Tuesday, July 29, 191 9 THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE SEVEN OREOOX I.ITKRATIRE ASKED AIRPLANES FIND FOREST FIRES "It is our desire that every com mercial organization in t".ie state and individuals as well, use their best ef forts to assist us in our undertaking to obtain settlers, and one way in which that can be done is to see that proper literature is furnished us from each city and town in the state, reads a statement sent out by Ceo. Quayle, general secretary of the state chamber of commerce to al 1 cities and commercial organizations in the state. Mr. Quayle said that a great num ber of inquiries have been received lately from eastern people who want to settle in Oregon. During the past week he said four families from Da kota, Wyoming and Iowa, represent ing $78,000, "have moved to Oregon with a view of remaining here per manently. Oregonian. HARNEY NITRATE DEPOSITS TO BE DEVELOPED A dispatch fro mBend to the Ore gonian says: Development work on the nitrate deposits on Sheep moun tain and in Stinking lake, both in Harney county, will be started this fall by the Oregon Nitrate company, and to interest eastern capital in the new industry J. H. Morton of this city, president of the company, will leave early in August. Expense will be chiefly at Sheep mountain, 100 miles from Bend as no plant what- ever will be reauired in operatine at the lake, 40 miles farther out. Prospect 'holes sunk at intervals over the 4800 acre property have shown that the entire mountain is an almost solid mas3 of nitrate rock assaying high for sodium compounds and from 9 to 23 per cent for potas sium salts. That a fertilizer industry may be built up also at the lake is the belief of officers o the company and with this in view samples of the stratum immediately underlying the deposit of mineral salts have been sent to r"ne Oregon Agricultural College for analysis. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given tthat the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregbn lor Morrow County administratrix of the estate of Robert D. Watkins, de ceased; that all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent (he same, duly verified accord ing to law, to me at the office of my attorney, S. E. Notson, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months rrom the date of the first publication of this notice, said date of first publication being the Sftth day of July, 1!)19. BLANCHE P. W ATKINS. 13-17 Administratrix Reports to the Forest Service, United States Department of Agri culture, from'the national forests in California, where army aviators are making daily flights in search of for est fires, indicate that the innovation has been decidedly successful and air patrols of the forest will prove so popular that they will eventual! become a permanent part of the work to sheild tlie great woodlands from conflagrations. Numerous fires have beeu discovered in their early stages by the aviators and have, been re ported immediately to the forest rangers, it is believed that consider able loss has been prevented by such early discovery. Lack of suitable landing places in this rugged coun try has proved a handicap in some instances and has caused a belief in some quarters that dirigible balloons will finally be found more suitable than airplanes for forest fying. Company, of Heppner, Otregon, the above named bankrupt, was duly ad judicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held in the Circuit Court room of the court house in Heppner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of August, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before the court. Claims must be presented in form required by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses assets approximately of the estimated val ue of $10,000 Dated July 10th, 1919. A. M. CANNON, Referee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Lnind) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 5, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Cliff O. Dewey, of Pendleton, Oregon, who on April 20, 1915. made Home stead Entry, No. 014596for Lots 1 and 2, S NE, SE, Section 4, Township 1 south, range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before 11. T. Brown, ! Clerk of County Court, at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 12th day of August, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Guy French, Paul Kessler, Clara Card, George Parrot, all of Pendle ton, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION & J K aw; I! w i7 MS St r.r .ti The Choicest Fruits and the Freshest Vegetables are here already for Preserv ing Time The need for preserving fruits and vegetables is just as apparent this year as it was at any time dur ing the war and we will he glad to take your order tor any quantity you may want. Owing to the un certainty of the market this season we are not shin Ding in any quantities but prefer having vou place your order which we will promptly fill. " Talk it over with our man in the Grocery Depart ment. 1 m MINOR & :y::.'-:.W Li : mmA 'dm. VA r .v.-"-. r Rough on New Jersey. Oliver Wendell Holmes' idea of Non Jersey, New York's next-door neigh bor, was that It was "n double-headed suburb, rather than a state." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Lund) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 12, 1919. Notice Is hereby given f.iat Eddie on A. Hammer, of Lena, Oregon, who on j Oct. 25th, 1915. made Homestead ' Entry, No. 015331, for W SW. SE,i SW'M. Section 22; NEW NVV NE4 Section 27. Township 3 south. Range 29 ,east, Willamette, Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make three-year proof, to es tablish claim o the land above de scribed before J. A. Water, clerk of true County Court, at Heppner, Ore- ! Department of the Interior,, U. S. Land Oft'ice at La Grande, Oregon, June 5, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Fran cis A. Gilliland, of Pilot Rock ,Ore- who on July 6, 1914. made Homestead Entry, No. 0135.19, for SVj SE4 Sec. 1; W14 NE '4 , Sec. 12, Township 3 south, range 29 east. Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three- AsKYourDeakr RZmJi$ton Grand PrizeMo to firearms 6 Ammunition Write for CfttMogue "V.tffti'1'' PROFESSIONAL CAIlDS t DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN nml SUIMiEON Heppner strt,. I. ...... year proof to establish claim to the " land above described, before I. M. Sdinnnep. U. S. Com mission or, nt Pilot I!ock. Oregon, on the 4tli day of Aunu-f, 1919, Claimant names ns witnei't: Oregon, Itexidrnre H':l on. on the 16th day of September. 1919. Claimant names ns witnesses, Wal ter Hayes, of Heppner. Oregon. 1; vld W. Pi'nwin, Ilowaid E. Pearson, and Jiirob II. Pearson, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S DUNN, ltei'li.ter. notk 1: to cii:nrni:i Geo:ge W. llon. Pcmll t"n. Or gon, JaineH W. Ilnwcrv. Portl::tnl. OrOTon, Ccorre F. .Inn";', l':'nt T!'vk, GrcMi'. i nd liavlil Wn.mo, (.ti u ane, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, lighter VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow' Ilunlding Heppner, Oregon No Place for Him to Die. Pnnlcl Webster, taken ill one day in a town, of decided Democratic lean ings, begged his friends to take hlra home nt once. "I was born a Federal. 1st," he pleaded. VI have lived a Fed eralist, and I cun't die la a Democratic town. Glass-Bottomed Bucket. A curious sight nt Palermo Is to see the fishermen spearing fish by the aid of glass-bottomed buckets. There are ninny comers of the world where fish are speared, but perhaps the use of the glnss-bottomod bucket In this con- ncctlon Is to he seen only nt Pulertno. Tho Leading Citizen. Stranger "Does this nmn, Amos Dnrliy, hold any place of distinction In the village?" Villager "Ye kin Judge fer y'rxelf. When th' postnmD brings th weekly newspaper down to Ouy Parkinson's grocery store, Amos Is tho first reader I" Life. SEVENTH ANNUAL of In 'he County Cmut f fte Stal Oiecoti. tor Morrow County. In the Matter or I he KMaM' of Tln in- ns S Pettyjohn. dice:i-"d Notice l lnrebv ein t ii.lt U'nZ.l J. Pettyjohn hn been duly appoint ! by the County Court of Monow County. Of't-on. AdmlnMiulrlx of In- r.Klnte of Thomas s. Pettyjohn. ceased. All persons hiivlna cImIims paa!ni faid Eftnte are n''Hi"l " proen: the same to me t the office of S;itn K. Vun Va.toi. at Heppner, On-con, wlHiln si months from the date of the first publimtlon hereof. lt!t the proper vouchers duly veiitled. .)ted nd first published this 22 nd d.iy of Jul. I'1"- KI.I7A J PETTYJOHN. A.luiinis'tatrii of the Ktile of Thoium I'et'yJ 'hn. ,c.- K H V.TI) I" IS IMNKItl IMCY In the ,'istil Court of 'he United jii.it... fo- th" Di''e of Oreson In I'.. M 'ter .f PaUre H"tel Com- , .... ;,.n ...t.l,i-ift. - . , , ,v (.ten th.it "1 It1'' . ,;. t . : ! '. - I' 1. 1 NEW HOME crei it my wife Hi It S. E. NOTSON ATTOU::Y..r-LAW (itflrr lii Conii Hoit"c Heppner Oieg.ii, DR A.D.McMURDO I'llVsK IAN H SI IU.KON Telephone 122 Office Pntteit-on' Drug Store ' Heppner OreiMiii WOODSON & SWEEK ATJ'iillM.VS- T-I..U j Heppner Oiegoe SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHN EY-AT-I.AW , H fipner Oregon iorr Fair Sept. ow County YOUR FAIR" ;f. a. NO OTMIN LIKt IT. NO OTMIN At OOOO. 'NEW HOME' McMENAMIN Ri.t.eits lildg. Heppner, Or Office Phone Main (43 l(eliin Phone Main tth ROY V.WIIITEIS lti;AL lTATK. IIMH. WARWANTIO fOn ALL TIMC. T-i DR. J. L. CALLOWAY OSTEOPATHIC PIIYSIIHV Graduate American Prhool of Oaten- t.alhy, Klrksvllln, Mo, under fni,n c,Li .,r of the ftrlenra. Dr. A. T. Will Offlee at O, W. aegrt resldenc CO. H"'n 10 to II J to 6. Phone 4 11 to 13 Notice to Exhibitors Read your Premium Books for Special Awards on Livestock, Wool and Wheat Now is the time to prepare your Exhibits The Fair Board is arranging the Program and Entertainment Features that's their job It's your business to make your Fair worth seeing