Tuesday. Tuly 2Q. iqiq THE HTTDT3MTT1? T?T?AT T ' UPTinMnn t-.t,. , . . ' Z'W PAGE FIVE NEWS of IONE NEIGHBORHOOD y n j; "WJiEt irooa bread ws ?T S? "' kl lately, dear." A ' "To- . Hn't It d!lclonst V ., i It'i Fraas Butter Nut. t ' 3T""5 1 slm;i uy o other SkV' S J hereafter; it Is ( 1 B0 Ullil'ul-mly good. vta wmmm CHAIil.KS XAXXEMAVS X)MBJXE lUUXKn Tuesday evening between nine and ten o'clock, Charles Nanneman's combine was destroyed by fire. He supposed it was caused by a lighted cigar or cigarette stub. The next day he came to lone and gave his order to B. A. Amy, agent for the Holt Manufacturing company, for a new combine. It will be here the first of the week. Mr. Nanneman's grain is going 18 bushels or more to the acre and is of first class quality. Try Franz' Butter Nut Bread Today FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY TO BRISTOW & JOHNSON IONE, OREGON x : IONE ITEMS X ; X Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Morgan, of Morgan, were in lone Friday on busi ness. , The directors of the Pacific Starch company 'held a meeting Monday af ternoon in the office of C. B. Sperry. Mrs. J. B. Sparks, of Condan, came over for a few days visit with Tier sister, Mrs. Milliron, and her moth er, Mrs. C. . Shaver. The Tum-A-Lum company sold a bill of lumber Saturday for a $4,000 V IOXK NKWS WANTED I G. F. STEELE I 1 IONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, Tone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station 1! i u I I WATCHMAKER and i JEWELER 1 A 1 I I'ine Repairing 'of all f Kinds ; Oregon I TOnC IS of Guaranteed Quality T!c com of construction is too high to "arrant your using anything hut the vcrv lies' Lumber you can buy. We guarantee our Lumber as first quality because vc carefully inspect every piece before we allow it to go into our stock. We know it is r'glu and for that reason we stand behind it with our guarantee. It costs no more in the end than cheap U iJicr, r nl you enjoy the satisfaction of lnvinj the best. I'hone us and we M ill give vnu an estimate n your bill. Martin Reid 1,1! I With this issue fh Hr. aid inaugurates a special lone department, the inten tion being to give the peo ple of that thriving town a better newspaper service than flhey have had in the re cent past. To make the ven ture a success will require the hearty cooperation of the people of that district both in the way of business Patronage and moral sup port. Mrs. Delia Corson is our accredited news correspon dent at lone and every read er of the Herald in that neighborhood is requested to assist her in making the lone department the best Page of the Herald by help ing her to get the news. If you know a news item tell her about it, call her on the phone or write her a note. Mrs. Corson and the Her ald will appreciate your assistance. house to be erected on the Vander bort & Winslow ranch north of lone. Mrs. Jack Milliron and son arrived Sunday from their home in Pendle ton to visit her mother, Mrs. C. E. Shiever. They returned to Pendle ton Thursday. W. H. Cronk the local Tum-A-Lum man motored to Arlington Friday where he met Harold Crawford, Tum-A-Lum man of Walla Wialla, re turning in the evening. H. M. Cummins, cashier of the Bank of lone, and family, returned Sunday from their vacation. While away they visited at Underwood, Portland, Hood River and Beveral other places. Miss Maud Wilcox, and Miss Swail, a friend of Miss Wilcox, ar rived Sunday evening from Portland to visit with Miss Wilcox's sister, who is stopping at the home of Rich ard Peterson. Mrs. Mose Gamble and two little daughters returned Saturday evening from Creswell, where she has been visiting her husband's folks for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Gamble reports a very enjoyable trip. I W. R. Cochran came over from Umatilla to spend Sunday with his family in lone, returning Monday morning. Mr. Cochran is working on the Umatilla highway. He lias several head of horses let out on Uils Job. We are sorry to learn or the se rious illness of W. J. Lowell, father of Mrs. John Mobley. Mr. Lowell had a paralytic stroke about two weeks' ago and only partially recover ed but the last few days has been In a critical condition. Jake Bortzer one of the big farm ers of the Elghtmlle was In lone Monday. He expects to start his combine Tuesday If his extras' come. It seems as though so many of the farmers have been delayed on the account of not being able to get x tras for their machines. C. M. Schriver Is progressing nicely with his harvesting. Ha Iihs been running nearly three weeks with his combine and has not lost a ; 'lay. having rut about 300 acres and j has between 700 and 800 acres mure ; to cut. The uraln Is going from ID . to 20 bushels per acre. Walter Itli-tniann who lives nut ! northeast of lone, reports killing s jroyotte suffering from laMiien The coyotn came up to the water trough j and Walter picked up a Mirk mid hit It several times over t3ic head but that failed to kill It m he went to the house and gut a gun ami wlun he came bark Die coyote wss In a inud hole havlnic fits. Il fhot and slll.d It. BE NATURAL- Lay Something Away for the Future It is natural to save to provide for the future The squirrel gathers nuts the bee honey, to provide for the days when they cannot work. The day will come when you will not be able to work start NOW to provide for this tiYnc. If you have no account, open one here now. If you have one, add to it regularly, and watch it grow. BANK of IONE r-fc a -ir--i m Frank Engdman CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS wr.','g Billiards and Pocket Billiards. Ice Cream Parlor in Connection. Latest Magazines and Periodi cals. Oregonian Agency. Columbia Phonographs lone, Oregon Paul G. Balsiger Farm Implements. Vehicles, Windmills, Pumps, and dasoline Kngines. Wc Sell Winona Wagons Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars. Main Street lone, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements under this heading one cent a word for each Inser tion. No ad for less than 15 cents. 1 CENT A IWORD Classified Ads are In variably cash In ad vance unless Riven by persona with duly es tablished credit NEW THIS WEEK Chlsf Cstcutivet Ctnturtd. rotigri-ss hn twice c i,ur.l n pr. hh-ni Andrew Jackson. In Jiif.e. v; rr mii.ing the rmnl ,f the llH-tlt 1..fHil, ,,f bIm,uI fi.i inlHl, , , .; Inrs from I hi. fnHi"! Strips Imnk lie l'"r"lni S.pii inir; atil J,.hn TU-r In 1"Mi. Tyler !.. t.-l H a vh E ml was rrally a l'in'rrs! h , then fore roti.tiiritiy antnffMilzlt.ff !(. fH.ltrM f ((,e ,,,., y ,,,,,, him. , F. II. ROBINSON ATTOHNM AT Muln Mr-ri lne, mu'i Foil HAI.K vt i ton Packard truck In good condition cheap for cash or good security. Just been ov erhauled and made like new. Kncjulre M'-Uoberts-Cohn Auto Co., Ilcppner. Oregon, or ( W. Ilux, Irrlgon, Ore Ron. Upl5 WANTIJl-Lnly bookkeeper wants a few hours work after supper. Kn qulre at ll.iul.l hi flee. 1 2 1 f Thl. II" Veaillng him k filly with whll spot In fori'hi's'l No btiinrlN nr in;iiks visible. Came lo my liture ntiM-n inltrs smith of lulu1 on the y A l.ufxlill phire about May IMh, (jsiiit Mm) iiuve hamn by piov Inx r . 1 1 y sod pHylnK rliiures J. I,. SWANSON. .,ne, Oti'Kon II IS HH'M Two small keys on ring ueeovnr at the Herald office pa Ing for this notice. by tf Rat I()IM Top to automobile tank. Owner may bare same by pay iiik ror in is m. iieppner Herald tf FOR SALE TIHVK I "Oil HAI.K Three ton Tankard truck In A No. I condition M01. Kor partlculara 'all on or address the lep,ner Her ald, Iieppner, OrKon. tilt WANTED DR. CLYDE R. WALK ICR rmMi in am i i;.im I'll'iHr I i, I, IK 1 1, ) I'Kie, MliKi.ll WHKAT I.AM WANTI It We have Mlinln wantlnc to buy and trsd'i for wheat land. If yon d'-alre to i: (,') of your pla please write us ,rke and terms or state what )" wli! aTi-pt in etchings for the same. NO!tTHVi;-T LAND TIMIlKIt "O 1102 Nrtrie.t.-rn lunk llulldlni I'ottland. O'ejun. i, r Al'l""",n. officinl r 1 1 1 1 n h He f in r'upld In Hie r,nni ' ' if ii- l iii- p liMirm to i ' fi'iV,, 1, irt.-i ... 1. pii,f t,i'in 'im,i J ll.tl-ii ami ! fm M ,'. '.' i ! M .if.,n Mill HAI.K Latest W-iner edi tion of tin. Kin i liipi dii, lliiiunlra; 32 volumes; one more volume will biln It down to present date, (lood binding A bargain at es tlmn one half first cisl prlre Knilre at this office. (f l'lt hl I, - (JimmI ,ii,, , a n, 'st'Re. Iri'inlie ijf Mis (i,ri Hag 1 I If. LOST AND FOUND HTIIAVIH oil Minl.lN from Claud I inn's pasture, 7 mile fnihi l.iniKl,,i,, ,ay n.m. g )nr old past, wire rut i,n front of Ml hind be ! r , I atimit dnu Trlande bisnd iindi-r 'mmli r tin In i, right bii. I, no i.si, ir riiiirn or In f'Miiiatlnn lin't ns li li r !, iry, K. I M' Kltil, y. .in, Or-r,,n 9 11 I- i