Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 29, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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& c
Be Systematic
Decide upon how much you can deposit in
your Savings Account. Then let nothing in
terfere with your plans.
Jt will please us greatly to see you make reg
ular visits to this hank to build a cash capital
of your own, and on regular interest dale
the interest earned on the dollars you saved
will be paid to you or placed to your credit,
as you instruct to earn more interest for you.
First National Bank
Over One Million Dollars Deposits
Congressman Fiorello LaGuardia
of New York, former major in t'ne
Air service in charge of fliers on the
Italian front, has thrown interesting
light upon the difficulties aced by
the United States in co-operating
j with its allies in the world war. Ma
jor LaGuardia has telegraphed the
World Trade Club of San Francisco,
an organization representing dud
leading manufacturing merchants,
pledging his support to the campaign
that the organization is now waging
for the world wide adoption or the
metric system of weights and meas
ures, now used by all the world ex
cept the United States and Britannia.
In his wire Major LaGuardia
points out that the world war show
ed the imperative need of standard
ization of weights and measures. He
advocates the meric system.
"I still have unpleasant memories
of the difficulty we experienced dur
ing the war," he wries, "of the loss
of time tiie confusion, owing to dif
ferent systems of weights and meas
ures used by various allies. We lost
more time in translating specifica
tions and more errors were caused
on this account than by anything
The World Trade Club is receiv
ing similar testimony irom a great i
many persons who had experience j
with the difficulty caused by our
present weights during the war.
uonths ao when he accepted a po
iition with' the First National Bank
if Heppner. Miss Githens taught it;
the Halfway schools last winter mak
ing many friends during her stay in
that town.
W. S. M;Kinney came up from
Salem Friday to look after business
interestes connected with the har
vesting of the wheat crop on his
ranches. Mr. McKinney was a resi
dent of this county for many years,
retiring from active business a lew
years ago w'hen he purchased a home
at Salem.
Norton Winnard came up from
Eugene Sunday and will absorb some
sunshine into his system and some
dollars into his pocket in the harvest
fields. Norton, who is a student in
the University of Oregon, wants to
try for the wrestling team next year
and thinTcs harvesting a good way to
start training.
Gay Anderson received a card
from County Clerk J. A. Waters Mon
day morning written from Hayes,
Tuesday, July 29, 1919
Kansas, where Mr. Waters is visiting
his mother and other relatives and
Mr. and Mrs-. Ben Patterson re
turned Sunday evening from a pie-taunt
vacation trip spent motoring
through the Puget Sound country
and "British Columbia. They report
a pleasant trip most of the way with
plenty of stretches of "otlen roads to
keep them reminded of Morrow coun
ty. Mr. and Mrs. Haynie, accompanied
by Miss Lera Githens, returned from
a vacation trip to Hallway, Oregon,
I Sunday evening after a pleasant visit
with friends' and relatives. Mr. and
I Mis. Haynie formerly resided at
I Hall way, coming to Heppner a few
-- t
111 KN M I
;itiii:ns .i
:s si.i'M-
Miss llernice (JUIiohm most pleas
antly entertained n half dozen of her
Kill friends last Wednesday evening
at her east side heme at a "kIuiiiIioi "
party, the gucsls having been Invited
to spend Ihe night at tin- CilheiiH
home. Tlie evening was pleasantly
IKiM.ed hi r.ameH, candy making and
lied- time utorien, (he wee sina' hours
being Hi'iiously eneromhed upon
before Ihe sounds of mei rinieii! were
hushed In the title rule of the m cas
I011 slumber.
A dainty breakfasl waH reived
lifter which the gues-ls took numer
ous kodak snaps of each oilier an
lnemi-nloH of the delightful occasion.
Those present were Helen llanrtt,
Hoils Mahoiiey, Alma levin, Kllza
lielh Phelps, Kulalla llutlcr and
Kitlhiyn Paulson.
parts in the dramatic perl'ormenee
were Misses Patty Mnhoney. Mary
Van Vactor, Inez Hayes. Mary Pat
terson ami Dorothy Paltison.
Mrs. Kelly has been a resident of
Morrow county for more than liO
years- ami is known as ore of t!.e
county's best loved pioneer women.
n vi.i 1 i; r w ii;
At I'lie home of Rev. Frank An
drews in this city, Sunday, July 27,
I'll 'I, Mr. Frank Ilalfert and Miss
Kclio M. Wade, well known young
people or Morgan, were united in
mnriiage. The Interesting ceremony
was witnessed by Mr. and Mis. Sor
ensen, frlenls of the young collide,
and Mr. Hoy Ilalfert, brother of the
Mr. and Mrs. lliilfert will untile
near Morgan.
I I I I I I: t.iHi.s iiunoi;
iu.i: i..iy
I 'I I ll:t llio: ; uni.,11,. !.,! i ;
l a-1 1. .. i iu i it in 1 1, i j ii..,
I i--ii i'M !' M i ;. n. ..- i . .. ,;
End.i) i I ih ''I lit the littl, :
111 it ll.'l: Vee ill I ' I..' I ",
" .Vil mi I..1, M I 1 ii,.!;,. .
.1. W. Mi m liner, county ;-uiveyor
.if Cllliatti coiinly, came titer from
t'liiidnii last Wednesday to smtey
Ihe piopoMeil new Killer tiu.! down
Illicit deck.
You cannot buy anothi
pair of eye:i. but you can
buy glar.r.es thai will pre
serve the pair you liae.
If your ojes- are givim;
you trouble, if you are
bothered witli headac'iei:
or find that yo'i canni t
read as- readily as you
list I io. it's time you p it!
us a visit.
Most eye 'roubles can be
relieved with proper
glasses if uttendetl to in
time. It costs nothing to
coniull us and it Is de
cidedly lo your advant
age to do so.
Oscar Borg
IteL'Utereil I llrllli ll Ut
I In
!in mi I li.ii .1.
lot Hut. tv ,
Ml' iv -II) I' J.I; t I .'. .n I . IU l'l
a LI' H'l H ill.,. I. ,1 t:l., ,,. ;.. 111
lnnm i ; lii r ii-. ihim y .( , i ,, ,, ,
In i hd.i , tin' iitiit::. I m s .iiiiiit and
t .11 1 1. .1 . ill I'm Im ii J' ; . I w Melt
hi.Ii t In .it rii.iU ere Ihe leadini: i
li.iluii' J j
Til.' Iitile It. licit, who i.tiiki lii art
iiioii ul tl.i in tin i,iiN, iliiidnl In
ill aui.itire Hi.' i lit Id i cm Iiiihh.
The Tin.... Him.." ii, "The (u
iclllel Wliu l.i.rt Kin tnui," ittid
llll.Mll llll.'l (l it in t or UHUt;illl'C
from Iheir eldrn tln put over a
Kimid mi,'.."! tntlttnc aa p ul
Kllct" tlieli intithen ami nil tle nth
T Imllf" til llntl iMItlitilm iiilch
Inn h.iotl
.Siime Ii it (i.ni i paid In hiiM. n i .,.n
llllllllK I I'lieill "ill . ell. il tiettttl'C tl
Ihe tail ("tut Hie l.. ef lin;l,it ate
10 Ihe li-lt: IiIhii litmtl. att.l tin ate ;.
vtaim fiO'iuln of Mia Ki'll) an the
lll me eli Itn.il.'.l lull Hie lu.t
tli.lt mi ii I. i t itl at Hn l.it il. t il
Ihe Im"i ni'li" all Invited It) lima at
trr Ihe IliunoKtaph and help mult
I lie tie i renin anil rake
Thi young ailirti taltlnj lc.lin
Best Auto and Tractor
Work that Skill
can give
1 1 '
v Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co.
iiHf WHITE STAR mi '
mmt brand i If;
rrar n ilifWli Made by men wbo ktioM-. IMi ij !
rs pcopie vvh want the p'
, PJli I Hour fur both tier-: and ifffll
I ""CKgrounaj My, she's WBssWffMlw pastry. wlAMVm
I stuck up, since she's had that new VUwWffli Mil a . t FAMwM I
.-.terpiiiar neck niece. .wMB.mVi Honnnot- rarmofc' 'AWlmfna I
RgJ Igll Elevator Co. : .
I ft p mM m m u w
l Sale B plf,
Ii T - i IwfH II
j Wash q mmp I
Goods iik..
Ii '.in;;1i;iius,
. .
i i sra mm U n I
WW iiTmM
Thlc nlo Will
; IIW MakcYou
j I !SV,.i,rs and company
I awawaaBBaBBaaBBBaBBBaaaB '