i THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, July 29, 1919 PAGE TWO ST.VI KMKNT HOKSK I AIXS IX KIT RIDER IS IXJl'HKI) of the First National Bank, of Hepp ner, County of .Morrow, State of Ore gon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, litis, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit (commercial ileXisits) principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immedi ately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or post office address of such deposi tor, and the fact of his death, if known. Name and Address Amount Earl Allen, Heppner, Oregon, $ 3.00 J. E. Brink, Heppner, Ore 1.85 C. J. Bradley, Heppner, Ore. . 5.00 Fred Beymer, Heppner, Ore. .. 5.00 F. E. Bennett, Heppner, Ore. .. 10.35 Mary E. Barnard, Heppuer Ore 1.8.6 John Fleming, Heppner, Ore. 25.72 Farnsworth & Garner, Hepp ner, Ore 11.25 SHKRMAX REJECTS ROAD HO XI) BIDS 1.85 1.87 51.00 3.00 A. B. Gillette, Heppner, Ore. K. R. Giese, Heppner, Ore. ... C. H. Green, Heppner, Ore... Tom Gray, Heppner, Ore J. L. Hockett, Est., Heppner, Ore 1.55 YV. Z. Harris, Heppner, Ore 2.02 Ines A. Hibbard, Heppner, Ore 7.4 4 James Kelley, Heppner, Ore... 21.75 H. O. McCormirk, Heppner, Ore : A. A. McCabe, Heppner, Ore. MeCabe Bros. Heppner, Ore. .1. J. McGee Est.., Heppner, Ore 4.35 McGlrr it Butler. Fox, Ore fid. 75 Sam McDatiiel, HardPian, Ore. 2,!)5 D. Magill, Heppner, Ore 7.37 Lena Owen, llanhr! i, Oie 2.7G I,. 1'aine, Heppner, Ore 4.31 S. M. Roberts, Heppner, On?... 5.1 ; E. M. Shut t, TrnMP", Jleppner. Ore Slate of Ore) Kufus V. Snyder, who resides be tween this city and Lexington, met with a peculiar accident one day last week in which ne sustained a badly injured foot but considers himselt lucky that he was not "killed. While returning from t ' .vn on horseback, riding quietly along the road his horse suddenly fell in a lit pinning Mr. Snyder underneath. In his stntK gles the horse rol-cd almost entirtly over the prostrate man who was in a i.nsitinn that he could do nothing to help himself but expected every moment that hs life would be crushed out. Presently however the animal recovered from the attack and getting to his feet seemed to be all right. Mr. Snyder has been on crutches since the accident with several small bones in his foot fractured and be sides is losing much valuable time for himself and his teams in the har vest fields. of the bond election 'held last spring. I Members of the court now figure that the county will lose apnroxi- ... .... t ... . , mately $110,000 in interest if terra Although bids were submitted to . ' i bonds are Bold there bing no provu; the county court of Sherman county i joQ ffjr & 8inking fund wRh vh:dl to offering accrued interest and as high i pay 0ff the bonds at maturity under the terms of the election. Bond buyers, it is said, agreed with the court that a serial bond is much to be preferred to a term br.nd in the saving of interest djrgei "See here," says the Good Judge ;s $4C00 premium on their road j bonds all bids were rejected. The curt also decided to canvass the ; .sentiment of the county as to the utility of selling a serial bond in- stead of a 20-year term bond the lat- j ter being required under the terms j Herald only $2.00 a year. 1.4 0 1.42 2.00 4.00 Con i! I v of .Morrow, KS. I, V. I'. M;ili'ny, ii'sinr, rirt't bwo :i, depone imd : ;.y upon thai. I am th.i Cashier of Hie Nal.'mil Hani', of Heppner, (' of .Morrow, Stale of Oroj'Mi; !! Ion goiiiR statement is a lull, correct and complete si ale duly oatli, Flint itmty ;; the true. H I'll I tf'.iowing tile name. last known resi dence or post office address, far! of death, if known, and the amount lo the credit of each depositor as re quired by Hie provisions of Chapter I IX. ( f (lie Geneial Laws of Oregon, 1:107. andChapter 214 .of the Gener al Laws of Oregon, 1 !t 1 V. W. V. MA HONEY. Subscribed mid sworn to before me this 25th day of July, A. I)., 1!UM. KCBINA F. COUItlG.M.I,, Notary Public tor Oregon My I'niiniilssien expires Aug. !l. 1!I21. (SEAL) DISTIUBLTES TRKASl RY t'KIl- TI EI GATES BY AIRl'LAXE ST I I MINT SAN FRANCISCO, July 27 All the war financing organizations m the Twelth Federal Reserve district. have just been consolidated by Gov ernor John u. gamins i mc -" Francisco Federal Reserve bank into the War Loan Organization of the Twelth Federal Reserve district witn Robert E. Smith, president of the Title and Trust Company of Port land, as director and C. A. Farns worth, Twelth District Liberty Loan Publicity Manager as' associate dir ector. The War Loan organization will direct the closing up of the business of the Liber1 y Loan organization '.'.ml iiIko lot 1; rfter the Kales of eevtil'l- est ;s of :i:d'' bie,!m:ss and War Ksv- j ;.":",:', rerfificales mil m;itt. I'art.irri- J l.iv i.lUiitien will be ;;:vcu lo the s:ilo j el' tlie new i rei'sui y -Savings . wiiui cal s just issued by the V. S. 'I' re it ry Uepai tnienl. They are In denoini nalier.s of $ 1 (Hi rndjluou :ml lbs Interest iw compounded u,ia,'!"i !y as Willi the War Savin;;-; rlamp:-. Director Smith made a spectacular distribution of the Treasury Savin;;'! District. On receipt of the first mil lion dollars worth of the new securi ties' in San Francisco by Governor Calkins lie turned them over lo Smith for dispatch to the rii lectors: in the several st.'.tes and territories', in the district.' j Hurrying tyom the Federal Re- serve Bank by auto and frry to the - aeroplane field back of Berkele;-. i Smith hopped into the passctu.o '.- , seat or a big De Haviland bomber I from Mather Field, Srrrcmcnto, wiili Lieutenant E. E. Neublg as pilot. A j record-breaking flight was made to j Portland. From there Smith raced' down the Willamette and Columbia livers lo Kalama in the motor boat Yoglor Boy and then proe'ded to Se attle by aulo in time to hand a bun dle of the Treasury Savings Certifi- I eaten to the captain of a last mail ! steamer about to nail for Alaska. Dir 'ertor Smith believes 111 putting speed of (he First National Bank, of Hepp ner, County of Morrow, Slate of O re coil, showing the amount standing lo the credit of eer depositor July I. t!l!l, who lias not made a deposit, or wlm has no' ullhdrawn anv part of tut- dei.osit (nvli,ii .Icon-It) J into distribution and sale ol govern- piinctpal and Interest, tor a pel loil of ! nienl more than twelve (12) ycam Inline- trlct. .I.-.I..U- ml,,.. I.. ..!.( ,1.1., ...Ill, n... ' name, hist known place of residence ol poKliiflice address of such deposit or, and the fuel ol his death, if I IIIIV II. "' l e and Ad li ei s , Amouiil AveiH, Hi I'lU'er. (lie 7.43 S;n Inkel, lleppuei , Ore. 2 37 i f lu;nll. ( securities 111 the Twelth dls- tANT KEEP A tiOODTOWX DOWX (Oregonlan) Just watch Forest Grove rebuild of concrete and profit by hot' disaster. Eire cannot down a good Oregon town. Heppner shows that, ami so will 'the Giine." D I lit HIS X !' Ciu;t,ii' ll Vl't.ll V I'llt'll. I ! i 1 . .mi 'ill -l.'li i pi . 1 1 s; 1 'i .' t , l-i VI I ; tulMl ol lit III IlKMN.I i ItiM II itf t ,i i ell! mm .1 untitii; of II, c i.nnitt mint belli li t EmiI.h ii urn Unit w.m RMrftile.l (lie p.iiiflc EiHHi il.it'.ni Cn . nt I'm I !, i li. I loi H,e en fllll.lii.il ol rt n lie i.i..n l. i lillili-l till'lk'i lllilW ll.'lk iit i. I In" iitu tute will tie etili 30 fi t I anil Will he biIM '.Ml let I wide 1,1 I unit the rrittit of nil Vil)il of l,um mid li"ir,iitf n iliiiu-.y ih it t.iVitir iliiwn. I bi i. .in I ', f i.l II. r lili.L'e I'l.l.sll p",.i,.- i. $: r i tut, .Mi w.. . I'. ! ii i p til ei: li e i ..hi i ii t. i YOUCAIilTti!iT 'EM I st- i iiintii iniiiii.tin K ,' x.'i c.i in Sit.l t I t iHi n.iiK" Soft Drinks t'';,n atiil Tiili.tttn The v nt c lut tlic .pi'l t 'n c lict il.ix - in.tki a t. let I jiit like v nl k tint, Tt niio - then 1'ii'U I. tti i . McAtcc & Aiken I Delicate Mechanism Despite its scope Swift & Company is a business of in finite details, requiring infinite attention. Experienced men must know livestock buying with a knowl edge of weight, price, the amount and quality of meat the live animals will yield. Each manufacturing operation must be done with expert skill and scientific precision. A highly perishable product must be handled vith speed and care to avoid loss. Chemists, engineers, accountants, and other specialists are . required to take care of our intricate problems. Alert wisdom and judgment must be used in getting stocks of goods into the open channels of demand through our four hundred branch houses. Branch house organizations must show activity and energy to sell at the market in the face of acute competi tion from other large packers, and hundreds of small ones. All these requirements of intelligence, loyalty, devotion to the task, are met in the personnel of Swift & Company. Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent per pound with costs at minimum. How can the workings of this deli cate human 'mechanism be improved upon? Do you believe that Government direction would a 'd to our efficiency or improve the service rendered the producer and consumer? Let us send you a Swift "Dollar". It wil.' interest you. Address Swii't & Company, Union Stock Yard3, Chicaeo, DL Swift & Company, U. S. A. iuiit ut Morrow, !... j j I. V. P. Million.'.., bfitiK (list duly; t t swiii ii, i..ii'e i n. I u upon oiilli, ' f V , -r ih it I itui r.ie V.ti' ! of i he Kit i.l tlfu "' f '"' Tl Ni.tiniiil I'.iiiK. ill U'lipiiev. Con III v UIW. f 'IVj'Cll ol ln lew , HI lie i.t (1. einn ; lh.,1 the If J" Vf1" ' I.e. en- lutein, -it . a Hi1', line, lf I. . i Hie r . I i ... i n. vn nit Vji'' vSn ' f" 1 " ': ' ' ' tfv Vci 1 .1 i I mi ; i- .... i.ie- , TkV $' S - ....i.i ..i : i- i : ! f$Xrt&&: v-4 ' M.N II,. I I . : .. le HI I . ,l. . ' y7 -i0ki'jlKNJ " 1 - " - m rVillb '' 1 -r'iw i 1 -. 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i 'j 1 1 i. ii.. i.e.. c,m iiJZgr-'-t . t ... .t . M l M .- . I 'l i .!, it . ei .!,) f96ir7 e 0 I 11 Am. OJ Oil ViTf ToStodRdisrrJJ THIS SHOWS WHAT BICOMt J OF THE AVERAGE OOUAH HfCElVEO BY SWIFT & COMPANY' rMM TMt SAK Of UiAl ANOtY PBOOUCIS ft tlHX It PMO fOH TH Live ANIMAL It M CI NTS FOR 1011 (itMt s and raiifiMi I 04 CI NTS HCMA1N WITH SWIFT 4 COMPWiY Aft MOHT PEOPLES CASH MARKET WA1KIN& Ovictt, Proprirlors "i- i. i it., In .eii v fl Ii 11,1 liU.lil!!! i iii i n- . rl.il l t-1 ti C i a i ,11 C. "!, li'.-ieUtld" tll.t If Villi vvi'l Ir.iil ' ti.i ,!l futil i: pi..p.ur.l In i .. w.i i.f n.'.rr, Juny tinvit .tnd f . ti.n.ii'ii ' iii'if iilri'.idy Itl "Hi ..- pM.,1 ,.l l.y. In C..e PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET I v.r.rc to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It taster, better because it's good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Give the Youngsters a Start Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppner get the habit of making frequent trips to the Saving Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowers National Bank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift habit once establish ed they will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers Wl StocKgrowers National BanK Notice to Farmers I have a fine idioop ranch and a good cattle ranch, both with Forest Reserve Rights and eaiiii one at a bargain. It ivill pay you to investigate theso. Call at my office or write for liill Information. N. B. Farmers needing grain bags nhould see me before buying. I have them at the right price. loyV.Whitei HEPPNER, OREGON caca;"-'.': "j-'wr..3otw. - c Sprm nt Time is ime Pacific Grain Company t J1 III i (nr tn M. I l.'lIollM-r GKA1N AND GRAIN UAGS I .il Avivtit-: Carl Vi'iint. Imu-; T. 1.. l . . V. 1 1 ! . In I'.tii 'i tu l.cwipKton; Uy W '"in., I It ppin r. I n ii Siiy Mr. ll iusr Owner iMn't tlilx wi-iilher (!'ttliig Into your hHtiiii and iiiakinR you Inns to me the old home hlno hgaia lll.c It did when It wan new? l)bnt you realize that a new iMi.it of paint would liln back all It freemen that It would in'. In have liiat new appi aram " of which you weie io proud w!. 1 yi't fii-t butlt It? Thin Ih the time of fne year lo Matt Kit wml, ,1 ml ym l.iiow ln. bully It ni'tiU It. Wi xmc'i nn-r.-ly In tall ymir attention to th" fart thst we li.',e n full I n" of Bt.indiird pnlntn- rveiy color or tint that ou piiildy loud think of. lieHlden every thlnt need'Hl for the Interior decoration of your honi. ' Of Interest to the Ladies We hate a complete line of I'hinamel for tom bing up anil ri'UnlnhltiK I hone old ptece of furnltuie that jrou prUe 0 hlKhly-und thin woik will rome rikht Ion k with the fprinf hour rleunlnK. ThM varnlKhi ate pieparrd mi that they do n.t reiul'e the eivti'in of i pmntT - and you'v no Idea the amount of good you ran do In one room with a few of th.'ne ciilotn We've trtf one you could Want. Gilliam & Bisbee MMK l AMI 1.11 tt TAI K PAIXT To 1 or 1 I 1 1 1 ft I i n if ft n I j Js V f ! K ft K t K K T i ' u K i