Tuesday, August 5, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE TWO Some Townl T Helps T 1 TO OIUJAMZE AMERICAN LEGION IN F.VEHY COUNTY CLEAN UP THAT BACK YARD Matter of Importance That Does Not Always Seem to Bo Given Consideration. At various seasons we women faith fully scour our homes from attic to cellar, and then stop at the back door leading to the yard, which, after all, Is a kind of outdoor room not alwaya fully appreciated. Many a woman most fastidious where the house proper Is concerned tolerates a surprising degree of untidi ness In the back garden. Accumula tions of house and garden trash are not only eyesores, but positive men aces to health. If you have been lux in the past, get busy with broom and bucket before the rubbish collectors make their next round. Dig Into the corners, particularly th dark, damp angles under porch ot shed. Let In the sunlight I Sunlight Is the greatest purifier known. Get rid, If possible, of the tall wooden fences which often surround even tiny yurdH Bcurcely big enough to stretch a sheet across. Grass and flowers refuse to grow In the rank shade, but snails and microbes flourish amazingly. Let in the health-giving sunshine; keep the yard neut and you should worry uboul the public gaze I Let the children help In the work. Hid them round up stray clothespins, tin cans, old brooms and milk bottles. Don't make a clothes-prop rack of the lilac bush, nor a dishcloth drier of your slirulis. Dig up lihinviin mill dandelion weeds from the grass while digging U good. It will be doubly hard Inter in the hot sun when the roots are stronger. Dim't let tradesmen take short cuts across your little grass plot, even if you have to set up wire guards, which are hrs unsightly than bald patches in the crass. Don't let the withered flow er sialks of the Iris now blooming lmni; around nil summer. Keep the borders) neat hv cuitlm; all withered leaves and (lowers. Set u trash barret In an unobtrusive coiner. Tench the chil dren to throw into It u'l refuse not suitable for the garbage pall. Tell the kiddles you take pride hi your tidy, pretty garden and they will take pleas ure In helping the good work along. I'll 1 1 nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Keconl. WHEN IN LOVE A pest of the American Legion the national organization of ex-service men, in every county in the state of Orepon by August 20 is the goal which has been set by State Secre tary Dow V. Walker, of Portland, in an announcement to the press recent ly. This means that Oregon with more than ('9.000 prospective members of the American Legion, will be well organized by the state convention planned for September. Already ap plications for chapters have been for warded to national headquarters at New York from 16 local posts and as many more will be sent from state headquarters a5ain shortly. In every county where t'aere is no post as yet, one ex-service man is being chosen by Mr. Walker as coun ty organizer, whose duty will be to see that former soldiers, sailors and marines in his locality get together as soon as possible. In counties where there are already posts, the members of the executive committee of the post first organized In the county are automatically designated a coun ty committee to attend to the organ! zation of other branches throughout the county and the president of that post becomes organizer. In other words, the state organiza tion is responsible for the organiza tion of at least one post in every county and members' of that post are responsible for the development of tha American Legion in other parts of their county. Any town in which there are fifteen ex-service men to band together may form a local post and make application to the head quarters of the state committee. Lib erty Temple, Portland, for a charter. These applications are approved, numbered nad sent to New York for final approval and issuance by the national committee of the American Legion. By August 20, a post in every j county, and by August 30, a post in every town or locality having furn ished more than 100 men in the world war, is the aim of Mr. Walker. A membership drive throughout the nation for 1,000,000 members, or about 25 per cent of the service men of the country, will be staged by the American Legion in September, dur ing which month the lOrogon state convention will be held in Portland. The national convention of the neapolis on November 11, the anni American Legion will be held in Min- versary of the signing of the armis tice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interion United States Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon, July 12, 1919. Notice is "Hereby given that Dtvif W. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who or August 26th, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 016410, for SV SE Section 21, NW SW Section 27 NE, N SE4 of Section 28, Township 3 south Range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to malie three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, clerk of the County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 16th day of Septem ber, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed die A. Hammer, of Lena, Oregon, Walter Hayes, of Heppner, Oregon, Phil Higgins and James Higgins both of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register I Sprang S sine is Paint Time SWEETEN ING. Now patience speedily forsakes The minds of serious folks who see The sugar fiend who gayly takes Three lumps to every cup of tea. TOO MUCH OP IT. Wifey:. I al ways say wnai i think. Hubby: Then I wish you would Read The Herald for all the news. : mrdxa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' Department of the Interior, Un'ted States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 14, 1919. Notice is 'hereby given that Jacob H. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who on July 24th, 1916, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 016162, for S NE, NV4 SEVi, Section 33, Township 3 south, Range 29 or-st, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, clerk of the County Court, at Heppner, Or egon, on the 16thday of September, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses. Ed die A. Hammer, Walter Hayes, Phil Higgins and John Higgins, all of Lena, Oregon. Not Coal Land. C. S. DUNN, Register 1 i i i I Read The Herald for all the news worth printing. Say Mr. House Owner isn't this weather getting into your system and making you long to see the old home shine again like it did when it was new? Don't you realize that a new coat of paint would bring back all its freshness that it would again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built it? This is the time of the year to start lat work and you know howbadly it needs It. We wish merely to call your attention to the fact that we have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your home. Of Interest to the Ladies We have a complete line of Chinamel for touching up and ' refinisihing those old pieces of furniture that you prize so highly and this work will come right along with the spring house cleaning. These varnishes are prepared so that they do not require the services of a painter and you've no idea the amount of good you can do in one room with a few of these colors. We've every one you could want. Gilliam & Bisbee mm COME IN AND LET US TALK PAINT TO YOU HERALD WANT ADS GET THK BEST RESULTS Si She -Ail ! lie comes ! l.iiHzee! I stit llul.i ut.li I I . t i ' I IiIiihIi hii C.I-.J. i YOUCANTBEAT 'EM 'I !u m.- cooiiii fountain 'rinks I iv Cream Sodas I einonade Soft Drinks (. V4.'irs an 1 Tobacco The yMtre hit the spot th'iso hoi days make a fellow feel just like work too. Try one then you'll Know. McAfee & Aiken "Some Saving!" says the Good Judge You men arc saving every cent you can. You ought to know that this quality tobacco costs less to chew not more! You take a smaller chew. It gives you iv: good tobacco taste, it lasts and lasts. You don't need a (resh chew so often. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW frut u,i in Ij'o sty!. U I (II IT CUT i a short-cut tob ; VA CUT h a fin. -em tHvo Si 7.i T 1 ere you will find the Finest Fresh Fruits am erries. Sugars. Spices. Vinegars, etc.. a Let us help you make preserving time pleasant and profitable. - II i; Real Money Saving Prices. Jars. Rubbers. Paraffin Wax. etc vour Preserves pure and Wholesome (ict your supplies here and be sure with all vour canning. Pacific Grain Company 7, helps Grocery Company ( J1 uccowr to M. II, 1 Ioit-.fr) GRAIN AND GRAIN HAGS Local Agent;: Call Youtit. lone; Lowe. Cecil: bv I'.urgoxne. Lewingtotr. V. Whiteis. Hcpptur. '. L. Rov K V1 V - both IJI rHis ,,,, ,,hc of success 1 0 I 4 o x n 4