf, and members throughout
tho United States, the League to En
force Peace declares that the so
called "Republican Publicity associa
tion, "which is conducting a propa
ganda campaign against the League
of Nations, has no authority to speak
for the Republican party and does
not represent, in any way the Repub
lican national organization. The
statement says:
"League to Enforce Peace issues
this warning because many persons
have given undue attention to the
pronunciamentos of the 'Republican
Publicity association,' in the belief
that they express the official views
of the party organization. The Re
publican Publicity association is
purely a private organization, con
trolled by a few office holders and
ex-office holders who include the imr
placable enemies of the League of
Nations. iu statements represent the
opinions of the ultra radical group
among the opponents of the league
cover, j lit.
lno l': t.n and one of the chief
moving -pirns in the association is
the Honorable Jonathan Bourne Jr.,
ex-senator horn Oregon, Mr. Bourne
does not even represent the majority
sentiment of his own state, where
both senators, one a Republican and
me inner a Democrat, favor ratifiea-
1 1 -
Ten Powerful Arguments Put Forward
by Those Convinced of Wisdom
of the Plan.
Ilome owning will result In benefit
to people who become home owners
nnd to the city as a whole, for those,
among other, reasons:
1. In the long run the home owner
Is more prosperous thnn the renter,
and the prosperity of any city depends
upon the prosperity of Its individual
2. The home owner Is permanent;
the shifter does little good to his clly
or himself.
8. The home owner is progressive:
the renter Is not Interested in progres
sive movements.
4. Habits of thrift lenrned In linn;.!
buying add to the wealth nf the Indi
vidual and the city.
fi. The home owner beautifies the
city ; the renter does not ; the more
beautiful our city Is the more people
will be attracted to It.
6. Other things being equal, the
home owner is a better worker tbnr.
the renter, and keens his nonltlon af
ter the renter Is discharged.
7. The owner of n home has on ever
present protection against poverty,
and will not become charge upon the
community. j
8. No city of renters can ever suc
ceed. No nation of tenants ever be
came (rreat
9. A city that Is worth living In Is
worth owning hnmp In.
10. Other things being equal, the
home owner Is a better cltlr.en, a bet
ter soldier, a better American than the
Preserve Your
nortunity waits for the man
""ho preserves his earnings. Time
'I'l P-pain men miss the chance to
yc .themselves comfortable for
' ? because they neglected to
Prepare for their opportunity.
This bank offers you the service
of its entire orrramzation to help
Yu decide on the right plan for
vou to use.
It is good business sense on your
pirt to take adventasre of this ot
f er.
I;our per cent paid on Savings
and imc Deposits.
Farmers & Stccksrowers'
National Bank
1 1
tion of the league covenant. It is
well known that the association not
only has no authority to speak for
the Republican party, but through
its unreasoning attacks on the league
covtanant'is causing serious enibat
assment to the Republican leaders
who are opposing all efforts to make
the league a party issue.
"The declarations issued by the
Republican publicity association
shows that this organization, or rath
er "Its officers and executive commit
tee, for it has no constituency, is op
posed to the entrance of the United
States ino any league of nations or
other international agreement for
continuing the cooperation that en
abled the free nations to win tho
war. It advocates a policy of nation
al selfishness, which the American
people repudiated forever when they
entered the struggle for -world freedom."
Old-Faihloned Flower Garden.
"A thing of beamy is a Joy forever,'
which run be found In a bed of old
fuhloned flowers at a minimum rosl.
After the soil Is prepared, sow thf
seeds or set nut the plants, putting the
tall ones like sweet pean, hollyhocks,
golden glow nnd sunflower In the
bnck. I'lfint shorter ones In front,
sndi M tho marigolds, Jnfinn" po
pii-s, sweet Williams and fM (",llf";
In front of theo still shorter tu-,
such petunias, nasturtiums and as
ters, with panslrs, pinks and verbenas
In front. A Imnl'T of candy luft or
sweet aljrssum la very decors t We.
With such an arrangement, flowers for
the parlor and living room table ran
be obtained until frost comes.
Many a txMjquet of beautiful flower
at practically no expense also ran And
Ita way Into the room of some slek per
son or to hospital ward. Thrift
trilf ilr Home.
Bird add much to the home sur
rounding and are easily mad neigh
bor If nesting plare art avallsbla.
Bird bow will attract wren, blue
bird, martin and nuthatches; and
the windbreak, applt orchard, or lawn
trees make food borne for erMea,
phoebe. robin and thrash. Tber
wtil pay for any attention by the de
struction of maoy Injurious Insert.
Pom fretting ah rubs, vra a th
JoaetMrrr, black saw, berpoerr and
rberry tbould be planted to tblrketa,
not aloM for the bird, but broa
Uejr add Kerb to th orrouadtni.
A ir t4 vim Irtin Mil iWi i-.,.,, t,J u IJi ,,iiie miwiT-Kit
An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation.
Are you doinj your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? '
A -
Oregon Agricultural College
Trtru f lr1mtep tn Iht i4iitrif i aM p, nfrtrmi f-l-wt
uw-ua. !" ",'CAM;l. CIVll. KM-INtPKlNO. EMPIRICAL r.NOINHttRING.
Jhr Cl-j.ir.inr.t iwVlnwfm in enfi.h. f.,-r.mi-. Art, M.lhriraH.i. M.l-in L.n,
Plij-ui.l t4Mi..n, I..Ju.lr,.l jwini..m. I.V.,,.! y ,nl u n,.utl, U . KiJi.,,
-7hrHLt,iular ,trmi ltri:1 begins September 22, 1919
i -li--- - - ; 5. .aw.jaMi, !
Po C Cilit- tlluwrxx) n l l-vl hn ml.,m,Km trilitm
Z -rr.m n l!H"IH'Xli'l
Choicest of Beef anfl Pork always in stock.
preyed Poultry on Saturday. I'rcsli fish on
'1 hursdays and P'ridays. Cold meats for lunch
rut mi a U. S. Sheer i a money saver.
Our cold storage insures you the best of meats
18 cents a package
Camea r mold everywhere in
scientifically mealed package of 30
cigarette; or ten packages (200
cigarettes) in a glaaaine-paper
covered carton. We atrongly reo
emmend thi carton for the home
or office auppJy or when you travel
They Win You On Quality!
Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great
because their refreshing flavor and fragrance
and mellowness is so enticingly different. You
never tasted such a cigarette I Bite is elimi
nated and there is a cheerful absence of any
unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor !
Camels are made of an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are
smooth and mild, but have that desirable full
body and certainly hand out satisfaction in
generous measure. You will prefer this Camel
blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight!
Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then
compare them with any cigarette in
the world at any price for quality,
flavor, satisfaction. No matter
how liberally you smoke
Camels they will not tire
your taste I
Wimton-Saletn, N. C
mjiii)mipiL)i,'ii imi PI iiu;iweiw
ll SlilkMH li tuT II in III Mi I Ml lllKHIIlll'lH lllf ilH
Under authority of the Postmaster Cincral, on account of recent in
creases in wages to employees, tot;, ling for the State of Oregon up'
wards of SjjJ.ooo, certain changes in exchange rates have been ap
proved and made effective July J) 10,19, for the State of Oregon.
The ;rh ee in rates apply particularly to r- vdence service, change,
having been made in the principal business rates May 1, 1919.
All new business taken on and after July J9ih will ,v at the new rates
and bills tu prcM-n! subscribers for the month of August uill be render
ed at the new rates.
'I he increased rate, will yield an annual revenue upwards of Sjv .',
but a the increase in wages is. upwards of Sj5,(ss), the net return to
tin- company under the rates now made effective is approximate ly j
per cent on the valuation of its property at . 13,.. j,(x, as found by the
Public Service. Commission.
'I he new schedule of rates is identical with the fine approved by the
Po.'tmaster (ieneral for the State of Washington, which has been in
effect since March 1, Uji'j, ami the rates are the same for exchanges
(.at are comparable.
Wc believe that 110 proof as to the a Ivanced cost of living am! the gen
eral high cost prevailing for laborand materials is necessary and that
it. te.ephone using public will accept this increase in rales in the
Kime spirit of fairness and consider uon as it has the advances in al
most every other necessity in these unusual times.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
1 F J 1